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Posts posted by Njn0mc

  1. 2 minutes ago, VanCumDump said:

    Looks fun! 

    Yes.  I play with this much older kinky guy and his friends. My friend used his new toy on me. It was a lot if fun. It felt like a metal dildo.  It had two balls on it. A smaller one and a larger one. As i was sucking they pulled on it and felt so hot!  You nust get one!

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  2. 4 minutes ago, tallslenderguy said:

    Right?  Saying: " the top does what he wants and is satisfied"  can 'sournd' differently on paper than IRL to me. For me, Top and bottom are positional references, not status, thought i do experience a bit of status mind fuck in the T/b dynamic.  For me, compatibility is essential for satisfaction to occur and sustain. i think that happens pretty naturally and automatically, at least on a crude level, when a Top and bottom get together (the devil can be in the details though). To me, the more mature Tops are concerned about a bottoms satisfaction as much as the bottom is about the Tops.

    i think confusion comes in when we assume that the bottoms satisfaction doesn't matter. i see this idea from both Tops and bottoms. i do not think it's a question of a bottoms satisfaction not mattering, just that a bottoms satisfaction derives differently.  Speaking for myself, i need/want to please my Man/Top as an intrinsic part of sex. But is seems circular to me, my read is Tops/Men also need/waant to please/satisfy the bottom as well, that is affirms His value and postition just as much as with the bottom, it just happens in an opposite way. It's a little mysterious to me, but i'm convinced the best connection/sex is symbiotic. 

    Right there with you re drinking from the tap. For me, it's a connection that has unique elements. i think there's a definite D/s element in Top/bottom, Breeder/breedee, but WS has a whole other psychological layer that, for me, can make it a deeply intimate connection in a way cum does not. i think there's a general built in valuing of semen as seed, whereas piss is generally seen as waste. For one man to want and receive another Mans waste, and also the lesser relief vs the more intense release from orgasm,   can speak to a overall desire/need from both Top and bottom to connect and bond . For me, one of the more erotically satisfying draws i have is the mind fuck part both Top and bottom can experience venturing into degradation/humiliation. It's sort of magical to me when it happens based on  mutual lust/need vs being a forced or mean act that is focused on superiority/inferiority.  Hard to articulate what occurs, but it can be intense and wonderful.

    Wow you are so correct..

    Its definitely the thing I want.. it the mind fuck sometimes i doint need to cum if I get the top to cum in me I kind of get a mental orgasm from it. I once had a orgasm from the top having and orgasm because i wanted him to cum hard. I put 100% into the play getting him to cum hard. As he laid there relaxing after I started to sucked him and had him piss in my mouth and as I was swallowing it was so intense for him I actually had a bit of an orgasm from that.

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  3. If I'm sucking I always tell the guy if you have to piss go for it. If i get anyone to tell me no I'll come back with you have to try it, the feeling is intense. 

    Most of the time it works and when they do it and you suck hard on the cock while the stream is coming out its intense. I will use my lips to clamp down if the stream is to hard to handle and the guys i suck love it.

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  4. 6 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

    Just left... my regular FB, awesome Man. Fuck. Wore a jock, never quite know how to present with Him, He's not very vocal, but He is very physically expressive. Said my ass looked "so hot" which is all i need to hear. Wore a yellow jock, pretty sure He doesn't know the code though lol. He had to piss before and when He came back to bed i told Him He needs to try doing that inside of me sometime. i did drink piss from His cock one time after He bred me, He always showers after before going home, so i got in the shower and kneeled and drank from His cock. Wasn't sure how much He was into it, so i don't post... it's imprortant to me that my Top only does what He really gets into, to me His lust and need is half the fuck. 

    He kisses my back and shoulders and i swear i almost came this time from that. The energy behind that drives me wild. Damn i feel so fucking good. 

    Very nice.. its always important to me that the top does what he wants and is satisfied.  I so agree also is part of the fuck!

    Nothing better than to drink from tha tap!

  5. On 6/20/2022 at 11:12 AM, Njn0mc said:

    The boiler room of an apartment building is now my weirdest place. 

    I have seen this maintenance guy before and he fucked me once in the electrical room of his apartment building  before. Saw him so pop up on an app and we texted a few times. He texted he wants to fuck someone by the boilers. He was good last time i saw him so I texted him Ill come by.  I got there and  we walked by the electrical room down a few flights of stairs into the boiler room. It was hot and smell of fuel oil was strong.  There was three boilers almost the size of  large vans. In between two large boilers there was a metal work table. We walked over to the dirty table and he said take your clothes off. He proceeded to put chains and locks around my wrists bent me over the table which by the way was all greasy and dirty and locked my chained hands to a clamp on the table he then had my feet chained wide to the metal leggs. The smell and the heat of the room was suprising hot. 

