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Everything posted by VersGuyAnon

  1. I laughed when he mentioned a top loader 🙂
  2. Have you managed to reach your goal yet? Your seriously sexy, so there must be lots of guys up for breeding you!
  3. I've had it happen a number of times. The first time it was totally unexpected. The guy was very matter of fact and, to be honest, during the first ever visit I was almost turned off by his brusqueness. He was actually a great masseur though, so I went back. I realised it was just his manner and I subsequently warmed to him but it was always obviously all "above board". Then one day I was on the massage table face down and heard him moving around a bit, so I looked up to see what he was doing. Turned out he'd closed the blinds, stripped off and he was hard as a rock. Fucking fantastic cock on him too. The massage continued, but with a much more tantric edge to it. He seemed to have developed a real interest in fingering/massaging my hole. Once I was on my back he lifted my legs back he fingered my (now very oily) hole again. I said I'd love to feel him tease it. In a flash my legs were up and the head of his cock was on my hole. This was in the days before I was actively barebacking, but I just imagined how his raw cock would have felt. I didn't have to wait long to find out, because he actually eased in and started fucking me. It was mind blowing! Interestingly I hadn't douched, because I didn't expect to be fucked), but apparently everything was "all good". The most recent occasions were well, you can see the results in my gallery on here 😉
  4. 400 loads in 5 months? Fucking hell, I'm jealous! I haven't seen any stats in a while now, but I've fairly recently heard an expert suggest while nothing can be ever be guaranteed 100%, it's a tiny fraction away from that. As with nay meds, it depends on not missing doses, taking it correctly, etc. From memory there have been a very small number of cases where guys became poz while on PrEP, but they were quite specific circumstances. It would be worth asking doctors where you get your PrEP what the latest assessment is.
  5. Using spit and my precum (I get loads), I've been able to fuck lot of guys without having to add lube.
  6. I need to check what plugs I have. I have a few but had totally forgotten about them!!! Does anyone use them to help with douching/ I know a guy who always uses a dildo to help "prepare". That had never occurred to me, but he swears by it.
  7. It's a shame everything starts so late there. I love daytime sex, which limits it there big time.
  8. I've recently uploaded some pics and vids (vids on other sites of course) of me being fucked and bred during a hot massage session in London, but I'm looking for more, so I can pretty replace all of my old ones. Is there anyone in/near Brighton who can help? I'm looking for general naked pics, but I'm also be looking for pics/vids of me being fucked (bareback of course). I have no idea at the moment if there would be anyone I'd bring along (I'd need to come to you), so it might be a case (if you're up for it) of you taking the pics and vids and the one fucking/breeding me. If you have any friends who would be interested in being involved, I'm open to suggestions. To make it clear, I'm a mature age guy (who still seems to get plenty of action, so I must have something going for me), not a fit twink or muscular stud. I'll be looking at arranging something mid/late July (when I should have a bit more time). Cheers!!
  9. I've only recently started getting back to bottoming after a long time as a top (largely being too lazy to "prep"). Within a short space of time I think it's fair to say I've become a bottom slut and I'm working on the cumdump bit. There's still a lot of stigma around re many different things, which can be at the very least tiring (but of course also offensive, hurtful, etc), so I'm not actively telling the whole world to their faces, but in the appropriate environments I'm not making a secret of it. I'm at an age where it really is time to say "fuck it".
  10. Considering how long I've been around (and how long I've been barebacking) I wonder if the fact I've never been in a sling makes me unique (or near to it). I've tried to get in them but just find them too awkward. I've been trying to get as much action as possible through glory holes instead, on my various sauna visits in recent time, but last visit was the best. I had my arse to one hole adjoining a darkroom and before long I felt a finger running over my lubed hole. Then nothing, so I started walking away, then realised the guy was rushing back having gone to get more sachets of lube. Turns out after he had a go (and shot his load), another guy slid in then after him a very different, very thick cock. I'd say that on this occasion (when I didn't see anyone in slings being fucked), guys seemed to prefer just fucking random anon holes, rather than being face to face with the cumdump.
