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Posts posted by EuRawBull

  1. 4 hours ago, tomzefis said:

    thank you...but what scares me is that I have 62 now, after years UD....and at the same time, my CD4 is 500.....and it as always >800....so its strange that now I have a "blip" and my CD4 got very low compared to previous 800/1000.

    so Im wondering if before this blip something else happened ( like drug resistance or treatment failure )

    I'm going to ask a few questions that only a handful of doctors know to ask and only a handful of patients would answer honestly.... How many loads are you taking on a regular basis? Is your partner a man or a woman? (If you are a top and not using protection and finish inside, for your peace of mind, avoid cumming inside your partner for a while.) Are you having any issues at work, or at home, causing you to be under stress?  Have you changed your eating habits? have you travelled more in the last months? are you using poppers? Did you change the brand of poppers? are you having any dental issues? A simple tooth infection can cause your CD to vary, and depending  on the infection, it may affect the results. Are you doing other drugs? have you been exposed to covid? (with the infection rates going up worldwide, i wouldn't be surprised if you had an episode of covid infection, undetected, and that's what may be causing the viral load to go up.

    The reason for all these questions is to determine the root cause of the blip. A drug resistance or a treatment failure as you call it is unlikely in the absence of other co-factors after all these years. 

    As other have mentioned, different labs use different standards for detecting the viral load, including different techniques. Each reagent batch can be slightly different than others due to manufacturing process, which although all producers try to adhere to a Six-Sigma defect, there is no telling if a batch is slightly different unless someone complains. 

    Try to put things into perspective.... When someone tests positive for HIV, most tests would also 'detect' a viral load in the range of tens of thousands to over a million copies. So when you compare your VL of 62 with someone whose VL is 875,925. I think you can rest assured that you are still in the UD range. Of course, the lower the number the better. But variations of that scale are not a concern. Any VL below 100 should be safe. 



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  2. The OP's motivation for becoming a rentboy is... cute. He is (was) probably imaging a 'George Clooney' calling for a session. Reality is of course as others have acknowledged: there are tons of men, both tops and bottoms, willing to meet for free. 

    Being a rentboy these days is significantly different than in the '90s or noughties. What is being valued now above all is discretion and trust. Men who are in a relationship, can't get the dick or ass they want, or are in the public eye, and want a little bit on the side value discretion more than anything. Some will not give out any information or photo of themselves because they are afraid that the escort or rentboy will sue them for assault or some other made up reason, like 'he kissed me on the left cheek and I felt he overstepped his boundaries.' Even if a lawsuit is frivolous and dismissed, there is a lot of social backlash which can spread like wildfire. And in the matter of hours your life is destroyed because people will judge you even if they have no idea what is true and what is not. 

    So, these days, being a rentboy involves above all discretion and trust. Only novices would hire a rentboy by answering an advert. Most men who want the services of an escort will only go through referrals and friends' recommendations. There are tons of gay men in the public eye who cannot post their profile on Grindr or scruff or other app becuase they would be easily recognised and easy prey for stupid lawsuits. And there are a significant number of escorts, rentboys, or whatever you want to call them, who will not talk about their clients - never. They are the prized ones. And the vast majority of them are well-educated, speak at least two other languages in addition to their own mother tongue, are well travelled and mannered, and they are always invisible. The escort and rentboy code has changed a lot in the last ten years. The prices have gone up a lot. A trusted escort, be they top or bottom - doesn't matter, will easily make a six-figure income in a year. and that's in addition to expenses. The name of the game for the real-deal escorts is trust and discretion. Nobody hiring an escort wants to see themselves in the news for being sued for gay sex assault. 

    If the OP is still reading this thread, I would strongly advise that they question their real motivation for being a rentboy. 

    I will leave you with a soberring thought: even if you do get to be a rentboy, the older gentlemen who will be calling are likely to be of a less princely status and more of a regular and average older man who needs to pop the blue pill to stay hard for 10 min and who is definitely not interested in more than a shag. 


  3. 19 minutes ago, Sw40c said:

    Hi, I searched and couldn't find a similar thread, apologies if this is a duplicate...


