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Posts posted by Njn0mc

  1. Dont like the big cocks. It can be painful but when its in deep wow it does feel good. But the journey to get there can be hard. If its very large i will instruct the top to not move and use a lot of lub. I will push me ass into his cock at my pace slowly. Most tops do like it. Then as its in keep slowly pushing you ass till your balls deep. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    Well, since I wrote that post, I’ve taken that first fist. And, a second one, later. The concern I expressed above has proven baseless. After two fists, I still don’t understand what’s supposed to be so great about it.

    The fister was experienced, he got up in me without any particular difficulty, but I felt none of the assgasmic pleasure everyone raves about. It was just…full and uncomfortable, and hurt a bit going in. I might consider giving it one more shot, just because I like to test something thoroughly before giving up on it, but the third time would have to be a significantly different experience to hook me on it. If what I’ve experienced is what it is, I can be  absolutely fine just taking cock.

    Humm.. That stinks you didnt get great pleasure.. maybe try some chems on your next adventure. 

    I still want to get it all in me..

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  3. On 1/15/2022 at 12:18 PM, ErosWired said:

    I’m working my way up to taking my first, and with the diameter of the toys I’m taking I don’t think I’ll have a problem when I get an opportunity with a Top who wants to spend the time to do it. I’m a little concerned, though, about something my local regular Top told me not long ago. He is an experienced fister, has fisted many bottoms, and says that he doesn’t do it much anymore because he mostly enjoys fucking and he finds that once he starts fisting bottoms they lose interest in his cock and are constantly wanting him to fist them instead.

     I feel a strong need to experience what it feels like to take a fist, so much so that I know that, in time, I eventually will make it happen like I have everything else. It’s also an area in which I do not have the skill needed for me to service a Top if he requests it, and that is unacceptable - it has to be corrected as soon as possible, because my whole purpose is to provide my body in service.

    By the same token, however, I don’t want to end up the way my local Top describes, so overcome by fists that cock no longer has any meaning. I’m very conscious of the perils of crossing the inhibitory threshold, especially if what I’m doing has lost its sense of newness or excitement. Reaching for something a bit more extreme, a bit more stimulating, a bit more boundary-pushing, may achieve those things, but what was done before will never measure up again, and in time the new experience will lose its luster in its turn, and a need will re-emerge for something still more stimulating, still more extreme.

    Which is, of course, the pattern of addiction. And the hellish fact is that it’s unsustainable - you eventually reach the point that you’ve done the most stimulating thing there is to do, and even that has lost its edge over time, and for the hunger that grows in you now for something more stimulating…there is nothing left to feed it.

    So for that reason I fear my first fist, even though I know it’s coming. Cock and cum still fascinate me in all their variety, and more, in the appetites behind them, and I rise to the challenge of servicing each one as unique. I still relish the moment when each precious load is entrusted to my cunt for safekeeping. That service is my duty and my honor, a feeling trained into me, and I never want to lose it. I would hope I could learn to take a fist and simply feel the same way about that service as I do taking cock, but reading the responses to this thread has me worried. It’s possible that only those who are the enthusiastic converts are replying, but the responses are pretty consistent.

    Well said!

    The most I had was up to the knuckles. I blew a load on my belly when he finally got there. It felt so amazing I wish he could go further but all of a sudden it hurt  badly and he stopped.

    I tried to get him to get try but he fucked me for the rest of the night.

    My hole was sore for a week after but it still was great.

    I want to have a successful FF some day!!

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  4. One of my favorite times was with this twisted top. He said get on the bed in the other room and saw it had a rubber sheet and restraints and a hard pillow on it . He said lay over the pillow so its under your hips. As i did he put a blindfold on me and as he was strapping me he whispered in my ears with a heavy breath "Im calling my friends over to use you all night". He then told me " your ass will be filled with cum and piss and you will not refuse" I almost blew a load just hearing that. 


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  5. Got invited over to an old gay friend to watch a movie. Got there all was chill We talked about things and started to watch the movie next to each other. Movie got boring and he looked at me and asked want to watch something else? I said yes. Lol and of course he put in porn. So we watched took a few minutes and he grabbed my hand and put it on his lap. In no time he plull my head down to his lap. I pulled his pants down and took off my shirt and bent over to suck his cock.

    Didn't know he took this pic till later that night..


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  6. So last night i got a text by my old daddy from the group I play with.  He said he needs to blow a load before he goes out. I got there and he said he was going out with his friends for dinner. He said they are meeting up in two hours. So he said this will be quick and bend over the sofa arm and drop your pants.  

    I  just dropped them to my ankles.  He walked over licked my hole and spit on in and pushed his cock in me. Pumped me for about 10 minutes and blew a load. He pulled out and as i was pulling my pants up he gave me a piece of paper and said go to this address fast he is waiting for you.