    He started to feel my back and ass and spread my cheeks to lick and finger my hole all while he was wearing is maintenance uniform.. that was hot!

    He put his face on my back as he reached for my cock and balls and played with them.. He walked over to the other side of the table got on a milk crate pulled my hair then head up to suck his dick. He opened his zipper and pulled out his very hard dick. As I was sucking he opened his shirt then undid his paints. 

    I sucked for some time then he got down walked to my ass and felt something wet on my hole as he started to fuck me. He was thrusting for sometime as i was getting all dirty from the table. Then i felt him explode. It felt like a gallon was in me. I felt the drip as soon as he pulled out. 

    I thought he was done then got on the phone to call someone. He was trying to get some of his friends over to watch me get fucked by them.

    He said i was lucky. They werent available to come over. It would have been an all nighter for you.

    He played with my hole a bit more then unlocked the chains and from my side of face to my thighs i was greasy and dirty. His hands were greasy my didck and balls were a mess..lol

    When i got home there was grease all over my back ass and hole. My clothes and underwear were ruined..lol

    Took me almost 2 hours to get the grease off of me and i think he used grease as lube. My hole was tender and it took a while to clean that out.

    But it was hot and exciting with all the noise, heat and smell from that room..


    I never mentioned  but I did go back in late July to see the maintenance guy in the apartment building same deal as before walked down to the boilers. 

    So him and a couple of the spanish workers were there and he had me strip on the dirty floor and the other guys pushed me to the work bench chained my leggs and chained my hands together and the chain got attached to clamps. So now i was bent over the dirty as hell work bench. There were tools and some things they were working on. The maintenance guy said he will be right back. When he left one of the workers spread my cheeks and started to eat my ass as the others were talking in Spanish laughing. The room was so hot and smelly of oil and grease with the loud sounds it was hot. Then he got up spit on my hole and started to fuck me hard. The other workers were shouting in Spanish.  He went fast and blew a load in me as another pulled him away and jumped in.  He pumped and I heard the maintenance guy say I was supposed to be 1st. He walked over to me and watched his worker fuck me as he rubbed my back. He blew his load and the maintenance guy had grease all over his hand grabbing my ass spread my cheeks and said what a mess. He rubbed his greasy hands all over my ass as he started to fuck me. He went wild grabbed my hips and pushing in hard till he exloded in me.

    He walked back and said something in spanish and someone else came up to me and he went right in and pumped for about 1 minute and he was done fast.lol  Then someone suck something in my hole and thrusted in and out a few times.

    The maintenance guy came up to me unhooked the chains and got me up i saw my stomach was covered in grease and grime. 

    I got turnd around and one of the workers came up to me and grabbed my cock and i got lifted on the work bench by two of them so my feet were hanging.  The guy never let go of my cock and i saw it was all dirty from his hands he started to suck me as he was squeezing my balls very hard I actually had to laid down and enjoyed the sucking as two others watch.

    I blew a load and they walked away. I got off the work bench and looked for my clothes one of the guys said in broken english they are in the office and pointed. So I walked naked past the boilers to the small office by the back stairs. The floor was so dirty and i opened the door and the maintenance guy was sitting there. My clothes were on a chair by some guy sitting there with his cock out and hard. The maintenance guy said we watched you get sucked and walk naked over. Now you need to suck my friend. I got on my knees and sucked him till he blew.

    I got up and he said boy are you dirty as they both laughed. I got dressed and they said lets do it again. 

    Got home my clothes were ruined and I sat on a bag so I didnt get grease on my seat of the car. It took a long time to get cleaned up in the shower. 

    Fast forward a few weeks I went the the building to see if he was there and saw one of the workers and asked if he was around.  He said he go fired. They saw what was going on there. I bet my 2 times were on the security cameras. Or he has been doing this for awhile and got caught. 

    What a shame it was so friggin hot to get all dirty like that!

    • Piggy 3
  6. I had to post this. Other guys posts has sparked memories of my 1st time and 2nd time how I started with new fun many years ago. I learned that I was a bi bottom after this. I'll remember these experiences like it was yesterday and remember every little detail. Still get off on it!!

    Never thought of men that way. I still like women but love to be a bottom. I started late in my life. My group of friends back then and I we were all very straight but there was one in the group that was gay we knew about it never said anything. He never talked or we talked to him about it. He was just one of the guys.

    I had a sex life change a long time ago we were at a bar with friends and with girls having a great time "I posted about this some time ago" we drank alot and I was buying drinks and kept bumping into a guy at the bar by accident.  I politely apologize and after the 3rd time buying he said sit over here. I gave the drinks to my friends and their girls and sat next to the guy he bought me a few drinks and we talked alot joked a bit had a good time with my new friend.

