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Doxypep - expired

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So I just had an amazing session, and one of the guys gave me a packet of Doxycycline (doxypep).  Got back to my room and took the recommended 200mg.

About an hour later, I looked at the packet, and they expired in 2021.

Does this mean that I should go find another, in date packet in the next few hours, or does doxycycline last longer than the expiration date?

Ive googled and found many conflicting pieces of information.  Any help would be appreciated.

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7 hours ago, Slinglizard said:

Does this mean that I should go find another, in date packet in the next few hours, or does doxycycline last longer than the expiration date?

Ive googled and found many conflicting pieces of information.  Any help would be appreciated.

It would probably be most effective if you did get your own. Medications are often effective (or mostly effective) for some time after the printed "expiration" date, but there's no guarantee; three years is a long time, especially if it hasn't been stored properly (as @Oldercumslut noted). And antibiotics, from what I understand, are less "shelf stable" than, say, pain relievers.

That doesn't mean the dose you took is completely ineffective. But it may not be effective enough, depending on whether the guy had anything or not.

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It is probably still effective, unless it was stored in truly awful conditions. Expiration dates for chemical pharmaceuticals (as opposed to biologicals, antibodies, or vaccines) are (in general) more about degradation of the active substance creating potentially toxic byproducts than they are about significantly reducing the amount of active substance.


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