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Paul was about to snap. Seven years in prison can do that to you and the letter he held in his hand had devastated him


He was tall and  thin, with long ginger hair, soft brown eyes, pale skin and a nice round ass.


When he had first arrived here he had been “protected” by the prison’s top dog Tony Santorin, a man with significant influence both inside and outside of the prison’s walls. The price of that protection was Paul’s ass


Paul was gay and had been no virgin at the time. Under different circumstances he may have even found Tony attractive. Tony had been there when they had brought Paul in along with several other new inmates on a bus,tp the prison and had inspected them all


“This one, he’s a pretty girl” he told the guard and shook his hand, Paul noticed the folded money that passed to the guard with that hand shake. The “pretty girl” comment made him blush but Paul knew that despite his more than ample cock and preference to be on top he came across as feminine to most men. That combination had landed him here in prison but he hadn’t known that yet 


Paul had been assigned as Tony’s new cell mate.  Tony's cell was on the top level and the last in a row. It had been meant to house eight men but Tony and Paul had it all to themselves, It was actually comfortably furnished with a queen sized bed, two large comfortable chairs and a small dining table as well as a shower and  toilet area hidden by screens 


“The warden owes me some favors” was all Tony said when Paul asked how he managed all this 


Paul could hear a low conversation that he was sure had been timed for his arrival. A good looking blond man had been grabbed as he walked towards the door to Tony’s cell and dragged into the adjoining cell by a huge bruit of a man. 


What are you doing Sal? You know Tony will have you killed for touching me!” the blond man said in a squeaky, frightened voice


“Tony got tired of all your pouting and demands, he doesn’t need you any more, he has a new and far prettier girl now. He gave you to me so get used to being my bitch" a low voice said “I won’t put up with your shit. If you piss me off I will just hand you over to Carl over in Block C. Now get on your knees and show me how grateful you are for my protection. You better convince me you love me and my cock because Block C is just waiting for some fresh meat” 


A moment later Paul heard  the sound of someone gagging and choking for a while followed by grunts of pain and bunk bed springs squeaking accompanied by that same low voice saying “I’m not a gentle lover like Tony. I like it to hurt so moan for me butch” and so on as the blond man adjusted to his new reality and moaned loudly  


“Block C must be terrible” Paul thought with a shudder 


That night he didn’t fight or protest when Tony took him to bed. He did his best to please the man in every way he could. Paul was no fool 


Tony was a gentle lover but when you are that hung you almost have to be, Paul had been tied up and brutally fucked by five well hung guys and not been as sore as he was the next day 


He had thought he would not be there long because he was innocent of the embezzlement charges that had been brought against him. Millions of dollars had vanished without a trace on his watch but Paul had no idea how. A few months later, when the court of appeals declined his case, his last hope had died 


Another blow came when his husband Martin had come for a visit.


He had given Martin temporary guardianship  of his three sons as their mother was dead


Bobby was 11, Mike was 10 and Marc was 9. They all were the spitting image of their dad with his hair, eyes and build.


The way things were set up, if he was still in prison then his oldest Bobby would get full custody of his younger siblings when he turned 18. Martin was just a temporary guardian. The money he had inherited from his father a couple years ago made it no burden to take care of the three boys and as Paul had no other living blood relatives. There had been no real choice


“I came to tell you I am filing for divorce. Don’t worry. I will take care of the boys. They should not suffer because of you” Martin had told him


Paul knew that while the boys adored their “Uncle Martin” that the man he had married was just fond of them. He didn’t like kids in general but was a good enough actor that the boys never caught on that he had tolerated them to be with Paul


“I hope you appreciate the favor I am doing for you” Martin said “I could just walk away and let the foster care system take them” 


The divorce had been finalized quickly, all Paul cared about was that his kids were taken care of so he didn’t fight it. 


Tony got tired of him after a couple years and he was passed down the line of his lieutenants but eventually he found out just how bad Block C  really was 


Carl Anderson was a large, hugely muscled, brutal looking, bald man who ruled Block C with a combination of brute force and by lending out “his boys” to men who pleased him 


He kept Paul as his personal bitch when he got to Block C


The first thing he had made Paul do is kneel and kiss the head of his huge, vein covered, uncut cock while he ran a finger around the tattoo on his stomach.


