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Posts posted by topblkmale

  1. On 7/9/2016 at 11:17 AM, RWHID said:

    I finally started a new relationship, if you can call it that. I met a guy on Grindr (I know, never get in a relationship with a guy from a hookup app). He is 18, was 60 miles away, and he seems very mature for his age. We clicked well during chatting for a few weeks. We both decided to date, he came down and has stayed here for about two weeks now. He doesn't seem to want to do anything. He says he wants to get a job, but I have to hound him to do the applications, and when he gets to the point of submission, he always closes it off and says he will do it later? His excuse is that his ID and SS card are at his mom's house, who supposedly won't send them to him. He is very clingy, and I do not like that at all. I use to be, then I got out of it. I can't go to the next room without him wanting to know where I'm going and why. He always wants to kiss, I like to too, but he wants to every 30 minutes it seems, and if I act like I don't want to, he will get up in my face and not stop until I sass him or give in. I HATE IT. He also talks way too much during shows that I watch, and telling him to flat out "shut up" doesn't seem to help at all!! Today is my birthday, and trying to be happy for a day... selfish me... I want him gone... ASAP... but I hate being mean. How do you explain you have nothing in common and it's time he went back home? Sad thing is his mom kicked him out for being gay, so he said, though she knows he's here and even asked if he was coming back. I don't know. He brought one bag of clothes, and that's it. Nothing else. I am not going to support him when I can barely support myself. Maybe I am mint to be alone? Right now it seems that's all I want. Is there a way to explain a relationship just isn't working and it needs to end before it goes further without hurting him??


    On 7/23/2016 at 7:28 PM, RWHID said:

    I'm back. We discussed it. After I ended it he still stayed here until Sunday. His ex passed away after being hit by a car, mine went to prison. We both realized we were both still dealing with issues from our past and that it's best we do our own thing. He admitted he needed to grow up, and I love that about him. We are still friends, chat every day since he went back home. I think this might be the first non sexual gay friend I have, well, ignoring the one time sex we did have. LOL


    This was a good read. Thanks for resurrecting this story from 8 years ago.

    The young man in the story would be about 26 years old now. I wonder how he turned out.


  2. On 9/15/2024 at 5:42 PM, BadInBrooklyn said:

    Looking for guys doing the classic "ass in the air, no load refused" anon scene.  Older preferred as I want very experienced ass.

    C'mon community cumdumps, I need your services!


    Try East Side Club weekday afternoons.

    Lower level.

    When I use to work in the area and frequent quite regularly, I would see at least a half dozen older men in their rooms - ass up with door open.


  3. 10 hours ago, BlackDude said:

    Curious why you would advise that?


    Doritos, Cup-o-Noodles and Kit-Kats are prison currency.

    I just doubt there are any prisoners in the US who would maintain a non-transactional relationship with some random gay dude in some European country they've never heard of.


    • Like 1
  4. On 9/10/2024 at 1:20 AM, IrishBoi said:

    Is it true that the jail pre reads the letters. Does that limit you in what you can write such as asking them why they are there or going into details. I ask cos I am curious about what makes people commit crimes whether it's by necessity or habit. What are the main dos and dents when writing to them. Can talk in private if you want. Messaged yr telegram too



    Yes, in America the prison guards open and read the letters as well as intercept and confiscate any contraband. So it might be a bit difficult to kindle a gay romance with an inmate through the US Postal system.


  5. 21 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    OK, how about this: You're being asked to choose the meal that's going to be served to everyone in your world for the next four years. Those are your only choices, and starving everyone by refusing to choose isn't an option.


    Then the flights headed to Venezuela with chicken sourced from the Caracas zoo.


    35 minutes ago, tallslenderguy said:

    When, in the history of humankind, has ignoring an egomaniacal wanna be potential world leader ever worked as the best policy?  History is replete with examples of too many of the general populace just looking the other way when yet another crazy comes on the scene and wants to be in control. We're not talking about something as benign as a meal on a plane, we're talking about putting someone in power who would effect the lives of millions of people for more than 4 years, and could potentially affect the course of humanity and life as we know it.  


    Enjoy your pollo. ¡Buen provecho!


