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Installment number Six of probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown ,  with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, so did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - along with blond Boston frat boy type Kieran (also staying at the Ranch guesthouse with his supposedly more vanilla husband Charlie), German student Karl the Houseboy and the skinhead Manager Zar. This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me, at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story on that stormy Friday evening as Charlie plans a surprise for Kieran that we'll all enjoy. Once again, apologies for the delay.


...then it was time for the boys to go deliver to the rest of the town – promising to be back by 8:30 to get ready for the orgy and for Charlie’s plan. I took those couple of hours to call my hubby at his convention and see how it was going – that night was the entertainment night, though he admitted my night would likely be more entertaining. Telling each other “I love you”, I then texted Jimmy and let him know what was happening. He texted that he and his hubby were heading to the Mews for a romantic dinner and probably some vanilla sex later. I then put the Gregorian Chant back on and rested, getting a bit of a snooze in.


A bright flash and a deafening ominous roll of thunder abruptly woke me from my disco-power nap. Startled, I looked at my laptop’s clock and saw that it was just after 8pm… moments later my travel alarm started its obnoxious high-pitched beeping. I was pleased I was able to get almost a 2-hour nap in, as I was feeling refreshed and ready/horny for the coming House Party. Hearing the wind pick up to a howl, I glanced out my window to see an incredible amount of rain pouring down almost sidewise in the heavy winds that had picked up. Water was rolling downhill on Carver Street and pooling some where the road dead ended at Commercial Street. There were a number of tree limbs visible as I looked, then turned and glanced back up Carver towards the Backstreet Bar – this was no minor storm!

I hoped the boys weren’t made late by the weather, as they were out on their rounds delivering the magic enhancements many gay men on vacation liked to enjoy. Knowing there were likely to be a good number of guys in and out of my room at times during the orgy, I spent the time waiting for Lou and Vice by getting everything set for a bunch of strangers stopping by. All my normal clothes were put on hangers, and luggage, my computer case, wallet and valuables were locked in my large rolling suitcase, with hangers, suitcase and a knapsack of my more expensive sex toys moved to the closet, which would be locked as soon as Lou got his stuff in there.

I left out the cooler with snacks, my laptop, my party case including my pipes, paper towels, lube, poppers and max impact out, and laid a bunch of leatherwear on the bed for the three of us to choose from after showering. The party case was a lockable toolbox with an additional smaller locked area in the lid. The favors were locked in that lid after I filled my pipes, and then the pipes, torches, and other items were locked in the outer box with a metal cable computer/luggage lock which chained it to the frame of the bed. I used another cable to lock my computer to the exposed pipes that ran up the room wall behind the dresser it sat on. (I know I sound a bit paranoid, but T sometimes lets some men ‘forget their manners’, so better safe than sorry…). I pulled out some plastic food wrap – a trick my buddies from Jersey City taught me – and proceeded to double cover my keyboard with it then pulled a sheet very tightly over the screen, taping both down to prevent lubed or greasy hands from messing up the machine. [It works like a charm, BTW you just have to make sure you don’t wrap the entire thing and cover the fan exhausts on the bottom!]

A tap on the door was followed by Charlie sticking his head in asking for my number so he could text me his. That way, we’d know when he was ready for us to come down and get his naughty honey all prepped to enjoy his partying openly for the first time with his Hubby Charlie  - who swore off partying three years earlier for Kieran who was much more prudish back then. Moments after we did the number exchange my phone buzzed again, letting me know our delivery men had returned and were about a block away, so I should come down and meet them on the porch. I went down in just construction boots and cutoffs and stepped out onto the porch where I was immediately buffeted by stinging rain as two shapes in slickers carrying a couple of large black hefty leaf bags pelted down the street then up onto the porch. They were drenched but they had only shorts and flipflops on under the ponchos (regular clothes and shoes were in one of the bags). “You’re early,” I observed. “Not that I mind.”

