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Everything posted by C10H15N

  1. Obviously, politics, including POTUS, isn’t the job for you if you’re a nice person.
  2. And another one gone...
  3. Neg on PrEP - I take a pill everyday. If I stop nothing happens. Poz - I take a pill or two every day. If I stop I probably get sick and die. Since I don't fetishize HIV / converting, the choice is easy. I've lived with the possibility my entire adult life.
  4. As gay men, we don't stand a snowballs chance in hell with a movement that has already cast out JK Rowling. 😏
  5. Wow! Had no idea that there were this many furries here. Not into it myself, but as a fister I do like my XL unflared Chance 😛
  6. An ex boyfriend who was really into it. I'm rather ambivalent toward it, but a partner getting turned on by it turns me on.
  7. Nobody trolls better. 😜
  8. I didn’t and voted for Gary Johnson. Even today he’s the least smelly turd in a pile of rancid shit. Given the way the democrats are fucking up the voting system I may get to vote for him more than once.
  9. The real power in the United States isn't the government, it's big business. Few are bigger than big pharma and the health insurance and care providers. You notice neither party is advocating going full socialized medicine... I personally would not mind if we cut our military budget back to just what was needed to protect the United States, pulled all troops back from overseas (including Europe), and put that money toward healthcare. The military industrial complex and those invested in our thirty year war won't like that.
  10. In the face of Universal Armageddon, you can always count on the British sense of humor.
  11. I'd like to fuck Milo, but I'm too white and his husband is a shit load hotter than I am.
  12. I'm familiar with the ridiculous democrat talking points - I also think he's the best President we've had since Truman. Does Trump have his faults? Oh, yeah - too many to mention. I really had high hopes for Obama. I believed in "Hope and Change" with every fiber of my being. My delusions about our political system died by his second term. My hostility toward's it didn't kick in until Hillary assumed the position was hers for the taking. I'll support Trump as long as he keeps fucking the establishment politicians of both parties dry and doesn't start any more fucking wars. Three scoops, Three Justices, Three terms.
  13. That is part of the history of my people. It therefore encompasses "thoughts, interests, and expression"
  14. First time I ever fucked / got fucked.
  15. Fisting party in Palm Springs last February.
  16. It's not like we've really ever had a choice. The candidates are usually pre-vetted and approved before we unwashed masses are allowed to vote. The collapse of the Republican party, the switching of Trump from Democrat to Republican to fill the void, The mistakes of Hillary and her team in believing they could insult / ignore half the country was a perfect storm that will probably never happen again in my lifetime. If the Republican's hadn't been completely fucked up, they would have railroaded Trump to the sidelines the same way Hillary did Bernie.
  17. He is the perfect bull in the entrenched political and fake news ivory tower china shop. He's wrecking their shit and I love it. It's like he was genetically engineered for this role. What surprises me is just how well he's doing as President. I never would have expected that. Yeah, I'm going to vote for him this time. In my lifetime, politics has never been this much fun.
  18. I wonder if it tastes like Russian pee hookers?
  19. With three Nobel Peace Prize nominations to date, he's doing something right.
  20. Just had my six month checkup - Neg on everything except bad attitude.
  21. As a fister, I don't have anything to add. The advise here is spot on. My guts are just as unpredictable. Sometimes the clean out is quick, easy and done in under 15 minutes. Other times I'm cramping and crapping in my shower for two hours with no end in sight. This is why I don't tolerate no-shows. Getting ready to play can waste half a day.
  22. I've tried to get my uncut fist / fuck buddies to leave me a day or two of manly dick flavor, but none of them will do it. Their conditioning against having a smelly dick is too strong.
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