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**Seasons Greetings, Everyone** My eyes dart to Dad, then to Grandpa, then back to Dad; bewildered. “It’s time for you to join our little family tradition.” As Dad squats down to look me square in the eye, his robe comes wide open. No pretenses of modesty anymore. A glistening string of pearls oozes from a metal ring protruding from the hood of his cock. My breath is caught in my throat. What the fuck is going on here?! Dad pulls my head up to look me in the eye. “This is why you haven’t been allowed to come with us all these years. We had to wait until you were of age. Trust me – I wanted to bring you out here and join us much sooner.” Grandpa could see the confused look on my face. “It’s a special elixir that will make this Christmas festive.” “You’re gonna love it, Baby Bro,” Ronnie said. His body radiated a frenzied energy, as though he had seen Rudolph outside in the snow. “It’s gonna make you so…” “Zip it, Robbie,” Dad says as he reaches inside Robbie’s robe and gives his nipple a hard tweak. “Do you trust me?” Dad grabs a firm hold of my chin, directing my eyes into his piercing gaze. I am frozen in place, in shock. I want to pull my head away, but it is as though he clenched his hand around my inner being. “You have a choice,” he says. His demeanor shifts and I am taken back to my youth whenever he reprimanded me, lording his authority over me. “You stay here, go through our little ritual, and join our clan. If you stay with us, I promise you it will be the best decision you ever make. Otherwise, you go up to your room, gather your stuff, and bring it downstairs. You will be locked down in the basement, spending the rest of your time down there alone.” “Please stay, Baby Brother! Please stay! I’ve been counting down the minutes to this moment!” Robbie is practically bouncing up and down. “It’ll make sense soon enough.” Grandpa says, picking up the syringe. He strokes the side of my face. “Please stay, Baby Boy. Show Santa what a good boy you are.” “Uhhh…I guess.” What the hell was I supposed to say with their eyes staring at me intently, full of giddy hope, yearning, and Dad’s stern paternal stare?! Whatever it is they have in mind, they really want me to be a part of it. That much is abundantly clear even as nothing else makes sense. Still, the peculiar way everyone has been acting this morning has me more than apprehensive. “Good, Baby Boy! You know Dad loves you so very much and is so excited to go on this journey with you.” Just then, the front door busts open, letting in a blast of swirling snow and frozen air. “Ho Ho Hooo-oh good, we didn’t miss it!” “Papaw!” Robbie runs over to greet our great-grandfather, the eldest living member of the McKinley family. I pull my robe closed tight against the harsh wind howling inside. “We thought we would never make it.” Uncle Tom slams the door closed, bracing against the onslaught of wind and snow. Carrying a pair of bags, he stomps the snow off his boots. “Fucking storm canceled all incoming flights. We drove through the night, inching along at points. Almost thought we were going to get stranded as this second front moved in, but here we are.” “I wouldn’t miss the christening of my Baby Boy to save the world.” Papaw says, giving me one of his crushing bear hugs. “You did say yes, didn’t you, Baby Boy?” “I mean…I don’t know what I said yes to.” “To the best day of the rest of your life,” Uncle Tom says with a hug before embracing Dad, Grandpa, and Robbie. “I’m going to take our bags up to our room. Don’t start without me.” “Wouldn’t dare, Big Bro,” Dad says, kissing Uncle Tom as he passes by. I am thoroughly confused…especially as I adjust my hardening cock to conceal it in my robe. I’ve known for a while I’m attracted to boys. No, take that back, men. My classmates never did it for me. But their dads… But my own dad?!? I look over to see Grandpa remove his green velvet vest, revealing the expanse of salt-and-pepper fur covering his chest. A pair of silver rings adorn his nipples. Dad shucks his robe and I see he has a similar, but smaller pair of rings. I look to my left. Robbie the same. “Like the rings, Baby Boy?” Dad reaches out and puts one hand on Robbie’s chest, the other on Grandpa’s and starts rolling the rings in his fingers. “You’ll get yours soon enough. And many more.” I notice a glint from below. Metal also adorns the heads of their cocks as well, increasing in size with each generation. Grandpa’s has to be as big around as my pinky! Dad and Uncle Tom’s the size of a pencil; Robbie’s a little smaller than that. “Now it’s official,” Uncle Tom announces, bounding the stairs. Not only does he have a set of rings matching the rest of the men in my family, but he’s also got one in his nose. “Almost