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About this blog

I have been writing about my sexual adventures since 2011.  

I write the truth.  Names are changed....except for a few men who know I write and ask me to use their real name or a screen name. 

It is always how it happened:  the good, the bad, the weird, the crazy, the explosive. 

Some entries have pictures.  A few have some video attached.

My format here is certainly to link you to the actual site.  There are over a 1000 entries now--fucking, sucking, felching, fisting, watersports, leather....

Just the way I have sex and glory in it...

Patrick and Me.JPG

Entries in this blog

Fukdto: The Grand Finale

Toronto—March, 2020 (This picks up right after the last post.  And is a fitting conclusion to my 5 or so hours of fucking and felching....) I find Kevin in a sling in the upstairs area.  The small area is actually deserted save for a blow job happening by the other vacant sling.  From the look of his hole, Kevin has been busy all night.  It is gaping slightly and the ass lips are tremendously puffy.  I kneel and massage them with my tongue.  He groans and hits the poppers.  I stick my


FelchingPisser in Fukdto

Fukdto: Asses at the Gloryhole

Toronto—March, 2020 (This picks up immediately after the last post.) “Please, will you a fuck a friend of mine?” I nod and Alexandros leads the way to the glory hole wall.  Two asses are displayed in the side by side glory holes, their legs in the chains attached to the wall.  The first it a meaty, hairy bear ass.  A young Asian is fucking it hard—and panting.  The other ass is younger, flatter and smooth.  Alexandros nods toward him. “Jimmy has never tried the wall before.”   I k


FelchingPisser in Fukdto

Fukdto: Fucking Dolf and Friends

Toronto—March, 2020 (This picks up immediately after the last post) Dolf envelops me in a huge bear hug.  “And you have the perfect cock to get me opened up for tonight…” We kiss lightly and then he bends to sample my rampant, engorged rod, fresh from Alexandros’ hole.  Dolf grunts his approval as he takes me deep into his throat.  His tongue gets busy as he slowly pulls off it.  He leaves my dick good and wet—as he leads me to a fuck bench that I hadn’t noticed behind us in a lit


FelchingPisser in Fukdto

Fukdto: Getting Started

My last play, before the Covid lockdown stopped me having sex, was the final Fukdto gathering in Toronto with Dolf Dietrich.  At least I went out with a bang. A really big bang.   Toronto—March, 2020 “Are you sure they are even going to be open?” I am sitting in my car at the customs terminal, having just crossed the Blue Water Bridge on Saturday, March 14.  I have told the rather hunky man in uniform that I am headed to a private viewing in downtown Toronto.  An ar


FelchingPisser in Fukdto

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