    My friends wanted to leave and the guy ask if i could drive him home if i was leaving.  Since i got there alone i told my friends im hanging here they left and my new friend bought me some more drinks. I was feeling drunk as hell and he asked to take him home it was close. So i did. We got in the car and almost hit a few cars on the way to his place. We got in his house and he gave me a spare bedroom to sleep in. I think he gave me a drink or two when we were there dont remember.  I crashed on the bed and passed out. 

    I kinda woke up pants off to my body moving and felt him inside of me pumping away. Laying on top of me. I was shocked and confused that it actually kinda felt good i could feel he must have lubed me up. I squirmed to get him off. Told him to stop. I just heard a growl he held me down harder grabbing  my neck hard as he then thrusted harder. I could feel his cock sliding in and out of my sore hole.
    All of a sudden he moaned loud and he explode and pulled out as I laid there almost in tears not knowing what to do. He left and I got up got up and saw a bathroom went in to cleanup and saw some blood on my hands as i touched my sore hole. I got nervous and wiped my hole and leggs  .and put my pants on and left his house without saying anything. 

    Few weeks went by and still thinking about it all.  It did get me hard thinking about it. Didn't tell any of my friends about it. Then I was watching porn and went to the gay porn and it excited me a little.  It was getting curious about what happened to me and I called my gay friend and ask if i can come over. He said he is free tonight so come by.
    I got there, we have been friends for years. I sat on the sofa. I knew he would understand what happened. 

    I told him everything that happend the other night. He said that you were forced and did you like it? I said actually after i got my head straight yes and then i just let it happen to the end. He asked if there was a mess after? I said there was some blood and a little crap on my leggs got cleaned and left without seeing him. Then i told him i recently watched some gay porn and liked it. I was a bit confused.  He laughed and said you joined the club and laughed more.

