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Cyber fakes


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they could be cyber fakes, or, once they started chatting with desided that they 'were not just that into you' as the saying goes, and think somehow it is less rude to act like a fake than to just be honest and tell you

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they could be cyber fakes, or, once they started chatting with desided that they 'were not just that into you' as the saying goes, and think somehow it is less rude to act like a fake than to just be honest and tell you

Yeah, dude onlyraw has a good point. I had a guy accuse me of being a fake because he said he was going to be in my area, and wanted me to breed him. I didn't have the heart to tell him I thought he was ugly and gross, so I just said I was "busy." Then he flipped out and called me a fake, blah blah blah.

I think an equally important question is what is the good etiquette when you're just not into somebody? Maybe I should have just said "no thanks, bro, sorry I'm not into you."

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I think an equally important question is what is the good etiquette when you're just not into somebody? Maybe I should have just said "no thanks, bro, sorry I'm not into you."

That's exactly it.

Part of the problem is that the hook-up process often starts out with just being friendly and chatting, whether it's online or in person. And if you're polite at all, you'll at least acknowledge it when someone say hello or asks a question. I'm perfectly prepared to chat with someone online, even on a site that's explicitly for hooking up. I try to respond to each person who contacts me, just as a matter of simple courtesy.

But when the topic comes around to having sex, I do try to be as direct and honest with people as I can. If I'm not interested, I'll usually thank him for the compliment, say something nice in return but also say directly, "I'm sorry but you're not my type." If he presses the issue after that, then he's the one being rude and I have no problems with ignoring him after that. On the other hand, if he backs off and keeps chatting in a friendly manner, I have no problem with that at all.

Now, I do spend a fair amount of time at the computer, either working or taking care of other business. Or sometimes I'll walk away and leave myself logged in to sites like BBRT. I try to remember to flag my account appropriately, but that doesn't always happen. So if I say that I am interested but can't get together right now, that's absolutely the truth. Or perhaps I don't respond to an email right away. Guys who are understanding about that sort of thing tend to get some extra attention when we do get together--I'm turned on by decent men. Guys who freak out and call me a fake get ignored.

Moral of the story is that if you want to get laid, be polite. And practice while you're still young and hot: you won't be forever.

It also doesn't hurt to throw an older and/or less attractive guy a bone now and then either. Two reasons: first, it's good karma (which hopefully means you'll get laid when you're older too) and second, those guys who've been around for a while can often teach you some really cool stuff.

I had a guy in a bath the other day show me some awesome CBT techniques that I'd never experienced before. He gave me a rock hard cock and drove me up the wall with overwhelming pleasure/pain. Even better, I got to turn around and practice the new stuff on him. And I never would have experienced that if I'd been going off looks alone. Major reason why I love being such a slut!

Edited by MascMountainMan
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