This is a bit long but here goes. I was pulling a temp assignment in Denver and there was a passable steak house on I think, Washington ST. I had been in Denver for a couple of weeks when I met Vito, an Italian stallion, for real. About 13 inches of huge meat and he was good at using it. He had fucked me in the apartment many times in many different ways and places. I would go to sleep witih him in my ass and wake up with him fucking me or wake up in the morning with him still in me and cum all over the bed.
Well, we had some friends who we ran with and one night we went to this steak house for dinner and we got a booth in the back but five people don't fit in a booth well so I sat on Vito's lap and we got to messing around. Between the five of us, we got a hole cut in my pants and shorts and Vito had a roaring hard on as usual so I sat on it. The waiter came to take out order and he told us we couldn't do that and we said do what. He said you know and we simply stated that to all fit in the booth I was sitting on Vito's lap and he said sure you are. Anyways he took our order and the food came and all worked out well. I had a meal in both ends and Vito was emptied. The waiter came back and was telling us tht we were bad and needed to leave. Well Vito and I are not bashful so we asked him why and if he couldn't say there he was welcome to come over to my apartment the next day and we would discuss what he was concerned about.
Well the screw in the restaurant was great. I just had to be quiet because I am a noisy fuck when you get me going. The waiter did show up at my apartment the next day and he left walking bow legged and dripping a white gelatinous sticky substance from his ass. I've had some sex in other sort of public places but the steak house was/is the hottest. Vito was a great lover, and we never became a long term couple and now I wish that we had. Vito died from pneunocisti pneumonia about a year after the restaurant incident. The waiter converted some time after his breeding at my place.