    He sat next to me and put his hand on my leg and rubbed it. He ask if that makes you feel uncomfortable. I said a little but felt hot. He started to rub my crouch and said how about that? I said im actually getting hard.
    He said everything is ok its our secret between us.  I'll help you to fulfill your curiosity right away.
    He undid my pants and played with my cock. I got hard as hell and he bent over and started to suck my cock for a littl. We got up and he said you good? I said yes. It was weird because we have been friends for years and never thought of doing this with any guy.
    He grab my pants and pulled them off.
    Now i was getting more weird feelings. He played with my balls and cock for a bit. He said I have been waiting for this to happen with you. I know you like girls but i thought you would like this also. I was getting hot as hell now he turned me around and gave me a hug as he push me forward and bending me over for him to see my ass. He said I have a great ass but we have to do something for you to learn.
    He walked me to the bathroom and gave me some enema bottles. He told me how to use them and had me bend over and lubed the tip and stuck it in my ass. So weird but hot he filled me and said sit on the toilet. Told me to keep doing this till your discharge is clear. Then he left the bathroom. I used the bottle's till nothing but clear water came out. I heard him say jump in the shower I'll be right in. I got into the shower and started to soap up. Then i heard him come in. He got into the shower with me and started to soap me up. We spent some time in there washing each other and he turned me around and was washing my back then my ass and ran his fingers to my hole. He pushed me to bend over as he soaped up my hole and felt a finger go in. It felt so amazing and then two fingers when in as he stroked them in my hole.
    All of a sudden i was getting hard. We washed the soap off dried and he grabbed my hand and brought me into his bedroom. I got in and saw the bed with his toys spread out and gay porn playing on his big tv. So when I was cleaning out he was setting up this room for us.
    He laid me down. He got on top of me and kissed me. My 1st time kissing a dude. I was so hot i got into it. Then kissed my stomach and started to suck me but stopped so I didn't cum. He turned me over and pulled my hips up and pushed my face into the pillow.  He rubbed my as and licked it then started to lick me ass. It felt so good as he stuck his tongue deep in my ass. I moaned so loud and he said love that sound and you will be doing that more.  Then i felt some fingers go in and felt some cold suff on my hole as he stuck one of his toys in me very very slow.
    As it was going in it hurt at 1st then an incredible feeling from my leggs to my head hit me as i moaned so loud. He thrusted it more and the porn got louder as he turned it up i looked up watched the porn playing as he was thrusting the toy in me.
    Then he said get ready, I ask for what? and then he pulled the toy out fast. I think i just blew a little load. I moaned again loud. He ask how was that? I said more more!
    He laughed and said this will get you. Then i felt another toy, bigger and tighter go in and it vibrated hard. Wow this was hot. Used it for some time then pulled it out.
    Then I felt the bed move and he started to rub my hole and herd him say nice hole. I put my face into the pillow and all of a sudden he put his cock in me. It felt sooo good as he slipped it in very slowly. I felt every part of his cock as he started to thrust. He said he always wanted to fuck me as he was thrusting harder. It felt so nice. Then he flipped me over and grab my leggs high. Pulled me toward him and his cock went in again. He bent my leggs by my head and thrusted away. I looked down to see what was happening and loved it. It was hot seeing his dick in me ! He pumped with light but then hard thrusts for a while then he moaned loud and laid on me with his cock still in as i felt his cock throbbing.
    It was such a great feeling.  He got up and sucked my cock i lasted a minute and blew a huge load in his mouth i was so turned on. He push me up on the bed and laid next to me. We watched porn for the next hour and he showed me his favorites. Groups and bondage seems to be his favorites. It was a big turn on I never watched group or bondage porn. He told me all about bondage and fun at groups. What he likes to do to guys and have done with him.
    It was so incredibly hot! I moved to the front of the bed ass up to watch the porn better and he moved over to rub my ass then he climbed on and said im so hot for you right now and i felt him enter again as he held my arms tightly so i couldn't move. I said give me more and he pumped for a little and blew another load in me. He lifted my hips so my ass was high and he said i can see everything dripping out. He licked my hole for a while and heard and felt him suck it also. So hot!
    We laid on the bed for a long time playing with each others cock and talking. He said he would teach me a bunch of things to do. He said he would like to tie me up and blindfold me. He explained it will heighten the senses.
    He also told me about things that can add to the fun like poppers and 420
    He said I bet my boyfriend would like to meet  you. I said sure just let me know.
    Then he asked if i would like to be tied and blindfolded.  I said ill try anything once.
    So he called him and walked away as he was talking  to his friend and I just laid there watching porn. He got back and handed me some 420 and laid next to me and said his boyfriend is coming now so smoke. I said ok as he slapped my ass and sat on my leggs and started to give me an amazing rub down from my head to my leggs. I almost fell asleep. His boyfriend arrived i didnt hear him come in to the apartment and bedroom i was too relaxed from the massage. He must have been watching me getting the massage for a while. Then i heard him say hello there. I looked up and he was nice looking guy wearing sweatpants and a tshirt. He said so this is the guy that had a tough start?
    My friend and him left the room as I laid there relaxing and watching porn. About 10 minutes or more went by and both came in. He was naked and a bigger cock than my friend. He was a bit hairy but very muscular with big arms. He walk to my face and grabbed my hair and said suck. My friend then told me how to do it right as i had his cock in my mouth. He was getting hot and hard. I actually started to get into it alot. Loved how if i did it right it his cock would throb. He walked away and ask my friend if he fucked me yet. He said he used some toys and yes twice. He seemed annoyed that it happened but he kissed my friend.
    So his boyfriend asked about what happened with the guy who basically raped you. I explained what happened and what he did. He asked me did i like it. I said at the time a little but no. I said now i find it very hot now and get hard thinking about it. He said thats great. Told my friend to sit on the chair as he spread my cheeks and looked at my ass closely. I felt a finger go in deep moved it around then put it in his mouth and said to my friend I tasted you. I looked over and saw my friend sitting there as his bf was examining my body. He flipped me over grabbed my soft cock and started to suck it till i got hard then stopped.  He said to my friend go get the straps and stuff. He told me to get on the bed face up. So I did my friend gave him a bunch of straps then a hard pillow. Then he sat on the chair to watch. His boyfriend pulled me almost to the end of the bed then strapped my hands to the post with long straps.
    Now my arms are stretched wide then shoved the pillow under my hips and back then strapped my feet hight to the other posts so my leggs were hight and spread.
    I had mixed feelings at this point. I kept looking at my friend sitting there and hearing from him its ok and u will love it.
    My friends boyfriend then grabbed a tube and squeezed out some lube and grabbed something from the nightstand and rubbed it. Then slowly put it in my ass it felt good but hurt a bit like my hole was about to rip. I passed a point the slipped in fast.
    He got up and walked around looking at me.
    They both left the room and shut the door. I heard some taking and then they came in.
    I couldn't move and both got on the bed and rubbed me all over as my friend put a blindfold on me and said relax. He kissed my face as his boyfriend started to stroke me and play with my balls.
    I couldn't see anything and they turn the volume up on the porn. Then felt the toy come out of my hole as a blew a load on my chest. I was like rubber then. One of them started to lick the cum off me then felt it had to be his boyfriend rub his dick on my hole. I said i want to feel that. His Boyfriend said quite in time. I kept feeling his head rub up and down on my hole then all of a sudden it went it. Wow it felt so good and i was so amazed how much it felt that way. I think the straps and blindfold definitely heighten the experience.. He pushed all the way in deep. Then i heard my friend say dont move keep it as deep as you can. So now his cock was so deep. I didn't know what was going on at that time. Then i felt him starting to thrust. Again feeling every part of his cock. I heard my friend ask how are you and I said great. Then his boyfriend started to pump harder. I heard my friend say to his boyfriend can i lay under you to see and he said yes. Heard some sounds then his boyfriend started to pump real hard and grabbed my neck tight as i couldn't breathe that much. I choked and it got him more excited that he thrusted hard as i heard him almost screem and felt a warm feeling in my gut's. I was exhausted at this point and my hold was so sore. He was about to pull out and he told my friend to get a pale.
    I dont know what they were talking about but laid there with his cock still in me and he wasnt moving then i felt something under my ass as a very warm feeling was rushing in my guts and some moaning. I heard him say I like you friend. 
    All of a sudden his boyfriend said get ready im pulling out as what was buy my ass came up to my hole as he pulled out and i felt a lot of liquid coming out.  Then i smelt the piss and asked was that piss. My friend said yes did you like it. I said yes but burnt my hole coming out a little. I said I'd do it again and i her my friends boyfriend say i really like this guy as he laughed.
    I asked if you can untie me thay said not yet. So i laid there and my boyfriend lifted the blindfold and said how was that? I said I would do it again with you. We want to relax for a little shoved a pillow under my head and he said watch some more of my porn. He put in a dvd of some more bondage gangbangs porn and left me all tied up to watch. In a few minutes i had to piss and yelled for them i had to piss. They came in with a large bottle and stuck my cock in it and my friend said piss now. I filled it half way just about and when done he pulled the bottle away and suck my cock for a little then left me alone.
    I thought it was crazy but cool.
    I was watch the porn and got hot watching but i was also exhausted and leggs were sore from hanging there. Then my friend's boyfriend came in got on his knees and started to eat me for a while as he stroked his cock.  He stood up and he was hard as a rock grabbed the tube and smeared it all over his cock and said now watch this as he stuck his cock in me. I didn't see my friend anywhere as he pumped hard and fast. He was pumping hard for a while then licked my hanging leggs as he kept pumping I still dont see my friend anywhere. He he then moaned loud as i felt his cock throb and he pulled out and left. He said we will do this again I have to go. He left and heard some talking then a door close. My friend came in and untied me and i had to lay there forna bit my leggs were so sore. He laid next to me and said he was jealous to see me get fucked like that. He likes to get fucked just like that. He asked how are you doing was this fun? I said yes had a great time but im sore as hell down there and leggs. He said over time it will be easier. We kissed for a little and he pulled me up and said go shower.  After i got out he handed me my clothes and I got dressed.
    He said I will show you more things and bring you to a few friends that we have.

