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To say that they had a good time in Mouse Town would have been a huge understatement


Nick decided to give Tex what he wanted and relaxed into the role of a kid at the theme park with his Daddy


 Out of respect for the family flavor of the place his shorts were not skin tight they were white though, They completed today's outfit, he wire a  “Darren Duck> blue button up shirt that looked vaguely like a naval uniform. The shirt had a white duck tail on the back and the blue sailor cap with white ribbons set the whole thing off perfectly… or so Tex said with a smirk when Nick finished dressing in the clothes Tex laid out for him


“At least my socks and shoes are not yellow like duck's feet” Nick thought. He kept that to himself though. He didn’t want to give Tex any ideas 


On a 10 year old the outfit would be adorable, On a grown assed man it probably made people question his intelligence or mental state


Nick hated it but was half hard all day


They  rode the rides and saw the shows. Tex had a smug but proud look on his face all day and he treated Nick like the world revolved around him 


That evening they made out in the pool by their bungalow and Nick had to admit Tex was a great kisser. 


“I know today’s outfit was a bit hard for you to swallow, Son. I am so proud of the way you just went with it and enjoyed yourself.  It let me just be your Daddy  the way I wanted to” Tex said 


“I can fight it and make us both miserable or I can just give in. It’s just clothes and who cares what people think? It’s easier if I keep telling myself that Daddy” Nick said 


Nick was trying so hard. He could not deny that his body was coming to love the things Tex did to it, The feeling of getting fucked was becoming an addiction for him, He just could not get past his aversion to sex with another man. He wanted to love Tex but his heart refused to go along. There was just no spark there to get it started 


Tex on the other hand was deeply in love with Nick, though he kept it to himself. He knew he would not get an “I love you too” if he said “I love you” to Nick 


That night Tex was happy to fuck his gorgeous “Son” for nearly half an hour before  cumming deep inside him and depositing another load of “probably poz” cum in that "maybe still neg" hole


The next day Nick found normal blue shorts and a DBL t shirt laid out for him, He was so relieved he didn't even mind the mouse ears cap 


That day on the boat ride to the park they heard someone  say “Yex, is that you?” 


They turned and a man about Nick’s age, a little shorter and a little stockier than he was,  smiled at them 


“Joel! What are you doing here?” Tex asked smiling back 


“I just broke up with my latest Daddy and needed a pick me up in the happiest place on earth” Joel sighed


 “I never should have left you for that silver muscle bear. Biggest mistake of my life” he pouted as he looked Tex up and down 


“And it’s to late now! Joel, this is my husband Nick” Tex said proudly taking Nick’s hand and kissing it “We are on out honeymoon”


“Nice to meet you Joel” Nick said and Tex thought his voice was just a bit flat 


Joel was one of those self centered people who never take a hint, though he did sound halfway convincing when he said “Congratulations you two!” 


Joel made a pest of himself all day, tagging along like an annoying little brother. Nick thought he caught Tex checking out the man’s ass a couple times though he could not be sure. It cold just be that Joel seemed to like to bend over with it towards Tex a lot 


It went on all day despite numerous mentions of the words “Alone” and “Honeymoon”. as Joel flirted with Tex when he thought Nick was not looking. 


Finally Joel  pretended to trip and Tex caught him before he fell into a lake


“Oh thank you Daddy!” Joel said as he threw his arms around Tex’s neck and kissed him 


Nick saw red and he said coldly “Joel, unless you want two bloody stumps where your arms used to be, get your hands off my husband” 


“And you!” He said glaring at Tex who was trying hard to look innocent and failing miserably because of the smirk on his face. The smirk faded quickly when Tex saw the tears in the corner of Nick’s eyes and real pain on his face 


Mick was about to say more but he seemed to deflate, looked even more hurt, turned and stalked away angrily 


Tex tried to follow but Joel grabbed his hand “He seems so angry and violent. Why on earth are you with him?” as he said totally ignoring his role in this mess 


Tex yanked his free and counted to ten to keep himself from shoving this idiot into the lake he just saved him from. The quilt he felt at letting this play out all day didn't help matters


“I’m with him because he is the best man on earth and I love him. WE ARE MARRIED FIR GOD’S  SAKE! If I lose him over you you netter hope I never lay eyes on you again because I won’t be responsible for what I do” Tex snarled 


"I didn't hear YOU trying to send me away and I caught you checking out my ass a few times. I know you rember how good it is Daddy" Joel said as he kept blocking Tex from following Nick 


Joel ended up in the lake after all, but only because he lost his balance as he tried to block Tex again 


He chased after Nick but it was to late. Nick was nowhere in sight. Tex did see one ear of an adult sized mouse ears cap striking out of the nearest garbage can where it had been stuffed 


Tex found Nick sitting in the dark in the sitting area of their bungalow, All the shades were closed but daylight peaked in around them 


“Is this what my life is going to be? You making me watch you flirt with other guys because you know I can’t do a damn thing about it?” Nick asked in a quiet voice 


Tex opened the shades then sat on the couch next to nick and tried to hold him but Nick jerked away 


“Nick , I I love you not him, I should have sent him away when I realized it was bothering you but you were JEALOUS and that was the closest thing to real emotional love you have shown me. It was giving me hope and I selfishly let it go on so I could pretend you loved me like I lobe you” He said looking at the floor 


“The last few days have been wonderful and terrible for me. You don’t know what i is like to love someone who can never love you back. Well, maybe you do. Iy’s not that uncommon, but if you ever have you could walk away from the situation. I can't" Tex went on still feeling ashamed of himself 