“We certainly didn’t ‘hang’ anywhere – not with a hot party like this one awaiting us and not in this monsoon my man,” replied Lou with a cocky grin... so let 'Santa' deliver his presents jiffy-quick and then we can shower and prep and start the debauchery.” We hung their slickers by the main door and the duffel bags and knapsacks we pulled from the big hefty bags were all dry and snug, and rolled up the bags inside each other and left them in the vestibule. “Okay, so only one more to go and I’ll be able to lock the door early,” Zar said coming up behind us. “The few who went out are back from dinner and I have a single guest checking in who just called from the Amtrak Shuttle Bus from Hyannis that he’s been on for over 2 hours coming up from the train station cause of the shitty weather. He said they just entered the East End, so he should be here in less than ten minutes, and I can get ready early for a change!”

Zar seemed like a kid in a candy store, very different from his usual taciturn personality. He reminded us to come down to the staff area in the basement to shower and clean up once Lou did his quick rounds of the rooms that needed him. We dropped their bags in my room while Lou pulled a lockbox from his things, dropped it in a small knapsack, with a case for one pipe and one torch and said he’d be quick, only one puff with each ‘client’.

While he was gone, Vice and I shared a granola bar and some Gatorade while we picked out cock rings and other items for the three of us to wear during the party and left them on the bed while I put the heavier chaps and vest away, at least for now. In about 15 minutes Lou was back – between guys needing to shower and clean out in the shared bathrooms and his promise that he was staying to party with us, the guys all let him go with only a quick puff or two each to show the quality of his product. He approved of the choices we made for him for ‘accessories’ and taking my shaving/shower kit with me, we headed down the back stairs to clean up in the staff shower rooms, skipping the wait for the guest bathrooms on the first, second and third floors.

Several of the houseboys were down there waiting for their deliveries as well. Three out of the five received items from Lou – German migrant worker Karl, Southern Miles and another international worker, a beefy kid from Sicily named Lorenzo. We stripped down while those three loaded pipes and such, with Karl passing his pipe to all of us while Lorenzo brought us towels. After a few clouds each, and realizing these kids weren’t going anywhere and were going to watch most of this, we turned on the gang showers and used the hoses to fill ourselves up for clean-out. FORTUNATELY, as I mentioned earlier in Part 3, at least the commodes on this level were individually enclosed so they couldn’t watch THAT part, thank god. After each of us rinsed out several times and felt ready to go, we got back in the group shower and started cleaning up – and to make the boys nuts (we thought) we started soaping each other, stroking dicks and nips, grabbing ass – until we were suddenly joined by the three under our showerheads, all the boys sampling a few sucks on our cocks and helping us wash our cracks and all. Lorenzo (who’s dad and grandpa were barbers) offered touch up shaves or trims around nips, chest, pubes and ass, all of us taking advantage of a little bit of personal ‘gardening’ to look hotter. While brushing our teeth and drying our hair, I passed my nail clippers along to the other two indicating it would probably be a good idea ‘just in case’. Karl instantly agreed with me from the shower where he was finishing his own clean up and encouraging them heartily to do so. The other two house boys, dark haired heavy bodied Noah and short and slight skinny hairless Seth got a bit bolder and finally came into the wet area to shower as the other three boys and we three guests were drying off and coming out.

Zar came down the stairs at that moment, letting us know the last guest had arrived and he’d engaged the night lock on door fully, the house was now locked down and ready to party. He asked if one of the boys who was readiest could go upstairs and help the guest get his things to his room, so Miles pulled on some basketball shorts a tank and slides and ran up to do so. “I hope you don’t mind but since he’s in the room next to you, and seemed interested in not only our evening’s event, but in party favors, I told him to tap at your door in about 15 minutes or so and ask for Santa… you can go to his room at that point if he does ‘Alo… er, Lou’.” Lou’s face went from alarmed to a smile and he nodded his head. It seems Vice wasn’t aware of Lou’s full name!

Zar received his potions and pleasures from Lou over in the corner, and as they walked back, Lou pulled another baggie of crystals as promised from his bag and handed them over with thanks. Zar dropped them in his manager’s private bedroom (the houseboys slept bunkhouse style in this one central room) and was back shortly with a really huge water bong and melted and rolled the bowl as we finished drying off and all took hits shot-gunning them to Zar or one of the boys, as Miles came bounding down the stairs.

