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8 minutes ago, negchaserlooking said:

Ooh Martin is a nasty piece of work. Whatever you have cooked up for him, let him have it. No redemption for Martin

He' gonna get what he deserves for sure 

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It was a little over a month before Marc's birthday when Bobby and Mike went to see Carl in his hotel suite. Bobby drew a quick map of the house and wrote down the security code as well as the code that would open the dungeon door even if it was locked 


“Martin thinks this is a secret but I have seen him enter it a few times and I tested it last week while he was out” Bobby told his step father. “Dad would know the lay out of the house, since it’s the one we have lived in since before Mom died but just in case he doesn’t get out you need to know this, Carl” Bobby said 


Something occurred to Mike, he pulled out his phone,  pulled up the county tax collector website and did a search on their address. The house was still in Dad’s name and he told Bobby and Carl that 


“Hmmm I wonder… ” Carl said,  He had Power of Attorney for Paul and he made a quick call to his lawyer. “Yep it’s legal and the papers will go out as soon as you file Bobby. All they need is your ok” he said handing the phone to Paul’s older son 


“Yes this Bobby, I signed the papers and you have them on file, Go ahead and get it started” He told the lawyer 


Now all they could do was wait 


Ten days before Marc’s birthday Carl left “If all goes right your Dad should be getting out soon. I want to meet him ay the gates. I can’t wait to see him!” he told the boys. I  will call o text with news 


Bobby and Mike checked their phones pretty often over the next few days but heard nothing new 


A week before the big day Martin took their phones, turned them off and locked them in a drawer in his desk


“Just in case you two are up to something, that should make it harder, You are not to leave the house till this is all over and I’m keeping Marc home too. This is going to happen so forget any plans you have to stop it” He told them 


For the next week Martin kept Bobby and Mike in the dungeon most of the time. He strapped them down and made them listen tp a recording with a mind twisting mantra


“Everything that you have been through is Marc’s fault, You have suffered and been humiliated because of him and he’s been laughing at you the entire time! I’m going to devote so much more attention to him than I give you two! This has all been about Marc! If you want revenge you will help me enslave him so  he’s no better than you two. Help me make him nothing more than a poz fuck toy like you two already are! He deserves it! This is all his fault!” looped over and over as Master periodically shoved his cock into them. 


He would brutally fuck them but stop before he came and pull out telling them his cum was all for Marc’s neg ass now 


There were some pretty big logical holes in the things Master said but after it was repeated over and over, hundreds of times it began to seep in and take root


They had talked about this because they knew something like this was coming. Martin was a bit predictable 


They tried to counter it with a mantra of their own. They recited it over and over again in their heads. Carl had suggested some of the wording 


“Dad is coming to save me! Dad loves me! Dad only does what’s best for me! I have to do what Dad says so he can save me! I have to focus on Dad and he will always take care of me!” They both mentally chanted and the two mantras warred in their heads.


 If dad had been there he would have won hands down because they loved and trusted him as much as they hated and despised Martin, but he wasn’t 


At midnight on Marc’s birthday Master told his two slaves “Marc is officially an adult as of right now,  go bring him to me”  


Dad wasn’t hare to save them and they almost mindlessly walked, naked, to Marc’s room with their thoughts clouded by Martin's twisting manipulation. They gave up because Master had apparently won. Dad wasn't coming to save them 



Paul was nervous on the day it was supposed to happen. The night before he had spoken to Sean and told him what might happen the next day and then he shared it with his lieutenants


“If I do get out Sean will be in charge and Buster will be second in line” Paul said and they all nodded


Sean hadn’t been upset with him for keeping it a secret, He understood why. That night in bed Paul thanked him for everything he had done in the only way he could, he made love to the blond man gently then held him all night 


The next morning a little before noon a guard came to get him “The Warden wants to see you, both of you”  he said also indicating Sean 


They were confused but followed the guard to the Warden’s office 


The warden sat behind his desk and Tony  was there too, in a wheelchair with a blanket over his legs. He looked like he had aged twenty years since the last time Paul had seen him 


“My friend, Governor Richards kept his word. It’s his last day in office and he has issued you a full pardon Paul. I was going to surprise you and have Carl pardoned too but he got out on his own so I substituted this young man’s name” He said nodding to Sean “ I hear he has been helpful to you and maybe he can keep on helping you on the outside”


“Governor Richards went me one better though. I only have maybe two months left and he is granting me clemency and letting me go home to spend my remaining time with my family. I wasn’t expecting that” Tony said 


“Sometimes good things happen to good people Tony” Paul said thankfully 


“I’m hardly a good person” Tony laughed 


“To me you are” Paul said and went to the man, bent down and hugged him 


“Normally the release process takes several days, mostly to give the person who hs been pardoned time to make arrangements but that hardly seems necessary with you” the Warden said nodding to a window 


Paul went and looked. There were two limos at the gates. One had a wheelchair lift and the other had a large bald man leaning against it,  looking up at the wardens window 


Outside the gates Paul hugged Tony one more time and then ran to his husband, throwing himself into those huge muscular arms and kissing him soundly. 


