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Everything posted by TonyRedux

  1. Canada is a Commonwealth country, where the right of Authority to crush you is ultimately royal/divine. In that model, the Government very jealously guards its right to be the only "legitimate" source of violence. the American system fully rejected this theory from our Revolution on...which is why both the American electorate and the US Supreme Court have thoroughly rejected the ultimate claims of Gun Control theorists. self-defense is a basic and inalienable right...and it very much includes the inherent human right to keep and bear arms. Kick him? He should have shot him. Glad I live in America, because even though NYC is really no better in this matter, that is likely to change over the next few years of emerging litigation now that the SCOTUS has handed down the Heller (2008) and McDonald (2010) decisions .
  2. u will most certainly age faster if poz, and be susceptible to greater instability in ur health, and ur life expectancy will certainly decrease. how much any of this happens will vary based upon ur highest viral load, ur lowest t-cell count, ur genetics, any other health issues u may have, the genetics of ur virus, ur stress-level and lifestyle, and random dumb luck. i advise staying neg and finding a way to enjoy sexual freedom n raw sex without converting...perhaps PrEP might be right for u. i know rawtop and others r very much against PrEP, and i find this utterly misguided, but i'll let someone else throw down a gauntlet b4 i argue about it. i do indeed enjoy greater sexual freedom than at any previous time in my life, but it took me a few years of experiencing the darker side of being poz before getting to this point...i could never make light of the matter. i would much rather have taken Truvada daily than the huge cocktail off drugs i take now...but i have a good handle on evolutionary biology and the science of drug-resistance. one theme i consistently try to make in HIV-activist circles is that they had better start charting a path toward HIV-prevention that does not solely depend on the utterly crippled sexual sensation and manifold psychological hang-ups of condom-usage, and that general chemoprophylaxis is emerging as the solution in the absence of activist creativity (nanotechnologically-constructed condoms, anyone?). Test and Treat, PEP and PrEP r all modalities of HIV-infection prevention that remind us of the real glory of sex, which we all need to remember is a basic human desire that can never be eternally suppressed.
  3. the saw palmetto will be a mixed blessing. it barely does anything at all, n what it does is inhibit 5-alpha-reductase. that enzyme is what cleaves the testosterone molecule (the primary male sex hormone in ur muscles) into DHT (the primary male sex hormone in the rest of ur body, including ur genitals, voice, skin, hair etc)...so when u have less DHT, ur sex drive and sexual potency will go DOWN. further, an increase in pure testosterone u gain as a result will also increase the amount of testosterone being cleaved into estradiol (the primary female sex hormonee in all men, and in women b4 menopause) by the aromatase enzyme, which will only further subtract from ur male potency. horny goat weed is good, tribulus is bullshit...u'll get a better and more reliable boost in ur luteinizing hormone (LH) (and thus ur testosterone n DHT) from regular long sessions of sex or masturbation. work it, baby! the ginseng has shown mixed results relative to sexual issues, n ginko is mostly theoretical...i can never digest it tho, i burp ginko for 8 hours after a single capsule. arginine can be useful as well, just dont bother taking it b4 a workout, that theory has been debunked. yohimbe can also be helpful, but as a stimulant it can be jittery and dangerous to ur health. do ur research n know VERY well what the state of ur own health is b4 u play with that herb in effective doses...it can be unforgiving.
  4. last nite, gave my husband an impromptu fucking on the carpet, with barely enuff delay to lay a towel down. this time gonna give him the usual super-fucking, waiting for him to clean out thoroughly...
  5. agreed...but i've been known to burst in from the get-go on fresh, unfucked asses too...
  6. y thank yeew! i can testify to this...it's always glorious to watch a bottom's will subsume itself fully to my fuck. at that point, whatever the physical personality of the bottom (active, passive, bossy, fearful), the actual rhythm of their movement submits entirely to my own, even correctly predicting it, always with full submission as the guide of their action. i can go for hours to break an unruly bottom to that state (or just punish the willing ), but once i get a man broken to my dick, it's very hard to hold back nut...it becomes imperative to deepseed him.
  7. and u r most fuckable...we would have severe fun.
  8. hit me up on bbrt so i can see more thanks kindly!
  9. i tell all bottoms that i do not pull out, leak precum and do not always act out my orgasm. i also super-emphasize the exceptionally ruff nature of my fuck...over the years i've learned it's better to scare away guys that r less than 100%, as i've had many experiences of guys getting me to work on their ass n then denying my nut at the last second. quite a few even suckered me into getting close multiple times b4 finally pulling away from the load. i break all ties and end all good nature with such...they r instantly despised, and either i or they must leave instantly. a couple of guys who got verbally abusive almost had their bones broken, bcuz while i'm not a rapist, i'm also not a chump. sometimes fear is better than love or lust, and playing up my aggressive nature in email leaves guys nicely surprised at my pleasant demeanor in person, and EXTREMELY well-fucked! these days all my bottoms get my seed and all thank me for it. :-D
  10. glad to b here, nice to meat ya.
  11. yea i saw that...its in the site q&a section
  12. The last load I gave was yesterday around 6 P.M. in a big blond bottom I'd previously seeded in the west village...on Gay Street. it was fun pushing his limits.
  13. interesting poster-rankings...it's been a long while since anyone's designated me a "virgin"...
  14. u guys r kind indeed. thanks
  15. holler at me if u get to NYC, i'd rape that hole long n sweet.

  16. i figured i'd start an intro thread as good message-board etiquette. i may already know some of u in RL...here's a direct link to my BBRt profile: http://my.barebackrt.com/tonyredux not sure yet how low or high a profile to aim for here...so may lurk for a bit.
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