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Installment number Seven of what was probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown ,  with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, as did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - along with blond Boston frat boy type Kieran (also staying at the Ranch guesthouse with his supposedly more vanilla husband Charlie), German student Karl the Houseboy and the skinhead Manager Zar. Then an old friend – an Episcopal Priest no less – shows up in time for the party.  This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me - at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story on that stormy Friday night after the guesthouse doors were locked and as Charlie was getting his “revenge” that his hubby was loving, the orgy commences. Once again, apologies for the delay.



“Hey,” little Seth pointed out, the big guy is getting left out – indicating Tom’s partner Ed, who as bears go was a real grizzly.  “Easily solved,” I joked. Having Miles wrap his legs around my back, I stood up while still full in that tight ass (I was still in the shape to do this back then) turned and said to Ed “would you position that please?” Ed held his hard nice sized piece straight up while Karl held poppers under my nose, and I sat down on the big bear’s cock and huge thighs, all while lean lanky Miles was still impaled on my tool. “Are we crushing you?” I asked Ed over my shoulder. His cock pulsed twice in my ass as his deep voice rumbled “Only in the best way man.” More pipe and more clouds ensued while we began the sex in a relaxed casual way. The evening was just getting started.


This grouping in my room lasted about 20 minutes as we all blew clouds and fucked. Miles, after about 10 minutes, asked to switch so he could top, I agreed and he stood up, followed by me, and then Ed stood as well: I looked back at him in surprise. “You don’t want Miles to sit on that?’ I asked.

“No offense Miles, you’re a hot little fucker,” Ed replied. “But I am always the top at home – how about you fuck our host, and he fucks me?”

“Hell, yeah!” I responded, turning Ed around and pushing his chest onto the bed, leaving his plump hairy butt exposed. Still standing myself, I bent at the waist to dive face first into his crack. Ed had a beautiful hole, and that beefy manly ass was just what I was wanting after a bit of twink overload! I indicated to Tom to pass me the lube and Max Impact, and I felt him slip a crystal into my hand along with the lube. Leaning forward but not letting Lou’s cock out of his hole, Tom held a cloth with the Max at his husband’s nose and mouth and Ed began to suck on the cloth, then moan once I slipped that rock into his manhole with the lube.

“Help him have a good time I can’t give him,” Tom whispered in my ear, then sprayed more on the cloth and had me huff. Moving forward, I slipped my cock pretty easily into that daddy-ass and tossed “Come on in Miles, the water’s fine” to the young southern jock twink behind me. I barely said the words when I felt the kid slowly push his pud into my own hole. The three of us started to moan and and throw a wild, rough, hard bumpy standing fuck between the three of us. The rest of the houseboys were actually cheering Miles on and commenting that they had no idea he was such a good top – in the midst of my pleasure, I chuckled a bit thinking things down in the houseboy bunkroom might be a bit different from now on, and that Miles might be really exhausted by the time the season was over.

Meantime, Ed’s hole was a delight – big muscular and hairy, plus he was tight from not being topped often but did have some muscle control he used on me quite well. I was really pleased with this start to the evening. Activity continued while this was going on, and little Seth was now riding Vice’s cock while Karl took a spin with Father Frank. That was fun to watch out of the corner of my eye because Karl was actually bigger than the good priest but Frank seemed like even if he were crushed to death, he'd enjoy every second. Seth paused and stood up, saying “Mister J, it’s really stuffy in here and I can’t breathe, can I open…” As he moved toward my window to perhaps crack it or something, a bright white flash followed immediately by a roll of deafening thunder shook us all, and Seth nearly jumped out of his skin, letting out a fightened squeak the rest of us couldn’t help laughing at. Lou piped up, “Leave the window be. Let’s join the others outside, and let me and J-man lock up this room for a bit to air it out.”

Amazingly, they all acted right away, getting up, using some wetwipes on various holes and asses, and started to head out. Tom and Ed made me promise to hit their room later, which I was all in favor of. Karl and Seth pulled Vice along with them while Lou and I promised Vice we’d catch up with him shortly. Father Frank had Miles in tow, and from the way Miles was sizing up Franks ass, the kinky padre might have been in for a real surprise…

I thanked Lou for getting the guys moving, as I really wanted to indulge in the variety offered out in the rest of the guesthouse. He agreed as we took a couple of puffs before locking away the pipes, and putting caps and tops on lube and such. Lou suddenly said, “You know my man, you’ve done an amazing job with our boy Vice, I can’t believe he’s here doing this and seems totally comfortable with it…”.

“It is pretty hot.” I replied. “He’s a sexy guy whose never had any of his girlfriends compliment or appreciate him, and he seems to be open enough to allow himself to try something that most guys like him would consider off limits. He’s a nice guy and he’s been great company today, in all ways.”