Sean hung back nervously and said “I took care of him like you wanted Boss” to Carl 


“He really did help me a lot Carl but we….” Paul said feeling guilty 


“Shhh Babe, I knew what would happen if he decided to help you. He was going to have you one way or the other while I was not there to protect you so I took a chance and told him it would be ok as long as he didn’t hurt you and protected you. It looks like it paid off” Carl said 


“Come here Sean” Carl said and the blond man stepped reluctantly closer 


Carl caught him in a rough hug “Thank you for keeping Paul safe, I owe you big time” 


“Will you let me come and help Paul get his son’s back then?” Sean asked and Carl nodded 


“I can’t think of a better man to have at our backs” he said 


Paul picked up the small box that had his personal things in it and all three of them got in the limo 


Carl handed him a phone of his own/ “Bobby and Mike’s numbers are programmed in already, why don’t you call them and let them know you are out” he told Paul 


Both numbers went straight to voicemail though 


“Let me try something” Paul said. He rummaged through the box and pulled out a letter, calling the number on it 


“Hello” A voice answered 


“Marc is that you?” Paul asked 


“Dad?” Marc asked 


“Yes, I am out! A full pardon like I told you in my letters!” Paul said “Why can’t I reach your brothers?”


“I think Martin took their phones. He thinks I have no idea what is going on so he didn’t take mine” Marc told him “He’s keeping them away from me and in that creepy sex dungeon of his so I probably be able to tell them anything, but I will if I get a chance”


Of all his sons, Marc was the most intelligent and he had come out to Paul in a letter when he was twelve. Paul had told him what was happening, in general terms because he knew Marc could handle it and he should be forewarned. 


“We will be there on your birthday. Martin has custody of you so we can’t take you away before then. It could be construed as kidnapping” Paul told his son 


“You  better come at Midnight. I see how he looks at me, He won’t wait for morning” Marc said 


“We will be there, Son. I love you so much” Paul said and hung up 


That night Carl got them a hotel suite near the prison. They would drive back tomorrow 


Sean went to bed early in his own room, he said he was exhausted and wanted to give Paul and Carl some privacy 


Paul took his Cael by the hand and led him to the bed, pausing to slowly strip his huge husband naked then he pushed the big man backwards onto the bed and slipped out of his own clothes in a slow striptease  


Carl  looked up at his Paul with love filling his eyes. This moment and the way Paul looked, said it all. It showed everything Paul was


Paul/s beautiful, soft body with it’s slightly feminine air that was totally at odds with the dominant, possessive gaze he leveled on his husband’s hard, muscular form


To look at them you would never think that Paul was the Master in this relationship, but he was


He crawled on top of his huge, buff husband, hooking his legs onto his slim shoulders and pushing them back till Paul’s thick almost 10 inches of cock was poised at that waiting pucker, then he slowly pushed in as Carl moaned in pleasure and submission


Paul took his time, this was the first time they had been able to openly make love and not hide what they were doing under the covers in the dark 


He slowly slid in and out, grinding his cock along Carl’s prostate from an angle they had never been able to use before, they had also never been able to kiss while Paul fucked Carl before and they savored the taste of each other’s mouth and tongue. 


“You are MINE Carl! I love you so much! Take my cum and my love” Paul said as his balls contracted and he pumped Carl’s hole full of his seed 


“I’m totally yours Paul. I loved you from that  first fuck when you wanted my gift so bad. I only feel complete when you are in me. I was born to be owned and dominated by you!” Carl groaned and shot all over his stomach and chest 


Paul licked up all that cum and shared it with his man


They fell asleep with Carl holding the much smaller Paul snuggled into his massive chest 


When Paul woke he felt like a hotdog in a bun with a muscular body in front of him and another behind 


“Shhh Babe, it’s Sean” Carl said quietly “I woke up because I heard him crying. He missed you and could not get to sleep without being near you so I brought him in here with us a few hours ago, just let him sleep” 


“You are such a wonderful, caring man Carl” Paul said and they both fell asleep again 