The tattoo looked evil, a biohazard symbol dripped what looked like cum mixed with blood onto the words “The Gift” written in a toxic green shade 


Carl smirked when he saw Paul’s eyes widen 


“That’s right pretty boy, kiss the cock that is going to give you HIV, worship it, open up those lips and suck it so it gets nice and hard for your first breeding” the man whispered in a surprisingly silky, sultry, sexy voice 


Carl put a hand behind his head and forced that toxic cock into his mouth while his other hand found his nipple and twisted with cruel fingers. Paul’s cock got rock hard despite the fear running through his mind 


When Carl was fully hard he forced Paul onto his back in the middle of his cell’s floor and then noticed Paul's rock hard cock that was almost as big as his own 


“Someone wants my gift I think” He smirked as he got between Paul’s legs and lifted them to his shoulders “Well want it or not I’m going to give it to you”  and with that he pushed in balls deep 


Paul writhed in pain, Carl had the largest cock he had ever taken, even bigger than Tony's and the man gave him no time to adjust. Within seconds Carl was fucking him so hard that his huge, low hanging, lemon sized balls were swinging up to smack his ass crack with every thrust 


As Carl shredded his hole with his toxic fuck stick  Paul’s cock dripped pre, the violent fucking he was getting was making it fly all over, some pf it even hitting him in the face 


“Here it comes, pretty boy! Here comes my viral seed to knock you up! I know you want it bad and I’m giving it to you. Take my poz load” Carl grounded then he leaned down and kissed Paul as hi fired ropes of HIV tainted cum into the neg man’s defenseless ass 


Paul’s cock twitched violently as he came without touching himself and they lay together kissing and trying to catch their breath. Carl fucked him twice more before he finally let Paul up


Carl was fucking him four and five times a day for the next few weeks and when Paul got sick foru weeks from their first fuck, Carl had him moved to his cell and took care of him himself until he felt better 


The men of Block C were a little surprised as Carl had never shared a cell with anyone before. He kept Paul with him and fucked him constantly but the guys assumed it would be over soon when Carl resumed breeding every new boy who came to the Block 


They found out how wrong they were when one idiot asked for Paul as a reward for a favor he had done Carl


The man spent the next week in the hospital Block after Carl beat the hell out of him. No one ever asked for Paul’s services again 


Paul grew to care for Carl, even love him,  and as much as the situation allowed they were a couple


“If I was ever going to get out of here I would marry you” Carl whispered in his ear as he held Paul one dark night “You were the first man who ever wanted my gift and I fell in love with you right then and there”


Carl had three life sentences for his crimes. Paul never asked what he had done. he didn’t want  to know


“I would be honored to marry you if we could” he whispered back. Paul had grown to love this man slowly as he had opened up and let Paul see his gentle soul inside


No one knew that sometimes when the lights were out that Carl would sometimes quietly bottom for Paul beneath the covers, They would spoon and pretend to be asleep as Carl pushed back on Paul and they gently rocked until Paul shot off inside his lover, then Carl would roll over and kiss him till they fell asleep 


Unlike Carl, Paul came up for parole every two years after his 4th year inside. He was denied at 6 years and Carl consoled him though he didn’t really seem that upset himself. Paul knew Carl wanted to keep him there 


A year later a letter arrived from his oldest son Bobby who had never written him before. It read:


Dear Dad;


I’m sorry I have never written before. Uncle Martin said you didn’t want to hear from us and that you didn’t love us anymore. I believed him just like I used to believe everything he said. He was so great with us and always took good care of me and my brothers. That all changed for me when I turned 18 a few months ago 


He took me out for dinner on my birthday and said it was a date. I thought he was joking because he knows I am straight but he wasn’t. He told me I now had custody of my two brothers because you had set it up that way. He said that he could legally just throw mw out and Mike and Marc would have to go with me 


Marc has some health issues and his medications are expensive. Uncle Martin said if he throws us out he will also remove us from his health insurance. I have never even had a part time job. Without Uncle Martin I would not have a penny and I could not take care of my them


 I’m not well liked in this town. I have kind of been a bully and an asshole to most of the people here, Uncle Martin never punished me or even corrected me. He never made me do my school work so I barely graduated. I don’t think anyone here would hire me and if I move II have to take Mike and Marc with me


Uncle Martin says since we are not blood related that he is going to make me marry him, He says once we are married he’s going to start fucking me, That I will be his wife and slave 


Dad, he has HIV and he says he is going to get me pregnant with it. Even worse, he’s going to force Mike to be his slave on his 18th birthday and then infect him too. Mike is as straight as I am but he loves Marc  so Uncle Martin can force him the same way he is forcing me 


