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  On 2/21/2023 at 9:09 PM, tallslenderguy said:

Nor does age, there are people who go to their grave imprisoned by fear


So true..

  On 2/21/2023 at 9:09 PM, tallslenderguy said:

think he's confident because he has control. 

He's not a virgin when it comes to girls and fucking... but he may be a bottom ('likes to obey') who needs Your cock... and my guess is he is a virgin when it comes to having a Man slide His cock into him and breed him. 


But he likes being controlled. However even sub guys, they don't  really surrender. They want these things to  be done to them, so technically they are just in the receiving part, nothing against their will (otherwise it would be a rap I suppose). His asshole could be unfucked I suppose. I'm trying to think of other possibilities. Maybe taking pleasure from being dominated? But can somoene get horny from that? And isn't the fucking itself a part of domination?


  On 2/22/2023 at 12:32 AM, horndoggy said:

From some of your later comments, especially how he gets hard and wet snuggling up to you, I’m mentally adjusting my “maybe he’s straight” to “maybe he’s bi” as his behaviour tap dances up the Kinsey scale.


Maybe he doesn't know himself. I don't believe he knows and lies about it. Could the way of him getting off be being dominated and nothing more? he likes tenderness though. 

I get to know him better day by day. We experiment more. He likes being told what to do (and I think this is different from being punished which is not my cup of tea or any other beverage for that matter). I thinking he could like getting fucked if he understands it as a thing of submission. He turns me on, all this playful thing has excited me. I wanna explore him but at the same time keep him always comfortable. That may sound funny, but could a guy like him be into chastity? It doesn't involve anything sexual, only sexual deprivation. And that in turn could make him want to put something deep in his gut to get off. Or maybe I'm just too horny about him.

If anyone knows about chastity though, I would need some help.

  On 2/22/2023 at 12:52 PM, Sharp-edge said:


But he likes being controlled. However even sub guys, they don't  really surrender. They want these things to  be done to them, so technically they are just in the receiving part, nothing against their will (otherwise it would be a rap I suppose). His asshole could be unfucked I suppose. I'm trying to think of other possibilities. Maybe taking pleasure from being dominated? But can somoene get horny from that? And isn't the fucking itself a part of domination?

Maybe he doesn't know himself. I don't believe he knows and lies about it. Could the way of him getting off be being dominated and nothing more? he likes tenderness though. 

I get to know him better day by day. We experiment more. He likes being told what to do (and I think this is different from being punished which is not my cup of tea or any other beverage for that matter). I thinking he could like getting fucked if he understands it as a thing of submission. He turns me on, all this playful thing has excited me. I wanna explore him but at the same time keep him always comfortable. That may sound funny, but could a guy like him be into chastity? It doesn't involve anything sexual, only sexual deprivation. And that in turn could make him want to put something deep in his gut to get off. Or maybe I'm just too horny about him.

If anyone knows about chastity though, I would need some help.


Domination and submission can be a very complex dynamic, it is not necessarily a black or white, simple interaction that we see in porn or many seem to make it.  For  me, the most powerful D/s dynamic is full of love and affection, two people expressing and exercising their nature, need and desire. To me, being made to do something against ones will is not submission, it's force or bullying. In my mind, that is opposite of submission. Domination is a little different i think because it can be forceful or subtle, and there are sub guys who want force, and sub guys who don't. The problem with making absolute definitions and applying them is it leaves out communication and connection between two people, just devolves into role play and acting vs exercising and bonding needs and desires.  You could ask: "do you want me to make you take My cock?"  If he is the kind of sub who does not want force, he may say "no," but that does not necessarily mean he doesn't want to be fucked by You. He may need/want to be seduced, opened, which is a different kind of Domination... it involves mind fuck that precedes physical fucking. The fact that "he likes being controlled" points to him having submissive parts to his nature, but what parts those are is individual, different for everyone.

 i think You are right. It is possible He does not "know himself."  But no one knows if they like or dislike chocolate until they have tried it. There's also developing 'taste' for a thing. First time getting fucked for a bottom can be uncomfortable, even hurt, but there is so much more to getting fucked than the physical process... especially with someone who "likes being controlled."  Just as an example, penetrative sex doesn't have to start with a cock. It can start with something much smaller. There's a whole community of medfet people who get off on having their temperature taken with a rectal thermometer, which is tiny and painless. my point is, it's still a form of penetration where there is a Top and a bottom, and can be Domination and submission. As part of the seduction You could try something like this. You could say: "I would like to take your temperature with a rectal thermometer"  and that might appeal to him. It would be a way of introducing You penetrating him into your relationship. If he says yes, then obviously likes that, it can progress to bigger things, slowly and subtlety opening him to the point he may be begging for Your cock... or not lol. 