forgot.” Papaw reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out another set of rings and hands them out. Dad, Grandpa, and Robbie proceed to put them in their noses – again tapering in size from generation to generation. “I’m so proud of my boys.” What portal into the Twilight Zone did I enter this morning? And why am I so aroused? “We put them in this time of year as a reminder of our bond.” Grandpa stands behind me and grabs the shoulders of my robe and slips it down my body. “And to remind everyone of their place in my hierarchy.” Papaw reaches up and grabs Grandpa’s nose ring, pulling him in for a kiss. “Today, you earn yours.” Papaw turns his attention from me to his duffel bag, pulling out a set of orange-capped needles, setting them on the end table Dad moved to my side. He then pulls out a small, black case. Inside is a small vial with even more needles. Robbie rubs his hands together again. “Okay, Baby Boy. Why don’t you climb into the sling?” Dad pats the suspended sheet of thick leather. They ease me back onto the cold leather slab as the fire crackles in front of me, radiating heat. A stark contrast to the snow accumulating outside in the winter wonderland. It’s surprisingly comfortable; like a small hammock. I hear Papaw rummaging through his bag. He pulls out a mass of black leather and metal. “This will keep you safe and secure.” He passes one to each of the others standing at either corner of the frame. “It’s not too late, Baby Boy.” Dad stands in front of me, placing a hand on my shivering belly. “The choice remains yours. Stay and accept what’s coming or be banished to the basement and ostracized from the clan; never welcome back for another Christmas again.” All my life I admired the bond between these special men in my life. Try as I might, I just couldn’t seem to penetrate their inner circle to feel truly a part of the group. I was super jealous when they came home three Christmases ago. I could tell, in the moment I first saw he and Dad interact - I was now the lone outsider. If this was my one chance to join the camaraderie, I wasn’t going to let that window close. We lock eyes. The crackle of energy is palpable. He stares into my soul, and I can feel him connect, locking on tight. I nod my head, unable to form words. “That’s my Baby Boy!” Dad picks up his mass of leather. The four of them shackle my wrists and ankles. I am tethered to the chains, minus my right arm. Papaw takes Dad’s place in between my legs. “Give me your right arm.” He grabs hold, rotating it, wrist up. Grandpa rips open a small packet with a white square inside. The smell of rubbing alcohol fills my nostrils. He wipes the inner crook of my arm. Papaw uncaps the syringe, eyeing the tip and rotating it to his satisfaction. He leans in and I feel the prick of the needle. Robbie holds a tight grip on my wrist. “Look at me, Baby Boy.” I turn to face Papaw. His face has turned sinister, almost scary. “You no longer have any say what happens to you this weekend. Or for the rest of your life, really. I own you now. Merry Fucking Christmas, faggot. And welcome to my clan.” After Papaw pushes the contents of the needle into my arm, Robbie swiftly pulls my wrist back and locks it into place above and behind me then grabs the alcohol square and presses on the injection site. The four men circle the sling, looking down at me with eager anticipation and sadistic grins on their faces. Robbie rubs his hands together. They all look like they’re expecting something to happen and for a second I wonder what it’s all about. And then it hits me. First, the bottom of my throat sends me into a convulsive coughing fit. I try to bring my hands to my face to cover the coughs, but only meet resistance. “What did you give me?!” As the coughing fit subsides, my breathing becomes shallow. I panic, gasping shallow breaths. “Shh, Baby Boy. Just ride the wave of me taking control of your body from the inside,” Papaw says, nodding to Dad who reaches around from behind, rolling my nipples in his fingertips. The only way I can describe is like a smoldering sheet of paper burning from the outside in, consuming it. An electric heat spread through my body, consuming my insides as it worked its way through my system. The burning came to completion, tickling and tantalizing my asshole. I wriggle and write in the sling. I try to pull my hands free to touch myself; my cock, my face, my stomach; to touch ANYTHING! “You aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, Baby Boy.” Dad’s pinch on my nipples dug deeper as he twisted and pulled.” “Oh Dad…” “Merry Christmas, faggot. Now give yourself over to Papaw like the rest of us.”
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Thanks! I had the same question!
It’s just the start. More to follow.