He says he will take Marc as a slave as well when he turns 18. That’s been his plan since he married you, he says but you would not be dominated by him. You would not give him control, so he framed you for embezzlement. He didn’t inherit money, he stole it and made sure you took the blame. He’s doing his best to make sure you never get paroled as well


He says as feminine as you were, you should just have accepted that you were meant to be his bottom and salve but you insisted on an equal relationship and even wanted to fuck him so he decided to get rid of you and enslave your sons when they got old enough. He’s crazy but what can I do? Marc has to have those medications for his Asthma or he could die. He also needs that EpiPen thing for his allergies 


Uncle Martin makes me dress in tight clothes he says are sexy and makes sure lots of people see us kissing in public. No one approves and someone even tried  to have us arrested but the cop said we are not blood related and there is nothing illegal about what we are doing as long as we are both consenting adults


The wedding is next week and I’m scared, dad. I’m even more frightened for my brothers. I can’t think of a way out of this, And Uncle Martin says he will throw us out if I warn them. Please write me back, Just knowing you still love me wll help, It hurt so much when Uncle Martin said you didn’t anymore. Send any replies to my friend’s house at the address listed below 


I love you dad



Paul stared at the letter for a few moments then began to cry.


Someone noticed and yelled “Hey Carl, your little sissy boy is crying” 


Carl was there in less than a minute. He paused and looked at a couple of his men “Take care of that asshole” he snarled and another idiot spent a week in the hospital Block 


You may not think that guys in prison, most of them career criminals would give a damn about a jail house romance but what Carl and Paul had was the envy of many of these men, Not the pm'y sex but the love and companionship they shared


“What’s wrong baby?” Carl said sitting on the bed and putting those massive arms around him 


Pau showed him the letter and Carl gave a low whistle after he finished reading it 


Those are MY sons! He is claiming MY SONS as his slaves and there is not a damn I can do about it because I'm stuck in here" 


“We will figure something out Baby” Carl said. He had an idea but the cost would probably be so high he didn’t know if he could bring himself to do it. It also meant loosing the man he loved forever and Carl wondered if he could face life without his Paul 



Next Chapter: Bobby’s Wedding and Honeymoon 



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7 hours ago, EuRawBull said:

OMFG! What a storyteller you are @Scanbu ! Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep it up my man (pun intended LOL)!👏

Thanks, positive feedback like this makes writing for you guys fun. We all like positivity, pun intended  

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4 hours ago, negchaserlooking said:

A new story, how lucky we are. Looking forward to seeing how this one develops.

They pop into my head and I have to write them before I forget 

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Bobby was almost sick to his stomach on his wedding day. Practically the entire town smirked condescending at him now as he went about town in skin tight shorts and crop tops, mostly light green orr some other bright color, He thanked god every day that pink clashed do horribly that not even a sadist would make him wear the color 


Uncle Martin picked his wardrobe and made up errands for him to do, every day


His outfit today was a white tuxedo top with yellow lapels, lace trim and matching shorts that ended just above his knees. He wore white sneakers with laces and yellow socks that matched the lapels, The results were that a man who prided himself on his masculine good looks looked almost feminine as he walked down the aisle 


Uncle Martin said he would eventually love being embarrassed in public because eventually what his  future husband/owners wanted would become his only concern


Bobby constantly heard things like “I’m only giving you what you secretly want” or “You will come to see you deserve the things I do to you, you bring it on yourself with how you behave, this is all your fault” and the worst was when he would take Bobby’s hand, press it tp the huge bulge in his pants and say “Admit it, you want my cock in you, You dream of the day that I will slide it into you and breed you with my HIV for the first time”


Bobby was still young and Uncle Martin had been his authority figure so long. Sometimes he almost believed he deserved what was going to happen to him. Uncle Martin had been such a good parent to him. his brothers.

Other times Bobby remembered that he was straight and that he was being forced into this to save his brother.


He hated kissing Uncle Martin in public. He hated that it was starting to feel good when Uncle Martin made him lean back against him and worked his nipples for hours on end. He hated that his nipples were getting slightly bigger and that after they were married Uncle Martin intended to make them grow even bigger somehow.


