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What kind of guys turn you on? (Personality)

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I've always had more fun with guys that are confident, independent and high functioning outside of the realms of sex. 

Invariably they've been the ones that I've been able to plumb the depths of fantasy and depravity with.

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A confident slut (top or bottom, doesn't matter). A top who likes to fuck men (not just ass holes - big difference there). A bottom who loves to be fucked and they do it 'al gusto', with passion and involvement. 

I like men who are not afraid to show their primal, animalistic instincts (again, equally for both tops and bottoms).

I like a man who's confident, not arrogant; can hold dirty talk, or even being degrading, without being offensive; a top who's not afraid to suck a cock, and a bottom who's not afraid to get hard.

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