    I'm going to be bred tomorrow by anywhere from 10-20 guys. I love keeping their loads in me as lube, but I've had bottoms refuse to fuck me when they find out I already have a load or two in me. My questions is, as a cum dump bottom, what ways have you found to maximize the number of loads you get at a gang bang? Thanks in advance!

    Just don't tell them that you are loaded. 

    as for maximising number of loads... I think you already figured out the basics, so try to read the room. Otherwise, it really depends on the crowd and for how long will the party going on. Usually, everyone wants to unload towards the end of the party so usually, the second half is when you start getting loaded. And TBH if there's another bottom who doesn't like a cum filled hole, who cares? You gotta be in the space for the tops, not for the picky bottom who doesn't like the smell of another man's cum on their dicks.  Confidence is key. SHow the tops you mean business and you are in for the game. Good luck!

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  4. 1 hour ago, tomzefis said:


    hey guys, Im on meds since 2016....always undetectable....CD4 always higher than 800.

    Today I took a cd4 test and its 500....never been this low...

    im really worried.... Im always in saunas, sex clubs...

    is it possible that I got re-infected and the meds stopped working???? I take the meds every night since 2016....

    I took the Viral Load test and its gonna be ready only in 7 days...So Im freaking now right now..


    Also, the CD count varies during the day, sometimes quite significantly. As @Marlin said, you are most likely having an infection going on. It could be just a flu.  The CD count needs to be interpreted in context. If you are clinically healthy, than it's worth doing some other tests to determine if the source of the cd count drop is not somewhere else. 

    Also, as you are saying that you are always in saunas and sex clubs, check for other STDs. You may be asymptomatic on a number of infections. Also, check for fungal infections. These are notoriously difficult and can trigger the drop.

    Otherwise, if you feel OK don't worry. But take a break from fucking for a few days. And equally important, don't use poppers for a while. Their oxidative nature makes them a reasonably important co-factor in lowering your immune barriers. 

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  5. @Spunkinmyarse I've too heard about it, but until mid-December when I left for holidays, I've only seen one drone hovering over the dunes, which actually turned out to be a tourist operated one. I must admit that I haven't been to the dunes that often this past year, but even with the patrols, I never had any issues.

    The real problem is though with the trash that's left behind. Not just used condoms and wrappers, but also bottles, cans, paper, etc. So essentially the police and reserve patrols are not that concerned with people having sex, they are more concerned with the trash and damage to the dunes. Because of the shifting nature of the sand dunes, the garbage can easily be buried in sand, only to resurface weeks or months later. 

    Obviously, people having sex is also a nuissance for other tourists, so I encourage everyone to be mindful that not everyone likes to see (mainly gay) sex on their way to the beach. People can still have fun in the open as long as they are not obnoxious and inconsiderate. 

    Unfortunately, there are a (very) few of us gays who are ruining the dunes experience for everyone. Let's hope everyone learns and we manage to keep this gem going for ever. I'd hate for the government to close off the entire dunes area just because some nincompoop didn't clean up after himself...

  6. 10 hours ago, str8uncut said:

    I know an older guy that always goes to Gran Canaria, is it really that well known for gay sex?

    @str8uncut Gran Canaria is like the Disneyland for gays - especially for European ones. 

    @NordicBtm experience is not at all uncommon. There are literally thousands of gay men at any given day of the year. Half of them converge every day to gay beach in the dunes which is a stretch of beach about 100m (300ft) deep for about 500m wide. Google the dunes of Maspalomas and you'll see what I'm talking about. 

    In the evening almost everyone goes to Yumbo mall. This is the only gay mall that I know in the world. It is like an inverted pyramid and on three floors you get anything from gay sex shops, to sex clubs, gay restaurants and bars, a gay pharmacy (LOL - it's not gay, but they have all the necessities without batting an eyelid), gay dance clubs, etc. 

