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Everything posted by gimpsub69

  1. This is not true. While in the minority by a lot comparably to most gender affirming surgeries, there's been girls ages 12-14 who had top surgeries. Another point is the countries that were leading countries for gender affirming Care on minors have all reversed course. Maybe we should ask them why they did that. Once age of consent do whatever you want
  2. This is dumb except to keep kids away from porn but they should of done that 20 years ago. If democrats voted for it though it's on both sides. Everyone knows republicans would vote for this
  3. Yes. I got tested twice a year for 20 years. Tested positive august 22 2017 and was undetectable by December 7th of 2017 and have been ever since. My CD4 count was 1276 last month viral load was under 20
  4. I'm 6'4 220 with a micro penis and always knew I would be a sub bottom and serve men. As I've been told repeatedly I have a body that was made to take a pounding
  5. I have been getting fucked raw pretty much since I was 17.. here's the stranger than fiction part. I got HIV in August of 17. I was 17 years old December 15 1997. I had almost 20 years of not getting it and to this day I've never had a STD
  6. Abbott bussed over 300 bus loads to northern states and you heard about 2. Biden has been doing it as well but MSM doesn't cover that. It's funny that NYC was brought to it's knees according to the mayor by 60,000 immigrants. That's less what border towns see in a couple months. Grant amnesty to those here and put a minefield at the border. It's cheaper and more effective than a wall. Our military wouldn't be a bad idea either since we maintain border's across the world
  7. I've been poz undetectable since December of 17. And have taken many loads from poz guys, even med resistance poz guys and have never tested positive except for positive undetectable.
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