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Everything posted by Teeslad70

  1. No, but I was fucked by him and one of his mates on a boat which made me feel exactly that way. There was also going to be an outdoor fuck with another man he was chatting to, but it was rained off. That was before Christmas so don't know if it will still happen.
  2. Who can tell me that I am a cock whore or cumslut?

  3. It's been a while, so a quick update. Still seeing Daddy most weekends for either a car BJ and chat, or if I'm lucky a close fuck at his home. I told him about my cravings for cock and he said it's ok if I still want to cruise to suck cock as long as I tell him all the details when we next meet. Anal is reserved for him and any friends he asks me too, which I am happy with as it feels a little safer, even though I realise it probably isn't. It works for me anyway. Not heard anymore from the student. My last message was wishing him well on his adventures and letting him know he has a lot to offer both men and women, and so be confident and get out there. I hope he takes that advice and I hope he has already sucked down more cock.
  4. I rarely cum, if ever, from receiving oral. But i can always make a man cum when sucking cock. I don't know why it is.
  5. When i just used to suck guys, the excitement would usually die down and stop once he had cum and I swallowed his load. The need would slowly build until the next time. Since being fucked the excitement still remains knowing his cum in in my ass (I don't know why mentally that is different to my stomach), and the need comes round much more frequently. I don't know why this is. It happens at an unconcious level, but I'm certainly more of a whore since, and when things are quiet the need is much stronger than it used to be.
  6. To be honest he didn't need much persuading, or put up a fight to sucking my cock, but weirdly I still felt that I was making him do it.
  7. Bit of an update and spring has certainly changed things. Met with the 18yo student after some message ping pong on Thursday afternoon. Wasn't a long meet, but very rewarding. Looked at some bi porn and then invited him to suck my cock. I could tell he was nervous, but I kind of dommed him a bit and encouraged him the way I like it and got him on his knees. He took it well, I think remembering the way I sucked him. He went for it pretty keenly and I slowly fucked his mouth. He gave up after a minute or so getting embarassed, and I didn't cum so I just went straight down on him and sucked until he exploded in my mouth. I hope I left him more satsfied than embarassed. Hopefully still thinking of cock. Sunday afternoon saw me in my more natural role with Daddy and his allotment friend. Unfortunately the allotment was busier than last time so I was just in the shed playing the boy and sucking cock. So glad I was still appreciated. I'd been having doubts the last couple of months and this has reignited the slut in me. Hopefully a lot more to cum.
  8. Not on any gay websites, but I've spotted a few married women that I've known on sex hookups
  9. Well I've had a message from the lad overnight. I think he must have just logged back in to get all mine. He did enjoy it, and has asked me if I can set him up with a woman. I said I'd try, but it might not be easy, but if he wants a guaranteed mouth around his cock then I'm happy to oblige. Also I think Daddy is arranging another allotment visit this weekend, so after a worrying start to the year suddenly things are happening. I suppose it's spring.
  10. I know it's probably a mistake, but I sent him a message encouraging him to meet others, if I was the problem for some reason. Lots of cock and cunt out there for him. I told him he had an incredible cock, and I would be happy to help again anytime. I hope he's still feeling horny.
  11. For the past 6 months I've been meeting semi regularly with an older man who decides who I fuck. He's introduced me to 2 other men so far and he promises more. I can't even begin to describe how exciting I find it.
  12. I'm still thinking about it. I wish I'd got him to suck my cock first. I imagine it would have been a powerful experience.
  13. I feel it like a tide. A force of nature!
  14. I just love being his slut, and I love the way he talks about me. Thanks for the support.
  15. I think he would like it, but I wouldn't want him to find a new favourite!
  16. Thanks for the response, it's good to know people read and are interested in my rubbish. I know I go on and have a lot of self doubts and lack confidence in myself. The thing with the lad isn't about meeting again, but wanting to know if he is ok with what happened. Again that's my self doubt again.
  17. I hope I'm not starting to clog the forum up here, but I just need to spell out where I am with all this right now. Any replies are appreciated, either here or DM. 2024 is turning into a very different year than 2023. Last year I felt I was on a rollercoaster contantly pulled and pushed in different directions and experiences. I felt it was all beyond my control and I loved it. This year is more like a slow tram ride, and I keep feeling scared that it's going to stop and I'm going to be asked to get off. Thing is, from meeting Daddy yesterday, that I still get that thrill from the role he has put me in, and it seems he is still excited and pleased to have me. So why does it feel different? I'm scared he'll get bored of me, even though he seems fine with me. Yes the meets have slowed and maybe that's the problem. Maybe it's just the time of year and spring will soon kick in. I hope so anyway. And I do feel guilty about the lad I met. Partly because Daddy doesn't know, and I want to play that obedient slut so much, but also because I worry about the lad himself. Maybe I was the wrong person to be his first? I genuinely expected to have received a message back before the end of the weekend. Sorry to get serious. Thoughts?
  18. Had my semi-regular meet with Daddy today, just in car blow job but I still love the way he makes me feel and hearing how he talks to me and what his friends think. Still hoping to meet more soon. I didn't tell him about the lad, who still hasn't messaged me back, as feeling a bit guilty about taking cock without his permission, and I still like that he thinks I am only his for use. I do hope the lad is alright.
  19. You'd be surprised. My actual uncle was the one who introduced me. Sadly he passed in 2010 so no reconnecting.
  20. I've not heard from him yet so I hope he isn't having a hard time over it. I love the idea that he's thinking of my mouth when wanking. Such an honour. How long is it reasonable to accept a reply? I'm torturing myself over giving him something he might be regretting. I know that this is my problem rather than his though.
  21. I'd sucked cock when young, but never moved on doing anything more, but I suppose I was waiting for someone to make that decision for me. It eventually happened after a very long time.
  22. I suppose I should have got him to suck me first.
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