    I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that 3/4 of tourists here are gay and come here for sex. Even the straight ones in couples with kids in the prams will find their way for an hour of cocksucking and fucking in one of the clubs. Prices are still very low compared to other locations. an entrance ticket to one of the clibs is about 10 euros, and most of the time will include one or two drinks. Usually, the drinks are about 4-5 euros. Most of them have lube and condoms (gasp!) for free.  

    During the major events, like Fetish week, you get easily tens of thousands of gay men. Last event, was estimated at about 60k gay men. - that was police and hotels estimates. Add to that the fact that weather is pleasant all year round (winter time is about 21-23C and summer time goes up to 26-28) you can easily understand why this is such a great place. 

    Of course, the locals know where the money comes from and they are really welcoming. I should only add that they are genuinely welcoming, owing to the history of gays in Gran Canaria. But that's a subject for another day!

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  7. I have a couple of good friends from California. They were diagnosed as HIV+ back in the late '90s - multiple tests, confirmatory tests, the whole 9 yards.

    A few months later they moved to France (one of them is dual national). They were in their late 20s at that time. The two arrived in France tested again for HIV so that they can enroll in the national health programme. Oddly enough, both had their tests come back as negative. They tested about a dozen times, all negative. Happy campers, they settled in their life pretty well. 

    Late last year, after almost 30 years, they moved back to California and they found out that their old records were still showing them positive. So, without second thoughts they tested again. Surprise, surprise they tested positive again. They were then told that the testing standards in California are different than the ones in France. 

    So, my question is how can you test positive in US but negative in France? I've heard of false positives or negatives, but this is a first... and how come the standards of testing and results are different?

  8. And how could I possibly forget! Somewhere between Berlin and Gran Canaria I would place Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo. In Sao Paolo you will get a bit more upmarket tops but in Rio I know of no bottom who didn't get at least a load a day. There is actually a joke going around saying that Jesus's hands (the statue on the mound) will go down if there is a bottom who can't get fucked in Rio LOL 

  9. 7 hours ago, DeliciousHallway said:

    Hey everyone,
    Always wanted to fulfill my fantasy of a larger barebacking event and still have a few questions about the whole ordeal. Started to open up to having sex with guys only one and a half years ago, so I'm pretty fresh and would greatly appreciate your input. Currently, I'm on PrEP, and now that I've grown a bit more confident I figured I'd celebrate it with a big bang so to say.
    There are a few events like this here in the Netherlands / the Horse-Fair, as well as the possibility of visiting a bathhouse with a blindfold and I haven't decided yet, so I'd be more than happy to hear your recommendations. Here are a few questions I'm curious about:

    - How does it work with lube? I imagine at the horse fair it could happen that I would be tied somewhere, how could I request more if needed?
    - Can I tap out for a break, if a stallion is too rough or would that disqualify me from the rest of the event?
    - Do stallions/tops usually masturbate the bottom?
    - Can I expect most people to orgasm inside of me?
    - I'm a rather feminine/smooth twink; would this be considered a turn-off by many?
    - Are there any additional tips/safety recommendations?

    Thanks a lot for your input!

    What I would recommend, if you are based in the Netherlands, is to build up a bit more experience with being around with many men at once. Start by being comfortable in the dark rooms of NZ sauna in Amsterdam. You have good control of how often you want / need to lube, or if someone is too rough for your liking. Learn to recognise the signals from tops of what they are into. Don't overdo on poppers or other drugs. Perhaps the best is to just observe what's going on without being under the influence of drugs. 

    You can also go to the Church club and get acquainted with the type of action is happening. Then you can "upgrade" to participation within the limits of your comfort, which at times will be stretched LOL

    Once you have been fucked by 10-15 men in one session, you will know what feels good or not, when to continue and when to tell the top to stop.

    I would then go and present my ass in the sling, signaling to the men that you are there for their use. You have to be careful though as some men will think that just because you are in a sling you are also into fist fucking or rough. So, be alert, and stop when you feel too much pain or things get rougher than your liking.