They got a late start but they still had three days till the big day 


The next night Paul ha two muscle asses to play with, one with dark hair covering it and the other was smooth with blond hair in the crack


He put them on their hands and knees next to each other and spent a while playing “Swap a hole” as he fucked a lode out of both of his subs and finally gave his load to Sean since Carl had gotten it the night before 


The night before Marc’s birthday they left with plenty of time if not for the four car pile up on the highway 


Paul texted Marc “Caught in traffic! STALL” 



Next Chapter: Martin gets what’s coming to him 


Let me know what you think



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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, PupBoiRapeSlut said:

This sounds like it’s gonna be hot

hope marc gets lucky and gets to decide when it’s all done and martins gone if he wants to get knocked up by the rest of them

Martin gets it from somewhere but you will have to wait for the net chapter to find out the rest 😈

Edited by Scanbu
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18 minutes ago, deepnrawnyc said:

I feel like I got stuck in that traffic jam!!  I need to know what happens next!! Hope the next chapter comes out soon.

Probably tomorrow 😈

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Marc was looking at his phone when Bobby and Mike came into his room naked 


“It’s time I guess” Marc said with a sigh. “I know you two did the best you could. I won’t fight you” and he led them back to the dungeon though he did walk very slowly 


When they got there Martin was dressed in his leather outfit, chaps. Boots and a harness. He closed and locked the door then went to stand in front of Marc 


“Nice costume Martin” Marc said “Am I supposed to be impressed or something?” 


Martin ignored him and went through his entire “I will cut you off and throw you all out into the streets” speech


“I’m so scared” Marc said sounding bored 


“Could you repeat that again? It’s such a pretty speech. I’m sure you spent days memorizing it and it deserves to be heard more than once” Marc said very calmly with a bit of mocking derision in his voice “No matter what you do I will never willingly serve you. You will have to force me every time. You are nothing but a bully. No one loves you and no one ever will” 


"Marc seems to be stalling for some reason" Bobby though vaguely, his mind still in a fog 


“You little Bitch!” Martin snarled and went to slap him but stopped himself when Marc raised a fist 


"I will put you flat on your ass if you touch me" he said, again quite calmly 


“I have a better idea anyway. I will teach you obedience with my toxic cock up that tight little neg ass of yours. You will learn to love it like your brothers did and I will force them to help me”  Martin said pretty much proving everything Marc had just said 


“Strip him and strap him down” Martin snapped to Bobby and Mike. 


Once again Marc didn’t fight his brothers as they removed his clothes and bound him on his back with his knees bent to his chest, he was totally immobilized, his neg hole totally vulnerable. It wasn't thier fault and they had endured enough for him already without him hitting them 


Martin shoved a gag in his mouth and buckled it in place then he motioned to Bobby and Mike and they went to two of the X crosses that had been set up for them. There were three in total. One for each boy. Martin planned to display them all there for his amusement once Marc was his too 


He quickly bound Mike and Bobby at wrist and ankle “To keep you out of mischief and to keep you from interfering when I ram my toxic cock into your little brother” Martin told them 


Then he walked to Marc and stroked his face 


“I’m going to rip out your virginity with my poz cock and teach you to love it You will thank me for hurting and breeding you someday. Your brothers thought they could resist me and look where they are now. You will be mine just like they are. I'm finally going to have all three of you and there is nothing any of you can do about it!”


Marc rolled his eyes. Why did all villains' have ti monologue? It was such a cliché, But it did usually keep them busy until... 


They all heard the muffled click as the dungeon door unlocked and Martin gaped as Paul walked in, followed by a hugely muscular bald man and an only slightly smaller blond man 


“Sorry I’m late boys, There was an accident on the highway and it delayed us a little, It looks like we got here just in time though” 


“Dad!” Bobby and Mike said, snapping out if the stupor they had been in and struggling against their bonds 


Martin was a big man but he stood no chance against Carl and Sean as the bound him to the third cross while he shouted profanities and threats 


Paul gently took the gag out of Marc’s mount “I will be right back Son” he said, kissing him on the forehead


Then he approached Martin who clamped his mouth shut until Carl grabbed his balls and twisted hard. Paul shoved the gag in Martin’s as he screamed mouth and buckled in place tightly 


“Much better! All that shouting was getting old” Paul said He desperately wanted to beat the hell out of this man who had tried to steal what was his but they would need him to appear unharmed soon 


He went back to Marc who looked up at him with love and trust in his eyes, even as he lay still bound and vulnerable 


‘Hey Dad! I'm so glad you got here before that creep stopped running his mouth and actually did something! Are we going to…” he asked leaving it hanging 


