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Posts posted by topblkmale

  1. 16 minutes ago, Monorchid said:

    If you can access it, there is a very good BBC Radio 4 short series about the origins and development of the word and the ideas it's associated with. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/m001jc1l?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile

    In general, to my mind, being woke is being aware of the fundamental injustice faced by too many people. It is used pejoratively in much the same way as Political Correctness (gone mad) was in the 1990s - a shorthand to dismiss any idea which challenges someone (who doesn't want to) to have even a base level of compassion for anyone who they see as Other or somehow lesser.


    BBC's have radios. Now that's woke!

    But seriously its racial injustice as experienced by black people.

    White liberals co-opted the term.

    Happy Black History Month!


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    Like a lot of slang, 'woke' originated in black American culture (90s rap, hip-hop, R&B, neo-soul). Back then it referred to watching out for 'the white man'. For me, its a bit funny and ironic hearing white liberals use the term as I understand what the original usage of the word was among black folks.


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  3. 11 hours ago, bbzh said:

    Can confirm this. There are signs everywhere letting you know what will happen if you get too frisky lol. And the most annoying part is that they fly small drones right near you on the beach to let you know they are not playing either.


    So you're saying they're now flying drones over Haulover Beach (the gay section) to deter guys from fucking?

    I thought drone money was only going to Ukraine & Israel.


  4. 2 hours ago, BBBxCumDumpster said:

    I have a good idea sometimes but I'm not always sure.  My thinking is if the topic is acceptable, then why not a particular word? If a word is banned the what about synonyms? 


    Some words invite unwanted exposure on social media sites, forums and community groups.


    Its why we now use the term unalive to refer to various types of deaths that I probably can't mention.


  5. 2 hours ago, Hotrawbutt4u said:

    Guess I have a lot to figure out on grindr. I use blue stacks to load the app and untill recently I wasn't able to clean up old emails. When I went to anther town last year, the app still showed the same accounts close to me. It would be nice to be able to search close to the hotel I will be at when I travel. Maybe find some playmayes


    The Grindr ✈️Explore feature does a lot.



    In my situation with the bottom showing up at my regular's apartment, it appears his location has been designated as the community cum-dump gathering site. He does open door ass up with random guys on Grindr - which is fine - but I don't wish to be a part of that and then be tracked (stalked) to my home upon leaving.


    I've also had a friend also on Grindr hit me up after a bottom left my place asking if I had fun...


    Lastly, and similarly, when I go to my local bathhouse or ABS, I get guys on Grindr hitting me up to ask about the crowd and who's there.


  7. 1 hour ago, ellentonboy said:

    I have to agree, the geo locators can be problematic.  I've received messages while having someone over my house, telling me they knew a particular guy was with me, and could they join?  Well, it's happened more than once, so I've learned to turn that off on my phone and log off the site.  I had one guy, under the influence, show up at my apartment complex and couldn't figure out which unit was mine, so he started knocking on doors.  I happened to have a family living below me with three children, I know they didn't appreciate a knock on the door in the middle of the night.  It didn't take them very long for them to figure out who the guy was looking for.  I ended up moving, not just for that reason but by the time I left it was well known I was gay and had a lot of traffic, at all hours of the day and night.

    The apartment complex was thrilled when I told them I was not renewing my lease.  There was a lot of issues at that complex, I just added to the headaches for management.  

    Technology is a wonderful thing, but along with that can also include some embarrassing moments.



    This just recently happened to me while I was fucking one of my regulars at his place. Another guy  - bottom (pretending to be a top) - just showed up wanting to join in while I was there. My regular let him in. Long story short, I took my regular out of rotation and blocked both on Grindr. I don't fool around with local guys who I haven't personally pre-screened.


    I've realized guys on Grindr can track me to my job or a family member's home and show up uninvited. I now pay for Grindr Unlimited and use Grindr Incognito while I'm home or at work.

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    If someone on Grindr knows your general location, there is no need to give your exact address. You can easily track anyone down on Grindr using Google Maps and the distance feature if its enabled in Grindr settings.

    I've had guys on Grindr 'show-up' outside my door once I told them the general area I live in. I'm in a dense urban area so someone would still have to figure out the exact house or apartment number. I can't imagine how scary it could be if I lived in a suburban or rural area.

    It could potentially be fun if you're into riskier random hookups.


  9. 11 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Do you mean that good ass feels a certain way versus bad ass, or just that ass feels really good? In either case, what does it feel like to you? I’ve fucked maybe a total of five asses before I gave it up totally, but I remember that among those five, one felt rubbery, one felt a little like sandpaper, and one felt hollow and empty and a little cold. For a man such as yourself, a connoisseur of ass, I imagine your experience has given you moments you could compare to another sensation.

    Tops have said I feel like warm, wet velvet. One said I felt like fucking a cloud. The ass you fuck must feel like something. Do they all feel the good the same way to you? The same amount of good? 


    I mean good ass feels a certain way mostly based upon the experience level of the bottom. Some have mastered their craft to become power bottoms. But those are very few. To me, good ass feels relaxed yet moist and not too warm with the ability to 'milk' my dick.

    But generally good ass has some combination of the following:

    • deep cleaned
    • nice perky ass lips
    • loose second hole with a snug (not too tight) first hole
    • good anal muscle control
    • bouncy ass cheeks with some muscle tone and thick thighs

    If you notice, three characteristics relate to muscle. I can quickly tell bottoms who have put in work and those are usually your power bottoms. What makes a good bottom is another topic entirely.


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  10. On 12/2/2023 at 7:54 PM, Classiccrider said:

    Race play breaks down barriers. When I say to a guy, "Fuck me with that big, nigger cock," or, "Get on your knees and suck my dick, nigger," this breaks down all barriers between us. It shows we are perfectly comfortable with each other. And since a big part of sexuality has to do with domination and submission, it makes sex between us highly charged. Only people who are uncomfortable with each other are racially polite during sex.


    big nigga dick has a better ring to it


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  11. 11 hours ago, ErosWired said:


    Not every fuck is a breeding. You can absolutely tell. Men fuck for many reasons, and their drive to ejaculate is not always in a mindset that one would consider a ‘rutting’ mode in the animal sense of reproductive readiness and intent. But there are times when a Top becomes acutely aware that his intent is to transfer his reproductive matter - his seed, his DNA, his essence, what have you - into a receiver of warm flesh, in the way his biology tells him is right for conception. He may not be thinking in terms of offspring, but merely answering a deep behavioral instinct coded into us ever since an animal grew the world’s first penis.

    When the Top enters this state, he functionally becomes an altered figure to whom a specialized term applies: Breeder. In general, non-human contexts, this word is essentially synonymous with inseminator, again pointing to the reproductive function. But more importantly, it necessarily implies semen ejaculated inside the body of the recipient. Breeder is sometimes suggested as a term of sexual orientation, to preserve a sense of masculinity when a man is uncomfortable with bisexual - but note that this use, too, functionally relies in the sense of inseminator: Both the Breeder and the bisexual fuck people of both genders, but the Breeder’s masculine credentials are intact because he emphatically does what only Men can do - he’s an inseminator.



    100% accurate explanation 👍

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