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Posts posted by Njn0mc

  1. 24 minutes ago, Everopen said:

    This is my partner’s fetish too. He likes 55+.  He has several hundred 55+ contacts in his phone complete with dates of their breeding and birthdays.  

    my fetish is having young guys breed my partner because he is being humiliated and bullied by boys his age just like when he was in school

    You should surprise him.. Blindfold him and have the younger guys breed him. 

    Watch it and record it all.

  2. I definitely have to say in the past year is much older kinky men. I have posted in my past about my group of 60 to 80+ year old guys.  These guys love to be very forceful and into anything but scat. I'm actually waiting for that because what they are into. These guys are ONLY who I will play with.

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  3. On 2/14/2023 at 4:12 PM, VersGuyAnon said:

    Question - apart from kneeling with your arse in the air ready to be fucked, how do guys make it known (without talking) you want raw cock in you? I know some who will just back onto a cock, figuring it's "fair game", but I know some guys won't want to fuck and/or may want to rubber up. 

    If I'm standing by a guy in the darkroom and have a cock in my hand, I'll normally turn around and slap the cock on one of my arse cheeks. Sometimes the guys  still don't get the hint. 

    I'm curious what others do. 

    My time in the dark room I dont think anyone had a condom on. I know one of the few who nailed me was. I was so sloppy by then and so into the experience I didnt care if they did or didnt. It was such a hot experience.

    • Piggy 1
  4. Love it!  Long time ago I would play with these two tops in suits in an office couch or desk.

    Loved it when I entered the office one would shut and lock the door make me strip naked and crawl to them and suck their cocks when they unzipped.  Then after get bent over the desk or couch and they would just open their pants and drop them to their ankles to plow my hole. 

    When done with me cleaning their cocks would pull up their paints and I would dress and leave.. friggin hot 

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  5. 13 minutes ago, inmyass262 said:

    So it has been a couple weeks since the last amazing sex with the 81-year-old man that lives in the senior apartment complex where my mother lives. 

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/77860-great-sex-with-an-81-year-old-man/

    Yesterday I woke up feeling really horny so I decided to call my new friend and see if he wanted me to come over again. I called him up and as expected he was extremely excited to have me over and I almost couldn’t get him off the phone as he was talking about how much he enjoyed fucking my ass last time we met. So I got out of bed, showered and cleaned out and made my way to my friends apartment. 

    The whole drive over my cock was thick and throbbing thinking about the last time we met. I parked my car and walked in the building. The whole walk as I made my way to his apartment I had butterflies in my stomach like a little kid, which is strange, because I have bottomed for so many men but for some reason this one excited me more than most. 

    I knocked on his door and it swung open almost immediately. There was my new friend wearing the same robe he wore last time but this time his cock was swollen, and his robe was hanging open. I stepped in and he immediately shut the door. I turned to him and held his cock in my left hand and rubbed his thick gray chest hair with my right. He leaned in and gave me a kiss as he proceeded to reach around me and squeeze both my ass cheeks. His cock was rock hard, so I assume he took his little blue pill in preparation for my holes. I slid down to my knees and hands that were just grasping my ass cheeks were now resting on the back of my head as I slipped his cock into my mouth.

     I immediately tasted the tremendous flow of pre-cum that was now leaking on my tongue. He forced his cock in and out of my mouth while holding the back of my head much rougher than the first time we fucked but it was definitely a welcome change. he fucked my face right there in the doorway for several minutes before he instructed me to stand up, undress, go lay on the bed and spread my legs. 

    I eagerly moved to his bed, laid down in the middle and held my legs back. My legs were almost behind my head to offer him my well used hole. He wasn’t far behind me, and slid off his robe as he walked to his nightstand to grab his large glass container of Vaseline. He slowly and carefully climbed on the bed, while holding the jar and knelt right in front of my hungry hole. 

    He scoop some Vaseline out of the jar and pressed it in and on my hole before sliding in two fingers. He looked like he was in some sort of happy trance as he worked his two fingers in and out of my ass. He couldn’t contain his smile as he effortlessly slipped in a third and then a fourth finger. He was basically fisting me, but his thumb still was out. He slid his hand in and out, in and out, over and over and it felt truly amazing as he massaged my prostate. 