  11. My faves are Luke Desmond and Kieron Knight, but I don't think either of them have done BB. I live in hope of coming across some stray amateur film of them sometime. I agree re Harley Everett - when I saw him finally do bareback it was a very happy day. Fucking enormous cock.
  12. So fucking jealous!
  13. Last time I went to the sauna I douched for just under an hour and I stayed pretty much squeaky clean for hours. Today I douched for a similar time and I noticed it wasn't quite right after the first fuck. It was OK, but when I checked there was "something. I recognised the guy (he fucked me last time and fuck he is hot) when he dashed off to get some lube (lots of which I'd fingered up me anyway) and he fucked me senseless. Three or four fucks later (those seemed fine, including one massive load from a hot guy with a lovely big fat cock), another guy fucked me hard and things were definitely not "OK." I figure I know what NOT to eat the day before or in the morning (i.e. I'm doing a trial and error exercise on my body). Once I know I have it spot on, I'll get back out to sex clubs where there aren't showers. That's when the load count will skyrocket!
  14. I've gone from total bottom to total top to versatile to total top to what is now bottom at every opportunity, but top if I don't have the time or chance to "prepare". It's fair to say I'm back to being a proper bottom & cumdump. I was a top for so long simply because it was easier, but I'm back into the sauna scene again and it's working perfectly!
  15. This morning I realised I haven't wanked (on my own) in weeks, possibly months. These days I always save up my cum for when I'm fucking/being fucked. As it seems to be a weekly basis now (if not more than once a week), I prefer it. On the days I go to a sauna to be a cumdump, I sometimes breed a guy at the end before I leave, or wank & cum while I'm being bred. Anyone else the same?
  16. As I've gone back to being a bottom slut and I'm aiming to gain an official cumdump title soon, it doesn't really matter. Generally I prefer the look of pubes on a guy rather than shaved, but sometimes shaved can suit a guy.
  17. Cheers gingerdaddyG!! I can't fucking wait. I just want every week to fly these days, so I can get back to the sauna to take raw cock! I'll report back on Sunday night 😉
  18. I'm off to the local sauna for naked day this Sunday. After I've had a wander to see who's there, I'm going into the downstairs darkroom (there's one on both of the two floors), getting on my knees on a bench and shoving my arse out for any cummers. After I've been fucked/loaded, I might go to see what's happening at the glory holes, but this time I'm going to just stay there for anyone else who wants to use a fresh load as lube.
  19. I forgot about this one. I've been set a target of 10 raw cocks in a session, which I'm trying for again this Sunday at the local sauna. Rubbered up cocks don't count. Mind you, that's cocks rather than loads, which is easier. I should add I'm most definitely NOT a Dawson. I wish!
  20. I should have added (it's not on the list) I really want to be on my back in a sauna (on a bed out in the open, or maybe in the cinema), with a guy either side of me holding my legs back/apart, so a queue of guys can form to take turns to breed me.
  21. Cheers. I was looking and it seemed that delivery would take forever, but I guess better that than not at all
  22. I've definitely had MUCH more fun by going to the sauna. In fact, it's the only place where I've managed to be a cumdump. Everyone via apps seems to want me to top, but most of the time I'm bored with that now.
  23. If there's a build up to being fucked, I love feeling the end of a fleshy foreskin teasing my hole. It drives me wild. If it's a more basic sleazy situation, I generally can't tell the difference. I CAN tell if the cock isn't bare and THAT I normally can't stand, unless it's a really hot cock.
  24. I'm looking for best place in the UK (i.e. quick local delivery, rather than from the States, etc) to buy "cumdump" or "bareback only" TEMPORARY tattoos. I want to put one above my crack, so when I bend over and back onto a glory hole it's really obvious. Any thoughts?
  25. The other main one for me in "anon". Love a good anon-door ajar breeding session.
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