“Yes we are Son. I have always planned on this happening. It’s why I made you and your brothers” Paul answered 


“You would never give me an answer when I asked you in my letters” Marc said a little sullenly “You just wrote back like I had never even asked 


“Son, you were under age, it would not be right for me to talk about things like that with you before you were 18” he answered 


“I knew what I wanted and who I wanted it with, by the time I was 14, I told you that over and over!” Marc said 


“I know Son, you were just to young” Paul said 


“Well I'm an adult now so I’m not too young and I want it!” Marc said “I know what will happen if we do it and I’m fine with it all!” Marc said almost defiantly 


“So be it then” Paul said 


He stripped naked and mounted his youngest son, aiming his cock at that virgin neg hole and started working his way in, using only his already dripping pre for lube 


Marc groaned a loud pained sounding “Yessss, I have always wanted it to be you and for you to make it hurt Dad” as his Paul’s head popped in 


Paul didn’t want to really hurt his youngest son but some pain was necessary when you are fucking a virgin hole with a almost 10 inch cock 


Marc hissed and moaned as his Dad worked that poz cock into his helpless neg hole. He had been in love with his Dad as long as he could remember and the thought if Dad getting him pregnant with HIV just made it even hotter for the twisted boy 


The though of Martin touching him gave him the creeps though. He had hated Martin from day one. His childish mind did not want to share his Dad’s love with anyone but his brothers, so Martin had been the enemy who messed up their happy home 


He felt  Dad’s pubes grinding into him as his father bottomed out inside his no longer virgin hole 


“Fuck me Dad! I have wanted this for so long!” Marc groaned as his Dad began to piston in and out of him 


“You want my seed Son?” Paul asked after a while as he sped up his thrusting “You want the cock that made you to knock you up with toxic HIV? Beg me to poz you Son! Let Dad know how much you want his virus” 


“Do it Dad! I want your nasty little virus babies in my blood so bad! I want to be Daddy's little toxic slut!” Marc begged “Please poz me and own me forever Dad!” 


“Here it comes Son! Dad is going to infect his boy with his toxic poz cum!” Paul panted and pushed into his helplessly bound neg son and blasted that unprotected neg hole full of cum and virus 


Marc felt his Dad’s cock throbbing inside of him and a wonderful, wet feeling and he came hard, his cum pooling in his belly button 


Dad kissed him and slowly pulled out 


“Master, can I lick up his cum?  He’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He's just like you” Marc heard and the blond man who had come in with Dad came closer 


“Marc, this is Sean, is that ok with you?” Dad asked 


Marc liked what he saw. Sean was so handsome!


“He can do more than lick up my cum if he wants Dad” Marc said 


Paul laughed and told Sean “Be my guest, but be wanted, Marc is the most like me. You may not be able to handle him. I’m guessing he has you under him as soon as you let him loose:” 


“That would be fine with me” Seam said stripping then bending down to  lick up Marc’s cum before starting to undo the straps binding him 


When Marc stood up he looked the naked Sean up and down with appreciation and especially loving that smooth muscle ass. He would always belong to his Dad but Dad had a husband and so Marc would need someone to be his love, Sean would do just fine


“Come with me!” Marc snapped and lead the large, meek, muscular, blond man to the bed on the other side of the room then fucked him hard. It was love at first fuck for the two of them. They would spend the rest of their lives together under Paul’s hand 


Bobby had been shocked to watch his Dad fuck his little brother and his mind was full of confusion as Dad approached him. He was still bound to the cross and Dad kissed him deeply 


“I don’t understand, Dad” Bobby said as the kiss broke 


“Bobby, the plan to enslave you three boys was mine from the beginning. It’s why I fathered three boys, Your mom was a submissive and she was fine with it as long as I was hands off till you were adults and O had no problem with that. Martin is not creative enough to come up with something like this. He just came up with a few variations on the original. like making you marry him. I never would have had to force you like he did” Dad told him 


“The difference between us is he wanted you out of selfishness and spite. He wanted all three of you boys focused only on him. Carl tells me you and Mike are in love and that is wonderful! Just because I own you does not mean I don't want you to find your own love and happiness!” he continued 


"What do you think Martin would have done if he found out you two were in love?”  Dad asked 


“He was always setting us against each other as it is. He would have done his best to destroy our love. That’s why we hid it from him” Bobby said and then he understood 


Dad wanted to love and nurture his sons while he owned and fucked them. Martin just wanted to own and possess them so he could use them and pretend that they loved him


With that realization Bobby became dedicated to his Dad in a way he never could have been to Martin 