“He’s actually pretty hot,” he said. “For a really little guy he’s pretty built. Handsome too.”

“And check this out,” Zar followed with a leer. “He’s a freakin’ PRIEST!!! So nasty and hot!” My eyebrows had shot up at that one, and I had a premonition. “This short hot priest wouldn’t be from Philadelphia, would he? Father Frank?”

“Again? How the fuck do you know these things? You’re freaking me out man! Yeah, matter of fact he is a priest from Philly.” Zar gushed.

“Because I actually know him.” I answered. “My husband lived in Philly when we met, and after a summer of living together here in P’Town, I actually gave up my apartment in NYC and spent a winter in Philadelphia with him there – never again! New York in winter from then on!” I paused to hit the bong then continued: “I met Father Frank that winter in Philly, he being a good friend of my hubby’s… he’s actually an Episcopal Priest now. He started Catholic but when he realized he just couldn’t give up sex, especially gay sex once he discovered it, he switched teams. He always wants to get real piggy, but his own partner very much prevents him from doing so, unlike mine. I had actually recommended this place to him! Oh, tonight just gets better and better…”

I really shouldn’t have been surprised to find out he was here. He always came to P’town during this same week we did every summer and we always bumped into him. When his other half wasn’t around, I’d tell him how many hot times I’d had at the Ranch despite its slightly sleazy reputation, and he so wanted to try the place out.  Since there were some years his partner didn’t join him, or came later as mine did, this must have been one of those times and Father Frank must have been ready to get his freak on. I gave the Houseboys a “heads up” that he’d probably be paying them a LOT of attention as twinks seemed to be his favorite extracurricular activity when away from his much older staid partner.

Leo, Vice and I, just wrapped in towels while carrying our other stuff, headed back up to the room. I gave them both cockrings to wear (we had to help Vice get his on. I had Vice in a black metal one along with a leather armband only on the left for “top only” and adjusted my leather shorts to his waist size with both front and back panels off.  Lou and I sported both arms for versatile. I had on a body harness and leather wrist cuffs that had zipped slit pockets I could stash my keys in while Lou borrowed my vest and a thick chrome cockring. We were approving each other’s look when there was a tapping at the door. “Come on in Frank!” I called out.

My door opened and a flabbergasted looking Father Frank stepped through. “Francis Xavier Murphy, how nice of you to join us!” “Holy cow!” was the reply from the compact [banned word] priest - who I finally realized with a chuckle resembled Kirk Douglas in “Spartacus” down to the chin cleft. “Your other half isn’t in on this right?” Frank asked once we gave each other a greeting and a hug. “No, this would never be his thing, you know that… he’s at the annual Convention. And Terrance?” “Teaching a summer course at a Divinity School in England. I’m free to indulge.” I introduced him to the guys and we sparked up my pipe and had him do several hits. Seeing us checking out his tentative use of the torch, he gave us a little smile “I’m actually pretty new to this… some help please?” Vice did the honors with the torch for him to take a few more and then we each took our own hits and shot-gunned him. He seemed to really like that. Lou pulled something from his bag and palmed it to Frank, walking him next door to get his remuneration.

I got a text from Charlie saying “About 5 minutes” so Lou gave us each a booty bump and injected all three of us with Tri-Mix to assure we’d all be able to top effortlessly during the evening. Charlie arrived a moment later and Lou gave him a Tri-Mix shot too – one he’d originally intended for Kieran. A quick small dose of G in some Gatorade for all of us and we locked the room and headed down to Kieran and Charlie’s. The hot former frat boy must have just gotten back from his shower and clean up as his hair was still damp and he seemed a bit groggy when Charlie welcomed us into the room. “Gentlemen, some help please?” requested Charlie as we manhandled Kieran into the sling while his bear cub lover gagged him with a wide leather strap. We then used the cuffs on ankles and wrist to secure him into the sling, heretofore generally only occupied by Charlie.