    I felt like I could cum if he kept it up a while longer as a drips of semen that he had been milking out of me were starting to make a nice mess in my pubic hair. To my dismay, he stopped, and proceeded to lube his cock. He slid it in my ass and then leaned forward laying his weight on me face-to-face. He started slowly thrusting. I could feel my cum covered pubes rubbing into the beautiful grey hair that led from his muff to his bellybutton. The feeling of his cock sliding in and out slowly, but firmly started to push me over the edge. 

    I was moaning loudly, and I could tell he like this when all of a sudden I started to ejaculate on his belly as it was pressed against mine. 

    It was an extremely powerful orgasm, and he moaned as my hole tightened with each pump of cum I shot between us as he fucked me. It must have been at least a dozen squirts of cum because I could feel how slick our bodies now were and I could feel the cold tickle as it ran down my side down to the mattress. I was quivering with each thrust and squealing with pleasure this made him speed up his thrusting. 

    You could’ve never guessed it was an 80-year-old man fucking me so hard and rhythmically. I wrapped my legs around his back and was pushing his cock in me deeper with my legs with each thrust. He’s he began to moan and I knew he was about to seed me. 

    After about another minute or two, he let out extremely loud groan, and I could feel his cock throbbing as he deposited his DNA deep in my belly. He started doing short, extremely hard thrust as he pumped in me while letting out a loud groan with each pump culminating in him, resting all his weight on me with his head buried next to mine. I could still feel slight twitches from his cock that was still in me. 

    He lifted his head up some and we started kissing, which we did for several minutes before he pulled out of me and rolled over next to me. To my surprise with a stern voice, he instructed me to clean him up so I reached for tissue and he stopped me and said “use your mouth boy”. Hearing that was hot as fuck, and I immediately started licking the cum and any traces of me off his shaft. I licked his pubes and his belly, which were completely covered in my cum while he watched with his hands behind his head smiling in approval. 

    He then instructed me to do something I didn’t expect, and that was to straddle him with my anus right up to his face as he was propped up in bed. He instructed me to suck his cock gently to which, without hesitation I did. I could kind of see that he was staring at my anus, and then he started working his fingers slowly in and out of my cum filled hole. 

    He started asking me lots of questions about how I started fucking and who took my virginity, things of that nature. I explained to him how I started bottoming when I was a very young child. He was fascinated by this and asked me so many questions about the men that used to fuck me. I don’t mind talking about this stuff, but it was a little awkward, because I was trying to suck his cock, and answer his questions in great detail. 

    He continued to finger my ass as he inquired about my many different sexual experiences, mostly when I was young. I didn’t mind going into detail about my experiences because they are very erotic stories and once he realized it didn’t upset me I think he was genuinely interested in hearing them. As I told them about the first load I ever received in my ass his cock firmed back up from its semi flaccid state. Once this happened, I concentrated on sucking him which was paying off because again he was leaking pre-cum. 

    As he gently fingered and caressed my whole, I worked his cock really vigorously and almost without warning he started to ejaculate in my mouth. It was a surprising amount for a guy that just an hour ago I came in me. I swallowed every drop and thank him before sliding up and laying next to him. He was so gracious and appreciative of the sex we just had. He told me that sex with me made him feel like a teenager again, this really made me feel good. 

    I told him I had to get going and before I got out of bed, he told me to wait a second. So I laid there as he crawled out of bed into the bathroom. I heard the water run for a minute or so and then he reemerged holding a warm, wet hand towel. He sat on the edge of the bed and instructed me to stand in front of him which I did. He started to clean my cock and stomach that has been covered in my jizz. He had me turn around and he gently cleaned my anus. It literally was one of the sweetest gestures I had experienced in a long time. I got dressed, and we said our goodbyes and I left to continue on with my day. 

    Hot posting 🔥🔥

    All i play with now are mush older guys. They can be so gentle and nice but also can be kinky as hell and dominant!

    You should see if he has friends that age to play together with.. Small groups of older guys like that are so much fun!

    • Like 2
  6. Dark rooms are great. Especially if there are a few guys there!!

    Ive been in a dark room once a few years ago when craigslist was around. The ad was called a dark party.

    The main room was were you undress and parTy if you want. You get told to prelube in here. So I did with a few fingers in me to lube my hole up. But the playing was in a room of total darkness absolutely no lights.

    There was a double door you walk in close the door behind you the walk a little to the dark room door. You open it walk in its like you are wearing a blindfold it was so dark. 