"I would never walk away from you or give up what I can get from you even if it isn’t love. I just want to be near you if that's all I can get” Tex said just laying  his soul bare in the face of Nick’s pain, He had to make it better. That’s what a Daddy... fuck that… that’s what a loving husband did


Nick searched his feelings. Was jealousy a form of love? He had not been able to take Joel kissing his husband but was that love? Was the love a man felt for another man different or hand Nick just never actually been in love before? All he knew right now was that Tex was HIS. HIS Husband, HIS Daddy and HIS Father, though Tex didn't know that part, and he was not ready to share him with anyone. Especially not with a self centered slut like Joel 


Then the rest of Tex’s words sunk in and he looked at him, seeing past the act he was putting on for his benefit to the real hurt and pain behind it. The amount Tex's confession had cost him makiing Nick forgive him instantly 


“You love me?” Nick asked 


“I loved you the moment I saw you but over the last few days I have fallen head over heels in love with you. Love is a chemical reaction. It’s instinctual. I could not help that part of how I feel. I am in love with you for who you are as well Nick. That took longer but I couldn't stop it from happening either and I wouldn't want to” Tex said and he sounded a little hopeless 


“I know that you don’t. That you can’t feel the same way towards me. It’s not how you are built so lets just make the best of what we can” Tex said putting on a brave face 


Nick looked at him for a long moment and then he said “Come here and lean back on me Tex. Let me hold you for a change”  and opened his arms 


Yex did as he was told 


Nick wrapped his arms around him and kissed his cheek 


“You are right. I don’t love you. I don’t have that chemical reaction. My instincts just don’t go that way. But when you describe being IN LOVE with me that is exactly how I feel about you. I  have known a lot of relationships that failed because they never moved beyond that chemical reaction love though” Nick said quietly 


 “Would you mind if I just skipped that part and went right to being in love with yop?” Nick asked “Because if I’m not already I will be soon and there is no stopping it now” 


Tex relaxed into Nick’s arms even more “I can live with that. It’s nire that I ever thought I would have from you. Lets just concentrate on being in love and making each other happy” he said as his hear found hope again 


“You got it Daddy” Nick said and kissed him on the back of the head 


That night they went to one of the local gay bars and danced together all night 


“Look” Nick said nodding to one side 


Tex looked and saw Joel chatting up a silver daddy animatedly but when the man went to the restroom Joel slipped another man his phone number with a wink 


“And you were jealous of THAT?” Tex joked 


Nick took Tex’s face his hands and said “MY DADDY! MINE!” and they both laughed 


That night in bed Tex repeated his blowjob performance of the day Nick had showed up at his trailer and changed his life, keeping Nick on the edge for an hour before sliding a finger up his ass and making him cum. 


When Nick caught his breath he said “ill yu make love to me tonight Daddy?”  


Tex took him on his back and slid in slowly. His 11 inches touching places deep in Nick who’s hands clutched at his Daddy’s back in pleasure. He pushed his ass up to meet Tex's thrusts and as his father bred him he shot his second load of the night


“I love you Son” Tex said as his load filled his Son 


 He did some online shopping and had a few surprises waiting for his Daddy delivered to the apartment. 


“This is going to be fun” Nick thought with a smile 


I‘ve met guys like Joel a few times in my life and falling in a lake is the least they deserve


Let me know what you think!





“I love you too Daddy” Nick said and meant it/


Over the rest of their honeymoon Nick discovered the fun in dressing sexy for his Daddy. 


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When they got back from their honeymoon Nick got sick and Tex had taken care of him like any good Daddy would. 


He had run a fever, been stuffed up and had no appetite but Tex had made him eat, mostly soup to be sure but it was more than he would have eaten if Daddy had not threatened to take his temperature anally if he didn't eat something 


Tex actually made great chicken soup and he spoon fed Nick in bed


"Here comes the airplane! Open up the hanger!" Tex said as Nick shot daggers at him with his eyes but he did open his mouth and eat the sup 


He also put the vapor rub on his chest and when chills set in he held him, and kept him as warm as he could 


It lasted three days and Tex worried over him the entire time 


“I’m going to start calling you mommy if you don’t chill out Tex” Nick said the second day when Tex approached with the chest rub jar for the third time “Not even a koala bear could take this much eucalyptus! Get that stuff away from me” he grumped 


Nick was always surly when he was sick but Tex took it all in stride 


Nick got the rub apple anyway even though he glared at Tex the entire time, Iy didn't help that Tex had twisted his nipples with vapor rub covered finger just to make his point


Nick woke up on the 4th day and felt much better, Tex was sound asleep 


“Poor guy ran himself ragged taking care of me” Nick thought 


His own “dad” had been one of those “you should suffer in silence" types who thought admitting weakness or needing help was for wimps when someone else was sick  but let him feel bad and he turned into the biggest baby in the world 


Not for the first time Nick wondered what it might have been like to grow up with Tex raising him 


He let the exhauster Tex sleep and went to survey the rest of the apartment.. Except for the dishwasher needing to be unloaded the place was spotless 


“Tex is incredible” Nick thought 


He quietly went through the bedroom into the bath and soaked out the last of his aches in a long hot bath. Tex was still out cold when he came out 


Nick quietly straightened up the bedroom. He was tempted to throw away that damn vapor rub jar but just put it back in the medicine cabinet instead 


He realized he was actually hungry and called down to the restaurant on the corner. He ordered himself a relatively bland ham and swiss on white. He ordered Tex his favorite, “Volcano hear” buffalo wings and onion rings. 