“You may wonder what’s going on here,” Charlie said as Lou handed him some things Kieran strained his neck to see. The fratboy’s eyes widened in astonishment when he saw his other half light a torch, and started expertly rolling a glass pipe, blowing a few huge clouds over Kieran’s face, then shotgunning each of the rest of us. The bound hottie looked longingly at the pipe while still the picture of utter confusion. “Three years ago when we met, I gave up partying and fucking around raw for my new guy who was terrified of both. Imagine my astonishment when I find out he’s doing party chems and not only bottoming, but bareback and taking loads!’ Kieran looked like he was going to have a heart attack, and was trying to say something around the gag, but Charlie just went on. “And, my love, I am PISSED!!” Kieran looked about to cry. “Not because you were doing either thing. Pissed because you were doing it WITHOUT ME, who gave it up for YOU!” He finally smiled down at his bound boyfriend. “So tonight, I’m going to celebrate being able to be a chempig again, and YOU are going to have more chemsex that you ever dreamed. So, J, if you’d get him ready…”

Kieran had calmed down now, and I dropped to my knees and started to rim that hot jock hole getting him nice and wet. Vice passed me a good-sized crystal and I inserted it as far as my wetted fingers could push it. He mewed a bit through the gag as what had to be a bit of burn set in. This of course was more distraction than anything as Lou came around and stretched a tourniquet around Kieran’s arm, while Charlie stepped in front of the sling with one on his left arm and a point in his right. Charlie expertly found a good vein, got a register and injected himself with the entire contents while Kieran looked on gob-smacked. Before he released his tourniquet, Charlie hissed “YOUR TURN” as Lou said “Don’t move” and began injecting the tied up Jock. Charlie raised his arm over his head and pulled his band and then gave two loud hard coughs, followed by a “Fuck yes, Finally… So damn good!” Vice pulled Kieran’s gag off just as Lou pulled the kid’s band away and Kieran coughed out a couple of times followed by “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god…”

Charlie smiled as he dropped his yellow jockstrap and his trimix hard cock sprang out. With a quick pump from the lube bottle he greased up his tool and pushed it into Kieran in one slow thrust to the balls. Kieran was gasping for air from the swift entry when Charlie murmured “I do love you ya’ know baby… just don’t keep your desires a secret in the future, eh?” Still at a loss for words, Kieran just nodded. “Now you are going to stay in this sling until everyone who WANTS to fuck you has fucked you, baby. And you don’t get to say “no” to anyone do you hear? As your punishment you have to take on all comers, no matter who. When I let you out you can top again if you want and make your choices but for now you open for all, starting with me. Damn your hole is fine, I can’t believe I’ve been missing this being a total bottom for you… let’s change that up in the future, shall we?”

Charlie half made love and half grudge fucked his boyfriend and it was hot to watch. The reclined back of the sling hung over the bed so a nimble guy could straddle the face of the occupant and either feed him cock or make him eat ass. As Charlie fucked his boy, I did both of those things and Kieran hungrily sucked and rimmed like a starving man. When we switched out to me fucking him, Charlie opened the door wide and left it wide open, inviting anyone who passed inside, letting them know his top boyfriend was being punished for misbehaving. The four of us all fucked him and had him orally service us to get his evening started right. I was not surprised when the first in the door from the hallway was Father Frank. I couldn’t wait to tell Kieran that the hot little guy who brutally fucked him (in only the best way) was a Priest!’

Charlie made sure Kieran saw him fucking both me and Lou while Vice and the rest of us took turns sandwiching Charlie from behind making him “Lucky Pierre” in front of his main squeeze. Karl was lassoed in for Charlie to pound out while more guys entered and took a turn on Kieran’s hot manhole. Lou indicated the door with a tilt of his head and I nodded back. Leaning over to talk into Kieran’s ear for a moment while his mouth was free for a minute I said, “Enjoying yourself?” A vigorous nod. “Good. Just so you know I wouldn’t have joined in if I thought this would upset you, but I figured Charlie was due his surprise, and that you’d like the outcome.” He nodded again with a big grin and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. “Oh, and just so you know? That hot little number that was the first to fuck you after the four of us? That’s a friend of mine. He’s a Priest at a parish in Philadelphia…” He gasped and his cock spit out a good glob of pre-cum and after a grunt he finally spoke, “oh fuck a Priest? That’s so wrong but hot.” “Sure is,” I replied. “We’re going to go cruise around a bit. Enjoy yourself and I’ll see you later. Maybe by then you can fuck one of us…” He winked in response and then demanded out loud, “Will one of you lazy fuckers sit on my face already??” I slipped out knowing he’d be just fine.