    Now, some answers to your questions:

    1. Depends on the venue, but best is to bring a small bottle of lube with you and tuck it in your socks. This way you know what lube works for you and you have it handy. Your hands are tied, but not as tight. Also, you can raise your hand and ask for a break, or to lube . However, you may lose your spot, and if you have a prime spot, you may not get it afterwards.

    2. Yes. No, it won't disqualify you. Your safety and wellbeing is paramount. Being a cumdump doesn't equal to being forced into pain.

    3. Sometimes. Not often, but yes, it can happen

    4. No. Getting a load is not that easy. Tops come to unload, of course, but they also want to fuck as many holes as they can, for as long as they can. So no, you will get fucked, but not that easy loaded. If you get 3-5 loads you can consider yoursefl lucky. 

    5. being smooth twink. everyone has their own preferences, so what you may be a turn-off for one, you may also be a major turn-on for others. 

    6. Don't do drugs. If you have to, do it only from your own stash. Don't drink from open bottles. Don't get poppers in your face, eyes. Clean your hole thoroughly - the majority of men don't like shit on their dicks. If you get into a sling and don't get much action, leave the sling from time to time for others to use; don't hog it. Same goes for glory holes and fuckbenches.  Don't make a big fuss if you meet someone you know: if you are in the sling and they want to fuck you, great. otherwise, don't start a conversation about work in the dark room. Say thank you to every top who gives you a load. A little thank you may get you a second load later on!



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  10. 8 hours ago, btmdad said:

    If you were in the position  to go anywhere,  any city or country.  As a bottom where would you go to find the most tops wanting to fuck?

    #1 Cairo, Egypt. There has to be at least 100 tops for any bottom out there.

    #2 Doha, Qatar. Oddly enough, one of the places where bottoms thrive

    #3 Berlin, Germany. Third on my list, but there's a top for every bottom out there. If you can't get fucked in Berlin, it's time to go into priesthood

    #4 Gran Canaria, Spain. Always a top ready to unload

    #5 Beirut, Lebanon. Half of male population is a little gay, and of course, tops

    #6 Frankfurt, Germany. Never disappoints. 

    #7 Paris, France. Best Arab city in the world. And they grow them big out there!

    #8 Montreal, Canada. Maybe it's French that makes them tops?

    #9 Tirana, Albania. Such a beautiful collection of tops. mostly young though

    #10 Buenos Aires, Argentina. The most handsome, preciously groomed, big dicked, lots of cum producing tops. 


    And my list in reverse order, meaning places with least amount of tops, in the meaning that bottoms have very little chances of getting fucked, other than by the occasional top:

    #1 entire PNW (from Vancouver, Canada down to San Fran) - it's dead out there. If you find a top, cherish him, nurture him, protect him LOL

    #2 Most places in Africa (other than Egypt, you may score on a few BBC but don't expect too many; it's rather dry out there)

    #3 Scandinavian countries (again, you may score two or three sweet encounters, but that's about it. A lot of talk, but no walk)

    #4 Australia (unless you are 22 -24, max 25) and have a body to die for, you won't find too many tops. Ocassionally, you will find some hairy Greek guy who wants to fuck, but then they will ask for condoms, prep, insurance, blessing from the church, etc.)

    #5 most of Asia, other than Middle East (sure you will find tops, but most would be tourists and not locals)



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  11. Can't tell exactly how many loads I took in 2023. But... on average I go to a sex club twice a week (sometimes I will go 3-4 times a week, other weeks I skip altogether due to travels). On an average, I reckon I get five loads per visit. There are times when with big events I get probably 10 even 15 loads, but five loads on a visit is a fairly accurate average. so, doing the math, I took some 500+ loads in 2023. Out of these 500+ ones, I vividly remember a few:

    • the 6'4, 220 muscle Dutch daddy, with a 8" big mushroom head, thick and with a nice PA. Sling upstairs at the Lab
    • the 5'8, Mexican dude, with a nice decent sized dick who fucked me four times in one evening, cumming every fucking time
    • the average looking guy at Keller in Paris who had a beer-can cock and grunted like a mauled bear when he unloaded in my ass
    • the great Italian kisser of Jails in Mannheim (thank you for the most erotic experience of the year)
    • the young Serbian, smooth and muscled, with whom I flipped fucked at Biohazardmen party in Berlin
    • the skinny duo of Spaniards who double-fucked me on open stage in Madrid; feeling how one unloaded while the other one was sloshing his cock inside me, was mesmerising
    • and finally the nice South African with a scorpio tattoo on his cock. Needless to say I went for seconds LOL

    Here's to many more fucks in 2024 my friends!


