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Posts posted by C10H15N

  1. Jack and I were both 20 (1984).  We met on one of those crappy phone chat lines.  We sent each other photos via snail mail and finally met up in the city where he lived.  He came over to my hotel room and we immediately ripped each others clothes off.  After about an hour of making out and sucking, I was ready to give him my cherry.  While not the best fuck of my life, it was the first and I will never forget it.  Over the weekend we must have bareback fucked each other a half dozen or so times.  I have no idea if I was his first, but he was definitely mine.  We only got together one time after that, but it was not the same.  About a year ago I saw him in a news article.  He is from a politically connected family in this state and was making a rather futile run at public office.  I have no desire to contact him now.  I still have that photo of him as a cute Latin twink and the fond memories of our short but memorable encounters.    

  2. 16 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    When I first started hearing stories about how much misogyny there was within the gay community, some decades back, I thought surely that must be an artifact of an earlier time. But threads like this remind me it's alive and well.

    If not wanting women to have anything to do with the thoughts, interest, execution, or expression of my sexuality is misogynistic, then so be it.  

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  3. Sleazy adult bookstore / video arcade in Albuquerque NM.  Drunk young Hispanic guy stuck his uncut cock through the glory hole into my booth.  I had just slipped it into my mouth and my tongue inside his foreskin when he unloaded, pulled out, and took off.  I'd say ten seconds tops. 

    I got a nice treat, but I wanted more.  

  4. On 9/27/2019 at 6:30 PM, Guest BreedMeInVegas said:

    Fiscally conservative, mildly liberal on social topics, and I'm libertarian in the sense that I believe in limited govt, or elected officials telling me what I can or can't do.  I work hard, make good money, and I pay my taxes.  I follow the laws, even the ones I don't agree with such as being forced to pay car insurance, and being forced to pay to register my car each year.  However I understand that here in Nevada where I live, car registration fees help pay for govt services.

    I'm single, and have no kids, and I don't mind contributing to stuff like public schools through the taxes I pay.  However, I feel I pay more then my fair share and am not a fan of those who take advantage of the system by consuming more then they put in.

    On social issues I could care less who someone want's to marry as long as it's not an animal or someone underage.  What people choose to do inside the privacy of their homes is up to them, as long as no one is being hurt or doing stuff against their will.  

    I don't feel any drugs should be illegal, but if someone can't handle it and they end up driving while high, or hurting others while high, they should be punished.  Anything in moderation is fine with me, but is it's abused, the abuser is on their own to deal with the ramifications.

    I personally don't agree with abortion except in the case of rape or threat to the mothers life.  I certainly don't support people using abortion as birth control, and don't believe tax payers should be paying for them to have an abortion.  This comes down to personal responsibility.  Can't afford a kid?  Then keep your legs closed.  Society shouldn't have to be penalized for the inability of others to act or think rationally.

    As a country I feel we're over taxed simply because the govt overspends. 

    I don't believe that going to college is a right, you can either afford it, or you can't.  Way to many people use college as a reason to delay becoming an adult, and very few careers these days actually require a degree.  Same with health care, I don't believe it's a right, and thinking that the govt can run it and do a better job is a pipe dream.  Working hard and getting a job with great benefits should be the goal for people.

    I think term limits for congress are long overdue.  Being a politician should not be a career possibility.  I don't support globalism because I believe everyone is different, and countries should be able to embrace what they choose as a way of living, again as long as it's not hurting others or their own. 

    As Americans, and being the richest and strongest country economically, I do support things like NATO and the UN as long as everyone is paying their fair share.  But in order to be able to help other countries, I believe we must first take care of our own, then help others in need until they can stand on their own.  I believe in an open market and fair trade, but also believe in tarriffs being applied to countries that abuse free trade.  While an even export/import would be nice, I'm ok with America having a slight trade imbalance where we import a little more then we import, but not rates like 2-3 times like we see today.  I figure it's a way of helping other countries succeed.

    Finally, I understand that the only way we'll ever have a President that I agree with on 100% of the issues, will be if I myself get elected.  So instead I choose to support the person who reflects as many of my issues as I do.

    Ultimately I just want to be left alone to live and enjoy my life without needing the govt to hold my hand, or keep me from enjoying it.


    I agree completely. 

  5. 19 hours ago, drscorpio said:

    Not really - you just need to be willing to care about everyone's needs and best interests and not put your own above everyone else's. You don't have to fuck people over to live. 

    You obviously know nothing about real conservatives .

  6. Old laws that are unenforceable remain on the books because nobody passes a law to get rid of them.

    At least the case that make homo sex legal nationwide (Lawrence v, Texas) has Texas in it forever.

    The original covenants of my subdivision written in the early sixties prohibit black people.  This is, of course, unenforceable but it does remain in the legal documents.   

  7. What I like:

    He’s a businessman, not a corrupt career politician or from a political dynasty named Bush or Clinton.

    He’s beating the career politicians at their own game - especially the Democrats who have been sucking his dick for political contributions for decades. They all hate him for this. 

    He’s destroying the lame stream media and exposing them as lying frauds. 

    What I dislike:

    He’s a typical NYC asshole. 

  8. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Trump is a Republican.  He’s a life long New York Democrat who, like Bernie, ran as a Populist - he just did it on the Republican ticket.

    The GOP establishment hates him more than the Democrats. 

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