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Posts posted by EuRawBull

  1. 8 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

    caseload for gonorrhea in Europe increased by 48% from 2021 to 2022

    Yup. I can confirm the findings in this report. In 2022 I got it twice, when I normally get it once a year. But, with the help of my handsome gay-friendly doctor and his wonderfully chatty nurse, got treated nicely, and all sorted out. Knock on wood, this year I didn't get anything. But I got a trip to Berlin coming up at the end of the week so I booked myself for a test already when I get back. Statistically speaking, I should get one of the 3s in Berlin. Will report back with the results!

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  2. Depends where you travel and where you are staying.

    The most dependable toolkit is the one you find here [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.mr-s-leather.com/perfect-fit-xplay-pro-shower-douche . This one is really versatile and saves me a lot of trouble pretty much anywhere in the world, especially in places where I haven't been before. I believe it is similar - or the same maybe, with the one described above by @wh0rehole.

    I too travel quite a bit and I always carry with me this kit, or just a douche attachment if I know the hotel / place where I will be staying. In Europe, most hotels will have a hand-held shower, and I simply replace the shower head with the attachment I bring with me. 

    Truth be told I rarely do 1-1 hookups when I travel as I prefer to go to a sex club. As you probably know, less hassle and time wasted. So when I travel I plan to which clubs I go and when and then I tend to go to those where I know they offer douching facilities. Berlin has a few (although some are plain filthy and they don't count - see the Lab), Amsterdam is OK, Paris and Barcelona, and of course, here in GC. I don't remember seeing any douching facilities in any clubs in the UK, but relatively easy to clean-up in the hotels.

    When it comes to the diet... well, it's never the same when I travel. But, try experimenting with various times of days and meals arrangements and see what works for you. I personally tend to eat more in the morning, then I clean up in the evening and have a bite to eat before heading out, and a bigger dinner when I get back late in the wee hours of the morning.  But that´s just me and how I work out my routine. 

    I also used many moons ago Imodium for a few times. It worked as advertised, but then it just wreaked havoc with my whole routine so after four or five times I stopped. It was not working for me. 

    At the end of the day, travelling is taxing on the body and sometimes my body disagrees with my slutty plans and I learned that if I can't clean up in a few minutes, I will be the top for the rest of the day;-)

    Hope we can meet one of these days @rawfuckr- just to exchange travel notes, of course 😂

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  3. June update...

    After the marathon Pride week of May, things slowed down to a trickle. But this was expected: second half of May and June are pretty much dead periods for me. It does allow my hole to return to more anatomically recognisable form 😉 

    Nevertheless, I thought I'd post an update seeing how we're almost halfway through the year. As I mentioned in my earlier posts I get my fix of loads mainly in the sex clubs and even after all these years of fucking and collecting loads, I still can't tell for sure who's nutted inside or not. Because of that, I will be very conservative and count (approximately) only the ones where the tops go loud, trembling, shivering, spasming, or other physical signs that they reached the end. 

    And as it stands right now, I believe I am around the 520-550 mark. Let's make it 520. or I should say 521 because I love when one of the bartenders from my fave sex clubs sneaks in the dark room and fills me up. He's got a pretty recognisably large cock and his verbal repertoire is unmistakeable. I know it's him (obviously the voice is a dead give away) because he also fucks like a maniac and just before cumming he pushes my head into sucking another man's cock and holds the poppers to my nose. Thank you mister! 

    So here you have it boys... 521 loads for now. Not too shabby, eh?

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  4. A silky, cum coated hole, with the sound of sloshing cum being churned inside the hole I'm fucking, the guy on his back begging to get my load, the look in his eyes asking to be made mine forever, the cum oozing out of his limp dick and the shivering of his whole body whilst my cock thrusts, hits, scratches and massages his prostate. That guy will get my load right there and then.

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  5. On 5/18/2024 at 1:07 PM, norefusal said:

    i'd love to see the demographics behind these results! we really have become a culture of cum addicts. 