What  he hated the most though was that they had an appointment with a local tattoo artist who had smirkingly agreed to tattoo the words “Martin’s wife” in 2 inch high letters onto his ass


Many of the people attending the wedding had been bullied or harassed by him at some time in the past, especially if he thought they were gay or too feminine


He blushed as he heard snide comments like “Such a pretty girl” and “look at the blushing bride” from every queer he had ever bullied. This was revenge they never imagined they would get on him 


As he continued down the aisle he carried a bouquet of flowers in his hands the exact shade of yellow as his lapels and socks. He also had a veil hanging over his face from a matching garland of yellow flowers around his head. The outfit has cost a fortune to have custom made to be as embarrassing as possible, just to put Bobby in the right frame of mind as he gave in to Uncle Martin's sadistic desire to publicly humiliate him in front of those he had victimized


He seemed to hear Uncle Martin’s insidious voice buzzing in his ear saying “You secretly want this, you deserve this, your are just getting back what you gave out. you made fun of those people because you secretly wanted to be like them” looped over and over filling his mind with confusion and doubt 


Uncle Martin waited in the front of the church and Bobby had to admit he was a handsome man.


He had been six years younger that his dad when they had married and now was a very solid looking 33 years old, He had short dark brown hair and matching, neatly trimmed facial hair that framed his sensual red lips and beautiful silver green eyes. He was taller than Bobby by four inches at six foot three and out weighed him by 30 pounds of solid muscle. He body hair had just the faintest hint of auburn and was just right. Not too dense or thin.


"No wonder Dad married him. I'm straight and I think he is the most handsome man I have ever seen" Bobby though as he joined his soon to be husband before the minister 


The ceremony went quickly  as ““You secretly want this, you deserve this, your are just getting back what you gave out, you made fun of those people because you secretly wanted to be like them”” continued to loop over and over in his mind


No one stood and objected to the marriage when asked and Bobby had no choice but to say “I do” at the appropriate times. The minister referred to him as “her” and “the bride” and their vows gave all the rights and privileges to Uncle Martin and all the duties and responsibilities to Bobby


When they finally got to the “You may kiss the bride” part Martin reached up to lift the veil. His fingers finding the hidden tiny speakers in the garland above Bobby's ears and crushed them, finally cutting off the loop of mind twisting manipulation and he kissed his new boi bride as the congratulations came from those in attendance. The fact that many sounded more like jeers than heart felt well wishes didn’t bother him at all 


As they continued he leaned forward and whispered in Bobby’s ear “You are mine now, you deserve everything I’m going to do to you and I will teach you to love it all. Did you ever stop to think when you were harassing all those guys that I am gay? I was married to your father who is not only gay but very feminine. Your two brothers are just like you and I’m going to teach you all respect and obedience. Yes, you absolutely deserve everything I’m going to do to all three of you”  


Bobby paled, Uncle Martin, his new husband, was right. The two most important men in his life were gay and he had shown others like them no compassion at all. He remembered writing his father and begging him for help but did he even deserve that help?


Martin smiled as he saw his barb land. He didn’t give a fuck how Bobby and his brothers treated other gays. It was just another weapon in his game of manipulation, domination and control. A very useful weapon he would use to make them all submit and be his as they were meant to be


Bobby and Martin stayed at the reception just long enough not to be rude and then slipped out. They would spend their honeymoon at home in the custom dungeon Martin had spent years preparing and Bobby’s real training would begin there


They stepped into the dungeon and the door shut with almost no click at all. The room was sound proof and they probably would need that sooner or later 


“Strip but be careful, hang up that outfit. I may want to make you wear it again someday Martin  ordered 


“Uncle Martin I don’t…” was all Bobby got out before Uncle Martin slapped him across the face 


“First of all, in this room I an always to be addressed as Master or Sir. Second, when I give my wife/slave an order you will obey without question. This is not a democracy, You don’t get a say here. Now strip!” 


As he stripped Master said “I don’t want to hit you Bobby but you make me when you don’t follow orders. It’s your fault I have to punish you” in that silky, reasonable, insidious voice.


Bobby nodded because it was starting to sink in and make a twisted kind of sense. He had questioned his Master. He deserved to be punished... No, no! This was wrong! Twisted and demeaning. He was a man! He was straight! He was only doing this to save his brother! He didn't want this... Did he?