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  12. I am vers, so I can speak from my experience as both a bottom and a top. 

    As a top I can last for quite a bit of time before I cum, and it happened more than a few times for a bottom to tell me to stop once he cums. That's why I don't meet one on one anymore. I only go to sex clubs. When I fuck a hole and the guy cums and tell me to stop, I do just that. I stop and move on to the next hole. This way, I actually feel good for making the bottom cum. The more the better. 

    When I bottom and I am getting fucked, I will take the cock deep for as long as the top wants. I may possibly be in a minority but when I bottom I try to connect with the top: with their rythm, their body movements, etc. I believe that fucking, like kissing, or hugging, involves two people. And I like the idea of both people being involved in the moment and pleasureable for both. If it's not, then better stop and move on. I don't like the idea of 'unauthorised' pain. Sex should be pleasureable. 

    Anyway, my contribution to this thread is that if the bottom cums and tell me to stop I will. But would also like for the bottom to acknowledge what a good fuck I am and offer a helping hand. You know, manners maketh the man 🙂 *or the woman for that matter 

    At the end of the day, common sense should prevail without much drama and bad feelings. 


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  13. On 12/12/2023 at 2:18 AM, btmdad said:

    I can honestly say that I have never found a situation where a top wanted to fuck through a glory hole.  Oral,  all the time,  But presentiing my ass?  Never.   Maybe I am doing something wrong.

    Love fucking through a glory hole. As a top I love a warm hole open and ready. The sloppier the better. 

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  14. I haven't been to Madrid in a few months, but living here in Maspalomas I can offer some advice. 

    Factory: good place to have sex. Large and many installations. Small smoking area behind the bar. Lockers and lube available. Clean toilets and anal douche. Three slings. Customers tend to be 25 to 45 with a relative even distribution of tops and bottoms. A fair number of "look at me how pretty I am" boys, standing and posing. But also a good number of men who get into action. A lot more emphasis on the looks than any other clubs. So depending how fit you are, you may score a decent number of fucks. Don't expect too many loads though.

    Noxon & Raddar: recently went through an expansion and very good experience. Well attended and wide variety of men, ages, shapes... Popular on Tuesdays for the Piss night. There are the Breed Sundays, but don't expect a large number of tops.  Good facilities, although they can do better. 

    Construction: probably the best on the island. Large and spacious with many customers of all ages. Love their dark areas: put your ass up in the air, you will get fucked in less than a minute. Again, fucked and loaded are two different things. Great corridors for a quick fuck or suck. Two slings. Great bartenders who will at times indulge 😉 I'd say if you are in for the loads go after 1am. You can get out with 5 to 7 loads easily. 

    Bunker: Had their closing party two weeks ago. 

    CruiseBar: good if you are into bears. Mostly clothed bar, so watch out for pickpockets. A hit and miss.

    Toms bar: small with a small dark room. go there to open up your appetite and do some watching. Although it is in a remote corner and not too many people to cruise. Never had a single fuck there. 

    Zoo: Great if you are bottom. For some reason, there are not too many bottoms going to Zoo and so you will normally find more tops going there. very clean facilities with anal douche. more popular are the wednesdays and thursdays evening.

    Reds: A top's paradise. Tons of bottoms. Great staff. moderate prices. Happy hour from 20:00 to 21:00 when you get two drinks with the entry (10 euros). One sling and one very well used dark room. Five glory holes and cabins. You get fucked a lot but almost never loaded. 

    Construction, Reds and Zoo are the ones with the most action, followed by Noxon and Factory.