    I did play with the two of them a lot of times after. I got so into being a bottom I sometimes show up to my friend for a quickie then go home unexpectedly.

    We ended playing after untill my friends boyfriend died in a car accident and my friend moved. They taught me a lot of kinky stuff and introduced me to the clubs and their friends that eventually played with. I so miss them. They introduced me to all kinds of fun and kinky stuff.
    Im still a pussy hound but I love to bottom.

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  7. 8 hours ago, Grayden said:

    The pandemic really fucked up my fitness but in the last 6 months I’d been focused on diet and exercise and was finally happy with what I was seeing in the mirror.  I’d never had good photos taken for uploading on the sex sites, but I’d noticed that several hot pics online had been shot by a guy named Ben, so I contacted him to arrange a photo shoot. “I like to take my time with a shoot,” he said, “so expect to be here for the evening.”  

    Ben’s studio was a bachelor apartment that was empty except for photo lights and a platform bed, mirrors, and a clothes rack.  Ben was wearing shorts, a sleeveless t-shirt and high-top runners with Nasty Pig socks showing over the tops. I figured his age at about 40 and he had the kind of muscle daddy look that gets me going.  Six feet tall, broad shoulders, and a chest and biceps that showed he’s a regular at the gym.  And he was clearly one of those guys who doesn’t neglect the lower body because his gluts, hamstrings and calves were impressive. As much as I was feeling good about my body, seeing him instantly intimidated me and I began feeling shy.. “Hang up your stuff and strip down to your jockstrap,” he said. “We’ll start with some standing poses and go from there.” I guess he saw my hesitation because he held up a pipe and said, “would you feel more comfortable if we did some clouds first?”  

    “Wow, yea, thanks,” I said.  “I’m kinda feeling a bit shy.” Sitting on the bed, Ben said, “yea, I get it.” “I get the best shots from guys who are over their shyness and feeling horny, have a seat.” I did and he blazed up, took a hit, then passed the pipe to me.  The smoke hit my lungs and I quickly started feeling much more comfortable. After a few more shares, he said, “so, tell you what, I’ll lose the shirt and shorts to make things equal.” We stood and each got down to our jockstraps and soon I was assuming poses as Ben took multiple pics.

    “Let’s take a break and I’ll show you what I’ve got so far, Ben said.” We sat together on the bed while he scrolled through the shots. “Nice,” I said. “You’ve made me look great.” “Glad you like,” he said. “How far did you want to go from here?”  I paused and then said, “ah, not sure what you mean.” “Do you want naked, do you want action shots,” he said.  “Yea, I’d like some naked stuff, sure, but what, ah… “What do I mean by action shots?” he interrupted. I let out a laugh and said, “yea, that’s what I was trying to say.” 