    Immediately you hear morning and sucking sounds. You feel around and you definitely will touch someone. Someone touched me then another felt his way to my cock and pulled me till i almost fell and the floor and he grabbed me pulled me to a mattress. There had to be a few mattresses on the floor.

    I felt other guys on it moving around. Then felt a hand feeling around me and I rolled on my chest and pushed my ass up for him to touch. I reached out and was touching one or more guys feeling around for their cock. I pulled up and felt this cock he was doing something but his cock seemed not in use so i started to suck it.. my ass was still getting rubbed then felt a cock hitting around,  then it found my hole and glad i lubed up before, he pushed it in fast and deep. Then felt him thrusting.. it was great i was sucking while getting fucked and i was feeling other guys moving around me. When he blew a load I turned over on someone I felt a hand slide to my cock as he sucked me till i loaded his mouth. I then stuck my ass up and pushed into someone and he grabbed my ass and he started to fuck me.

    I had a few loads in me that night but without seeing what was going on and not seeing who you were touching or being touched by was amazing.   It heighten my sense of touch and hearing! 

    So wish i could find that again!


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  7. On 11/26/2021 at 10:47 AM, irishlongpig said:

    Tied up and blindfolded so i cant see who is touching me or fucked me  Love that 

    Im so with you on that.  Try headphones playing porn. So now you cant move or see or hear anything will get you so fucked up like that..

    I had a top that recorded a gangbang and played it on his phone with bluetooth headset on me. I didnt know what who or how many guys were there just when I was touched did i know someone was there. 

    It was so hot i must have comed multiple times. Got fucked many times. Same guy or many guys I dont know.

    When it was over i laid there for a long time before i was untied and everything taken off me..

    • Like 2
  8. On 2/8/2023 at 8:02 AM, Scout said:

    When Debra, an ex-girlfriend who is a professional photographer, asked me to model for an erotic photography shoot, I agreed without telling my wife. Debra explained it would be a gay scene. I told her I was a little uncomfortable about the whole thing, but she promised my face wouldn’t be shown and the sex would be simulated. Sire, I had often fantasized about doing it with another guy but I was happily married and had enjoyed a completely straight sex life. Besides, the modeling fee was good, and we needed the money since I had just started graduate school.


    I showed up at Debra’s apartment and met Mark, the other model. She had told me he was openly gay. He was extremely good looking and well built. I noticed he had a very sexy rope tatoo around his thick bicep. When I took off my clothes, I was thinking about how it would feel to have Mark’s strong hands touching me, and I got quite hard. Debra smiled when she saw my erection, saying it would add to the realism. Mark was hard, too, and I saw that his cock was longer and thicker than mine.


    Debra said she wanted us to wear some props. She gave Mark a leather biker cap and studded leather wrist bands; she gave me a rainbow pride ring and snapped a leather dog collar around my neck. “There, Andy,” she said, “now you really look like a bottom.” I blushed beet red. Then she handed each of us a studded leather cock ring. “This will help you stay hard, sweetie,” she said. I remembered that she used to call me that when we were dating.


    Mark stood very close to me. Debra instructed us to hold each other’s cock. I had never touched another man’s penis before. His grew even harder in my hand, a sensation I found strangely pleasurable. He closed his eyes and smiled, and I heard him grown softly. He started to stroke my dick, gently but firmly. I felt myself trembling with excitement. I was surprised at how aroused I felt.


    “OK, guys, let’s get started. Mark, I want some shots of you sucking Andy’s cock. I’ll be behind you.” Mark got on my knees and proceeded to give me an amazing blow job – much better than anything my wife could do. I heard Debra’s camera clicking away. She moved around to the side and came closer. Mark’s face would be clear in these photos, but he didn’t seem to care.


    “Your turn, Andy.” When she saw me hesitate, she said I should just fake it because she would be behind me. She told me to run my hands up Mark’s well-sculpted abs so she could capture my pride ring. I was just inches from Mark’s hairy crotch. Debra came to the side, holding the camera very close. “Sweetie, do me a favor and just kiss the tip of Mark’s dick, OK?” I don’t know whether it was Mark’s delicious manly aroma or my desire to please Debra, but I did as she said.