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  15. From a pure breeder, top loading a bottom perspective, flushing out the load you just have been given is a bit of a put-off, no matter what. From a bottom's perspective, things start to get a bit more nuanced and there are many reasons why a bottom would do that, such as: a big load and a loose hole gives way to leaks which if you are the travelling bottom may want to give it a second thought before venturing out in public with a leaky stain on your pants; or, some bottoms are getting bred but not on PrEP and they think that by pushing out the cum , they minimise the risks. And whilst personally I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, I think that there are more discreet ways of pushing out the load without being obnoxiously obvious to the top that just bred you. Of course, everyone's body is their own and I am a big advocate of "your body, your rules". However, if you need / want / have to / must flush out the load, do it in a more sensible way. You can be discreet about it, you can invent a fetish, or you can even tell a nice lie that you are going shopping and don't want to be embarassed by the leaky pants.  

    I for one am not happy if I see the bottom squirting out my load right away. Felching is a different thing and that's of course is absolutely acceptable in my books. The bottoms who flush out my babies right after I bred them are not getting a second load. Sorry boyz. And to the tops who breed me: your babies are safe with me 😉 

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  16. After reading the first few messages on this thread a week ago I had an idea to run an experiment.  You see, I live in Gran Canaria, and at any given time of the year, day or night, there is a constant flow of gay men coming in from all corners of the world with jsut one thing in mind: sex. I am in my late 50's and I have a friend who's in his late 20's . We are fuckbuddies and good friends otherwise. And I told him about my experiment: we would both go on apps, advertising who we really are, with no fake or photoshopped photos - just the way we are. At 27, my friend is a very good looking young man, vers, with a decent 8" dick and an ass that won't quit. We both advertised ourselves as bottoms, and on the grindr and scruff hunt off we went. Three hours later, my friend had about 40 something chats open. I had two. Four hours later, I had a decent fuck, and so did he. We then went to the clubs. A few hours later I had seven nice thick loads in my guts. My friend has three. I was fucked about 17 times, my friend had about 30 men fucking him. 

    Conclusion: age on app, counts for nothing when it comes to real time hook-up. Lots of chats, lots of promises, many "I'll get dressed now" and never to be heard about, or "send me our location" and then vanishing in thin air.  People on app who are serious about hook-ups are very few; many are on the app just to check if some Arabian prince with a 10" dick has messaged them. 

    Age in a club does count, but not as much as one would think. Reasonably shaped older men with the right attitutde will find sex almost as as easy as a handsome 20's hunk.  As our experiment went, my friend got almost twice as many fucks as I did, but I squeezed more loads than he did. 

    We both agreed at the end of the night that apps are still a great waste of time and a wonderful way to collect some random dick or ass pics, whilst the clubs are the place to go for real time meets and action. 

    I am sure that some people on apps are very nice and they are the ones keeping the hope of hooking up alive. Naturally, if you are "the only gay in the village", the app is your best friend. Also, if you are in Middle East or some other place where being gay is a big no-no, of course, the apps will be your ultimate local guide and friend (if you can weed out the local police that is). Otherwise, my friends, head for the local gay meeting point, marked by the big fallen tree, or by the nearest truck stop marked by the scent of fresh cum LOL

    Happy fucks my freinds! (on apps or otherwise)

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  17. If I am in a sex club, and in the mood for bottoming, I give my ass freely to anyone who can get their dicks hard enough to get into my hole.

    My ideal top is someone who takes care of themselves, groomed, good hygiene, good kisser, part savage, part romantic, caring, sleazy... Age-wise I've been fortunate enough to fuck with tops as young as 25 who fit the bill, as old as 75, and anywhere in-between. 

    For many bottoms (or tops for that matter) age is an issue mainly in what we define as "western world". Gay men in South and Central America, Africa, Asia, parts of Europe, don't see age as a defining factor. In many countries, being of legal age is the lowest threshold and it goes all the way up to the life limit.  

    In western world we are very much obsessed with age. I lived in Middle East for many years and only once or twice people asked my age, but curioulsy enough, only after we fucked.  In African countries, the word 'age' comes up in a gay conversation as often as the word 'sesquipedalian' comes up in a conversation at a Starbucks in Mobile, Alabama.