    “Up to you buddy,” he said.  “Can simply be you jacking your dick and playing with your hole, or I can get my neighbour Sam to come over and play with you.” Before I could answer, Ben opened his laptop and showed me some stills and video of Sam and another guy having sex. Sam was a close carbon copy of Ben, with a long thick uncut cock. And Sam was definitely an aggressive top as I watched him getting sucked and then raw fucking the other dude. “Seems you like what you see,” said Ben looking down as I was absentmindedly stroking my cock. “Let that thing loose, drop the jock strap, and I’ll call Sam.” “Here, take a couple more hits on the pipe”, Ben said with a grin. Doing as I was told, I got naked and blew some major clouds. Sam was clearly on call because he was in the studio and stripping off in about five minutes.  

    I expected him to be a rough guy, but he surprised me by giving me a big hug and then a long, lingering kiss as we were introduced.  That gesture, along with the clouds, made me putty in his massive hands. We fell back on the bed and Ben began taking shots as I slid down Sam’s massive frame and devoured his beautiful cock. With Sam moaning and Ben making posing suggestions, I got lost in my cock slut role completely, until Sam pulled back saying “whoa, buddy, you’re too fucking good at that and I don’t want to cum until I’ve had some time in your hole.” Ben tossed me the lube, I greased up, and got into position – head down, ass up. Sam drove me crazy by rubbing his rock-hard cock up and down my crack and teasing my hole with it.  I let that go on for a minute or two until I couldn’t wait any longer and I begged, “fuck me Sam, please, put that bare cock in me now.” I heard Ben say, “fuck yea buddy,” as Sam slowly slid that monster into my twitching hole. Feeling that stuffed I almost said, “whoa, pull out,” but then a wave of lust hit me and instead I said, “yea, I love that raw cock, own my ass Sam, fuck me hard.” And he proved to be good at following instructions.  

    Pretty soon, he flipped me onto my back, put my legs over his muscled shoulders and said, “now it gets real.” In one hard thrust Sam was back into my hole deeper than ever and pumping with wild abandon.  I got lost in the fuck, loving being Sam’s cock whore, when I felt a cock edging into my mouth.  Ben had gotten naked, and he and Sam were going to spit roast me, making me into the total pig slut that they knew I was. “Hey, you want some?” Sam said and pulled out of me so Ben could take over the fucking.  Ben’s cock was shorter than Sam’s but as thick as a beer can and it strained my ass walls as it took over. “Get back into doggy,” he said, pulling out for a second.  As soon as I was on my knees, that battering ram was back in me and Ben was plowing faster and faster.  I looked up to see Sam, stroking his cock and I said, “Sam, fuck my face man, please.”  Soon, I was getting pounded at both ends and furiously jacking my cock at the same time.  As Sam’s cock slid deeper and deeper into my throat, I could tell he was about to blow.  And then he did, letting out a deep groan as I gobbled what felt like buckets of cum. That did it for me and I spurted over and over as I got completely lost in a full body orgasm.  My clenched hole gave Ben the final push he needed and yelling, “take it you fucking cum dump,” he flooded my guts with his scalding hot seed.

    Lying in a tangle of man sweat each of my hands still pulling on those huge cocks, I finally managed to say, “do you think you got some pics that I can use?” “Nah,” Ben said, “I think we’ve just gotten started.” 



    Dam I got hard! Keep it going

    • Piggy 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Asnlooking said:

    Your secret sounds hot. Did you know who the neighbor was on sniffie? Where did you meet for fun? At each other's place when family was away? 

    When we chatted i saw on the map where he was. When we met we both recognized each other and he said your that house as he pointed I pointed out his and we both chuckled. I said yup we are close. We walked the dog to the baseball field. One of the benches is kind of secluded and we sat there. We talked a little about past fun. He said he gets in some moods and looks for bottoms in the area. He said there are a few young guys and our age in the area he has seen.

    We was very much in the DL so am I we both got relaxed enough that he unzipped and pull out his cock I looked down as he stroked it and i sucked him. He definitely had done this before at this spot. He blew his load and got up. He asked to see mine and I plulled my sweats down and I was hard as he sucked me dry. He shore loved to suck. His small dog was good no barking or noise. Lol

    I met him a few times i was cutting my grass once as he walked by. Felt weird but we were cool he waved i waved.  We hooked up a few times at his place. 

    • Like 6
  9. Sometimes a close neighbor is good.

    I met a neighbor on sniffies both of us married and kids. It was weird at 1st but we are adults about it and he is cool. I give him a wave when I drive past his house and he is outside. 