    @norefusal Given that this site is called "Breeding zone", I'm guessing the results are skewed because we are here for the load. Breeding implies cumming and as such the vast majority of us I venture to say are cum addicts. Naturally, nothing too scientific here, but I think it'd be safe to say that the load is the end goal. Fucking bare is the requirement not the goal for many here. What do you think?

  6. You can do all of the things you listed, and they will all help in some way at a point in time, however #1 on your list is the best. A blindfold works, but better if you are in a sling. The marker is a good idea, but best if you go with a wingman who marks you after each fuck, rather than having men marking you, although you gotta read the room: younger crowds tend to be more reserved whilst older patrons are the piggier ones.

    But the most important thing is the way you act: confident, not needy; horny, not high; passionate, not selfish; groomed, not disheveled; smelling of cum, not of beer; active participant, not lazy and bored...

    Also, if you see another cumdump, start a mutual session... It does attract a crowd and makes it for even sluttier view for the tops 😉

    Happy fucks my fellow cum dump!

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  7. 8 hours ago, voyeurbtm2 said:

    I want to top/breed a younger Asian who is very interested in me, but I can't get hard... any suggestions?

    Obviously, as others have already recommended the ED medicine would be your first Go To solution. Almost instant gratification and minor side-effects. 

    I did experiment with various ED drugs a decade ago: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and something else I can´t remember. It did work as advertised at that time as I could stay hard for hours. Which for a vers guy like me was not a bad thing. However, the difference between a hard on with and without ED drugs was minimal for me. Aside from the novelty factor and a wee bit longer erections it didn´t do much for me and so I stopped taking them. 

    But I have a few good friends who like to top from time to time and are finding that Cialis and Levitra work for them. They do take these ED drugs because it helps them get and maintain a good hard-on for some time. I don't know the underlying medical condition why they have been prescribed these drugs but I know they work (I've seem them in action LOL).

    Anyway, what I am trying to say is that you should first check with your doctor. I see that you list your location as Canada. I am aware that some waiting times to see your family doctor are atrocious these days (depending where you live), but it would make much more sense to talk to your doctor as some other medication you take may interfere one way or another with the ED drugs. Just be upfront with your doctor and tell them in clear what seems to be the bother.

    My other two cents advice is not to rely on popular opinion regarding any drugs. Let your doctor decide what medication and dosage you should use as there are underlying conditions which may affect the efficiency and suitability of one drug vs another. Also, ask the doctor to try different brands and dosages as they think it is safe for you. Some people respond better to a specific brand or dosage. This is one of the cases where what's good for the goose it may not be so good for the, well, your pecker 🙂 

    And as a last piece of wisdom... Do not mix poppers with any of the ED pills. Potentially lethal. If you insist on poppers, talk to your doctor about injectable/ locally applied treatment, such as Caverject, Trimix, or similar. 

    Let us know how the breeding goes. Happy fucks!


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  8. On 5/20/2024 at 11:04 PM, PrisonbaiT said:

    In Phoenix mostly is bare, the same is for Babylon.  In the darkrooms it is bare gallore but be carefull, a friend of told me that he received stds in the same month twice when he was fucked in the sling

    Getting fucked in a sling and getting an std is an occupational hazard. sometimes I go by with months without any bugs, some other times I get them all in one go. Just get tested, get the treatment, lay low for a while and go back when I get the all clear.  And honestly, there is no rhyme or reason when and where you can get a surprise. 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, bareback-flipflop said:

    But if you’re up to fist, you should visit the Time oFF. 

    @bareback-flipflop 100% true my friend. Very relaxed atmo and many regulars. I do go there now and then  - not so often as I sometimes wish. As a FF bottom I gotta get myself in the zone, including the clean-up part, which is not always as easy as a quick rinse if I just wanna get my arse fucked and loaded. But there are times when I just want to spend a few hours opening up a hole and working it out slowly, massaging every inch of the inside. I am truly satisfied when the bottom starts peeing and I can see in his eyes nothing but pleasure. 