The order was delivered in less than half an hour, 


Nick opened the buffalo wing container, moved it close to Tex’s face and let the steam and aroma drift to his nose 


Tex woke up immediately. He sat up, grabbed a wing and took a bite happily 


“I’m not sure about any food that works like smelling salts” Nick laughed 


“You got to eat them while they are hot1” Tex said biting into an onion ring hungrily 


Nick ate his sandwich slowly, giving his stomach time to readjust to solid foods


Tex finished his food quickly and looked slightly disappointed 


Nick laughed and pointed to a bag on the floor next to the bed containing a second order of wings and rings 


Tex snatched up up and held it to him saying “My precious” in a fairly good imitation though Nick knew he had not voiced that character 


“I take it you are feeling better” Tex said as he finished his last wing 


“Much, thank you for putting up with me, I make a lousy patient” Nick said


Yex shrugged “All part of being your Daddy and you were so cute trying to kill me with your eyes as I fed you. You were actually pouting between bites” he said heading into the bathroom. Nick heard him relieve himself and then the shower started. 


Nick clean up the mess from lunch as he waited 


Ten minute later a squeaky clean Tex emerged ,wrapped in a towel. Nick could admit his father was a good looking man. At 51 he looked 35 tops, 


Nick sat on the edge of the bed and said “Come her Daddy” 


When Tex approached Nick unwrapped the towel and nuzzled the nuts that had produced him rolling the large low hangers with his tongue before taking the head of Daddy’s cock in his mouth. He used every trick Tex had taught him so far and manages to keep him on the edge for quite a while before Tex filled his mouth with cum 


Tex was surprised when Nick pulled him onto the bed and started kissing him, sharing his own cum with him. The made out for a while and then cuddled together 


“Where did you learn about snowballing?” Tex asked 


“I saw it online and thought you might like it” Nick said as he lay in Tex’s arms


Tex was again impressed and grateful, This straight boy he loved was experimenting to make their sex life better. Talk about getting lemons and making lemonade. Nick surprised him over and over 


To show how much he appreciated his Son, Tex gave him his best blowjob yet 


That afternoon they hung out by the pool and talked about unimportant things. They had a light dinner and went to bed early, Both slept soundly and woke refreshed 


The next day Tex had two appointments one with a movie producer who wanted to cast him to voicei a “villain” role. They were meeting at the restaurant on the corner 


The other was with his doctor whose office was just 4 blocks away. Everyone Tex knew went to Dr. Lars or his new husband/partner Dr. Cole. 


Tex dressed in one of the new suits Nick had bought him, the black one and headed out


When Tex left Nick finally got to the packages that had been stacked in the foyer since their return from Mouse Town. The clothes fit perfectly and the other items were just right 


The meeting with the producer went well and Tex noted that his suit was of a higher quality than  the one the man man interviewing him wore despite the man Beijing a world class producer. That was a first for Tex 


At the doctor’s office he was told he  was in good over all health. His cholesterol was a little high, He could actually  put on five pounds or so to reach his optimum weight but it wasn’t really a concern. His HIV test had come back “inconclusive” and needed to be redone.


 “There must have been a problem at the lab” Dr. Cole told him 


As the elevator doors opened he heard Nick call “I’m in here Daddy” from the living room 


Tex walked in and paused taking everything in at once 


Nick stood with his head hung low. He was wearing a white button up shirt and knee length grey wool shorts. Over the shirt he wore a blue blazer with a DBL School logo embordered on the pocket and on top of his head was a matching blue cap. In his hand he held a large stiff folded paper that read “Report card” on the side Tex could see 


There was also a leather armchair with an end table set next to it. Om the table was a leather paddle 


“Oh my god! This is a full role play scene!” he though  It was one he had marked as “Favorite” on the kink website 


“How was your day Son?” Tex said deepening his voice and falling into his role, His cock was already getting hard


“I got my report card Daddy” Nick said sounding a bit apprehensive as he held it out 


Tex took it “Lets take a look” he said as he opened it


He almost laughed. Inside every subject had a large red F next to it 


“This won’t do Son. I am very disappointed in you, I pay a lot to send you to this school and you are not even trying” he said sternly, crossing to the chair, folding his suit jacked neatly over the back of it and sitting 


“I will do better Daddy! I promise!” Nick said sounding desperate now 


“Not good enough Son, You have said that before. Come here.” he said pointing to a spot next to the chair 


Nick walked over slowly… Like a reluctant school boy… and it was absolutely perfect… the scared look… the pouting lip… the way he dragged his feet… all just right


Tex’s cock was at full attention now 


Tex picked up the wicked looking paddle and commanded “Drop your shorts and get over my knee Son. It’s time for some discipline in this house” in his deep “Dom” voice “I think ten swats will do to remind you to try harder next time! Count them off out loud for Daddy and be sure to thank me at the end. I’m doing this for your own good after all”


“Yes Daddy” Nick sniffled as he undid his belt, dropped the shorts to the floor and bent over Tex’s knees. He was wearing a jockstrap underneath and it made his ass look even rounder and more ready for a spanking  


Tex ran his hand over that beautiful ass admiring it’s curve and firm feel 


He tapped it with the paddle a couple times then giving a hard firm swat 


“Holly shit!” Nick explained but he didn’t pull away 


“Language Son!” Tex snapped “That will be five more swats because of that dirty mouth of yours!”


“Sorry Daddy!” Nick said  contritely the he tentatively said “One?”