    I do get it that we all have our preferences, but I (and I speak for myself only) learned early on in my life that I should keep the checklist really short, such as: Man, Hard dick, Top. Ok.... you're next 🙂

  18. On 12/4/2023 at 1:12 AM, Aixactif said:

    It’s probably the best sex club in the world

    Definitely it is. Laboratory at Berghain is the grand daddy of all the sex clubs. 22nd December it's going to be busy. It is usually the last full night before most of the Christmas markets shut down and I am farily certain the Lab it will be busy. I would expect at least 500-700 people for that night. 

    Regarding the opening times. I believe that doors will be open from 22h00 on that specific Friday - 22:00 to 24:00. Check out the website: [think before following links] https://www.lab-oratory.de/

    When the club says No dresscode, indeed you can wear whatever you wish but bear in mind that it will be hot. I would personally recommend a jockstrap rather than shorts and t-shirt - but of course you wear what you feel most comfortable with. 

    The music is loud and a good sound system, but it is mainly a sex club with dance not a dance club with sex. 

    Socialising at the bar or anywhere else is easy. There's plenty of young guys to choose from and I am sure you will have fun. 

    Entrance I believe it's 15 euros. I don't think they started accepted credit / debit cards so make sure you have cash on you. Upon entry you will get a bracelet with a number and you can charge your drinks on your number. You pay at the bar before leaving. Again, make sure you have cash on you. 

    Fridays being 2-4-1, it means that you get two drinks but you get charged for one. You will get these two drinks both at the same time. You cannot take one now and the other later. 

    Facilities are generally clean, but with hundreds of people they can get dirty, so make sure you clean up before arriving. 

    The lineup usually starts an hour before the opening times, and being Berlin it will be cold. Make sure you dress up warmly for the weather.

    Train station is a bit of a hike from the club so be prepared. There are always taxis by the club so you will always have that choice, but depending where you go it can get pricey. 

    As always, do not leave your drink out of sight; especially when you have two drinks in your hands.

    Other than than, have fun and report back!


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  19. 2 hours ago, HoneyBuns1980 said:

    I’ve gone to a bathhouse on a trans-centric theme night, but it was primarily masculine cis dudes and the occasional FTM or guys like me who, while not trying to pass as trans, definitely identify more with the sissy/femme/non-masculine category. 

    But, I’ve also gone on a non-trans-centric night (definitely NOT dressed in my sissy uniform) and gotten the vibe that anything even remotely feminine or non-cis male isn’t welcomed at all. 

    Maybe there’s a reason a bathhouse isn’t necessarily the same as a sex club. 

    Let's be clear that being welcome in an establishment is not equivalent at all with other patrons being attracted to you, or vice-versa. There are plenty of people who are attracted by more femme / sissy call it whatever you want.  It's not like they don't "see" you, it's just that they are looking for something else. And to that end there are occassions when you are not anyone's fancy. Simple as that. Also, to be clear: a trans-man, or -woman, is still an uncommon sight in a predominantly cis-men environment such as a gay bathhouse and some patrons may not have ever seen a trans-man. Some may react with curiosity, some may be indiferent, others may be surprised and simply don't know what to make of it. 

    Also, a bathhouse and a sex-club in the gay world have very close purpose. Sure, some may argue that a bathhouse is more a social setting whereas a sex-club is a more erotic, sexual place with more overt purpose. The definition of both evolves over the years and everyone's experience is slightly different than the others'. 

    At the end of the day, we all deserve respect, but we should not confuse respect with attraction. I respect everyone. End of story. But I am not attracted to everyone. And I certainly am not the object of attraction for many people. Also, let's not confuse polite, respectful conversation in a bathhouse or sexclub, or even friendship, with sexual attraction. I can be a really nice person and hold a nice conversation with someone without being sexual attracted to them. The opposite is true as well: I may be sexually and savagely attracted to someone with whom otherwise I may have very little in common (assuming that we can strike a conversation). 