Master changed from his tuxedo to a pair of leather chaps tucked into the top of boots, leather gloves, a harness and a leather cap 


Bobby blanched when he saw the size of Master’s cock,\. He was more than adequately hung himself but Master was an inch longer and two inches bigger around, slightly bigger than a beer can in circumference and just shy of 11 inches long it bugged with ropey veins and was uncut and the head was pierced with a ring of acid green that had little black biohazard symbols running around it if you looked close enough. His balls, if anything, were large in proportion to his cock. They looked like they could produce cum by the cup, Nasty virus filled cum 


There was a table with a single chair next to the door. The chair had a black latex cock about the length and width of Master’s cock attached to the seat and there was a stack of papers on the table 


Martin poured lube onto the latex dildo and rubbed it up and down spreading it, He knew Bobby didn't  noticed a couple metal pieces that were smoothly part if the head of the toy


He turned on a video camera and said “Sit on the chair and read those popes out loud". He wanted to capture the look on Bobby's face as he popped his own cherry on this toy 


Up until that point in his life Bobby had been a total anal virgin but when he hesitated Martin raised a hand as if to hit him and he squatted over the char, he knew better than to disobey again 


Master was patient with Bobby as he gingerly worked the head of the toy into his ass grimacing in pain as it popped in.  He slowly worked most of the length but when there was only about four inches left Master's leather booted foot swept his feet out from under him making him see stars as gravity completed the job 


After several minutes of swear words and deep breaths Bobby finally picked up the  papers and started reading into the camera:


“My name is Bobby, I am a consenting adult of legal aged and I attest to the following:

My new husband who I willingly married today and will hence forth be called Master in this document has he wright to physically discipline me in any way he choses, at any time, for any reason or no reason at all “ Bobby read 


Master flipped a switch on the back of the chair and the toy started vibrating in Bobby’s ass. Then he jumped a little as h felt a tiny electric shock inside of him. Master put a firm hand on his shoulder, pushing him back down and said “keep reading"


“Master has the right to control my life and my body, he may alter my cosmetic appearance with tattoos, piercings and suction devices. He may also alter my HIV status which at this time is negative. I fully understand that he is HIV positive and will not use a condom or pull out of me when he cums, I understand he will infect me with HIV and I accept it and consent to it” Bobby went on still winching at the occasional shocks 


The rest of the document was a list of various kinks that he was consenting to Bobby really hoped that they never did some of them. Master’s cock was scary enough, his fist would be even worse and Bobby had said he was willing to take both fists. He didn’t even think that was possible 


Sounding did not sound fun either. Spanking would probably happen but he had consented to floggings. Master had to be trying to scare him. This had to be a joke. 


He finished reading the document and Master shut off the camera 


“Master all that talking made me thirsty. May I get a drink of water?” Bobby asked 


Master smiled at him but didn’t answer. He took the papers and stacked them, putting them and the camera on a shelf a few feet away


When he came back he stood next to Bobby,  grabbed a handful of ginger hair and yanked his head back, turning his face towards that half hard cock 


Bobby’s mouth opened is surprise and Master put the head of his cock into his mouth then said “I’ll give you a drink and you better swallow every drop” Then he started to piss


It was either drink or drown at that point. Bobby gulped down the terrine tasting piss managing to get it all 


“Good boy, I’m impressed” Master said letting go of his hair 


Bobby screwed up his face and Master laughed at him “Get used to it. You will be doing that at least once a day. When I have your brothers here too I doubt I will ever piss in a toilet again” 


Bobby’s face went flat at that though but he didn’t say anything and Master smiled “By the time they are old enough, you will be so dedicated to me that you will help me enslave them”  he said confidently 


“Come with me” Master said and Bobby gingerly pulled himself off the dildo in his ass but not before he got one more tiny shock from it. He followed Master tp a device that looked like a strange, tilted table There were holes in strategic places and restraints on the sides 


Master tilted the table vertically and had Bobby stand with his back to it, his arms to the sides. 


His wrists were cuffed down and then straps were fed through to holes to secure his lower arms, his elbows and his upper arms. A strap went around his torso above his hips

Master tilted the table flat and bent his legs up, spread wide and used straps just below his knees abd around his ankles to lock him into total immobility, bent in half, except for his head, His neg hole was totally exposed and vulnerable 


“My wife has such a pretty boi pussy, I’m going to enjoy getting you pregnant with my virus” Master said to his utterly helpless slave 


Bobby’s head was tilted back and a strap w


Master tilted him back as as it stuck out beyond the edge of the table  and a strap around his forehead held him in that position 


He heard what sounded like an electric motor start up accompanied by a hissing noise  then Master pinch his nipples till they were erect.  Then he felt a plastic tube surround each one and the motor’s hum increased as the suction started and got harder till he felt his nipples start to stretch down the tubes 


