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Banned on BDSMLR

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Just got banned there for posting underage content. Interesting in that all I do is repost content already on there. If they can’t keep underage content off their site, why take it out on me? Guess I should consider the banning a badge of honor.

Has this happened to others for just reposting?

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Without commenting on the specific question you ask, I would note that in the context of this sort of rule, there is no difference between posting and reposting. Both place a copy of (or a link to, or however the particular site works) something not permitted on the website.

It may be that yours was the first "copy" reported; it may be that sweeping the system, they found your repost and also other copies and have now removed and/or banned the rest. I can't answer that. However frustrating it can feel to get "dinged" for an infraction you know others have committed, the fact that not every speeder gets ticketed doesn't invalidate the concept of a speeding ticket. The only issue is when such tickets are applied in a discriminatory fashion - but unless you have evidence of that I'd say your chances of relief on that basis are slim (I'd say they're slim even if you did have such evidence).

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8 hours ago, Bicycledude said:

Just got banned there for posting underage content. Interesting in that all I do is repost content already on there. If they can’t keep underage content off their site, why take it out on me? Guess I should consider the banning a badge of honor.

Has this happened to others for just reposting?

A badge of honor? For promoting underage content? Seriously?

Why take it out on you? Because they should take it out on everyone they catch doing it in any way. Because tolerating any distribution of depictions of sex with minors - posted, reposted, doesn’t matter - is an excellent way to get the authorities breathing down their necks and suddenly they’re no longer in business.

 I’m a little confused - are you actually looking for sympathy? Because you’re not getting it for this.

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On 6/18/2022 at 10:09 AM, Bicycledude said:

No, I’m not. I agree with you and am not trying to justify posting minor content. I am also against it. Inadvertent in my case, and easy to do if you are familiar with that site.

So... did you not review the content before you reposted it? Or was the fact that a minor (or minors) were involved just not evident from the beginning? I'm curious.

Also curious: if the video was already available on the site, what's the plus for reposting it? I'm surely not the only person who gets annoyed at sites that claim to have tens of thousands of videos but some of them are duplicated dozens and dozens of times. 

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The way posts are displayed on that site includes multiple images by some posters in a single posting, with not all of them visible unless you specifically ask to see the remaining ones and if you don’t view those, there may be objectionable content in them.
I am adamantly opposed to underage content and would never knowingly post it.

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