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Posts posted by NiceHard1

  1. That is a great question to put out there.

    I think it is situational. At a bb sex party, where most are both topping and bottoming, if a guy fucks me, I will usually assume it fair game to flip him around and reciprocate fucking him raw too. If he only tops, he won't let me in and will say that, and that is cool .

    Outside of a Sex party, I typically engage in discussion first to see what w guy is open to

    But sometimes guys can give signs to indicate. I was at a bathhouse in berkely last week, getting fucked bare by a hot guy, and then he flipped over showing me his hot muscle ass which just sounded like and open invite to me - I fucked two loads into him!

  2. Usually they are up per agreements with HIV prevention organizations.

    As most have closed rooms, you are on yr own to follow or not follow the signs, or use or not use th free condoms that they provide.

    Bathhouses where sex goes n behind closed doors have no authority to monitor or control what goes on behind the closed doors.

    What happens in the open is another story. In some cities, they can not allow sex in the open t all, while in others, they may allow it, but then are obligated to enforce their safe sex policies. I have seen some clubs like Eros in SF walk through to police the sex, though many guys still bareback anyway.

    The choice is certainly yours. I don't think the signs are going to stop anyone, though it's important for guys to think through their decisions and be prepared for the outcome

  3. Greetings guys-

    I've been in SF for the last few days since Christmas - had some great sex at Steamworks, and with a couple of semi-regular fuck buds.

    Visited an old girlfriend in Sacramento last night, and taking the morning train from Sacramento to LA (Via Bakersfield)

    - in case anyone else is on the train!

    Then will be in LA all day Friday, Friday night, Sat.

    I'd love to meet up with any LA/Weho guys from here...either to hang out or swap fucks.

    I'm NOT into pnp, just to put that out there - just hot fucking

    I have a room at a hotel near Slammer, and plan to the club there tonight, and could bring any guys I might hit it off with back to the room.

    Message me on BBRT (Nicehard1) or scruff (Piotrek) if you're around.

    I'll be on foot and train

  4. I agree that it does not hurt to say HI to someone.

    I admit sometimes it is a challenge if I have not read messages in a while and have a bunch.

    Some people do expect an immediate reply, and I don't always check immediately.

    But I generally agree. Kindness can go a long way

    Just saying HI doesn't mean you have to fuck

  5. Greetings guys - I have the ek off between Christmas and new years, and work for an airline, so thinking of doing some crazy traveling.

    I'm planning to go to Melbourne first for a day or two, the thinking of heading from there to London for the weekend.

    Any advice for a good place to stay that would be central to places where I could be piggy?

    It looks like it is not the right weekend for hard-on party.

    Is the Hoist still a great place to go? I have been to london several times, but not made it there.

    Any suggestions or offers for Saturday night are welcome

  6. The HIV screening place wanted him to take a fourth generation test which would detect HIV sooner, but he didntnt want to as he's afraid of needles.

    I had a bit of a daddy boy discussion with him about that and told him that if he is going to be a pig bottom and likely become poz - if not from me than from someone else - that he is going to have to get used to getting lab work done - a lot.

    I suggested laying down to do the blood draws to make it a little easier.

  7. Update ...

    They let him out of the hospital, and he is back home at his parents house.

    I've been leaving my phone on al night, and he has taken me up on this offer a couple of times now.

    He has called me at about 3am, scared and in lots of pain. He complains about lots of pain in his joints in particular. If there are others who have gone to full blown AIDS - either by choice or not - please share any ideas of what you have done to try to manage the pain when you were in this position.

    I've also told him that I have been posting here, and so he might start reading the thread. I told him about the many well wishes from many of you. He texted me some pictures of himself in the hospital, but I won't post them withough his permission. I'll ask him if I can when the time is right.

  8. I love both. I am totally into fucking hard and getting fucked hard, but then also cuddling kissing and making out with the guy who I am fucking - yup that is intimacy.

    Guys who can be both sex pigs and intimate, please step up to the front of the line!

  9. Wondering if anyone has gotten pozzed from an undetectable guy.

    A follow up to my story on my blog about the hot neg guy who I fucked eight times last weekend...


    ...it's a week later and he's got a 102 temperature, sore throat, fatigue..

    I fucked him eight times (we kept count) and came up his ass each time. Fucked him pretty hard, but not to draw any blood. It is flu season of course, and so I suggested that it may be a coincidence... He may just be sick, but I admit I'm wondering myself.

    He went for an HIV test last week and was still neg, though this would not yet pick up a pozzing from me. My last viral load was still undetectable last test

    Any thoughts, or any experience getting pozzed by an undetectable guy?

  10. Yes good advice. A nonfat doc, or one whose not realize that hare having anal sex may assume that a guy could only get an std in his cock and not ass

    Chlamydia and ghonorrea are both localized, which means that if they only give you a pee test, it won't show if have it in Tass or throat. Thy need to get ya throat swab and ass swab. Dont worry, if you take cock in your ass and throat, the swab will be like nothing. Often the providers feel like they are hurting guys to swab them, but forget gy guys take a lot me than that to get them in that situation in the first place.

    And the treatment is usually pretty easy too - oral or maybe a shot. It's important to get it done though

  11. Day two in the hospital - update on my friend

    Diagnosis came back as pneumonia and Giardia. His Tcells are very low.

    On oxygen and lots of meds to work on the pneumonia and giardia.

    Said it was pooing, peeing, and throwing up at the same time with losing muscle control that finally convinced him that it was bad enough to do something. He's actually in good spirits, and I'm feeling positive that he can pull through.

    I fully agree with what many have said... That there is both wrong with being as sexual as we want to be, even if that includes becoming HIV poz. I certainly am. Becoming poz requires responsibility and committment to do what is necessary to stay healthy.

  12. Hmm...I like the idea myself, if you wanted to move to the US.

    I've been thinking about looking to create some type of situation with the right guy or guys. I have a three bedroom house, and so have room for some additional people here.

    I envision a daddy/boy situation to be one where both are getting needs met. I would want to be a type of parent/daddy/mentor to a boy, to help him learn about and navigate the world of adulthood, sexuality, homosexuality, and HIV. I would expect the boy to of course be available for sex, but also to do things around the house, but then also to get a job to be able to support himself too. I would not want to fully take care of a boy. I would also encourage his own exploration of his own sexuality, not only with me, but with others as well. I think that there can be room to negotiate any kind of parts to unique relationships, but both parties have to know what they are looking for and signing up for.

    Maybe if you're not looking to come to the US, I can find the right boy(s) to create a fun cool environment here with.

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