“That’s better Son, Keep counting” Tex said rubbing that ass with the paddle 


“Two, three, four and five” were said in only a slightly elevated voice “Six, seven, eight, nine and ten” each got louder “Eleven, twelve and thirteen” were almost yelled and “Fourteen, and fifteen” hissed between clenched teeth. Nick was shaking and sobbing a little by the end nut he managed a “Thank you Daddy” after a moment


Tex could not take it any more. He stood and roughly pushed Nck over the seat of the chair, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulled out his rock hard cock, knelt behind his Son and rammed in balls deep in one brutal thrust


Nick’s ass was pre-lubed and ready 


“Smart boy” Tex thought as he pounded mercilessly 


Nick had thought the paddling was bad but he saw stars when his father rammed 11 inches of rock hard cock into him. Oddly, the pain made his own cock rock hard though


“Fuuuukkk Daddy! Fuck me! Breed your Son!  I will do better! I promise! Cun in me Daddy!” Nick gasped  pushing back his ass like a slut 


That did it for Tex, hearing his straight Son begging Daddy to breed him sent him over the edge. He blasted Nick full of cum that may be infecting him with HIV right now, He groaned at the thought as his nuts emptied into the boy’s guts 


Mick was lost in a world of pain and pleasure crashing and merging. This was not a man breeding him this was his own father, unknowingly but incestuously breeding his own flesh and blood. That sent him over the edge and he shot all over the chair 


Tex pulled him off the chair and they lay on the soft rug kissing. Someone ha left a stack of pillows nearby and they used them to make things more comfortable 


They kissed until their heartbeats calmed down, then Nick snuggled into Tex’s chest 


Tex reached down and lightly slapped Nicks still rosy ass 


“That will teach you: he said and they both cracked up 


“You are incredible Son” Tex said holding him tight “I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I am the luckiest Daddy in the world. I love you Nick, so much” 


“I love you tight back Daddy” Nick said 


Nick could still light feel that paddling three days later but that just made him smile.


Was his life exactly what he wanted it to be? He honestly could not answer that question anymore with a no but he couldn’t say yes either. It was not what he would have chosen but would that have been better? Who knows? He did know it could have turned into something a hell of a lot worse. Half of all marriages ended in divorce after all.


“Given the choice would I trade the certainly I have with Tex for a maybe with a woman?” he though “I might have at first but no, I would not give up Tex for anything now, I love him to much”


It was not transitional love but traditional love had a fairly bad track record. Nick would keep his Tex, His Daddy. His Father, in his bed 


He never verbally expressed these thoughts to Tex but he showed him in every way he could and Tex figured it all out 


A month later back at the doctor's office his HIV test came back Poz. 


Two months after that Nick got the same results, 


They had a little celebration because it was else something they shared, 


Zeke had told them about the Angel Strain of HIV and Dr. Cole backed him up. They both had that strain as it had come directly from Zeke himself 


As time went by they got closer and closer. They explored many different kinks and roleplays, finding many the could enjoy together


On their one year anniversary Nick brought up something new that  once again blew Tex's mind


They had gone out for an expensive dinner and Tex had paid. The first 1/15th he had gotten a year ago was his to keep and it put him on equal financial footing with Nick. It had never been an issue but deep inside Tex felt more secure 


“I want to talk to you about something Daddy” Nick said as they lay in bed that night. They were sitting up,  propped against the headboard with Nick between Tex’s legs leaning back into him 


“You know I have no desire to let any man other than you fuck me or to suck any other man but you” he went on 


“I know, That’s a hard limit for you I would never think about pushing” Tex said.


Truth be told Tex did not want his Son used by any other man, Nick’s ass and mouth were his and his alone. His mother had always told him his kindergarten teacher had rated him a failure when it came to “shares his toys well with others” 


“Daddy, how would you feel about us fucking neg boys together?” Nick asked “I love the idea of spreading the virus you gave me” 


You could have heard a pin drop for a moment as Tex’s mind grappled with that 


Nick leaned to the side and looked back at his silent Daddy, then he put a hand under Tex’s chin and pushed his mouth closed 


When Tex could speak again he asked “You want to share bottoms with me?” breathlessly. This was too much to believe. Too good to be true 


“With certain rules” Nick said firmly, He had thought this out:


One - Only together 

Two - Both have to agree on the bottom

Three - Never more than once  with the same bottom 

Four - Never in their home 

Five - No friend or acquaintances . No one they would see regularly afterwards 


“The rest is negotiable” Nick finished “Basically I want to knock up strangers with you but I’m not willing to share my Daddy with any man more than once. I don’t share my toys with others well either but I have a strong desire to spread our gift. Preferably without them knowing we are infecting them” 


“Oh my god Nick I love you! when did you get so evilly twisted? Stealthing strangers? I love it! Your rules are perfect and I agree with them 100% Daddy’s boy is growing up and I am so proud!:


That night for the first time ever Tex told his Son to breed him 


it was maybe the 3rd time Tex had bottomed in his life and Nick knew it 


He lubed up and very gently eased in. His cock was literally 4 inches shorter than Tex’s but seven inches still could hurt. He did his best to make love to this man who meant everything to him. He touched and caressed him in all the same spots he loved Tex to touch him and found that Tex responded in the same ways he did 


Tex was on his back and stroking, his head thrown back and his eyes closed 


Nick made it last as long as he could, He slid in and out pounding just the right spot 


“I’m about to incestuously breed my own father for the first time"  Nick thought and he groaned low in his throat. He picked up the picked dripping sweat and finally hilted deep in Tex's hole and shot  ropes of sticky cum to paint those silky inner walls 


Nick’s low growling “Take my cum Daddy!" sent Tex over the edge and he came all over both of them. His beloved straight Son leaned down to lick as much cum off his Daddy as he could then they kissed, sharing it 


The next day as they sat 9n bed again, Nick explained some things he had already done and what he wanted to do now


What was already done came from an idea he had gotten from Zeke.