    Its our little secret. Luckily he is a top and I'm a bottom so good match. If we are on sniffies we will hookup. No texting or calling to keeps things private. We have played a few times together.

    I saw him at the supermarket once with his wife and I was with mine and we both acted normal.


    • Like 4
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    • Piggy 1
  10. Damit..  Keep it going!  Im so hard from this story!

    57 minutes ago, Splendidpup said:


    Jamie wasn’t in the habit of responding to Craigslist ads (way back when CL personals we’re still a thing) posted by guys offering to be “generous” but he was unexpectedly in need of funds.  His graduate stipend seemed sufficient by most people’s standards, but living in Los Angeles was expensive and now he had to pay a large deductible to his car insurance company after getting side swiped on Mullholland.  So the posting from two guys in town from Iowa for a convention was too good to pass up.  He knew from experience that these married guys were easy dates; they were so starved for some man-on-man action that after some dirty talk about their daughters’ boyfriends the actual sex was over soon and they’d hustle him out the door, paying the $600 for the four hours even though they’d only been together for ninety minutes or so.

    At 23 years old, 5’10, 150# and mostly hairless, Jamie was lean and boyish, with an adequate set up in the front more than made up for by a high riding rear with surprisingly ample projection.  In other words, he had a great ass!  A recruited athlete in college, his physique had slackened some but he could still turn heads.  Probably a 9 at home, he was only a 6 or 7 in LA but that was more than enough to get plenty of play and to turn a trick here and there when money got tight or he wanted to treat himself to a splurge.  It helped, in that regard, that he had few limits and was usually more than willing to indulge the more unusual requests.

    But this sounded like a pretty vanilla scene.  Both guys in their forties, married with kids his age, friends since they were in the same pledge class in college.  They messed around with guys (fag boys the guy he emailed with called them) together back then and wanted to relive that experience.

    When the day came, Jamie got cleaned up and out and drove to a rundown motel near the marina.  He had been there a few times and was surprised that it seemed mostly deserted.  The small and shabby but mostly clean rooms were usually occupied by street walkers running a trap house, day laborers sleeping in shifts and homeless people who had earned enough panhandling to get a roof over their head for a night or two.  That the place was nearly empty suggested that there had been a raid recently.  Annoyingly, the only other apparently occupied room was the one right next to the end unit Curt and Todd had rented.

    Jamie walked in to a room that was brighter than expected.  The guys had taken the shades off the lamps to get more light for the camcorder they had set up to record this indulgence of theirs.  Introductions were made along with the usual small talk.  Both guys were decent looking, with dad bods as expected but dad bods that had thickened from better than average starting points.  Curt (his attitude as well as his name) was 6’1, probably 210ish, with blond hair turning to gray and the strong legs of the former soccer player he had told me he had been.  Todd was built the way Jamie would look in twenty-five years, 5’10 and 180#, indifferent but not fat, with his brown hair cropped tight to hide a thinning pate.  He was soft spoken and polite, inquiring about Jamie’s studies and life in LA.

    Curt, clearly in charge of the night’s festivities, handed Jamie an open beer bottle and a shot of rye.  “Bottoms up buddy!” he said, pouring a second shot for the boy as soon as he has drained and chased the first, followed by a third.  Then he sparked up a joint and passed it to Jamie, instructing him to take long, deep drags.

    The booze and the pot had the boy feeling good and he was gladdened that the night looked like it would be more fun than he had anticipated.  Curt and Todd began stripping off and told Jamie to do the same.  When he was naked except for the jockstrap he was told earlier to wear, Curt barked at him to leave it on.  “We don’t want to see your dick, that’s not what we bought you for.”

    Todd sat down on the sofa with another joint while Curt fiddled with the camera saying to the boy “C’mon cocksucker, let’s see what you’ve got!”  Jamie got down in his knees in front of Todd and started servicing him, licking and nibbling and sucking him to attention.  Soon enough he was fully hard and the boy got to work in earnest.  Curt pulled him away and presented his own stiff cock, pushing it firmly and steadily down Jamie’s throat.  He began to gag but Curt kept his dick lodged in there before finally backing off, still leaving most of it in Jamie’s mouth.  “Look up at me boy” he ordered, and Jamie looked up to see that he had started recording.  He pulled out and told him to beg for it.  

    “Please”, the boy said, “please give me your dick.”

    ”What are you?” Curt sneered.

    ”I’m a cocksucker” Jamie replied, and Curt rammed it down his throat again.  He roughly facefucked the boy getting the whole thing on video.  This was much more hardcore than Jamie liked and he was surprised that it was really turning him on, his cock hard and leaking in his jock.