It’s Christmas morning, I’m too excited and can’t sleep so I'm the first out of bed. I am super excited this year. Usually, I get shipped off to Mom’s place for the holidays. But this year I finally get to spend Christmas with the guys. It is the stipulation of their divorce. Mom got me until I turned 18 and that’s when I could decide where I want to spend the holidays. I bury my nose in my Lucky Charms, searching for the various hidden marshmallow shapes on the box as I scoop spoonfuls of sugary goodness into my mouth. We opened gifts last night. My Christmas fleece robe feels so comfortable, snuggling my body as I eat. Every now and then I glance out the panoramic windows lining the north side of the log cabin we’re vacationing in. Another snowstorm is moving in, adding even more snow to what already blanketed everything last night. I look up and see Dad walk down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walks over and starts up the coffee machine. It’s one of my favorite smells – the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the crisp, pungent aroma of the Christmas tree next to the fireplace. I swirl my cereal, chasing bits of milk-drenched cereal with my spoon when Dad walks over. “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy,” he says as he tousles my hair. “I’m not a baby anymore!” I pull my head away from Dad’s hand. “Well, you sure couldn’t tell by the lack of hair on your chest,” Robbie ribs, reaching into my robe to rub the smooth skin of my chest before opening the top of his robe and puffing out his pelt of chest hair. “You’ll always be my Baby Boy.” Before I can protest, Dad pulls my head back and gives me a kiss above both of my eyebrows then heads to the refrigerator to pull out the container of half and half. “I’m so glad to have you with us this year!” “Me too, Dad.” Coffee-to-cream-to-white-mocha-syrup perfected, Dad leans against the kitchen counter and grabs his phone to start the day’s Wordle. I turn my head, drawn by the motion of Dad mindlessly scratching his crotch. Dad has a habit of letting his robe’s belt go loose, so I’m not unfamiliar with seeing the fur that covers him. However, this morning it went really slack, providing more than a peek. I could see Dad in all of his glory and I must say – it was mesmerizing. But what was gleaming amongst his fur? Dad looks up from his phone, the side of his face raising in a smirk and a wink of the eye. I dart my eyes back to my bowl and busy myself scooping up the last bits of cereal in my bowl. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a giant grin on Robbie’s face as I upend the sugary milk into my mouth. Outside, the wind begins to pick up, howling. The blizzard conditions makes it nearly impossible to see the evergreens across the way. Dad walks over to the window and pauses to appreciate the beauty of such extreme weather conditions. He then turns his attention to the glowing embers in the fireplace. Some newspaper and a handful of kindling bring the fire back to life, flickering against the newly added logs with red and orange flames. I hear clanging as Dad pulls out a long, black duffel bag and places it in front of the growing fire. From inside of the bag, he starts pulling out a series of silver-grey pipes; connecting pieces to erect a frame. “Ho Ho Ho – Merry Christmas!!” We all turn to the voice at the top of the stairs. It’s Santa! Well…Grandpa in his Father Christmas garb: burgundy, full-length overcoat trimmed in brown faux fur, black pants, olive green vest, and of course, his black pair of brightly polished harness boots. I’ve seen him work gigs over the holiday season. He is a sight to behold. Grandpa much prefers the folklore version of the holiday gift-giver over the commercial red and white Coca-Cola Santa. It’s fun watching grown-ups turn into giant kids at the authenticity of his look. I must admit, with that trimmed white beard, rounded belly, and jovial smile, he always captures my attention. Dad greets him at the bottom of the stairs. Lifting a twig of mistletoe over his head, he cheers “Merry Christmas, Pops!” He lifts his hand under Father Christmas’ beard, cradling his chin to lean in and give him a deep, sultry kiss. My head twitches and I blink hard. My eyes dart over at Robbie who has made his way over to Grandpa for his own passionate kiss. “What the fuck is going on here?!” “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy.” Grandpa leans over me, gloved fingertips flicking my nipples as he reaches inside my robe for a hug and kiss on the forehead. My eyes close and I shudder. “Ummm…uhhh....Merry Christmas, Grandpa.” I feel my cheeks ignite as my face reddens. Yeah, sure…who hasn’t fantasized about sitting on Santa’s lap. But Grandpa?!? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, rectangular box wrapped in metallic red paper with sparkling, silver glitter. “I have a very special gift for you this Christmas morning that will make your holidays merry and bright.” “I know what you’re getting! I know what you’re getting!” Robbie gleefully rubs his hands together before helping Dad hang a sheet of thick leather from the corners of the poles. Grandpa takes off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack near the door. When he turns in my direction, I notice that he isn't wearing his usual black, oversized shirt. White tufts of fur spill over the top of his vest and escape around the laces tying it together. I have always wanted to rub my face in that beard as white as the snow blustering against the windows. Again – Santa fantasy. *shrug* Even if my own grandpa. “Come, sit on Santa’s lap.” I feel a bit silly, thinking I have outgrown such a silly tradition but I play along. It’s Christmas after all. Tis the season and all. It is only when the head of my dick pokes through my robe that I became aware of how aroused I am. I quickly cover myself hoping no one saw. Scanning their faces – they saw. “Your dad tells me what an extra special little boy you’ve been this year, Billy Boy, and that you hit a milestone birthday last week.” Grandpa hands me the glittery package. “He may now be 18, but he will always be my Baby Boy.” Dad tousles my hair again before I swat it away and turn my attention to the gift. I open the small, white box to find an orange-capped syringe nestled in white tissue paper.
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