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Everything posted by Rafguy

  1. My hole seems to open up easier for a large raw cock, then with a condom, sometimes takes some work.
  2. Entrouge seems more consistent, but still a little hit or miss. I’ve been to Kuma a few times usually not much activity during normal hours, but a good after hours spot after clubs across street close.
  3. I always ask before meeting if they are cool with using a condom, if they are not, I apologize to them, because I know it’s my problem not theirs, and it’s me who will be missing out.
  4. It’s hit or miss for me. I’ll fumble around and feel for that perfect cock, sometimes I can find it, sometimes it finds me, and sometimes it’s not around.
  5. I never really had a preference, but I’ve encountered a number of Cubans in the bathhouse, and they’ve never disappointed.
  6. Hello, 40 year old Military guy here, new to the site. Been visiting bathhouses for the few years. Was always pretty submissive but started bottoming for real just recently. Before that was pretty much just oral. Still play it safe, but am intrigued by taking a raw cock and being filled. I know I’ve passed on a few good experiences just because I’ve insisted on condoms. Might look into taking prep, but don’t even know where to start. Anyways, glad to be here, and enjoy a lot of the postings.
  7. When I’m alone I kind of lose the nerve after I cum, but I’ve been fed my cum a few times by others.
  8. I’m actually very masculine until I have a cock in front of me, then I turn into a submissive little faggot
  9. I probably fall under that category
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