    As Curt was abusing him, Todd dropped his nice guy persona, egging his friend on, calling Jamie a dirty slut, a cheap hooker, a perverted faggot, etc.  Through the verbal abuse and sound of his own gagging, the boy thought he heard the sound of a door opening.  He darted his eyes to the side to see that the front door was still shut with the chain on.  Glancing the other way, he could see directly into the empty bathroom.  Then he heard a third voice saying “So, how’s the whore?  Everything you wanted it to be?”

    Startled, Jamie pushed Curt away and leapt to his feet, backing away towards the door.  He was very light-headed and stumbled, attributing it to the pot and the oxygen deprivation from the throat reaming.  Looking across the space, he could see two new, naked guys in the room and a third, also nude, through the open door to the adjoining, smoky room.

    “Hey guys” he said, smiling amiably and thinking fast, “this isn’t what we agreed on.  I’m cool with a group scene, but we have to renegotiate terms and set some ground rules.”

    Curt closed the gap between them with a reasonable, “let’s be friends” look on his face, his cock still rock hard and glistening with throat slime.  To Jamie’s shock, he gave the boy a swift punch to the stomach and the boy fell to the ground doubled over with the wind knocked out of him.

    Curt pulled him up by the hair as he gasped for breath.  “Listen, there are five of us and one of you.  Do you really think you can stop us from doing what we want?  If you go along with it you’ll probably have fun.  Bitches like you love the cock.  Or you can fight back and still get dicked down.  Your choice.”

    Jamie looked around and quickly assessed his predicament.  Curt was right, he couldn’t take down five guys, especially as the spacey feeling in his head was getting worse.  There must have been something in that beer or the joint, probably both.  And the five of them were each hot to him in a daddy sort of way.  But the decision was ultimately made by his own dick which was harder than it had ever been and was dripping so much precum that the pouch of the jock was sopping wet.

    ”So?” said Curt, “Are you going to be a good little fag boy?”

    Jamie nodded and replied “I’ll be a good little cocksucker”, licking his lips.

    Curt slapped him hard across the face and said “You’re going to do a lot more than that” and dragged him over to one of the new guys.

    The new guy, bigger and meaner looking than Curt and Todd, spat in Jamie’s face and said “Get to work slut.”


  11. 42 minutes ago, Barebacked said:

    Where is that “heart button” you mention in your first paragraph?

    I have seen people “New Members” reacting to posts, with lower reputation than mine. How do they do?

    I know the answer will be “keep posting” but my question is, once the system deems me good enough to react, WHERE DO I CLICK TO REACT?

    Is it a code, like ::heart:: or something like that?

    Is it a word between [ ] square brackets, Wikipedia-author-style? What’s the procedure?

    Thanks all!

    It takes a while for this site to let you react to a post..🤬

    You will see a gray heart in the lower right side of the post you are reading.  Just press it and you will see the icons.

    Even when you are able its very frustrating you are allowed only a few reactions in a 24 hour period. 🤬🤬


  12. 2 minutes ago, Splendidpup said:

    I’ve done this a few times and a few different ways and it is a lot of fun.  Best of all, both guys get stuffed, so they’re both winners!

    One way I’ve done it is like an actual tug of war: it starts off with the ends inserted and the bottoms  try to grip down with their ass muscles and pull it out of the other.

    Another way is to mark the center point and see which guy gets his hole down to it first.

    Dam.. would love to play with you!

  13. 11 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    Totally random thought, but it just occurred to me to wonder:

    Has anyone ever used a double-headed dildo with another guy to see who ended up more deeply penetrated by it? (I don’t know whether you would consider that person the loser or the winner, but it would be a fun game…maybe after a set amount of time or a set number of thrusts each…)

    Thats actually hot!  I would love to see two asses up in the air facing each other with a dilo connecting each hole! 


  14. 3 hours ago, Marlin said:

    When I met my first bf we played safe for almost a month. In fact the first few nights we didn't even fuck, Passionate kissing and lots of oral, When we did start fucking we always used condoms, no discussion, 

    One night we were passionately kissing, making out and sucking each other. I was in love with my bf and really wanted his DNA inside me. After sucking his dick for a while I made sure to get it extra sloppy. I then got up on top of him, sat over his dick and maneuvered it into my ass, slowly letting it sink all the while I was kissing him. He had been inside me before but this felt awesome. I loved the spontaneity and not having to fumble with a condom and psychotically eliminating that latex barrier, I was kissing him deep and started riding him. Within a minute or two he announced he was close to cumming and he wasn't wearing a condom. I told him that I wanted him to cum inside me. It obviously turned him on too as he reached up to kiss me deep just as started feeling his dick spasm inside me knowing I finally had his DNA in me. I rolled off him reached behind and felt his spooge. We cuddled for a while and fell asleep. I kept his load in me all night. The next morning we woke up and I fucked him...no condoms, no discussion. We never wrapped again

    Thats hot!

    I love to do sleep overs. Its awesome to wake up naked and next to a naked body.

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