Dad  undid his restraints then motioned him to turn around and rebound his wrists 


“It’s time to claim my oldest Son as my slave” Dad said and Bobby felt his father's incestuous cock enter him 


It felt so dirty, so perverted and so right. Bobby moaned and pushed his ass back on his Dad’s cock and moaned ‘I’m yours Dad, I want to belong to you! I need to belong to the man who made me!  Breed me Dad!  Make me yours!” he said giving in totally to his Dad’s control 


They came at the same time as Paul seeded his first born and Bobby’s cock spewed his cum onto the cross 


Paul unbound Bobby and kissed his Son again, then he approached Mike 


Anger flared in Paul as he saw the broken look in Mikes tear filled eyes. He could kill Martin for how he had damaged his middle son 


“Hello my beautiful Son" he said as he undid Mike’s restraints 


Mike collapsed into him weeping 


“Carl, can you give me a hand with him?” Paul asked quietly 


They took him to his own bedroom and Bobby crawled into the bed to hold him 


“What? Am I so ugly you don’t want to have sex with me too?” Mike asked bitterly 


“Mike, you are and have always been beautiful. Of all my Sons you are the most handsome” Paul told him, sitting on the edge of the bed “You have never been more gorgeous than you are right now, I want you but I won’t take you unless you consent" 


“He’s right Mike” Bobby said “You have always been the best looking and these just make you more beautiful” he said lightly touching Mike’s nipples


Carl sat on the other side of him and said gently “Mike, I know that it was done against your will but it’s ok to admit you like them and you like how they make you feel. Martin used shame to control you but honestly, next to your Dad, you are the sexiest thing I have ever seen, just like you are” 


Mike held his arms out to his Dad and said “I want to belong to my Dad too” 


Paul made gentle love to his middle son taking him on his back as both Bobby and Cark played with, pinched and even sucked his nipples and all three told him what a handsome, beautiful MAN he was. Bobby got down and sucked him as Carl took over working both nipples. Mike shot off in his brother/lover’s mouth as his Dad bred him for the first time 


After a brief recovery period Paul and Carl went out into the hall, leaving Bobby and Mike to catch a few hours sleep. They were going to sleep in Bobby’s old room as they saw Marc and Sean headed into Marc’s room 


“Martin is all secure, he stopped struggling a while ago and was just glaring daggers at us as we left him and turned off the lights. We took the gag out and he was yelling his head off when we shut the door. Good thing the room is sound proof" Marc said with a wet smile 


They caught what sleep they could and then, after dressing and breakfast, Paul called the police 


While they waited Bobby, Sean and Carl went to get Martin. When they brought him out he was wearing a pair of the frilly feminine shorts he often made Bobby wear pulled up over his chaps. He looked absolutely ridiculous as Carl and Sean held him on either side by an arm


When the [police got there  Paul told them “I evicted this man from my house here because he was mistreating and abusing my oldest Son who he is married to. He showed up this morning, dressed like this and making threats” 


“Is there a Martin here?” a voice came from outside  behind the office who stood listening in the front foyer 


“He’s in here” Paul called and a man cane in with a large envelope 


“That’s him” Paul said nodding to Martin who, after a sleepless night in bondage was a little out of it


The man pressed the envelope to Martin’s chest and said “You are served. I believe these are legal separation papers from your husband” 


That woke Martin up. He snarled and lunged at Bobby but Carl and Sean held him firmly  “You little Bitch! I will kill you before I will let you divorce me! You are MINE!” he raged 


"And that's why I evicted him. His thirty days were up yesterday" Paul said 


"Oh yeah! I taped it to the door here!" the process server said 


Actually he had handed it to Bobby who met him at the front door. The man worked for Carl's lawyer so it had been easy to arrange 


“Ok Buddy, I have heard enough” the police officer said and he made a circle motion with his finger 


Sean and Carl turned Martin around and the officer cuffed him while saying “You have the right to remain silent… 


“Thanks Officer” Paul said as Martin was led out “It’s my youngest son’s 18th birthday today and Martin  was totally ruining it for everyone” 


Once the police car pulled off they all looked at each other and burst out laughing


Martin was charged with trespassing, attempted bodily harm, home invasion and making death threats and before Martin could arrange bail another warrant came in for his arrest 


The investigation into the District Attorney had turned up a lot. Martin was one of several people charged with bribery and conspiracy and they also hit him with the original embezzlement he had sent Paul to prison for.