    And I completely agree with you that Construction can be a bit of a bummer when there are a few choosey ones. They can indeed spoil the vibe of the area or the evening. That's why I tend to stick to the dark areas and the fuck beds/benches where the queens tend to shy away from. 

    BTW guys, feel free to DM if and when you come to GC - always happy to meet fellow BZ'ers.

    See you around boyz!

  10. 11 hours ago, Bcurious said:

    I’m currently on holiday in Gran Canaria and only discovered the sex clubs till now! 
    I visited one late last night when my friends were asleep. 

    @Bcurious Welcome to gay sex paradise!  There are at least a dozen sex clubs like that in Gran Canaria. Most of them are in and around Yumbo Centre.

    Right now, it´s a very low season. May after the Pride week and June are practically dead here. If you think you scored big and you are high on the sex you had last night, wait until the season picks up again in July. July is known to be mostly bi men but a lot of Scandinavians are coming over. August is the French and Italians. And from September to May is open season. 

    You say you saw 6 guys fucking two bottoms... Wait until you go to Construction and see 200+ men fucking ... it usually picks up towards end of June.

    At any rate, glad you discovered the joys of GC sex clubs. Once you come to GC and experience the sex clubs here, only Berlin can top it up. Nowhere else you get what we have here, so enjoy it and make the most of it.

    Happy fucks!

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  11. 18 hours ago, Iker80 said:

    I get the feeling there's a wide range on this, but I feel masculine and comfortable with it when I've got a guy in me. I'm curious how other guys see it and feel when they do it?

    Well, I identify myself as a fucking horny masculine gay man. I get a hardon when I get fucked, I like men to fuck me, not women with a dildo. And I am super comfortable with that.

    I assume, right or wrong, that when a man fucks me he does so because he sees me as a man not as a woman. Those of you who know me IRL know that after 20 odd years of playing rugby, my thighs are thick, my shoulders are strong, and my chest sticks out. I have a hole that has been fucked tens of thousands of times, and I am proud to be a masculine butch taking cock up the ass. I am comfortable with who I am and my appearance never hinted to any other tops that I may anything but a badass gay fucking bearded masculine man with an insatiable gaping hole that can take any cock hard enough to make it inside. 

    So @Iker80, the short answer to your question is Yes, I (always) feel masculine and comfortable when I have a cock, or two, in my ass. 

    And no judgement to anyone else who feels different. At the end of the day, you do you and be happy with whatever gives you pleasure.

    Happy fucks peeps!

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  12. When I am getting fucked it´s more about my hole and his cock than my dick. I may, or I may not get hard. Many factors at play here. There are times when I cum whilst being fucked and I don´t lose a shred of desire or horniness. Generally, I do cum twice or even three times on an evening out. If I have a good connection with the top fucking me, then I get hard and if the connection's strong than it may happen for me to cum whilst still being fucked. My hole, my dick and my horniness are somewhat disconnected at that moment, so I am not losing my interest, horniness or lust - call it whatever you like. 

    I met a great deal of men who once they cum, all they want after that is a nice cup of tea. For me, once I cum, my body goes to level two of horniness and I become an insatiable cum whore. It so happens that from time to time I cum the second time and I am still in the zone. When that happens, I go into level three of horniness. My hole takes over and all I want is more cock in my ass. Funny thing is that lately I get that happening quite often. And since most of my fucks are happening at a sex club, I thank the universe for sending more cock and cum my way.

    As a side note, when I fuck and the bottom cums without me finishing the task, I let them go if they indicate that they are not comfortable any longer. For me, both as a top and as a bottom, means realising a willing connection between our desires. If the desire is not there from one side, there is absolutely no point in fucking. The only time when I would continue fucking a bottom who cums is if that is his kink and he's expressed that kink out loud. 