Lou and Vice were waiting in the hall, and Vice was wondering about the extra strip of cloth most of the guys had tied somewhere on their body. I pointed over at a couple of baskets sitting on a table near the top of the stairs with a small light on it. “I remember these from last time – they’re sexual shorthand. One on the left means top, like I told you, one on the right means bottom, two mean versatile.” He nodded. “Black bands mean you bareback either top, both or bottom. White means condoms safe only, again top, both or bottom. You may notice a guy or two with two different colors, usually black left/white right meaning he’s versatile and he’ll sure GIVE loads while topping but not take them when bottoming, otherwise known as a selfish fucker…” Lou honked out a laugh at that. “And the glittery ones?” Vice asked. “Bystanders, Voyeurs, Watchers. They want to be able to look but won’t touch or be touched… usually lovers who don’t do extracurricular, or somebody who has some kind of STD, or a significantly older guy who doesn’t have the ‘umpf’ anymore but still has a sexy pervy mind. So long story short, don’t be bothered if all they do is look, don’t touch them and they won’t touch you.” We went to the table, and I tied one black band around Vice’s left arm while Lou and I both took two black bands. The table also held a bowl of condoms, some lube samples, paper towels and wet-wipes. We left those where they were and Lou headed toward my room, so he missed Vice holding a second black band while contemplating his bare right arm, went to put it back down, then tucked it into the small slash pocket of his (well, MINE, actually but he was wearing them) chap shorts. My breath caught for a moment as I waited for him to catch up. Lou had missed the little drama at the table, but I could see our str8 boy knew I had caught his action. Even in the red hallway lighting I could tell he blushed as his skin noticeably darkened. I just gave him a small understanding smile, and brief nod. “If you do decide, man, could I…?” He cut me off, “Only you. If I decide, I want an expert. No promises though, right?” he whispered. “No promises man... and I won’t tell either.” I whispered back, totally flattered by the compliment.

Just then two guys came out of the bathroom, toiletry bags in hand, both wearing grey cotton jersey sweat shorts – which was more than the rest of us wandering the halls – the one in front was my age or perhaps even a bit older, in good shape but almost “too” perfect if you know what I mean – waxed, shaved, plucked, spray tan. All of that would have been just fine, if that was his M.O. except for the expression on his face and the disdain in his voice as he called over his shoulder to his companion, “Come on, quit gawking, let’s get back to our room before we catch something… nasty…” He headed to the only room on this floor, and one of only three in the whole place that had their doors closed and locked and their “Do Not Disturb” sign hanging from the knob. The unfriendly fellow slipped into that room not without a raised eyebrow and smirk as he looked back at all the guys out and about and just rolled his eyes and murmured, “pathetic”. Hmmm, not heavy on the people skills, and whatever brought him to stay at THIS place of all possible guest houses in Provincetown if he was such an apparent prude?


That’s when I noticed his companion. Up until now the closest anyone in the place came to African American Lou in ethnicity was Vice with his olive Portuguese skin – but now there was this guy. Glossy black hair, moustache and beard, soulful brown eyes, incredible mahogany colored skin and a rugby players’ compact muscle bod. He immediately reminded me of my Junior and Senior year Philosophy professor at Fordham – an unbelievably hot Iranian dude who’d never had man-sex before I met him, and even at 19 I was able to teach him a LOT about certain pleasures he’d never considered before, and we were occasional fuck-buds even after I got 4.0s in both of his courses (legitimately, actually!). This guy in the red-lit hallway took me right back to those days, looking like Persian or Arabian Royalty. With his opinionated other half now behind a closed door, he smiled shyly at Vice and me and some of the others as he glanced around with a hungry look. “Sorry you’re not joining us,” I whispered to him as he moved past me, and that was BEFORE I caught sight of one of the most magnificent asses in creation. His huge melon-shaped muscles made my jaw drop and he caught me looking at his ass and just smiled a dazzling white smile over his shoulder as he opened his door while his roommate screeched “Hurry up and close it or they’ll be banging it down…” No matter how good looking the snobby guy was, no one was going to knock down his door with THAT attitude. Pity about his partner though.