His assets were frozen so he could not hire a good lawyer and the trial went badly for him. He was sentenced to a total of 35 years as the judge had to admonish Bobby, Mike and Marc for cheering


As luck would have it he was sent to the very same prison Paul had been sent to and placed in C Block, where things got even worse for him


Next Chapter: In The End


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7 minutes ago, PupBoiRapeSlut said:

Those boys fell right into being kinky sluts definitely sounds like the one isn’t any bit straight anymore 

They are what their Dad made them to be 😈

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8 minutes ago, PupBoiRapeSlut said:

Martin should have took tucos advice and shoot don’t talk he could have at least felt marcs pussy milk a load out before they got there

Yeah, but villains got to monologue. I was tempted to have him say he was doing it because his dad never loved him but that would have been to much 😆

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16 hours ago, Scanbu said:

Marc was looking at his phone when Bobby and Mike came into his room naked 


“It’s time I guess” Marc said with a sigh. “I know you two did the best you could. I won’t fight you” and he led them back to the dungeon though he did walk very slowly 


When they got there Martin was dressed in his leather outfit, chaps. Boots and a harness. He closed and locked the door then went to stand in front of Marc 


“Nice costume Martin” Marc said “Am I supposed to be impressed or something?” 


Martin ignored him and went through his entire “I will cut you off and throw you all out into the streets” speech


“I’m so scared” Marc said sounding bored 


“Could you repeat that again? It’s such a pretty speech. I’m sure you spent days memorizing it and it deserves to be heard more than once” Marc said very calmly with a bit of mocking derision in his voice “No matter what you do I will never willingly serve you. You will have to force me every time. You are nothing but a bully. No one loves you and no one ever will” 


"Marc seems to be stalling for some reason" Bobby though vaguely, his mind still in a fog 


“You little Bitch!” Martin snarled and went to slap him but stopped himself when Marc raised a fist 


"I will put you flat on your ass if you touch me" he said, again quite calmly 


“I have a better idea anyway. I will teach you obedience with my toxic cock up that tight little neg ass of yours. You will learn to love it like your brothers did and I will force them to help me”  Martin said pretty much proving everything Marc had just said 


“Strip him and strap him down” Martin snapped to Bobby and Mike. 


Once again Marc didn’t fight his brothers as they removed his clothes and bound him on his back with his knees bent to his chest, he was totally immobilized, his neg hole totally vulnerable. It wasn't thier fault and they had endured enough for him already without him hitting them 


Martin shoved a gag in his mouth and buckled it in place then he motioned to Bobby and Mike and they went to two of the X crosses that had been set up for them. There were three in total. One for each boy. Martin planned to display them all there for his amusement once Marc was his too 


He quickly bound Mike and Bobby at wrist and ankle “To keep you out of mischief and to keep you from interfering when I ram my toxic cock into your little brother” Martin told them 


Then he walked to Marc and stroked his face 


“I’m going to rip out your virginity with my poz cock and teach you to love it You will thank me for hurting and breeding you someday. Your brothers thought they could resist me and look where they are now. You will be mine just like they are. I'm finally going to have all three of you and there is nothing any of you can do about it!”


Marc rolled his eyes. Why did all villains' have ti monologue? It was such a cliché, But it did usually keep them busy until... 


They all heard the muffled click as the dungeon door unlocked and Martin gaped as Paul walked in, followed by a hugely muscular bald man and an only slightly smaller blond man 


“Sorry I’m late boys, There was an accident on the highway and it delayed us a little, It looks like we got here just in time though” 


“Dad!” Bobby and Mike said, snapping out if the stupor they had been in and struggling against their bonds 


Martin was a big man but he stood no chance against Carl and Sean as the bound him to the third cross while he shouted profanities and threats 


Paul gently took the gag out of Marc’s mount “I will be right back Son” he said, kissing him on the forehead


Then he approached Martin who clamped his mouth shut until Carl grabbed his balls and twisted hard. Paul shoved the gag in Martin’s as he screamed mouth and buckled in place tightly 


“Much better! All that shouting was getting old” Paul said He desperately wanted to beat the hell out of this man who had tried to steal what was his but they would need him to appear unharmed soon 


He went back to Marc who looked up at him with love and trust in his eyes, even as he lay still bound and vulnerable 


‘Hey Dad! I'm so glad you got here before that creep stopped running his mouth and actually did something! Are we going to…” he asked leaving it hanging 


“Yes we are Son. I have always planned on this happening. It’s why I made you and your brothers” Paul answered 


“You would never give me an answer when I asked you in my letters” Marc said a little sullenly “You just wrote back like I had never even asked 


“Son, you were under age, it would not be right for me to talk about things like that with you before you were 18” he answered 