An apartment in his building had come available, Rather than leasing it out again Nick had furnished it to look lived in, even putting photos of Tex and himself around the place, It was close enough to easily use it as a hookup spot while hiding their true residence 


What he wanted to do was create profiles on various gay hookup sites, They snapped some photos from the neck down and a face shot as well as their cocks from different angles, hard and soft.


They made profiles as a couple on several sites stressing that it was both or neither


On every site they listed their HIV stays as “Neg” 


They didn’t have to wait long for the messages to start rolling in 


One message came in in a slightly different way though 


They faintly heard someone yell “Hey! Hey you two evil, stealthy fuckers!” 


They looked out the open balcony doors 


Red had opened the window and  was holding up his phone. He pointed  to it then he gave them a thumbs up and yelled “Go get them! Breed them all!” 



Abd a straight boy stealther is born!


Let me know what you think!



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“He’s messaging me again” Tex said in an amused voice “He just can’t give it up” 


Nick knew who he meant by “He”, The boy was 18, said he was a virgin and wanted to loose that virginity to a pair of hot “Daddies' '. He had fixated on Nick and Tex’s hookup profile and just could not swipe away apparently. The problem was that he wanted them to wear condoms and they refused. The boy was cute but there were plenty of  others who would take them raw


Hiis profile name was MFT2006 and he was going to be visiting the city just for the coming weekend. Tex and Nick didn’t care what his actual name was 


He had contacted them for the first time a couple days ago and when they refused to budge on the bareback only thing had sent them pictures of an admittedly pretty ass. He was slim, blond and smooth. His ass was totally hairless and gorgeous. Even the straight Nick thought so 


“I want it to be you twooooo” Tex read out loud to Nick he used a voice that conveyed youth, petulance, entitlement and a certainty that the world was created just to please and satisfy him. The voice of a boy  who just could not understand why these two older men were not jumping at the chance to be his first 

You know, the voice of every 18 year old twink who thinks he invented twinkdom and that he was the most desirable thing on earth,  in all his pretty, smooth perfection. We have all heard it before. It’s part of what makes a fresh twink annoyingly adorable 


Tex was a professional voice actor and the voice he used was perfect 


“We have told you we only play bare and that we were just tested” Tex sent back “We passed with flying colors”


That was true. They had handed each other a paper with the word “TEST” in big letters at the top and just one question 


“Do you want to infect neg men with your HIV?” 


They both wrote “Yes!” in answer and handed the paper back 


They had graded each other’s test and wrote “You pass with flying colors! Well done!” at the top 


They did this once a week just for fun. They were always "Recently tested"


They would not lie if they were asked a direct question but the topic always seemed to have a [banned word] about it, People never came out and asked “Are you sure you are neg?”, It was easy to dance around the indirect questions they did ask with absolutely truthful answers. 


“Are you sure there is no risk if we play bare?” came the reply and Tex smiled reading it to Nick in the twink voice but with that “I really want you, so maybe” tone in it 


“All sex, even safer sex, has risks. My husband and I only bottom for each other though” he sent back. All perfectly true  


“Would you pull out if I asked you to?”  came the reply 


“Not once we are in you and if you asked before that we would simply ask you to leave” he sent back 

“I want my first time to be special” the twink sent 

“We will make it a fuck you will never be able to forget” Tex replied 

“Will you be gentle with me?” came back and Tex gave Nick a big evil grin as he read it 


“At first, I promise, You may like it a bit rougher once we get going. Most boys do” Tex replied 


“I fly in late tonight, Are you two available tomorrow?” MFT2006 asked 


“We have the entire day free, We will make your first time a fuck that will change your life” Tex sent back and sent him the address of the hook up apartment below 


“Be here about noon and we breeding you. Trust me. You will never forget the fuck we give you tomorrow” was the final text 


The next morning they spent some time preparing the hookup apartment and made a trip to several stores. They actually wanted to make this wonderful experience for their intended  victim. The bad news would come later for him 


MFT2006 was at least prompt arriving almost exactly at noon. They greeted him in loose fitting robes with nothing underneath 


The lights in the apartment were low and sexy, sophisticated jazz music played, setting the mood 


They took the twink to the bedroom which was lit by candles and scented by incense that smelled subtly of musk and leather 


Together Tex and Nick stripped the boy as Tex made out with him. Nick could not bring himself to kiss any man but Tex. It just wasn’t in him. He still identified as straight


If you looked up twink in the dictionary this boy’s picture would probably be there. He was slim and slight from shoulder to hip. His ass was rounded and looked like it was made to take cock. He was blonde with dark brown eyes and smooth except for a thin bush above his smallish cock. Being onl 5 foot 6 completed the picture perfectly. They did check his ID ti make sure he was really 18. You can't be to careful.


TeX caressed that slim body with expert hands while Nick fed them all chocolate covered strawberries and poured sparkling cider into Champaign glasses for them. Tex put some cinnamon scented oil on his hands that had just a little heat of it’s own and rubbed the boy down, pushing him onto the bed for full body massage that ended at his ass


Tek rubbed those cheeks and gently eased a finger into that virgin, neg hole, coaxing it to open for him as Nick let the boy suck him and lick his balls 


Nick took the twinks virginity, easing in bare, letting the blond boy get used to his secretly toxic invader before starting to slide back out then pushing in more firmly. His cock found that spot inside the virgin neg hole and he changed his angle to  grind along it with every stroke 


The twink, who had been mostly silent till then moaned and spread his legs wider “Ohhh Daddy, that feels so good! I knew you two were the right choice! I just had to have you for my first!” 