    Then, without her saying a word, I opened my mouth and began to lick the head of his dick. “Oh my god, that’s perfect!” Debra exclaimed, taking more photos. I tasted Mark’s precum and found I really liked it. As Debra encouraged me, I slowly took more of his cock into my mouth until I felt him hit the back of my throat and gagged. “That’s OK, sweetie,” she said. “I used to gag, too. It takes practice. You’ll learn.” I wasn’t sure what she meant.


    Next we moved from Debra’s living room into her bedroom. At Debra’s direction, Mark and I lay down on her bed, with me on the bottom. As Debra coached us for her photos, I felt Mark’s cock rub against mine. “That’s great,” she said. “Very realistic.” I started to breathe faster. I even moaned a little. Mark said that made it easier for him to stay hard. When he kissed me, I didn’t try to stop him. In fact, I opened my mouth and nobbled on his tongue. Debra kept taking pictures and telling us what a great job we were doing.


    Next Debra said she wanted some shots of Mark licking my ass. I got on my knees and I felt Mark’s strong hands spread my ass cheeks. His tongue quickly found my puckered hole. He started on the outside, then I felt his tongue probing my opening. I felt little electric charges radiating from my ass through my entire body. Debra leaned in to get close-up shots. I clutched the pillow and moaned with pleasure.


    Debra told me to lie on my belly and instructed Mark to lie on my back. I spread my legs apart. I felt his cock rubbing between my ass cheeks, and the sticky moisture of his precum. Suddenly the room seemed very warm. I was panting hard now. I thought about my wife and was really glad I hadn’t told her about the whole thing.


    “Listen, guys,” Debra said. “This just won’t do for the close-ups. It isn’t convincing. I need you to try just a little actual penetration. Please. I really the shot. Mark, here’s some lube.” Then, to me, “Sweetie, just relax a bit and soon I’ll have what I need.” I nodded; my mouth was too dry to speak. I didn’t know what was happening but I knew I wanted to feel Mark inside me.


    He put some lube on his finger and worked it into my ass. He was very gentle. I felt a warm sensation and my body trembled. Then he put some lube on the head of his cock. He asked Debra if he should use a rubber but she said the photos would sell for a lot more without it. “Andy, is that OK with you?” he asked. “I guess so,” I answered meekly, without thinking.


    Then Mark placed the tip of his cock against my butt hole. It stung and I tried to pull away. Debra leaned close, put her hand on mine, and said softly but firmly, “You can do this for me, sweetie.” Mark leaned forward and licked my ear, then told me to kiss him. I did as he said, and our tongues danced together. It was intense and suddenly my back passage opened to him. My body seemed to be responding without my will. I heard myself moan loudly. The warmth and fullness were exquisite, unlike anything I had ever felt before during straight sex.


    “You like this,” Mark said. I nodded. He went deeper, then deeper still until I felt his public hairs against my butt cheeks. High-pitched, girlish “ah!” sounds came from my mouth. Debra kept snapping pictures. Soon Mark was thrusting in and out. He was grunting and calling me obscene names like “cunt” and “faggot.” I loved how excited he was.


    “I’m taking your manhood, Andy,” he said, a note of triumph in his voice. He pulled my face to the side and kissed me forcefully. I opened my mouth and let his tongue explore mine. I kept kissing him as I felt him explode inside me. “And now I just bred you and made you my bitch,” he grunted in my ear. It sounded so masculine and sexy when he said this.


    And then I felt an odd orgasm, tingling throughout my body, and a little cum oozed from my cock. My whole body quivered. It wasn’t like a regular male orgasm at all. Debra was delighted. “That was amazing, boys!” she exclaimed. “I never realized how hot two guys together could be.”


    As we lay there, breathing hard, our bodies covered with sweat, Mark whispered in my ear, “I would love to see you again.” I said yes without hesitation. Then we kissed, more tenderly.


    Debra looked at me and said, “Sweetie, I think you may be a fag. And now you even have a boyfriend.” I did not reply. I just lay there. I was too confused.


    I thought I loved my wife, but this was the best sex I’ve ever experienced. Debra may be right. My wife still doesn’t know about the photos.



    Omg.  What a way to start!  That was a friggin hot story!!

    Thanks for my boner!

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  9. 2 hours ago, iloveyournectar said:

    I'm a cum dump for a group that mostly just breeds me.  Risk is definitely lower.  Np drugs either.  I don't want to be poz.

    I'm in the same boat.  Negative here. I mostly play with a bunch of silverdaddies that are tested and clean. They hang together most of the time. Much older and some are dominant as fuck and they are kinky as hell when they are together. Some are gay and others bi.