    At the end of the day, fucking is about mutual satisfaction of our desires. And my desire grows and grows with the number of times I cum. Weird, eh?

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  13. Most likely you got re-infected @Simontoxic 

    If you still test positive 18 months after first testing and treatment it can only mean that you got re-infected, not that your meds didn´t work. I assume that you were sexually active after the first test and treatment  18 months ago. 

    As @viking8x6 says, follow what your doctor says and you'll be fine. Indeed, none of us in this forum can give you a reliable advice and really you should only rely on the advice from your doctor who has the history and details of the tests and medication.

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  14. It depends on situation...

    At work in the office or if I go out, then a pair of briefs is the go to choice. HOM and Sloggi are my favourites

    Go out clubbing, then commando or jocks. Nasty Pig and Breedwell have kept me entertained

    When I travel, then a pair of fitted boxers would be my choice. Schiesser, Zimmerli or Mey are my favourites

    At home, I go naked. Unless I am back in the White North and I have a polar bear fur overall suit 😜

  15. 5 hours ago, RubberAustria said:

    Hola! F56 closed around September 2023. So sad😭😭😭😭. I fisted so many guys there. I am sure my DNA will be there forever on the floors where I shot lots of loads. So if you are into fetish Hardon is the only place. Eagle ans Sling are possibilities to get a load but you must be into Daddys. Hasta luego


    Servus @RubberAustria. and thank you for the update. It is indeed a shame that F56 closed. I took quite a few wonderful loads and fists there... Sigh....

  16. 22 hours ago, Musclebot said:

    I am in my mid-30s, single, muscular-build, clean cut, and have a pretty successful career in finance in a big city. I have always fantasized about fucking bareback and being a cum dump. This year, I took the plunge and made it happen. One weekend, I took 7 loads from total strangers and it felt exhilarating (although I felt a bit lonely after). I am thinking about doing it again but have mixed feelings about it - some religious / moral guilt + STD concerns (I am on PREP and DoxyPep) + most importantly, the implications for my career if anyone found out.

    My question is, to the cum dumps and dumpers out there, what do you do for work / professionally, and has this “recreational activity” ever been concern for you?

    Head of Quantum Computing in a multinational company (7,000+ employees worldwide)

    Being a vers cum dump/ dumper did not & does not affect my job & my career progression.  Some people from work know that I am gay, some don't. I am not introducing myself as "Hi, I'm John. Nice to meet you. I'm gay and I go to sex clubs 4-5x a week."  

    I did get fucked at the Lab by a co-worker some 5-6 years ago. I fucked my CIO at Folsom in Berlin at Pig Week in the sling, plus the distinguished married with many kids member of the company BoD . I had an orgy with Head of Sales in Middle East and his local buddies. I introduced a guy who was working for me to the secrets of the bathhouses, rituals, signals, and dark room code and etiquette.  In a nutshell, I've done it all. 

    And as I said, some people know, some don't. The code is 'Keep your mouth shut.'  You don't talk about anything private at work. First hint someone wants to talk, tell them in no uncertain terms that work is work and pleasure is pleasure. 

    If they are at a sex venue and they fuck you, then they are there for the same reason as you. If you post photos of yourself on Grindr with all the details, then maybe it's prudent to give out these details without your face, or if face visible, leave some of the more juicy details out. 

    Guys in finance in a big city are 30% gay, 40% bi, and 30% too tired to think about sex.  As long as you keep a low profile, you fulfil all your duties at work (incl overtime, sigh), then you got nothing to worry. Stay away from gossip and mind your business. 

    Being a cumdump is a big come out to yourself. It is the moment you realise that your arse has power and it attracts men. Go and fulfil your fantasies but be responsible. First and foremost don't do any hard drugs.  Once you go on that slope you need a lot of willpower to get out of it. Softer drugs such as weed & poppers are more manageable and as long as you are responsible and don't overdo it, you'll be fine.