    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    As someone (and I can't remember who, unfortunately) put it: it's like being on an airplane where meals are still served, and the flight attendant tells you that your choices are chicken, or a shit sandwich filled with shards of glass. Being undecided at this point in the election is like looking at those choices and asking "How is the chicken prepared?"


    Or choose not to eat airplane food.


    • Downvote 1
  7. 6 hours ago, nanana said:

    I am NOT a fan of Trump but don’t understand why partisan Democrats think he’s going to destroy Democracy by himself when their leaders have taken a wrecking ball to free speech, truth (Russiagate, Biden laptop), freedom from big Pharma corruption (Covid vaccines), modeled insider trading (Pelosi) and nepotism (Biden), and warmongering (Israel/Ukraine). I often don’t mind Democratic values but very much dislike the actual record of Democratic leaders. Can some Democrat explain why Democrats use up all of their hatred on an admittedly questionable leader of the Republicans while having such low standards for their own leaders and how vaulting crappy leaders to the top of their party serves them?




  8. 3 hours ago, VistaCaBB said:

    I still want to dress up as a Trump supporter and have 4-8 black men take their aggression out on me in bed. 


    Said it, meant it. 


    Maybe in 2016 that would have happened.

    2024 not so much.

    Especially if your fantasy involves younger black men.

    A poe-lease officer's uniform is what you want to dress up as.


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    How kind of you to feel sorry for them and desire to help.

    I use to fool around with an ex-con from the Bronx in the 90s. He was a thug and a prison bottom.

    Advice: place large funds on their commissary before you tell them your gay.


  10. On 9/3/2024 at 9:52 PM, Hungryforbbc said:

    I remain a proud Jack of Spades who will continue to post empirical, scientific and sociological data to support the growing evidence of the genetic superiority of the evolved Black American surviving descendants of the slave trade and their African ancestors who were born Kings and were wrongfully stripped of their culture, power, and humanity for centuries and have STILL risen to the top levels of every area of our culture despite every possible attempt to thwart their ascent.


    Please don't post any of that data around here.


    • Upvote 2
  11. 5 hours ago, partying.hard said:

    In most social media platforms, I am a firm believer that people need to take a course and pass a competency exam before being allowed to post or reply.


    Warning: Don't read the Cruise Listings Comments on Squirt.org  


    • Upvote 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, BlindRawFucker1 said:

    My nephew is in 8th grade.  He doesn’t have homework, and has never had to research and write a report.


    Doesn’t that say something about what kids are, or, aren’t learning?


    Research is obsolete. We have Alexa, Siri and now ChatGPT.

    Which is why most guys, online and in person, cannot carry a conversation past sup, woof, hey or looking.


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  13. 2 hours ago, PozBearWI said:

    @topblkmale  Thank you for exposing me to something interesting to watch.  Not to disparage porn.  But THIS engaged my brain (as does some of our conversations here - I rather like the bit of a brain jolt.).  

    Otherwise here we might have beat this topic to death perhaps.  Glad for the topic - and in particular enhancing my understanding.  



    @PozBearWI The same YouTuber did a good video on pronouns worth watching.


    • Upvote 1
  14. On 6/12/2024 at 6:42 AM, metroguy said:

    Anyone know which parties have some private rooms? I know Lodge ones don't and Rainbow Club does. Anyone know if any others do?


    Almost no party space in New York has private rooms. Most likely because of NYC fire safety regulations.

    Only Rainbow Playground has private rooms as it was previously a loft office space and already partitioned with small offices in some areas.


  15. 57 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    My money is on Leontyne .... Beyonce is great too, but ... 

    The "added phrases" applies to the apps?  

    Polite manners take no more time than impolite manners, 

    Thanks for your input.  


    Yes. You can add Saved Phrases for a quick reply...or to send a canned message of what you're into.

    But most won't read that either and end up asking what are you into?

    An endless loop. Gay Inception.


    • Thanks 1
  16. 50 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    Well then, the only thing to do is have some short, vaguely polite response ready. Something like - oh - "no thanks", for instance.  

    Every guy gets to say what he needs, and every other guy gets to either accept or decline.  


    There is the option to add polite responses to Saved Phrases for a quick reply. But politeness is time consuming and uncommon in the hook-up app world.

    And gay men can't handle outright rejection.



    Beyoncé sang it best. To the left 👈 to the left.

    Swipe left.



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