    I would play 1on1 with one of them from time to time. It keeps me off the apps to looking around when im in the mood.

    I like them due to I can be a total cum dump for them let them do anything they want without any worries of catching anything. Only a couple has played with me with drugs but mostly drug free.. Now alcohol is a different story. They drink alot during and after they play. Do care as long as they can stay hard and fill my hole.

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  10. On 2/9/2023 at 3:18 PM, Njn0mc said:

    So because of this thread, today I asked my older top friend i play with lets get a young vers guy between 18 and 25 to play with us together..  He said "okay  thats a little young for me but I know I can get someone."  Cant wait to see what happens!!!!


    So my much older friend texted me Friday he has a 20 year old vers for us to play with so get here now!!

    I rushed to get clean and drove like a mad man to get there. I got there rang the door bell and my friend answered naked. I said you couldn't wait for me? He laughed and said he just stripped him and sucked him a little. He is now watching porn in the bedroom.

    I walked into the bedroom and saw a great looking muscular kid with a good size cock laying on the bed. He looked young but definitelyin his 20's. Not really my cup of tea but hot to look at. My friend jumped on the bed and grabbed some lube and push the kid down pulled his ass up and started to put the lube on his cock. He pressed his cock in his hole and as it slipped in I heard the boy moan.
    I was standing there watching as his ass was getting pounded by my friend. I loved to watch this!!!  I walked to the boys face and he grabbed my cock quickly and started to suck it!  He was good at sucking and experienced.

    Me and my friend leaned to each other and kissed as he was fucking him. That was so hot. He pulled out without any cum and said not yet. We flipped the boy over and I saw the boy was hard as a rock. Good size for a young boy. I sucked it a little then i got some lube on my hole and told him to fuck me. We pulled the boy off the bed and stood him up as i bent over the bed with my ass up. My friend spread my cheeks and said to him fuck that hole!
    I felt the boy push his hard cock in and started to thrust in as I looked over I saw my friend watching and stroking his cock. I asked my friend to turn the sound up on the porn it makes me hot. The boy pumping for a while then he made a moaning sound and felt his cock throbbing.
    Then my friend pulled him off and pushed him next to me got his ass up and ready and I can hear he was friggin hot with his heavy breathing and growling as he shoved his cock in him and pumped wild.
    I got up and watched and was rubbing the boys ass then crawled to the boys face for him to suck.
    It was hot feeling some drip on my leg and getting sucked watching the boy getting fuck hard. Then he made a big sound and laid on top of the boy for a bit. I pulled the boy up flat on the bed pulled his ass up to see if there is any dripping.  I immediately started to suck the cum out of the boys smooth hole for a while.
    The boy was moaning loud. My friends cum was tasting good as i had my fingers in his cummy hole to scoop it up. It was turning me hot and hard. I got up and laid on him and my cock slipped in his hole with no problems and i started to thrust hard. I lasted for a while and felt a big rush hit me as i exploded in the boy's hole..
    I laid next to him exhausted and felt my friend climbed on me and shoved his cock in me. I was shocked he got hard that fast he laid on top of me as he was pumping and said I wanted to finish in you and 10 minutes later he left a load in me.
    The 3 of us laid there for a little I sucked my friend clean then laid on him so I can suck the boys cock. Did that for a while and my friend was shoving his finger's in me while i was sucking. The boy got hard again and I sucked harder and fast grabbing his balls and the boy blew a nice load in my mouth and then i kissed my friend to share the load with him.
    It was a great Friday night!

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  11. On 4/17/2020 at 3:48 PM, Hollywood24 said:

    I have a dildo that I can't seem to get to pass through the 2nd inner "ring" inside my hole.   Do I need to start with a smaller dildo and work my way up or any "tricks" that might help me to be able to take it deeper?

    Yes smaller to large and smelling  the brown bottle helps alot. Before I play i use also a medium to smaller butt plug and leave it in for a while. That will stretch me for anything to come..

  12. On 1/4/2021 at 10:27 PM, IcemanCummeTh said:

    I am looking for guys who are open to filming some sexual encounters and posting them online. I’m totally comfortable with showing my face and the whole playtime being loaded on PornHub or creating an OnlyFans page. Can do this at my place, your place, outside, public restroom. Long time fantasy that I want to make reality. 


    Any luck making the video?

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