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Posts posted by topblkmale

  1. On 5/9/2021 at 11:49 AM, LetsPOZBreed said:

    This has to be one of my absolute favourite sex acts to do with a partner, but I find very few guys that are actually into this.  Question to you all:  If a guy unloads into your mouth, do you enjoy the thought of being able to kiss it back to him?  For me, this has to be one of the most intimate acts that can occur between two men.


    Absolutely not. My load is not to be played with. Its either injected or ingested. Oral or anal. DNA is sacred and a bottom playing around with semen outside of his body is a huge turn-off.


    • Piggy 1
  2. 2 hours ago, WillingRawVerse said:

    Republican who is more of an Independent Conservative with left leanings. Hate the current admin. Doing nothing but letting America go to shit. Open borders, teaching kids under the age of 10 about sex and racism, 34 trillion in debt with tons more spending. Not saying Republicans don't spend a lot, but some somethings need to be provided for the security of American citizens first, then the rest of the world. Not the world first. We're still crippled by inflation, the economy is in a recession, and everybody is busting their asses to make ends meet. Shouldn't have to struggle like this if there were policies in place to help American citizens.

    And Kamala is just a pretty face who sucked cock to get where she is now. She has zero awareness of what's going on. I think she finally made one trip to the border after all these years of being the border czar. Stupid cunt.  Granted I'd give her a good fucking in all her holes, but that's all she is worth.


    Brave man for commenting about this.


  3. 5 hours ago, DallasPozzible said:

    I have no expertise in this area, but I’m interested in why that might be. What policies did Trump implement to help in this regard?

    I looked at stats on Statista (wish I could embed graph here). [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.statista.com/statistics/194151/unemployment-rate-of-african-americans-in-the-us-since-1990/

    So it looks like black unemployment rates dramatically fell starting early in Obama admin. Rates steadily improved starting in 2010 (after 2008 financial crisis settled down) and continued until 2020 when rates bumped back up - I suspect due to Covid. (Trump was still president.) Rates then took a turn back down and now are lower than at anytime during Trump presidency. Looks to me like the changes in the last 14 years are likely due to Obama policies and improvements just glitched during Covid. Maybe someone more enlightened can give fuller explanation. 


    Black unemployment rate for the past twenty years.



    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    This is apparently what you're alluding to, regarding "Republicans keep Cuba in line" :

    "June 20 (Reuters) - China and Cuba are negotiating to establish a new joint military training facility on the island, sparking alarm in the U.S. that it could lead to the stationing of Chinese troops and other security operations just 100 miles off Florida's coast, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday citing current and former U.S officials."

    That is from June, 2023 ..... [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.reuters.com/world/china-plans-new-military-training-facility-cuba-wsj-2023-06-20/ 


    This is misquoted and belongs to @Orlbttmntraining

    I’ve only been with two Cubans in my life and politics were in neither of their mouths. 

  5. 1 hour ago, tallslenderguy said:

    It's a shame  this kind of conservative isn't prominent, or as influential as those against gender identity in the Republican party.  May i ask what are some of the conservative factors that cause You to choose to be Republican?


    • Yes you may, but they're not LGBT issues.


  6. 51 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    Not answering for the OP, but just commenting: I think it's funny how the very people who slam the idea of gender identity by saying you can't just "say" you're X or Y or Z, are the same ones who want to claim a "straight" identity while getting their dicks sucked by men. 


    33 minutes ago, 50latinos said:

    are you one of them?

    Neither of them. 

    I’m both pro gender identity and pro straight identified men who want their dicks sucked by men yet are conservative/Republicans themselves. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    Your experience and mine vary. I know any number of guys who get their dicks sucked and swear they aren't gay or even bi (even though they're literally doing one of the acts that for centuries defined "homosexual", before the idea of "orientation" gained traction), and at the same time mock the idea that people get to define themselves, genderwise.

    Agreed. 👍🏾

    But the straight man getting his dick sucked by a trans woman would see her as a woman.

    Which is contradictory to what you stated. 


  8. 1 minute ago, BootmanLA said:

    Not answering for the OP, but just commenting: I think it's funny how the very people who slam the idea of gender identity by saying you can't just "say" you're X or Y or Z, are the same ones who want to claim a "straight" identity while getting their dicks sucked by men. 