Tex and Nick shared an amused look. Tex had gotten the voice and inflections almost exactly right. This boy just had a slightly more nasal quality to his voice


Nick picked up the pace and was soon panting and sweating as he slammed repeatedly into the slight from beneath him 


“You want my cum? You want to be my little bareback slut?” Nick asked 


“Yes Daddy! Cun up  in me! I want you to breed me! Make me your little whore!” he groaned, trying to sound dirty 


“My seed id my Gift to you, pretty boy! See  how good it feels to have a man in you bare? Take my cum! NOW!” Nick said and pushed in as deep as he could, filling the defenseless neg hole with cum and virus, sealing his fate with his poz gift 


“Don’t cum yet, you are not done boy” Nick said, pulling out and standing 


Tex asked “You want it gentle or do you think you can handle it  rough now?” 


“Just fuck me hard Daddy! I need more cum in me!” the newborn cock slut begged pushing his ass up in the air 


Tex knelt behind him and rammed in balls deep. There is a big difference between seven and eleven inched and the twink found that out very quickly. He tried push up with his hands and arched his back but the much larger Tex simply put a hand between his shoulders and shoved him back down, beginning a relentless pounding 


“You wanted it rough you little slut” Tex growled, still holding the writhing boy down as he slid almost all the way out and then hilted in him again. 


Soon the little cock slut was begging for more, grinding his ass back to meet each thrust. Tex made quick work of it and soon added a second secretly toxic load to the twink who had tried so long to get them to play safe 


“Unnghhhh yesssss” the blond twink called out as he felt Tex’s massive cock spewing cum inside him. He shot off, blasting  his cum onto the sheets below him. Tex pulled out and made him lick up his own cum then clean both he and Nick with his mouth 


They helped the slightly dazed tw1ink dress, called him an Uber to take him back to his hotel. Tex kissed him at the door and gently pushed him through, shutting it tightly 


He turned to meet Nick who flattened him against the now closed door before the twink had gone 10 feet, passionately kissing hi husband. They mad out all the way back into the bedroom then fell onto the bed and had brutal, animalistic sex till they both were ready to drop


They never answered another message from MFT2006  but they watched his profile. He quickly dropped his “safe sex only” stance and about 6 months after their encounter his HIV status changed to POZ 


When they saw that they had another round of the raw, primitive sex of two predators in heat. They had their first confirmed pozzing.


The  list of other profiles they were watching for status changes kept growing as they continued their stealthing spree with a vengeance 



Further stealthing stories to come!


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Nick pulled into the gas station. He and Tex were driving cross country, taking the back roads just for the fun of it. The sun was going down and the place looked like a snap shot out of the 50s


Two highways crossed and on the corners there was a large house, a motel a diner and this gas station,


Unlike your typical 1950s scene the handsome young man who came out to pump their gas had dark skin, the color of milk chocolate, He wore coveralls and white T shirt. He looked to be about 20ish 


Tex was half Egyptian and by extension Nick was one quarter. 


“We don’t get many through here this time of year” The young man said. His name Arnie was embroidered on his coveralls “I was just about to close up when you pilled in, no use staying open after dark” 


The door tp the diner across the street opened and they could hear music coming from within. Two or three cars sat out front 


“How far is it to the next town?” Tex asked 


“About an hour and a half but it’s a shame to drive that stretch at night. It’s some of the prettiest country you will find” Arnie said 


“How's the food in the diner and the motel rooms?” Nick asked admiring the way the boys ass curved as he bent slightly to fill their tank 


“Well my  mom is the cook at the diner so I may be biased, but I think the food is great. The rooms are clean, have AC and decent wi/fi” Arnie replied 


“What do you think Babe?”  Nick asked Tex as they stood by the car. On an impulse he kissed his husband who was also secretly his genetic father ”Want to get some dinner and turn in early?"


Arnie’s eyes widened at the kiss, he smiled nut seemed unsure, like he wanted to say something but was to shy


“I think that’s a good idea. I’m sure we can find something to do tonight” Tex said and not so subtly adjusted himself as the more and more interested Arnie watched


They pulled into the motel and got a room which turned out to be pleasant though the bed was just a bit softer than they were used too, Walking across the street to the diner they discovered that Arnie’s mom was indeed a great cook 


A few minutes after they got back to their room neither was really surprised to hear a knock on their door or to find Arnie standing there looking freshly showered, wearing a pair of shorts and a button up shirt 


Nick just stepped back and let the nervous young man enter. 


Tex began kissing the Arnie without a word as Nick close and locked the door


Nick came up behind their intended victim and pulled his shorts down exposing a beautiful bubble ass. 