As I watched the door close, I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Even I have to admit that was one wickie incredible ass,” Vice commented. “I can understand your mind freeze – come on J-Daddy let’s go get ourselves some magic vapors.”

Lou was sitting on one of the two stools in my room getting some enhancements prepped for any visitors that perhaps wanted to trade some sexual favors for some chemical ones. I put a DVD with 6 hours of gay leather porn interspersed with short clips of hot guys clouding or slamming  into my laptop and sat back to watch while we fired up the glass cock. The door fortunately swung open away from the bed and the rest of the room so we could leave it open enough to be inviting while not doing our T break right out in the open.

We were joined shortly by Tom (Lou’s first customer from the afternoon) and his equally bearish other half Ed, torches were lit, pipes were passed around, clouds blowing when Father Frank arrived with Seth the most altar-boy-like house boy in tow, followed by workmates Miles and Karl. *Oh fine* I thought to myself *I’m wanting hot MEN and my room is filling up with boys*. We’d run out of places to sit, so I pointed at the Caverjack infused hard-ons Lou, Vice and I were sporting and suggested that here were a couple of seats. Tom got up and sank his hot hairy hole down on Lou’s pole, Karl moved to Vice’s lap and while feeding the houseboy cloud after cloud, Father Frank smoothly maneuvered the now tweaking Seth onto his lap and the kid looked happy as a clam. Wiry redneck Miles chose my lap, but asked “can we switch some of the time?” rather plaintively and I assured him I was as vers as he was. “Hey,” little Seth pointed out, the big guy is getting left out – indicating Tom’s partner Ed, who as bears go was a real grizzly.

“Easily solved,” I joked. Having Miles wrap his legs around my back, I stood up while still full in that tight ass (I was still in the shape to do this back then) turned and said to Ed “would you position that please?” Ed held his hard nice sized piece straight up while Karl held poppers under my nose, and I sat down on the big bear’s cock and huge thighs, all while lean lanky Miles was still impaled on my tool. “Are we crushing you?” I asked Ed over my shoulder. His cock pulsed twice in my ass as his deep voice rumbled “Only in the best way man.” More pipe and more clouds ensued while we began the sex in a relaxed casual way. The evening was just getting started.


Edited by versmetropig


Recommended Comments

This chapter is as good as, if not a bit better, than the earlier chapters. Reflecting all the activity of that afternoon and evening, this chapter moves right along — in fact, I had to slow myself down a couple of times. A perceptive reader — and if you’re on this site, aren’t you a perceptive lad? (/s) — will appreciate the description of the steps you took to safeguard your belongings when party time arrived. And there’s always a snooty nosed guy who thinks his feces don’t stink, and your description of him is great. I’m a little surprised none of you decked him when he made the remark in the hall, but then he’d have wanted the police which would be inconvenient. Do you get the idea that I really liked this installment…? I shudder to think how many pens you used in writing it down in the notebook. Thanks again for sharing…

  • Piggy 1
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7 hours ago, ejaculaTe said:

 I shudder to think how many pens you used in writing it down in the notebook. Thanks again for sharing…

laughing my head off here @ejaculaTe as a mere flip through the diary will show that two pens ran out of ink while I was writing down the details and situations of the many hoT sex sessions I had during that one crazy weekend... one of those pen mishaps is even followed by a segment in PENCIL!! Glad you are enjoying this, and I hope my readers now understand just WHY this particular weekend is taking so long to flesh out from my notes of all the craziness that happened during that incredible period! 

  • Piggy 1
  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 1

There's SO much fucKinG juicy stuff that I could comment on here, but I'll just keep it to two poinTs 🐷💉⛓️💉🐷

Fuck, Kieran is lucky - and he's 100% correct - ecclesiastical ecstasy is so wrong, but would feel so fucking hot

On the subject of colours, it's interesting that nowadays when a bottom wears orange, the shade matches that of a syringe. The neckerchief makes for a good blindfold ...

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