    Nope. Two totally separate groups of people. 

    Nice try. 

  9. On 2/19/2024 at 2:51 PM, Orlbttmntraining said:

    One of my regulars feeders is a down and proud repulican, and it baffles the fuck out of me. We hava chatted about it in the past and he said its because Republicans keep Cuba in line (His parents fled Castro) and he likes lower taxes. Last I heard he is full MAGA and has started down the self hating gay path.

    Is your regular feeder ‘straight’ or bi? It might be that he just does not identify with LGBT but does enjoy a good blow job from a man.


  10. On 2/19/2024 at 11:41 AM, Cutedelicategay said:

    Bathhouses were a need for the community to get together when the community was marginalized. That's not the case any more. The bisexual community is worst affected by such closures as they normally have opposite sex partners at home. Other than that new generation has a lot more options than bathhouses. Bathhouse generally promote body shaming and they are very expensive nowadays. A lot of illegal activities go on in the dark corners of these places. Besides commercial licenses for such places are opposed by the community. While I enjoy a visit or two to the bathhouse in Toronto which has 2 24/7 bathhouses sex is always a hit or miss. People tend to like ABS where only cock and ass are seen and rejection and body shaming are avoided. Bathhouses and other exclusive sex positive venues are indeed a thing of the past and I won't be surprised if these go out of business. 


    As old generation 1.0 I have not encountered body shaming at any bathhouse I've ever visited. Having said that, new generation should probably avoid gyms and beaches as those places could also be hotbeds of body shaming.


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, meetme said:

    Is Crew Club the only bathhouse in DC. Did they also have a Megaplex or some other choice?


    8 hours ago, meetme said:

    They are written about so often in stories on this site, that’s what I mean by fantasy, as they are talked about in fiction.  They are locations used in gay porn films .  “Us” is gay men. You live in New York, the only bathhouse left here is the East Side Club.  In the years I’ve lived in Manhattan, the West Side Club, The Ansonia, The St Marks Baths, The Wall Street Sauna, Man’s Country and the Everhard Baths have all closed.  As these places shut down I think an open conversation about them on a gay site is valid. The Club Bath chain was all across America once upon a time. What’s left of that chain?  As a part of the gay community, they should have more acknowledgement.



    DC had a Club Baths chain bathhouse. It was pretty small but action packed and in a good location.

    DC also had a bathhouse-like place called The Men's Party.


  12. 2 hours ago, akula said:

    I'm attracted to men of color, something about pasty white guys really grosses me out, no blue eyed blond hair for me let me have dark eyes and dark hair every time. 


    Reminds me of the early internet days when guys would state their eye and hair color while giving stats.


    5'10", 170 lbs, blond/blue, 30 y/o


  13. 2 hours ago, bottom4blktops said:

    Its a word that Ron DisHonest Shit Head started denying critical race theory, banning books, closing down drag shows, attacking Disney, 

    Vote Blue  


    Ron DeSantis does use the word a lot in his daily life. But he didn't start the modern day usage and I highly doubt he knows or cares about the origins of the term in black American culture.


    • Like 1
  14. 17 hours ago, Lkn4Blk said:

    I go on sex trips. Dallas, Atlanta, Ft. Lauderdale, Denver, Detroit, NYC, LA. Love bathhouses and ABS scenes. CumUnion parties, too..

    Detroit is a new one I’ve never heard mentioned before. 

    Chicago was good when there were multiple bathhouses. 

  15. On 2/22/2023 at 10:12 PM, BlackDude said:

    The Republicans openly say they aren’t doing anything for black people.

    The Democrats practice a benign neglect policy against black people.

    The republicans are hostile toward black voters.

    The democrats bring in groups from other places to neutralize black voters

    The Republicans want to erase blacks history

    The Democrats want to minimize black history

    The Republicans tell blacks people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps

    The Democrats give non-black minority groups boot straps

    The Republican LGBT community only cares for white gay men

    The Democratic LGBT community uses blacks to get benefits for white gay men

    I personally advocate for neither party. When I see the agenda, then make my decisions. 


    Smart man. One year ago, you accurately predicted February 2024. 


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