Tex unbuttoned Arnie’s shirt and pulled it off as Nick let the shorts drop to the floor and Arnie stepped free 

Tex and nick stripped and led the sacrificial boy to the bed


“I’ve never… been with other guys before” Arnie said as Tex stretched out on the bed his 11 inch cock stiffening 


“We will be gentle” Nick promised as he pushed Arnie onto the bed on his hands and knees  and Tex guided the boy’s head towards his cock with a firm hand 


“Shouldn’t we use condoms?” Arnie asked as Nick slipped a finger up his asss


“Don’t have any and we never use them: Tex said as he pushed his cock into Arnie’s mouth, cutting off any further questions 


Nick mounted the boy from behind, not asking permission before he began to push his seven inches of toxic poz cock into that virgin hole 


Tex would not let the boy up off his cock as Nick worked his way deeper, till his pubes ground into the neg buy's cheeks. He began sliding in and out with a steady rhythm 


When Arnie began to moan Tex let him suck at his own pace 


“Doesn’t my husband’s raw cock feel good in you?” he asked and Arnie nodded keeping that huge shaft in his mouth as Nick pounded him 


“You want him to cum inside you” Tex asked and Arnie nodded again 


Nick sped up and soon shot his virus filled seed into the unsuspecting neg boy 


He and Tex swapped places and Tex slid into the newly pozzed boy with a groan


“You have such a tight bubble ass he groaned and started sliding in and out grinding Nicks seed into the silky inner walls of this inexperienced country boy as he sucked his own ass juices off Nick’s shaft 


Tex reached under to stroke Arnie’s rock hard six inches in time with his own thrusts. They came together, Tex cupping his hand to catch that last truly neg load spewing from the boy's cock as he fired a second poz load into that unprotected ass.


He let Arnie lick his own cum off his fingers and then made out with the boy and Nick though Nick only kissed Tex 


After a while Arnie said “I have to go, I need to drive mom home when the diner closes: He got up and dressed taking their virus with him as he left


Nick and Tex showered and slept soundly, Nick in his Daddy’s arms as always, They rose early and were on the road 10 minutes after the sun came up 


Arnie had been right. The country was to pretty to drive through at night. They were glad they had stayed the night in that little motel for more than one reason


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As they approached and passed their second wedding anniversary Nick and Tex were closer than ever. They stealthed someone together once or twice a month, Their favorite victims were “safe sex only prigs”. You know the type. The ones who take it on themselves to send messages to men on the hookup apps calling them out if they have “Bareback Only” on their profile and were probably blocked by 90% of the app population


 The kind of guys who hung our om the bars and told people who were leaving together “Make sure you play safe, they make condoms for a reason” in a fake concerned tone 


They had found that these guys were mostly attention seekers with low self esteem hoping someone would call them on their bullshit. If you paid attention to them, flattered them, told them how hot they were but stuck to your bareback only guns they would eventually start asking if you were recently tested. Then they would ask if you would pull out and it usually took more flattery to pull them back when you said no.


Eventually they would end up on their backs unknowingly taking your poz cock and seed. Nick and Tex considered it a public service to shut up these irritants from the community by pozzing  them.


They were giving these men exactly what they wanted deep down inside if they succumbed. Most of these guys were closet bugchasers afraid of what society would think of them. Like society gave a fuck what they did 


They actually had a grudging respect for the few… well the one who stuck by his safe sex only rule no matter what 


“I hope he meets someone like himself and they settle down to not make little “safe sex only” babies. Everyone deserves to be happy. Even irritating fucks like him” Tex said when they gave up on that one. There were to many others that gave in to worry about not getting this one 


They were in the local leather bar one night when one of these assholes had one or two too many. He had been hitting on the club bouncer who sat by the door collecting the cover charge, much to the man’s annoyance. 


"Go away and let me do my job" the bouncer said, glaring at the drunk fool


Pouting and rejected, he  wandered into the bathroom. Nick and Tex followed him in and found him pissing in one of the stalls 


He didn’t resist as Tex started making out with him pushing his pants down further and reaching down to spread his cheeks for Nick who just stepped up behind the drunk prick and started probing his crack with his dripping poz cock 


The man seemed to wake up a bit and shied away 


“Shhhh, just relax, this is going to happen, you want my raw cock in you and I’m going to give it to you. Kiss my husband and let me breed you” Nick said as his hands found the man’s nipples through his shirt and pinched 


The man moaned into the kiss with Tex and Nick pushed into him, pulling his hips back and starting to pound his safe sex only, neg hole. He changed angles to batter that inner lining and make it more receptive to the virus that was coming. He didn’t take his time, just pounded out a load of toxic cujm deep inside that now receptive, neg ass 


Nick pulled out and Tex turned the man, pushing him flat against the stall wall and sliding his much larger cock in. The man definitely felt that and for a minute he looked like he was trying to climb the wall to get away as Tex pounded him, tearing him up even more inside and blasting a second toxic load into him shortly


They found the bouncer guarding the bathroom door when they exited. There were two bathrooms in the bar so the line of men queued up were not waiting to piss as the bouncer moved aside and let them in. 

You could hear the man they had fucked moaning and begging for more cock as they stood chatting with bouncer, watching as man after man came out of the bathroom, zipping up with a satisfied smirk on his face 



Nick and Tex were having a rough spot in their relationship. Neither one had done anything to piss the other off, rather they both had a growing sense of guilt because they were keeping a secret from the other and that made them overly sensitive 


Nick warred with himself, He loved Tex, he trusted him but this secret could end their relationship. Nick no longer cared about the money. He could not imagine his life without Tex in it. He loved the man on so many levels even though there was not that initial chemical response most relationships started on. Nick chose to love Tex as his husband, life partner… and father. 


