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nitroglycerin ointment for fisting?


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did anyone here ever try nitroglycerin ointment instead of poppers for fisting?
Both substance are causing the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the body, which induces relaxing blood vessel and also relaxation of the sphincter muscle. 
Nitroglycerin is actually used for exactly the same to treat anal fissures. 

I was wondering if that could make fisting easier, just with a more lasting effect compared to a poppers hit? 

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normally I'd advise against it cos the lining of the colon/rectum absorbs directly into the blood stream and it could be a big impact on your system to take a medication that way... however.. you're right, that cream is designed and marketted specifcially for anal aplication anyway (for fissures)... so it's possible.. I'm gonna follow this post to see if anyone has experience in it.



I suffer from rectal stenosis caused by a colonic stricture following a nasty case of LGV two years ago and it's been murder trying to dilate myself back to my normal capacity down there, so this could be the answer I'm looking for.

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On 8/14/2023 at 10:08 AM, Nay80 said:

I suffer from rectal stenosis caused by a colonic stricture following a nasty case of LGV two years ago and it's been murder trying to dilate myself back to my normal capacity down there, so this could be the answer I'm looking for.

My other half had to get 5 hemorrhoids removed in March of last year. The doctor made it sound like he's be back to normal and better than ever in a couple months. Far from the truth. He was super stretched like me and taking fists and double fists so this was a  huge blow. He found a doctor in NYC who uses botox on those scar areas and he's made three trips this year. He's now able to take a small hand again and he can take solid size toys again. It's not covered by insurance but he said it's been worth the money to get his hole back.

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5 hours ago, MuscledHorse said:

He found a doctor in NYC who uses botox on those scar areas

yeah i read up on that, also injecting steroid into the scar tissue. i did see a specialist as a hospital about it all , also surgery that cuts the scar lengthways so it heals along instead of narrow, also removing that segment of the colon and stitching it back up either side, i looked into it all and the second i mention i recieve anal sex, the specialist stated that he doesn't reccomend any surgery or anything as this will only cause more scar tissue and make it less sensitive and more difficult to stretch and relax, he said it would be ok for pooping but difficult for anal sex and said I'm best sticking to dilating with a dildo and increasing sizes every few months. which is what I've been doing. its such a long process though, such a long process. its hard to not get impatient, before my situation i was able to take a small fist and some HUGE dildos, but now, i struggle at two fingers and if i plan on anal sex i have to prepare for an hour beforehand with a tiny dildo and lots of lube and also a syringe to lube inside (as scar tissue drags more than rectal lining).


anyway.. haha i hope your bf soon recovers and gets back to his former glory soon!

Edited by Nay80
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  • 2 months later...
On 8/14/2023 at 2:27 PM, tupolino said:


did anyone here ever try nitroglycerin ointment instead of poppers for fisting?
Both substance are causing the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the body, which induces relaxing blood vessel and also relaxation of the sphincter muscle. 
Nitroglycerin is actually used for exactly the same to treat anal fissures. 

I was wondering if that could make fisting easier, just with a more lasting effect compared to a poppers hit? 

I don't think it would really work. As you mentioned Poppers has not only an effect on the smooth muscles in your ass, but on the smooth muscles which kept your veins in better shape too. The vessels expand from the release of nitric oxide, which lowers the blood pressure and helps to get more blood through veins which already suffer from arteriosclerosis. That's the reason why amylnitrit has been used to treat angina pectoris.

Through the expanded vessels flows more blood and your brain gets for a short time more oxygen. Which you notice as a rush. That helps to relax too, because the brain is overwhelmed and loses some control and therefore you feel less pain. In a medicine this rush is an unwanted side effect, so amylnitrit has been replaced with Nitroglycerin, which causes no rush, because it works a little bit slower.

But without the feeling of the rush you don't get this trigger effect which helps to relax your ass better.

But even more dangerous would be, that it would be much more difficult to find the right dosing how much Nitroglycerin you need. PP will very fast vanish from your blood system and you can always get fresh air to make this quicker. If you would take one pill of Nitroglycerin to much it will stuck in your blood system much longer, then you have the high risk that the blood pressure goes down so fast, that you can die.

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I was diagnosed with an overactive pelvic floor last year and its been a struggle trying to bottom. Physical Therapy and prescription medication helped get me more or less back to normal but I still get flare-ups. I've started using a magnesium lotion and a CBD/THC oil to help relax my muscles (for everyday care). They have helped a lot but only been trying them for about over a week and haven't tried to bottom yet. I just ordered a CBD lube to add to my arsenal and I'm hoping that will work. So maybe give CBD topicals a try and see how they work? There's even CBD suppositories. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/5/2023 at 8:20 PM, Raunchyfag said:

There's even CBD suppositories. 

I can vouch for the CBD suppositories relaxing and helping open , prolong hole play time. I have seen a gay sex based company advertise them for about $15 each, however if you embrace dear Google, and type in 100 mg CBD suppository, you will get results. I get mine from Pacific Roots, at $6 per suppository. Quick shipping, never have had an issue in the several orders I have placed- and every so often there are sales, so you can score them for about $5 per suppository. 

Just be sure before using one you have really done a good job of douching out. Nothing worse than thinking the hole is clear and ready, testing it with a toy and some water based lube ( so you don't grease the anal lining before the CBD gets in there) and believe all is good, so you shove the CBD in and 3 minutes later you discover you were still holding water or crap up thee, and out flushes a partially melted CBD suppository !

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