“I knew what I wanted and who I wanted it with, by the time I was 14, I told you that over and over!” Marc said 


“I know Son, you were just to young” Paul said 


“Well I'm an adult now so I’m not too young and I want it!” Marc said “I know what will happen if we do it and I’m fine with it all!” Marc said almost defiantly 


“So be it then” Paul said 


He stripped naked and mounted his youngest son, aiming his cock at that virgin neg hole and started working his way in, using only his already dripping pre for lube 


Marc groaned a loud pained sounding “Yessss, I have always wanted it to be you and for you to make it hurt Dad” as his Paul’s head popped in 


Paul didn’t want to really hurt his youngest son but some pain was necessary when you are fucking a virgin hole with a almost 10 inch cock 


Marc hissed and moaned as his Dad worked that poz cock into his helpless neg hole. He had been in love with his Dad as long as he could remember and the thought if Dad getting him pregnant with HIV just made it even hotter for the twisted boy 


The though of Martin touching him gave him the creeps though. He had hated Martin from day one. His childish mind did not want to share his Dad’s love with anyone but his brothers, so Martin had been the enemy who messed up their happy home 


He felt  Dad’s pubes grinding into him as his father bottomed out inside his no longer virgin hole 


“Fuck me Dad! I have wanted this for so long!” Marc groaned as his Dad began to piston in and out of him 


“You want my seed Son?” Paul asked after a while as he sped up his thrusting “You want the cock that made you to knock you up with toxic HIV? Beg me to poz you Son! Let Dad know how much you want his virus” 


“Do it Dad! I want your nasty little virus babies in my blood so bad! I want to be Daddy's little toxic slut!” Marc begged “Please poz me and own me forever Dad!” 


“Here it comes Son! Dad is going to infect his boy with his toxic poz cum!” Paul panted and pushed into his helplessly bound neg son and blasted that unprotected neg hole full of cum and virus 


Marc felt his Dad’s cock throbbing inside of him and a wonderful, wet feeling and he came hard, his cum pooling in his belly button 


Dad kissed him and slowly pulled out 


“Master, can I lick up his cum?  He’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He's just like you” Marc heard and the blond man who had come in with Dad came closer 


“Marc, this is Sean, is that ok with you?” Dad asked 


Marc liked what he saw. Sean was so handsome!


“He can do more than lick up my cum if he wants Dad” Marc said 


Paul laughed and told Sean “Be my guest, but be wanted, Marc is the most like me. You may not be able to handle him. I’m guessing he has you under him as soon as you let him loose:” 


“That would be fine with me” Seam said stripping then bending down to  lick up Marc’s cum before starting to undo the straps binding him 


When Marc stood up he looked the naked Sean up and down with appreciation and especially loving that smooth muscle ass. He would always belong to his Dad but Dad had a husband and so Marc would need someone to be his love, Sean would do just fine


“Come with me!” Marc snapped and lead the large, meek, muscular, blond man to the bed on the other side of the room then fucked him hard. It was love at first fuck for the two of them. They would spend the rest of their lives together under Paul’s hand 


Bobby had been shocked to watch his Dad fuck his little brother and his mind was full of confusion as Dad approached him. He was still bound to the cross and Dad kissed him deeply 


“I don’t understand, Dad” Bobby said as the kiss broke 


“Bobby, the plan to enslave you three boys was mine from the beginning. It’s why I fathered three boys, Your mom was a submissive and she was fine with it as long as I was hands off till you were adults and O had no problem with that. Martin is not creative enough to come up with something like this. He just came up with a few variations on the original. like making you marry him. I never would have had to force you like he did” Dad told him 


“The difference between us is he wanted you out of selfishness and spite. He wanted all three of you boys focused only on him. Carl tells me you and Mike are in love and that is wonderful! Just because I own you does not mean I don't want you to find your own love and happiness!” he continued 


"What do you think Martin would have done if he found out you two were in love?”  Dad asked 


“He was always setting us against each other as it is. He would have done his best to destroy our love. That’s why we hid it from him” Bobby said and then he understood 


Dad wanted to love and nurture his sons while he owned and fucked them. Martin just wanted to own and possess them so he could use them and pretend that they loved him


With that realization Bobby became dedicated to his Dad in a way he never could have been to Martin 


Dad  undid his restraints then motioned him to turn around and rebound his wrists 


“It’s time to claim my oldest Son as my slave” Dad said and Bobby felt his father's incestuous cock enter him 


It felt so dirty, so perverted and so right. Bobby moaned and pushed his ass back on his Dad’s cock and moaned ‘I’m yours Dad, I want to belong to you! I need to belong to the man who made me!  Breed me Dad!  Make me yours!” he said giving in totally to his Dad’s control 