Tex had a secret too. A couple of them actually and that secret was about to burst back into his life. There was something he had not told Nick when the man had explained why he needed to marry Tex 


Nick couldn’t take the guilt any more. He had to tell Tex the truth. He loved the man to much to keep lying to him 


“Daddy, would you sit down? There is something important I have to tell you and you may not like it” he said,


He loved calling Tex “Daddy”. It was so close to the truth 


Tex could tell this was important and momentous so he sati in his favorite char and opened his arms, Nick obediently came and sat in front of him, leaning back on him as Tex wrapped his arms around him 


“You can tell me anything Son. I promise not to be mad at you, Whatever it is we will deal with it” he said kissing Nick on the back of his head 


“Ok” Nick said “Before I approached you about marrying me I ran a search on the genetic data base my company had collected, looking for an alternative, thinking your dad had maybe had a love child out there. I only found one genetic match. My self. With the amount of  north eastern African on my DNA there was only one possibility”


He swallowed and said tensing up for an explosion  “Tex, genetically, you ate my father” 


The reaction he got was totally unexpected, though it really shouldn't have been 


“Yeah, I know” Tex said squeezing him  “I just didn’t think you did and I promised your parents I would never tell you”


Nick sat with his jaw hanging open “You knew?” he gasped 


“Nick, Son, think about it. You have to do certain things to make a baby. Your dad was bisexual and your mom was a good enough woman to let him explore that side of his nature. He was also medically incapable of fathering children. Things got out of hand one night. A lot of wine was involved. I don’t really know how it actually happened but you came along nine months later” he said reasonably 


“Have you noticed that the shape of our nose and jaws are exactly the same? It was not so obvious when you were a baby but it was there if you were looking for it. That’s why I moved away and came around so rarely. Back in my trailer there is a box of pictures of you growing up your parents sent me and every time a new one arrived there was a note from them thanking me for giving you to them” he continued, sounding proud and sad at the same time 


“So you knew the first time we had sex that you were fucking your own flesh and blood son?” Nick asked. Far from being angry, the thought turned him on 


“Yeah, to be honest it was one of the reasons I said yes. It made breeding you so much hotter for me. I wish I had known that you knew it would have been even better” Tex said. He was rock hard and grinding into Nick now 


“Knowing was what got me off in the beginning. The sheer perverted, erotic incestuous, wrongness of being bred and pozzed, of being impregnated by the cock that made me almost made me cum before you started” Nick said, pushing back into his father 


“I love incest with my sons. I started fucking your brother on his 18th birthday. It was hard to keep him off me till then, he wanted it so bad” Then he froze realizing he had just blurted out his own secret 


“Ummm… Tex, what brother?” Nick asked with a but of an edge to his voice 


Tex sighed “I have two other children, twins, a boy and a girl. Their mother was a lesbian friend of mine who asked me to be her sperm donor. It was done through IVF but I was part of their loves as they grew up, My friend died when the kids were 16 and they moved in with me till they were 18” 


“Barru, your brother, started trying to get into my pants a couple months before he turned 18. I put him off but 10 minutes after midnight on his 18th birthday he was riding my cock. We were lovers for about a year till he went off to college. I fuck him every time I see him now but it’s been a few years” Tex told him, holding him tighter, afraid this would be to much for Nick 


“What about my Sister?” Nick asked 


“Carry is more butch than you and me combined” Tex laughed “She is in the secret service and protects the president’s family” he said proudly 


“What does Barry do?” Nick asked 


“He’s a costume designer. He has three Tommy award nominations for his work on Broadway and he won an Emily Award for his work on a “Star Trip” Episode he worked on. Some cyborg queen outfit” Tex responded


He squeezed his millionaire, entrepreneur son and said “My children are all remarkable and I am proud of them all, especially the one I married” 


Nick sighed “We can’t tell anyone. Not even my brother and sister, they don’t know do they?” 


“No, it was none of their business and I promised your parents” Tex said “I was going to have to tell you about your siblings soon anyway though. I just would have introduces them as my kids before this little chat we are having today” 


“Why?” Nick said 


“Because your brother is moving to the city to work on a project that is shooting here” Tex said “I’m letting him stay in my trailer and he will be here in two weeks” Tex said


“I can’t wait to meet him” Nick said "but we better get all those pictures and notes before he gets here"


"Good idea" Tex said "We will go tomorrow" 


“Now, take me to the bedroom and fuck me like a father should fuck his son” Nick said in a smoldering voice 


Tex picked him up in his arms and kissed him all the way to the bed then pulled Nick’s clothes off with slightly trembling hands 


Nick lay on his back and pulled his knees to his chest as Tex lubed up and knelt on the bed between his Son’s legs 


“Make it hurt Daddy, fuck your boy hard: Nick begged 


Tex shoved all 11 inches of his cock up that exposed hole and Nick groaned in pan mixed with pleasure 


“You like having the cock that made you up that tight little hole of yours don’t you Son?” He asked panting as he slid in and out of his husband


“Fucckkkk yes.  I love my father’s cock in me. It’s the only cock I ever want in me! I love being filled with my own potential brothers and sisters when you cum in me!” Nick groaned working his hole on his father's shaft


It was to much for Tex, Nick’s filthy, incestuous words sent him over the edge and he loaded his Son’s ass with his Daddy cum which sent Nick into a mind lowing orgasm making him fire his spunk all over both of them 


They kissed and made love for hours, closer than ever now that they had no secrets 




Nick had done some research on line. He and Tex made a quick trip down to a small Caribbean nation called Costa Del Stonewall. The island nation allowed same sex couples to marry any consenting adult no matter the genetic relationship. Though the US government tried to keep it a secret, they recognized the marriages as legitimate. They went through a second marriage ceremony and were totally legally married as father and son 


They still had to kept it secret though. This marriage was for them not the twisted legal situation they were in. They wanted to be married as an expression of their love for each other 


The trip lasted only a few days and as they lay together in bed after getting home Tex asked “So do you want to help me stealth and infect your brother?” 


The thought turned them both on so much they fucked for hours, which was getting to be a family tradition.


Next chapter: Daddy's Secret Brother Lover 




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