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  20. On 11/26/2023 at 12:22 PM, Iker80 said:

    Total access to fuck any guy any time I want to. I'll be walking down the street and see a fit guy with a fuckable arse and I just want to walk over, pull down his pants and fuck him. No questions, just fuck him. Kiss, make out as we do it, but in the end a  good solid pump session in his eager hole and blow a big load in him, then he pulls his pants back up, I say thanks man, and off we go.

    That's an easy fantasy @Iker80 Just come to Gran Canaria and I guarantee you that after a week here you will be reviewing your fantasy list LOL 

    BTW, I'd totally love to have my guts flooded with your load 

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  21. Bathhouses, saunas, sex and swingers clubs evolve together with the general society. 

    A trans-man, Trans-woman, gay man, lesbian, or anyone else, no matter what label you put on or how they identify in life or at a particular moment, deserve respect. 

    Notwithstanding anything above, we all do have our preferences and I don't see anyone singled out because they like or don't apples or oranges. Same with sex. As a gay man I go to a bathhouse or a club to have sex with people who fit my own desires and not someone else's.  If it comes to preferences not everyone is my cuppa tea and I am not everyone's object of passion. (although my range of likes dwarfs the range of dislikes LOL).  

    In my opinion, trans-men and -women need to figure out for themselves what they are into: men, women, or other trans-people.  If they are into gay men sucking cock, fucking and getting fucked, they are definitely welcome - in my opinion, in any gay bathhouse or club for gay men. If they are trans-men, or - women, and they like sex with women, obviously a gay men's bathhouse is not the right place for them. 

    There are saunas in the world, such as NZ in Amsterdam, who frequently have All inclusive parties. I've been to more than one of these parties and I can tell you that everyone is respectful and gets along just fine. If I like someone I will approach them and see where it goes. Similar approach if I am the one being approached: If I like them I play along, if not I let them know that if sex with me is that what they are after I am not attracted to them. I said this a few times and everyone was cool with that. I did engage in sex with both trans men and -women, but it was when the interest was mutual. 

    In my view of the world I don't need to put a label on someone to have a good time with them. If I like someone and if we click, awesome. If not, I say we all move on. However, we all need to understand that whilst we may not like everyone or be liked by everyone, we all must be socially mindful and respect each other's boundaries.  A yes, is a yes. A no is a no. And that's that. 

    I guess the question is more for the trans-men or -women to figure out which team they prefer to play with at any given time and then play the game: if it's dick they're after, then you oughtta know how to suck one and take one up your alley. If it's pussy you're after, then google lesbian sex clubs and go fo it. Or KitKat club in Berlin. Or Lab Revolting. ....


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  22. Every sauna or sex-club has its own rythm depending on when they open, when they close, what day of the week there is, location, country, etc. 

    For example, you're more likely to get loads at Vault in London on a Thursday naked night than on a Monday. Bears' day at The Locker Room gets you more loads than any other day. Sunday afternoons, between 16 and 18 seems to be a sweet spot for most venues when men are starting to look for a hole to unload.

    However, everyone's experience is different. And of course, you gotta realise that indeed you are up against a lot of competition. Even if tops and bottoms would be equally distributed, a top can only cum once (twice if you're lucky), whereas a bottom can collect as many loads as they feel like. 

    If you want to up your numbers, I'd suggest pairing up with a wingman and organise a dump & go session in one of the hotels. Advertise it online a couple of weeks beforehand so the word goes out and go from there. Let your wingman do the checks and monitor who comes and goes, making sure they look after your wellbeing.  You can certainly do it yourself alone but there is a bit more difficult as there will be times when you're in a middle of a fuck and someone else comes and they need attention, blah blah blah... With a wingman, you focus on taking the cocks and their loads, and let your wingman do the reception.

    From my time in London, and talking to other fellas, your best bet is Vault and you're lucky if you leave with 5-6 loads. Sure, as a new kid on the block you may even get 10 or 12, but that'd be an exception. On an average night I would get fucked quite a bit, but 3-5 loads would be the norm.

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