They came at the same time as Paul seeded his first born and Bobby’s cock spewed his cum onto the cross 


Paul unbound Bobby and kissed his Son again, then he approached Mike 


Anger flared in Paul as he saw the broken look in Mikes tear filled eyes. He could kill Martin for how he had damaged his middle son 


“Hello my beautiful Son" he said as he undid Mike’s restraints 


Mike collapsed into him weeping 


“Carl, can you give me a hand with him?” Paul asked quietly 


They took him to his own bedroom and Bobby crawled into the bed to hold him 


“What? Am I so ugly you don’t want to have sex with me too?” Mike asked bitterly 


“Mike, you are and have always been beautiful. Of all my Sons you are the most handsome” Paul told him, sitting on the edge of the bed “You have never been more gorgeous than you are right now, I want you but I won’t take you unless you consent" 


“He’s right Mike” Bobby said “You have always been the best looking and these just make you more beautiful” he said lightly touching Mike’s nipples


Carl sat on the other side of him and said gently “Mike, I know that it was done against your will but it’s ok to admit you like them and you like how they make you feel. Martin used shame to control you but honestly, next to your Dad, you are the sexiest thing I have ever seen, just like you are” 


Mike held his arms out to his Dad and said “I want to belong to my Dad too” 


Paul made gentle love to his middle son taking him on his back as both Bobby and Cark played with, pinched and even sucked his nipples and all three told him what a handsome, beautiful MAN he was. Bobby got down and sucked him as Carl took over working both nipples. Mike shot off in his brother/lover’s mouth as his Dad bred him for the first time 


After a brief recovery period Paul and Carl went out into the hall, leaving Bobby and Mike to catch a few hours sleep. They were going to sleep in Bobby’s old room as they saw Marc and Sean headed into Marc’s room 


“Martin is all secure, he stopped struggling a while ago and was just glaring daggers at us as we left him and turned off the lights. We took the gag out and he was yelling his head off when we shut the door. Good thing the room is sound proof" Marc said with a wet smile 


They caught what sleep they could and then, after dressing and breakfast, Paul called the police 


While they waited Bobby, Sean and Carl went to get Martin. When they brought him out he was wearing a pair of the frilly feminine shorts he often made Bobby wear pulled up over his chaps. He looked absolutely ridiculous as Carl and Sean held him on either side by an arm


When the [police got there  Paul told them “I evicted this man from my house here because he was mistreating and abusing my oldest Son who he is married to. He showed up this morning, dressed like this and making threats” 


“Is there a Martin here?” a voice came from outside  behind the office who stood listening in the front foyer 


“He’s in here” Paul called and a man cane in with a large envelope 


“That’s him” Paul said nodding to Martin who, after a sleepless night in bondage was a little out of it


The man pressed the envelope to Martin’s chest and said “You are served. I believe these are legal separation papers from your husband” 


That woke Martin up. He snarled and lunged at Bobby but Carl and Sean held him firmly  “You little Bitch! I will kill you before I will let you divorce me! You are MINE!” he raged 


"And that's why I evicted him. His thirty days were up yesterday" Paul said 


"Oh yeah! I taped it to the door here!" the process server said 


Actually he had handed it to Bobby who met him at the front door. The man worked for Carl's lawyer so it had been easy to arrange 


“Ok Buddy, I have heard enough” the police officer said and he made a circle motion with his finger 


Sean and Carl turned Martin around and the officer cuffed him while saying “You have the right to remain silent… 


“Thanks Officer” Paul said as Martin was led out “It’s my youngest son’s 18th birthday today and Martin  was totally ruining it for everyone” 


Once the police car pulled off they all looked at each other and burst out laughing


Martin was charged with trespassing, attempted bodily harm, home invasion and making death threats and before Martin could arrange bail another warrant came in for his arrest 


The investigation into the District Attorney had turned up a lot. Martin was one of several people charged with bribery and conspiracy and they also hit him with the original embezzlement he had sent Paul to prison for.


His assets were frozen so he could not hire a good lawyer and the trial went badly for him. He was sentenced to a total of 35 years as the judge had to admonish Bobby, Mike and Marc for cheering


As luck would have it he was sent to the very same prison Paul had been sent to and placed in C Block, where things got even worse for him


Next Chapter: In The End


Let me know what you think!



Love the exceptional storytelling, but its always an emotional rollercoaster for me - horny, sad, hopeful, quite a bit of crying my eyes out and then relieved (hehe). Always invested in the characters. Don't change a thing.

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