    Religion plays a major role in everyone's life so I suggest finding the spiritual aspects in your religion that encourage you to be a better person. Don't focus on homosexuals punishment. (On a lighter note, I don't think any religion I am aware of makes a distinction between punishment for different homosexual acts. i.e. you suck a dick , you're equally guilty as someone who fucks 10,000 men and takes every cock in sight up his arse.  If you bottom for one or you bottom for 10K, the judgement afforded to us sinners in all of the religious books where being gay is a sin, writings and interpretations thereof, is the same - so might as well got for the full meal deal.)

    Moral guilt... "Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." I'm sure these words are ever so familiar to many of us. I suggest you sort out your dilemma with the Creator. And in the absence of a Moral Clearance certificate from the Almighty, ask yourself where does being a cumdump stand on the scale of morally wrong things we do daily? I'm pretty sure that on the balance of probabilities, being a cumdump is nowhere as high as you may thing. 

    The only thing I urge you and any other cumdumps around the world: Be kind to yourself. Don't neglect your health. Eat well. Do your Keg stretches and go easy on drugs. Try not to drink too much alcohol, and eat your fruit and veggies. Sleep min 6-7 hours a day and have a homemade chicken soup once a month. You gotta eat your proteins off a plate from time to time 😜

    Happy fucks my friends!

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  17. 55 minutes ago, stef85hki said:

    Great to hear you're open 🐷

    Happy to be of service 😜 Open 24/7 with a range of services to satisfy the most demanding men of the world. I am like Burj hotel in Dubai: all hotels are ranked  1 to 5 stars, only Burj is 7. Cumdumps are ranked 1 to 5. I am 7 stars LOL

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  18. On 3/10/2024 at 12:55 PM, RubberAustria said:

    Hi! Local guy here. Depends what you want.

    Saunas: Kaiserbründl, Römersauna, Sport-Sauna.

    Bar: Felixx, Village

    Best sexclub: Hardon Vienna (you must registrate!!)

    13.4: Big gay dance event (with darkroom) called circus (location: arena)

    You can ask me if you want further informations!

    Hi @RubberAustria. Question for you being local. Do you know if F56 is still open? I remember it as a good sex club before covid times. Or maybe I am confusing it with another club...

  19. On 4/16/2024 at 4:34 PM, stef85hki said:

    Thanks for so many answers. I checked Fort Truff cum lube and many others. 
    I wrote down many of your suggestions, now the next step is to find bottoms to try all those lubes :0)

    Happy to assist with testing 😂 . 

  20. Why daily Sex needs to be an addiction and Collecting stamps is a hobby?...

    Why watching porn is an addiction and watching Netflix non-stop for three days is binge watching, which is also encouraged: Let's do it more often!...

    Why spending money, time and energy on CrossFit gyms is absolutely acceptable in the workplace to the point that you can go out during your lunch break and have a nice crossfit sesh, whilst sneaking out to the nearest bathhouse for a quick cum&go sesh is labelled as sex-addiction?

    People have addictions to different things - whatever that is: some will have choir rehearsals three or four times a week, some will spend thousands of dollars and countless hours indoors building model trains and aeroplanes.  

    It has been said that addiction is when you inflict harm on yourself. Harm doesn't need to be evident, immediate and drug -induced. It can be financial harm, mental harm, etc. 

    Addiction is a powerful word which has a negative meaning attached. My father collected stamps and banknotes all his life: from the time he got home till the time he went to bed, he would spend hours with catalogues, chatting with friends about newest things and talking our ears off about his latest addition to the collection. He was labelled as a diehard collector. I, on the other hand, I inherited his determination. I am also a diehard collector. Of cum. In my ass. But no, I am not addicted to sex. It is my hobby and I dedicate a good amount of time to it. And I prefer to think that my daily evening runs at the local sex club are my crossfit hours - if some of you would see the positions I fucked and been fucked, you would certainly re-think your time in the gym!

    Sex addiction or not, Happy fucks my people!



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