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the count number of poz loads in me



I often thought of how many poz loads . I have taken inside me, then I divided those by how many were driven inside me early evening, while at the bath house , only to have an additional six or seven cocks and loads driving the poz load so far inside me, it's not coming out, and probably will just be absorbed in through the body, especially since I'm a little dehydrated during these times.

Then I divide, how many poz loads have I taken, from guys that are not on medication? Divide that by how many guys have purposely ripped up my ass by severe hand fucking and fingernail scratching to ensure maximum destruction?

Divide that by how many pee loads, I have swallowed from poz tops. And how many pee loads from neg guys with other issues.

Times that times, how many times have I almost literally died inside a fuck room, at a sleazy bath house in the bad part of town, because I was so blown out of my mind with 420 rum and poppers, and a dom, head one sometimes two hands around my throat because I asked them to, some of them don't ask, just to.

Add that to, how many crazy old tops that are severe perverts probably pedophiles in real life, had their cock in my mouth or ass.

Divide that by how many hotel parties I've been that or the Palm Springs CCBC, fuck resort, where everything in the above and more happens in one night.

I just don't know?

Somewhere between 50 and 60 at the worst end scale, 60 to 100 at the bad end, and hundred and 120 of the unknown neg cum end of the scale.

We all have one night in particular that we relive and jerk off to,

Mine is 2 poz cpls, that did me in one night. Total ass destruction, I know I blacked out once or twice from all of the choking, and they were taking other forms of drugs, I tried a little, and they have lots of toys, huge dildos, I was cut for sure one point, and as soon as that happened, they all wanted to fuck me right away and dump their poz loads in me. It was totally crazy, and they were so excited . I don't think I could've left if I wanted to.

They were fucking me every which way, to make me poz, then Saying were not going to let you go to till it sticks. I had swallowed at least two loads of Pee each, survived the worst hand fucking I had ever had, it wasn't until, one of them took their room key and inserted in me, that's what got me scratched badly, I've heard of toothbrushes but never room keys,

I was just breathing into the small rag that had poppers in it, until I was totally in Lala land, but at a conscious level I knew they were fucking me intent, and purpose, I was so tour up after that I actually needed some antibiotics from the scratches.

But still , it was extremely hot sex for me, especially when I knew and could hear their viral poz cum loads were being poured into me directly into me.


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