Chastity can also a very complex and individual dynamic.  For me, for instance, it's about the Man/Top owning and controlling my sexual pleasure and orgasm. i have a bent where i love the idea of us sharing His orgasm vs each of us having one of our own. Chastity can restrict orgasm from stimulating the penis and be a way of keeping the bottom in heat, a form of edging. That "heat" or horniness can be 'controlled' by the Man/Top to get the bottom conditioned to getting his pleasure from the Top/Man vs on his own.  A lot of bottoms are already wired for this and need a Man/Top to experience it with, but again, it can be a very detailed, individual and complex dynamic. 

  On 2/22/2023 at 1:58 PM, tallslenderguy said:

it's force or bullying.


I totally agree on that


  On 2/22/2023 at 1:58 PM, tallslenderguy said:

You could ask: "do you want me to make you take My cock?"


He said he is scared. I've heard people be scared of ghosts, darkness, but of cocks? Thought them as objects of love not of terror. Anyways he said he can't do it but he didn't get upset or anything. He got worried a bit if that would be a turn off. Interestingly it wasn't. He has other things that keep on intriguing me.  I'm always worrying that he could get hurt.


  On 2/22/2023 at 1:58 PM, tallslenderguy said:

But no one knows if they like or dislike chocolate


Chocolates aside, we have rejected things before trying them, haven't we?


I did ask him how much times he cums usually. He said daily, sometimes more than once  (at weekends). I asked him if he could restrain from that for three days and he said yes.So he was kinda desperate to cum. He asked me if he could cum when he gets home, I asked him to cum in front of me he did it. First time saw his dick, he gave a nice cumshot. That made me think of chastity even more.

I have several questions about chastity and I hesitate to put him on a cage without enough knowledge first. I really like him.

  On 2/24/2023 at 5:53 PM, Sharp-edge said:

I totally agree on that


He said he is scared. I've heard people be scared of ghosts, darkness, but of cocks? Thought them as objects of love not of terror. Anyways he said he can't do it but he didn't get upset or anything. He got worried a bit if that would be a turn off. Interestingly it wasn't. He has other things that keep on intriguing me.  I'm always worrying that he could get hurt.


Chocolates aside, we have rejected things before trying them, haven't we?


I did ask him how much times he cums usually. He said daily, sometimes more than once  (at weekends). I asked him if he could restrain from that for three days and he said yes.So he was kinda desperate to cum. He asked me if he could cum when he gets home, I asked him to cum in front of me he did it. First time saw his dick, he gave a nice cumshot. That made me think of chastity even more.

I have several questions about chastity and I hesitate to put him on a cage without enough knowledge first. I really like him.


Not sure how You could possibly construe this guy as anything less than Bi, and seems more on the gay side of the spectrum to me, though the sub part of him could throw tis off a bit, i don't think a straight sub would be responding to You the way he is... but then, i'm not there, and You are ;-).

i'm not the least bit surprised  at his being "scared" of Your cock (or would i be put off if i were You... i.e., Top/Dom). i've had >1000 cocks and i still experience occasional 'fear' when i see a particularly Large Cock (in every meaning of that word, Cock is more than a physical organ to me). But i've learned not to be afraid of my fear, it's rarely rational and i have never regretted giving in to a Man and His Cock. Of course, he is not me, and i had a lot stronger fears at his stage of life. 

What he is is enamored of You and has demonstrated a desire  submit to You. 

i preface that this is just my point of view:

i think how You approach Him plays a big part in His opening to Your cock. Again, i think a Mans Cock is a lot more than the physical organ between His legs. Among a lot of other things, it is Your desire/need to penetrate, fuck, orgasm, seed, impregnate/create,  possess,___________.  his sub nature may be responsive. Though it may exist independently, he may need a Top/Dom to access, surface and exercise  that part of him. Your Cock, both physically and otherwise, may be too 'big' for him at this point, but that doesn't necessarily  mean he doesn't both want and need It/You.  

He's new to this. He's a 'virgin' in more ways than one. i go back to something i wrote earlier, maybe try starting small. Communicate. i gave the example of the thermometer, but that only would work if it had a kink in him to appeal to. You have to find the keys and doors to open the rooms You want to reside in (i.e., it's mutual, but You are in charge). Maybe have him lie face down and naked and give him a sensual massage where You also massage His ass and inner thighs and just lightly graze his outer hole, almost like You touch it by accident. If he feels safe and trusts You, and wants/needs to be penetrated, he will start to open.

Chastiy can work to heighten his need for touch and release. That is a vast topic. 


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