“I just wish you’d gotten him just a bit further, I gotta tell you the amount of time I’ve dreamt of tapping that fine Portuguese ass of his… so close, but still so far.” I told him I did not want to make Vice do anything he really didn’t want to and that he might just decide to give bottoming a shot if HE was allowed to make the decision after seeing so many guys take it and enjoy it and even crave it. “Just don’t push him, or he might never try it,” I concluded.

“I will leave that in your capable hands,” Lou said as we both chugged some Gatorade and locked the door behind us. Both of us needed a piss, hit the bathroom quickly then went off in opposite directions, him up the stairs to the third floor while I wandered down to the first.

The two front guest rooms had their doors open, and a fisting scene was going on in one of them, I was beckoned in by a guy I could barely see, and found myself side-by-side with Zar the manager as we sat on a bench working two beautifully open holes in front of us on their knees on the bed. I alternated hands and used all the twisting, slow turning, expanding and internal stroking in my repertoire and it looked like Zar had some damn good skills too. After about 15 minutes or so, the couple on the bed called for a break and Zar told me to follow him down to the staff area to wash the elbow grease and j-lube off.

That’s where we found the houseboys Lorenzo and Noah had joined Karl and Seth in keeping our boy Vice entertained, and I chuckled as he mouthed “SAVE ME” while the boys were swarming all over his hot body. Zar and I got some Dawn dish soap and after a few minutes our hands and arms were dry and free of excess lubricants.

Zar and the boys and Vice and I were taking a few puffs off of Zar’s monster water bong when the storm outside reasserted itself in rather dramatic fashion. Another huge boom of thunder was followed by a loud crackling sound from outside the building and then another loud BANG as we were siddemly plunged into complete darkness. “That had to be a transformer blowing out on Commercial Street,” one voice said, only to be followed by a muttered “No shit, Sherlock…”

Zar was feeling around for his flashlight which he found quickly. And ran to the top of the stairs shouting at the top of his lungs “It’s just a blackout. We get them a lot. Stay where you are for a minute until the emergency lighting comes on, then continue with what you were doing. I repeat, continue with what you were doing once the emergency lights come on!”

(It's true, by the way, Provincetown does get blackouts a lot (or it did in the 90s when I lived there and still did in 2006 when this party happened.)

Zar came back down the stairs to the rest of us and asked us all to come upstairs so the houseboys could circulate and keep people calm. Personally, I thought most would barely notice the blackout, but better safe than sorry I suppose. Besides I was hatching an idea as I looked up the staircase to the main floor and saw an emergency light on at the landing. I asked Zar if there was one of those on each landing and he replied “of course”.

“Then it’s time for our little show, isn’t it?” I smirked at him. “The third floor landing might as well be a stage in this lighting. Let’s take advantage of it…” Zar looked positively wolfish and nodded. I reminded Vice that he was going to help us put on a show, and he was all in except to remind Zar that he wasn’t getting fucked. Zar was fine with that so long as Vice fucked him! We grabbed a few necessary items before leaving the cellar and headed all the way up to the third floor. The landing there was visible from all the doors on the third floor, plus most of the doors on the second floor due to an open area for the stairwell and the fact that the landing was a good sized 5’x5’ or so, with a perpendicular step up on either side to the third floor hallway that was split with two narrow pathways along the stairwell opening until joining again into one wider hall past the floor opening. It was perfect.

“Fake them out,” Zar whispered, “you fuck me first then I’ll flip to fuck you. And you,” he squeezed Vice’s cock, “you can fuck whomever is topping or have the bottom suck you or rim you. Yes?” We both nodded affirmatively in reply! Throwing down a thick towel on the landing, Zar got on his knees in the “spotlight” and started growling “Come on Daddy, you and your pet Straight Boy do me right…”.

Now down on my knees, I rimmed him for a bit then slapped his butt a few tmes and got him to turn facing one of the single steps so that Vice and I could spit-roast him and everyone could see all three of us, all while Zar continued a loud twisty monologue about Daddy and the Straight Boy. Finally after a few minutes of me munching down on that pale skinny but tasty butt, I was ready, moving up closer behind him and with a touch of the lube we brought, sank my cock into him to the hilt in one maneuver.

“Fuck yeah, Daddy, that’s the way, wreck this hole!” By this time, Vice had come around to Zar’s face, knelt, and pushed his cock into the skinhead’s mouth with it’s tongue piercing, saying “That’s MY Daddy, not yours, pig, now shut your trap, start sucking and take that fuck like a man!”

