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Posts posted by C10H15N

  1. I applaud your responsibility and the steps you have taken to protect yourself and your partners.


    Having said that, OP's question about who should pay for your meds is well taken.  Truvada costs about $1500 a month retail.  That's before we get into doctor visits and blood testing and all that that goes along with PrEP.


    And there are cheaper alternatives you could use to protect yourself that you have chosen not to.  You could use condoms, you could restrict your numbers of sex partners.  You've decided not to, which is fair enough.


    But unless you're paying the $18,000 per year (which I certainly couldn't afford), then you're asking others to subsidize your choice.  Is that fair? 


    I personally think that PrEP is a fantastic step forward.  I'm thrilled that guys now can take this step to protect themselves from HIV.  I look forward to the day when people suffering sickness and death from AIDS is a distant memory, and I think PrEP is going to be a big part of that.  But I can also see the other side of the argument too.

    Before PrEP, I kept myself neg by practicing safer sex and in some cases dumb luck. The availability of preventative meds, insurance coverage, and being young enough to still fuck and enjoy a few years of barebacking have influenced my decision. I have no real influence over the drug cost and no qualms with the morality of using my health insurance for recreational purposes. My insurer obviously would rather pay for prevention than treatment. Fair? I've never found anything in life to be fair. If circumstances were to change to make prep unavailable or too expensive, then I would adapt my sexual behavior to keep my risk of infection at a level I can live with.

  2. Don't forget a lot of times in cases like this, the parents use the statutory laws because they don't like that their sons may be "homos." Even without the HIV or video stuff, that can bappen

    Even with a lower age of consent, dealing with someone who is not a legal adult can leave you open to charges other than statutory.

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