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About marriedsub

  • Birthday 10/01/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Stockholm, Sweden
  • Interests
    Looking for active, dominant older men. I'm not an active chaser, but POZ cum and breeding stories and chatting turns me on. Ok, I admit. I do want to be bred and converted! In fact, I dream about taking loads orally and anally by many men, POZ only! I'd love to serve more than one man, maybe gangbanged by up to 20... (but that will probably take some training... anyone?) That really does make me a bugchaser, right? Another fantasy involves being owned, a property, and whored out, yet another to be sold at a slave auction...
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    Married (to a woman) but really want to be corrupted and converted to 100% homo = POZ, only interested in taking cock and loads from gay, real, active, dominant, positive men. I'm (still...) a BB virgin... but want to change that! No condoms, ever!
  • Porn Experience
    Want to do porn, at least amateur porn. I don't expect to become a porn star, but want to be filmed/photographed, and "exposed" on gay porn sites.
  • Looking For
    Active, dominant gay men, prefer older than me. Want to make my debut as a BB- or even POZ-only cumdump, try wet, gangbang, bukkake, fisting, making porn, and so much more, just ask. I only sub/bottom, and I'm not on PrEP and won't ever be. I really need guidance and encouragement by one or more Masters (or owners). A little bit obsessed about getting impregnated - yes, pozzed and owned forever.

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    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      Spring, honey. Spring. And hormones are more active in this period! 

      Btw, be careful with objects so that they don't get stuck inside you. I would never like you to find yourself in unpleasant situations. Fun is fun, pleasure is pleasure but it has to stay that way. 

      Damn, thinking of you fucking yourself in a bottle makes me rock hard! I want you to keep yourself horny and to face your everyday life with a huge smile. 

    3. marriedsub


      Thank you! Of course, has to be spring... I'm in heat 😉

      I'll be careful, just so difficult when I'm horny... I just had to fuck myself with a beer bottle before going to work... just the neck. Definitely keeping myself horny. And you make me smile too! 💋💖

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      It's just because you aren't on your own and can't do whatever "out of rules" otherwise I'd have suggested you a proper sextoy! But NO. I don't want to put you at risk in any way... 

      Just want to give you my virus but nothing else... LOL! Well, you know what I mean. 😘🔥🔥🔥

      Keep that nice smile all day, catch you later!

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