If that wasn’t so hot coming out of Vice I probably would have laughed my ass off and lost my stride, but the scene was smoking enough that it just added. I will admit I raised an eyebrow at Vice while Zar hoovered that cock into his mount. Vice whispered “Just sayin the shit they say on all those pornos we watched…”. I covered the bark of laughter I wsnted to let loose by playing up the RP we’d fallen into, nodding and saying out loud. “yeah cocksucker, if you ever want to join my boy and me as another son and brother, you’d best listen to him and me, and be the best whore ever… cause this is exactly where you want to be, am I right? AM I RIGHT??”

He briefly pulled off of Vice and said “Fuck yes! Fuck I want to join your family of boys!”.

Soon, Vice pulled his cock from Zar’s mouth and standing offered it to me, so I sucked him while I continued pounding hole. I switched Zar onto his back and we shared Vice’s tool between our mouths, then Vice sat on Zar’s face while I commanded him to “Rim that straight ass…” before sucking Vice down my throat. Then Vice pulled away, turned around and got on his knees facing away from me, dropping his hard tool into Zar’s panting mouth and offering me his beautiful ass to eat.

“That’s my good boy, giving me his hairy straight ass to eat… That straight ass is mine, isn’t it boy?” “Yes, Daddy! Its yours! Tongue my hole!” While I was super turned on, I have to admit the professional actor in me was thinking, “Damn, the kid’s good, he should consider the Stage…” After a few minutes of this Vice stood (having whispered something to Zar) and came around behind me, dropped and started eating my hole with gusto.

“Do it bro,” Zar hissed. “Get Daddy’s hole ready for me!” I thought I heard a bit of a stir from the crowd we had watching, they were totally caught up in our Role Play.  Vice tongued me violently as I continued to slam my cock into Zar, until with a roar, I blew a load up his incredibly talented hole. After a minute or so of me catching my breath, I said “Okay, Daddy’s ready boy, prove you are worthy!”

I sucked his long thin white cock with the really big P.A. for a minute or two, then stood, grabbed the railings on either side of the stair I was facing and bent my self over while standing. I could see through my legs that Zar was lubing that cock of his up while he tongued my ass a bit.  Vice moved around toward my head, and once Zar had inserted the metal piercing and he head of his cock and began sliding into me, Vice got under me and sucked my cock into his mouth getting me hard again! Those watching were groaning and murmuring almost as much as we three were. Vice then got up again and moved back around Zar while lubing his big tool and then pushing it hard into Zar starting us into a threeway standing fuck. Zar was nearly screaming “Yeah, fuck me straight bro, fuck me!”

We eventually all sank to our knees where we continued the fuck and Vice’s wrapping his arms around Zar and yanking and tugging at the skinhead’s pierced nipples sent Zar over the edge and unloading into me while a minute or two later, with a

“FUCK YEAH”, Vice unloaded in Zar. While panting like dogs on a hundred degree day, we all rolled into a sitting position on the towel while the guys watching hooted and clapped.

“Thank you, thank you” I proclaimed in my “traimed theater voice. “Our show is now over. Please go fuck yourselves – in only the best ways possible!” That triggered an actual group laugh and those watching scattered back to their own sexual adventures.

“So, guys,” I said. “That was one for the books. Well, Zar, does that make up for a couple of years of us NOT hooking up?” “Damn straight it does,” Zar replied, while Vice snarked “Watch who you’re calling a damn straight…” which just made Zar and I bust out laughing. “Gotta say that was wickie hawt.” Vice continued. “Never thought I’d been part of something like that – you two had me on fire!”

“Pleased to be of service,” I replied, holding my hand out to Lou – who appeared out of the shadows somewhere – so that he could help me up. “My goodness,” Lou gushed while bro hugging Vice. “Untapped depths, Yo, untapped depths. Impressed.” Vice just smiled back while we all went to clean up a bit before starting up more adventures – it was barely past midnight, so much more to do!!!



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1 hour ago, ejaculaTe said:

That was simply hoT beyond words. I guess I’m reading the other 6 parts tonight. And a serious thanks for writing this — and for keeping (and not losing) the notebooks. The posts, besides being hot, are a reminder of how life was in what now seems to be a simpler time.

Thank you for that @ejaculaTe... yes, isn't it odd to think of 2006 as a simpler time, and yet in many ways it was. I started keeping the notebooks for my own enjoyment for when I got older which I guess actually is now. I wonder what 17 year old me would think of this weekend I'd have in my 40s (who am I kidding, 17 year old me would have LOVED this and tried to find a way to make it get here faster). Anyway, you might recall this one notebook WAS lost for a  number of years when I fuckbuddy I foolishly trusted lost this one when he had borrowed a few. If it wasn't for the Covid shutdown and him being so bored and moving all his furniture around just to fight boredom, I don't know WHEN my notebook might have shown up again, if ever. Lesson learned, never loaning them out again... once more, thank you for the compliments...

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