Master played with them for a while making sure they were secure then again tilted the table flat and stood in front of Bobby above his head 


“Open your mouth” He ordered and when Bobby obeyed he pushed his  cock in and straight down his throat in one thrust. Bobby was suddenly choking with his nose buried in Master’s furry pubes 


Master casually fucked his throat for about 30 seconds before pulling out and letting him breathe. He did so slowly and Bobby was convinced it was so those massive balls didn't give him two black eyes. He repeated this process over and over till Bobby’s throat was starting to get raw 


His new husband walked to the other end of the table, putting it at an angle and stepping close “It’s time to consummate our marriage and get you pregnant with my HIV baby, There is nothing you can do about it now. I’m going to infect you” 


The toy had loosened him up  and Bobby felt the head of that huge poz cock ease into his neg hole followed by a couple inches. He expected a brutal lunge but it didn’t come. Instead Master eased in slowly till he was all the way inside hos pubes tickling Bobby's cheeks. Master undid the strap on his forehead and kissed him almost tenderly as he started slowly sliding in and out, making Bobby shudder as his prostate was continually rubbed by that huge shaft


Bobby was rock hard now the stimulation of his nipples and hole was too much for him and he became an almost mindless creature living in a world of pleasure and pain. His husband was making love to him and all he could do was enjoy the physical manipulation of his pleasure points 


Martin looked down on his new wife as his cock slid in and out of his ass and and his cock swung,  dripping pre onto his stomach. He had been waiting for this moment for years, The moment when he would poz the first of Paul’s sons and truly claim his first slave.


Martin had always used his looks and dominant personality  to get exactly what he wanted from people. Paul's refusal to go along with that domination had earned him his current place in prison and the loss of his sons.


He had planned on enslaving all four from the beginning. He would have Paul till the boys got old enough at 18,  then he would have them all.


He had assumed that he could overcome Paul's objections because the ma seemed so soft and feminine and his failure to do so had wounded his pride, causing him to plot and enact his revenge.


Martin felt no guilt at all. He was firmly convinced that the world owed him exactly what he wanted at all times and if you got in his way he would hurt you


He slid in and out faster and his balls started to tighten “Here comes my poz babies to infect your blood and mark you as my property! You are mine! Your pathetic father never deserved you! I put him in prison to take you from him!” he panted his voice raw and ragged, this [art of his vengeance almost complete, as he got ready to poz his straight boi wife.


He rammed in hard as he could and blasted that helpless neg ass with his charged, toxic, poz seed, then he grinned evilly as he felt his wife’s boi pussy spasming and knew he was cumming without touching himself as his life was changed forever by the virus that was invading his bloodstream.


Martin knew he was winning the battle for Bobby's devotion, for his very soul. The fact that that devotion wousl be built on half truths and even outright lies just made it more delicious to Martin. He would trap Bobby and his brothers in a web of pain and pleasure, lies an half truths. Warping their minds till all they thought about was serving him


After Martin caught his breath he pulled the suction cups off Bobby’s nipples, unstrapped him and carried him in his arms to the large canopied bed on a dais at one end of the room/ It was time to show some tenderness while Bobby's mind was still overwhelmed. Time for the other side of his manipulation game


They kissed as Martin fucked him on his back once giving him a load that way, and then from behind reaching around to pinch those sore,  sensitive nipples which made Bobby cum instantly, the spasming of his hole sent Martin over the edge, making him shoot his third poz load into that now willing hole 


Bobby was loosing the battle to the animalistic pleasure his husband, his Master, could bring his body. He had to protect his brothers but that pleasure was slowly addicting him. He how far he would go to get his pleasure fix if he didn’t find a way to keep part of his mind free. The problem was the mind games were starting to work, He almost felt he deserved all this and how do you fight that?


The rest of their honeymoon was spent in pretty much the same way. When they were not eating or sleeping Bobby was fucked, pumped, bred and mentally taken further down Master’s twisted rabbit hole 


When they finally emerged back into the real world Bonny felt like he needed a vacation


As soon as he could get away he swung by his friend’s house and found a letter from his dad waiting for him. He had responded! His Dad still loved him! He understood better than ever that in Master's mind this was a game of sontrol and his competition was behind bars. Master thought he held all the cards. Bobby opened the letter excitedly and read…



Next Chapter: A hope, a prayer and a plan 


Let me know what you think!




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