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nostalgia fucks

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Have any of you ever thought about your crushes (students or teachers)back in high school and tried to either bait them for their cock pics and/or have sex with them by whatever means? I dunno if it's a fetish but the idea of a blast from the past kinda fuck is a turn on for me

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kinda/sorta .. just graduated hs .. working at a travel agency .. mid/late-20s married guy comes in to change his airline ticket .. he asks me if i want to meet him for a drink after work .. since i'm mr oblivious i tell'm sorry, but i'm busy tonight .. and a few years later when i realized what i really wanted was DICK and not pussy i thought WTF did i do (or didn't do) .. he would have been the first everything .. first sex .. first time sucking, getting fucked .. first time married guy .. still think about him .. 😆

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You know the old saying, never meet your heroes? Sometimes that applies to crushes. A couple of times I have hooked up with crushes from the past that were certainly not up to the fantasy. That said, you might find Prince Charming. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn’t do it by choice; it happened by accident.  I was well-indoctrinated as gay by then, several years after my divorce, and very single.  I got a call out of the blue:  “Sherbourne?  It’s [his name changed] Carter.  I’m in town and could use a place to stay.”  It was a surprise, it was presumptuous, and it made my balls burn with desire.  

“Carter” was the hottest man I’d ever seen.  He was as a captain when I was a lieutenant; and he was my immediate superior.  He was tall, built, handsome, masculine as hell, hung, and tough as nails; he was tougher than the Marlboro man!

Many gallons of my cum were shot at velocity fueled by fantasies of him years later; I might have blown a wad thinking of him that very morning in the shower.  You see we had for some time had the odd circumstance of showering at the same time.  At the time it didn’t arouse me; after my “awakening” those memories of his hands all over his soapy bod, his dick and balls hanging as heavily as mine, his deep unaffected voice as we talked like two guys which is what we were.  

The kids were in bed already.  “I have a spare room that’s a total mess but the bed’s good.”  He thanked me and said, “I’ll pick-up some beer” and asked me what my favorite was.  

Cut to the better part of two six-packs downed and neither of us was feeling any pain.  He mentioned a guy we served with who got booted for being “a fairy.”  And fueled by Anheuser Busch I told him he was talking to one.  He didn’t miss a beat and told me he’d “used fags plenty” and proceeded to take his time adjusting himself.  I’d seen the porn version of this scene; I knew what to do.  

I blew him while he sat back and never touched me or even moved other than his lips with derogatory dialogue about me loving his big fat rod and wanting his swimmers.  It was true.  

Then … he passed out.  Cold.  No load; nothing just out.  If he wondered in the morning how he’d gotten to the sofa-bed in the spare room (fireman carry) or why his pants were open and down and his dick was out he never said a word.  The next night he declined a second beer; “Gotta watch myself or shit happens.”  

He left the third day and all I had was the taste and texture of his big dick.  

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Not going to lie. Married life was not kind physically to the guys I crushed on back in high school. Way too many straight identifying guys really do not age well. I suppose once they get the girl to say “I do”, a lot of the guys I knew in school took it as permission to really let themselves go 

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1 hour ago, KindaBasic said:

Not going to lie. Married life was not kind physically to the guys I crushed on back in high school. Way too many straight identifying guys really do not age well. I suppose once they get the girl to say “I do”, a lot of the guys I knew in school took it as permission to really let themselves go 

A lot started letting themselves go well before marriage, even. 

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