    I left and went to the address about 5 minutes away and got to the door and it was one of  the guys i play with in the group.  He said hurry up get in. I got in he dropped his pants and said get on the floor leggs up. So right at the cloaed front door i laid there. He said look your dripping. Then said great no lube needed as he started to fuck me. My back and head were killing me on the hard floor as he thrusted. 10 minutes later he blew a load and got up. Then he helped me up. I pulled up my pants and he said as he pointed go to the house across the street someone is waiting. 

    I left him and walked across the street and saw another guy from the group standing there.  As i approached the door he opened it and said come in. 

    He pulled me in closed the door and pushed me to his couch. He said strip and get on the couch and pull your leggs spread and up.. As i did he was on the phone talking to someone and i heard him say yes he is here and i will be on time for dinner. He went on facetime walked to me to show a closeup of my hole. Heard someone say wow look at the cum.. He said see you soon as he put the phone down. He shoved a hard pillow under my ass push my legges to fit it in and said hold you leggs. He stripped and I saw he was hard as hell.. He bent over me and i was so wet with cum his cock slipped in easy he went in so deep and fast it hurt a little and he pumped so frantically he was so hot

     Took him almost a 15 minutes or more before he moaned load and fell on top of me. He laid on top of me as I still felt his cock throbbing. Then pulled out and said clean my dick. I sucked it for a little and said ok you can leave.  I pulled up my pants and said tell everyone thanks. He laughed a little..

    My pants were so wet from the drippings by the time i got home and my car seat had a spot on it.. lol

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  7. On 5/27/2022 at 3:35 AM, RiskyMarc said:

    This is incredibly hot. Especially the fact that she doesn't allow/want you to shoot your load in her fertile pussy as well because she wants to be knocked up by some stranger from that group for sure. This is extremely intense and hot.

    Just like when my ex-girlfriend fucked with her co-worker around 18 years ago. She was not on birth control and let him fuck her bare and - of course - cum deep in her pussy. When she came home later, I had to eat her pussy and I was allowed to put my hard cock in her wet cunt for a few moments but she didn't want me to cum in her. The reason: she wanted me to feel that stranger's cum around my cock and she also wanted to be sure it was his' baby if she got knocked up. Incredible and I can totally recommend playing risky like that.

    Great story!!  Keep it going!!

    So reminds me very little of my 1st wife.  We played with my best friend a few times then it turned into 4 ways letter on.  So hot to watch my wife..

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  8. 7 minutes ago, greecenipples said:

    And this is why I never hook up any more one on on with Grindr etc. Highly likely to be a waste of time. As there are plenty more fish in the seas of saunas and sex parties etc, so to speak, that is where I get my fill, as my holes demand multiple loads. I won't settle for anything less. 

    Wish i have them where I live.

    If i did I woild be there almost every night ass up or on a sling!

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  9. 19 hours ago, PG1961Canada said:

    One of my regular married FWB's just left. He and I try and get together once a week or so.... we both love ass play and today was no different. I have a Fort Troff Rim Chair that is amazing (and adjustable) for rimming a hole. Today, I sucked his cock for a while and played with his hole with only spit!! Worked two fingers inside and took my time massaging his prostate with two fingers. He immediately starts generating more pre-cum. After a little while, I put this curved prostate massager into his ass and set it to a nice stroking buzz and I sat on the chair. He was trying to 'ride' that massager in/out of his asshole, while giving me an excellent tongue lashing. He is an amazing rimmer and he had my hole open and throbbing in nothing flat. He knows that I can take it rough, so he makes sure to literally 'suck' on the rim of entire hole....and pulls his head back a little while sucking... to stretch. It is an amazing feeling and it always makes my cock drip while he does his tongue and lip action... I was slow stroking him the entire time. He is uncut and his skin stretches nicely over his head and I love teasing his foreskin while he teases my hole.

    He told me he wanted to stroke a load off all over my face... but first, he wanted to fuck a little. That suited me just fine and I got on the corner of the bed on my back. He took his time. Really teased my hole with his cock head. Not too deep. Just stretching it some more... and talking dirty the entire time. He finally had enough and told me to 'open up' and just slid his dick right inside in one slow push... right to his balls. Then he got his balance perfect and just started pumping nice long slow strokes in/out while pulling on my cock with his left hand. After a while, he locked eyes with me and pulled his cock out... and it spewed a good 4-5 loads of PRE-cum all over my lower belly, my cock, my balls and then he pushed it back inside my hole. He said he changed his mind and wanted a half/half mix. LOL. He just stayed hard and kept fucking me... really starting to pound now and bottoming out on each push. We love to fuck HARD. He told me he was going to cum and rammed it deep and gave me a second load right away. Freaking awesome!!! He churned it up a little bit and I could feel it leaking out the sides.

    He said he hadn't shot a load in 5 days and was horny as fuck. I had the proof all over me and leaking from me.... the last thing he did was slide three fingers into my hole and stroked my prostate as I started to cum... from my cock AND from inside my ass... that was what he wanted to see...

    Wow.. Awesome!

    Love rim chairs. I find it hot getting rimmed as I bend over and stroke him at the same time!

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