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Status Replies posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. hey, thanks to have confirmed me I'm not alone. Among bz users I was almost feeling boring as I prefer emotions rather than "plug and play" sex! So proud and happy of who I am. Having other likeminded people around makes me feel I'm not wrong. 

  2. Love you cutie 😘☣️❤️💞

  3. Love you cutie 😘☣️❤️💞

  4. Cutie? Hope you are well... I care for you 😘


  5. Cutie? Hope you are well... I care for you 😘


  6. Reading a lovely story where a little girl talks to a fake friend but adults see just an empty chair. What about a 18-year-old guy whose undetectable bf discovers he's converted because of this! Family thinking the boy's mad, talking alone, but bf is aware -and scared- that he's talking to the virus

  7. dirty poz talk at early morning, on Monday. The week couldn't start better!

  8. dirty poz talk at early morning, on Monday. The week couldn't start better!

  9. dirty poz talk at early morning, on Monday. The week couldn't start better!

  10. dirty poz talk at early morning, on Monday. The week couldn't start better!

  11. dirty poz talk at early morning, on Monday. The week couldn't start better!

  12. Artificial Intelligence attempts to sermonize me! It doesn't want me to allow HIV virus to talk. But I won the battle! 

  13. Artificial Intelligence attempts to sermonize me! It doesn't want me to allow HIV virus to talk. But I won the battle! 

  14. Artificial Intelligence attempts to sermonize me! It doesn't want me to allow HIV virus to talk. But I won the battle! 

  15. Artificial Intelligence attempts to sermonize me! It doesn't want me to allow HIV virus to talk. But I won the battle! 

  16. Thanks for following me! Unlike you, I'm not into anon sex, but no matter. I'm into dirty poz talk and sexting anyway! 

  17. Artificial Intelligence attempts to sermonize me! It doesn't want me to allow HIV virus to talk. But I won the battle! 

  18. Artificial Intelligence attempts to sermonize me! It doesn't want me to allow HIV virus to talk. But I won the battle! 

  19. Artificial Intelligence attempts to sermonize me! It doesn't want me to allow HIV virus to talk. But I won the battle! 

  20. Someone might say I'm rude and get scared, but, while I try to be gentle to anyone, when someone makes me feel discomfort I say it. Although I'm behind a keyboard, I'm a human with feelings and express them clearly whatever they are. 

  21. Hello

    I liked your posting and like that your into POZ talk.

    I  also love that your sharing your fantasies and stories very much.

    I am negative and am chasing.  Your stories are great to me because I don't feel like a total fucked up freak about wanting it.

    I have gone to dark places when many others tell me how fucked up I am and that i should have horrible things happen'

    Your a major inspiration thank you.

    I also love the way you put in your profile the personal aspect and that you don't want to be objectified and such.  Very clear concise and warm hearted.  Your are a beautiful man.  Thank you.

    Now all I have to do is figure out where your posting these beautiful stories.

  22. on Tuesday I'll be involved in a conference for Safer Internet Day and, you know what? Thanks to bz I feel more comfortable even talking about sexting: there's not "don't do it" but "how to do it". I won't talk about bz explicitly but I really do not care any longer of weird faces if I say I practice sexting roleplay almost daily. 

  23. on Tuesday I'll be involved in a conference for Safer Internet Day and, you know what? Thanks to bz I feel more comfortable even talking about sexting: there's not "don't do it" but "how to do it". I won't talk about bz explicitly but I really do not care any longer of weird faces if I say I practice sexting roleplay almost daily. 

  24. Attempting to write a poz story called "doomsday clock"; always science fiction with a mutated smart HIV involved, but I've got nothing ready yet. If I'll publish it, it'll be shorter than "we have to talk" as it has less characters. SPOILER, HIV-R. It'll stand for "radiations" "resistance" "resilience" or all three into a "HIV-3R" strain

  25. Dead tired: just finished writing an article about HIV stigma for a group. Then they will share it around and never say thanks, I know how it ends up. As usual. Writer's life. Next time I say OK, I write whatever but give me your ass in return

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