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Skin Burn from Poppers

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I just finished a long, sweaty session breeding a regular of mine. After collapsing on the bed next to him, I noticed my upper back, near my armpit was laying in a small wet spot on the bed. Didn’t think much of it (thought it was just sweat) until it started burning on my skin about 30 seconds later. I sat up and realized it was a poppers spill I was laying in.

I got up, washed it off with some water and then rubbed some lotion on it to cool it off. Still burns like a motherfucker. Not a huge area just a spot probably a couple square inches.

Anyone else ever get popper burns on your skin? If so, how bad is it or is it usually a non-issue? Anything you’d recommend putting on it?

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Not a doctor.  


First advice is to see a doctor. 


That being said, poppers are a solvent. And solvents are generally meant to penetrate to clean.  I don't know if 30 seconds is enough to significantly penetrate the dermal layer.  But I also don't know that it's not.  My friendly suggestion is call poison control.  They would know.  And also this is not medical advice.  See a doctor.  


Like seriously.  See a doctor. 

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I second that advice - or at least, go see an urgent care clinic (or the equivalent where you live) if getting an appointment with your doctor presents a scheduling issue.

It's almost certainly not severely damaged, but I'm hesitant to recommend any sort of topical treatment - a doctor would be able to determine if any particular topical compounds would react negatively to the solvent's presence.

For future reference, I wouldn't use a lotion on something like this because to the extent that the solvent needs to evaporate from your skin, a lotion might lock some of that solvent into your skin, blocking it from leaving. It's probably still not overly toxic - not suggesting you panic - but I would have just kept washing the area with cool water for an extended period of time,

But I'd still go see a health care provider.

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Also not a doctor but trained in first aid.

You have a chemical burn in either the first or second degree. If the skin is broken, blistered, oozing or shiny, it is likely a second-degree burn; if simply discolored it is more likely first-degree.

In either case the immediate treatment is to gently wash away all traces of the chemical and then apply a dry, non-adhesive bandage or cloth to the area affected. Over-the-counter painkillers may be taken to ease the pain.

You should seek medical help if the burn is:

• Larger than 2 inches

• Shows signs of infection

• Pain does not abate within a few hours

• The condition worsens

• The area affected involves delicate areas such as the eyes, mouth, genitals, etc.

Chemical burns from poppers are not uncommon, and men frequently report them occurring around the nostrils, though those cases usually involve relatively brief exposure and burns are usually not severe. Generally, if a splash of poppers is quickly wiped away with something absorbent, evaporation deals with any residue before a burn can occur.

Edited by ErosWired
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i don't get skinburn these days cos I'm a bit more careful than i used to be, but in my youth id often get a very red and crusty top lip and nostril that often drew embarssing questions, i'd usually say I was just coming over a cold haha

sometimes i get a yellow dry ring shape on my thumb, where I've held it over the open end of the bottle, that's never usually an issue but in the past the red crusty sore dry weeping lip and nose often was, when i got popper fluid spilled on it

in my experience it's best to just keep washing it with water, and a kind soap (like dove, or one that has moisturiser in it) . i wash with water as often as i can, every time i pass the bathroom usually, this stops the pus and fluid building up, which is what makes the crustiness.....

then once it stops weeping, after a day or so, i apply lots of cocobutter moisturiser, lots, like a thick paste of it and just sit for an hour or two until it soaks in, this usually repairs the skin. during this time i try not to leave the house haha until it's at least looking normal again. after about two days it's merely a bit of redness and not as gross looking.

that's what i used to do, but it's been a few years since i had a spillage, or got carried away and made a mess of my face.

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On 8/16/2023 at 9:12 PM, Cumming4u said:

I just finished a long, sweaty session breeding a regular of mine. After collapsing on the bed next to him, I noticed my upper back, near my armpit was laying in a small wet spot on the bed. Didn’t think much of it (thought it was just sweat) until it started burning on my skin about 30 seconds later. I sat up and realized it was a poppers spill I was laying in.

I got up, washed it off with some water and then rubbed some lotion on it to cool it off. Still burns like a motherfucker. Not a huge area just a spot probably a couple square inches.

Anyone else ever get popper burns on your skin? If so, how bad is it or is it usually a non-issue? Anything you’d recommend putting on it?

it's generall not a big issue and should be treated like any other burn is. yes it will be uncomfortable for a couple days while it heals.


I highly recommend investing in a huffer cap from SuperSniffers. I use them and they are worth every penny. no skin burn then

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  • 2 months later...

You have to be so careful, especially if the bottle is simply put on it's side so I try to wipe the top every time. When i've had burns under my nose i've liberally applied lip gel. Same as when I had bad sunburn round my eyes in Greece where the sunscreen hadn't reached and my sunglasses didn't cover. Worked really well and a quick heal. It was just a case of using something I actually had with me as I think applying something quickly will really help. Darn hard to hide poppers burns in public though.

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