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Getting fucked by unknown status and douching to avoid hiv


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I bottom once in awhile, mainly top dudes and feel more comfortable with less risk of HIV transmission. I am wondering if I were to bottom and take a load from a dude who's unsure if he's poz or neg, then is it reducing the risk to push his load out quickly and douche? If I douche, should it be with warm water and something acidic like lemon juice. I'm not chasing bugs, not looking to get posses, but want to enjoy getting fucked bareback and see if douching would help reduce transmission risk and make me feel more comfortable taking loads. Anyone's thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

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I had the same exact question on my mind.... what if we douche with just warm water,,, would that still irrate the rectum.

how long before anal sex should u douche... so it is not too irrateted... ?

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Even if it's irritating, what if the douche was warm, acidic, and killed the bug if any were present...wouldn't that be beneficial for keeping from getting infected. Obviously the best way is to avoid taking poz loads, but reading posts on here, it seems like a lot of guys get off on stealthing. I just want to enjoy fun raw man sex and avoid catching something.

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Id take any info with a pinch of salt, unless they are qualified in the medical profession of course. Personally i have no idea how water/acid would affect it. But i dont know if youve ever been in say a shower and had a cheeky wank... when you cum it say on your hand for talking sake, if you try wash it off with water it becomes really sticky and not exactly easy to wash off... in my head douching would probably just cause the cum to stick to your ass walls.. but again i dont know, maybe the presence of acid might change that...

A quick google search on the effect of water on HIV doesnt list any sort of deactivation effect, but water and soap apparently help, tho soap is not reccomended for internal.....

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  • 1 year later...

Scientists have developed a vaginal anti HIV gel ( intended primarily for women in developing countries ). I believe there may be older threads on this topic in BreedingZone. You can always google "anti HIV gel" for further information. There is some evidence that astroglide lube kills HIV:


but as has been pointed out in other threads, the rectum is a different environment from a test tube or vagina. You may wish to try astroglide lube as it is easy to order. I am not a medical professional. Please do your own research.

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One option could be to try to get into a PrEP study - where you could being taking HIV antivirals in a smaller quantity than if you were positive, but this has proven to provide a highly effective shield against aquiring HIV. The FDA has recommended making the treatment more widely available, but I don't know how soon that will be - you may still have to get into a study -- or if you have a really good relationship with an HIV/pig friendly doctor, talk to him about this, and see if you can get him to prescribe an off-label use of truvada.

Alternatively, talk to guys more and try to pre-screen before getting fucked. Use your instinct. Sure, its not foolproof - but if you have a good conversation with a guy and ask the right questions, most will be about about how regularly they check their viral load, and tell you their last counts.

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it's better first to douche your ass before you get fucked, doing it afterwards will only push the sperm further in, you can better have a clean asshole & push the sperm out after you've been fucked but man to be honest when it feels so good. if it was me i would levee it up there - hehe

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This. I'm disgusted. No, repulsed by people who are either scared of or don't want the bug. The bug is a gift from above. You ere not really man who is gay.

You're mixing fantasy with reality a bit, we want to be able to live longer to have all the raw sex we can have. I know I want to... At least for now. ;)

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Whether top or bottom you are at risk of seroconverting if you bareback. Either stop barebacking or accept that you might/will poz one day. Instead of asking a sexual partner about their HIV status, you might be better off taking a coin out of your pocket and flipping it (head, he's poz, tails, he could be neg). Oh, one other thing, get tested regularly. If you seroconvert, you need to monitor your viral load and CD 4 counts.

Don't be in denial about what you are doing. This is serious business. Asking on a message board how to stay neg is absurd. And I'm not trying to hurt your feelings by saying that.

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This. I'm disgusted. No, repulsed by people who are either scared of or don't want the bug. The bug is a gift from above. You ere not really man who is gay.

Easy there hoss. Not everyone has the same fetishes and fantasies (and what a boring world it would be if we did!)

Even if it's irritating, what if the douche was warm, acidic, and killed the bug if any were present...wouldn't that be beneficial for keeping from getting infected. Obviously the best way is to avoid taking poz loads, but reading posts on here, it seems like a lot of guys get off on stealthing. I just want to enjoy fun raw man sex and avoid catching something.

Assuming all of this is true, there's no way you can act quickly enough to prevent the virus from making the jump from the top's cum to your bloodstream. As others have said, HIV dies very rapidly outside of its preferred environment, which is why it's generally only transmitted sexually. Even the rectum isn't really a hospitable environment for the virus, but its closer than most, and usually offers easy pathways to the bloodstream via tears in the wall caused during sex.

Deliberate stealthing probably does happen, but it's almost certainly extremely rare. Any stealther with any brains is highly unlikely to be posting about it here because it's basically would be a public admission to the commission of a crime in most jurisdictions. It's basically a variant on a lot of the scary urban legends that were circulating back when the AIDS panic was at its height. It's since been taken up by people who find it hot as a fantasy (most of them tweakers, I'd guess, who lack either the true willingness or ability to actually follow through).

Far more dangerous: people who are poz but who don't know it. They'll claim to be neg, and be very convincing because they believe themselves to be neg (so in that sense they aren't really lying). Back when I was transitioning to all-out barebacking, I'd do silly things like secretly look through people's medicine cabinets for HIV meds after we'd had sex in order to see if they were poz or not. I never found anything, which was stupidly reassuring. Basically, I wanted to bareback but didn't particularly want HIV but was too stupid to actually take the reasonable step of talking things over in advance.

Here's what I suggest you do: first, look at the overall risks of getting bred and how many times you have sex (each additional load you take up your ass increases your cumulative risk of contracting HIV). Consider if the benefits of the sex outweigh the risks of HIV and if not, stop barebacking. Ask in advance if your partner's poz or neg, and when his last test was (and volunteer the same info on yourself) but understand that that just slightly reduces the risk. As others said, consider PrEP, now that it's been approved.

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Guess, i'll just stop barebacking since I've been in total denial about the risks involved. Maybe someday there will be some permanent cure that will be found and barebacking won't be that risky anymore. Thanks to everyone on here though, appreciate all the great advice and personal insight into all this.

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