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Everything posted by TonyRedux

  1. THAt would be fun to watch!
  2. i agree with thick, except that i am uncut and prefer medium suction to hard suction, which simply gets painful. i hate bottoms trying to get creative n show me their stunt moves...i do notice that cut guys and uncut guys tend to vary as to what BJ technique we enjoy. seems the cut guys require more stimulation. gee, i wonder why? also, real, sincere hunger for dick is very important. it should be submissive, but plainly evident..and, again...sincere. otherwise i'm switching from FELLATIO to IRRUMATIO post-haste, n ur getting skullfucked. lastly, a very small number of elite suckers can truly work magic with their throats...if u can deepthroat ur top as he's cumming, and then commence a pronounced swallowing action as ur top shoots, and u can expand ur diaphragm to create suction as u swallow, u will send me into orbit. suckers who can pull this move off r EXTREMELY rare tho.
  3. i have an open marriage. it presents a unique set of issues but it works for us.
  4. embrace ur aggression and ur domination of the bottom, remember that he's there for ur dick, not the other way around. "performance anxiety" SHOULD be an absurdity, but we live in a feminized culture.
  5. good luck finding the lesbianic top who can put up with u.
  6. ur incorrect about what i have stated. nowhere have i advocated that victims of violent attack should "punish" their attacker AFTER the threat has been stopped. in this thread i react to the posted links and the information provided therein, which state that the defendant/victim pulled an attacker off his friend and "kicked him a couple of times", b4 being knocked unconscious himself. there is no indication as to whether the assailant he kicked was in a defensive posture at any point, and the defendants subsequent unconsciousness is proof-positive that the attack was ongoing. that Canadian courts and prosecutors chose to prosecute this victim under these circumstances indicated underlines my point that Government has a natural urge to seek a monopoly on violence, regardless of Justice. as to the mishmash of American laws by state, i refer u again to Dc vs Heller, where the Supreme Court of the United States expressly and explicitly ruled, among other things, that self-defense IS an inalienable right. on THAT basis, they granted relief for Dick Heller toward his very specific petition to have a pistol in his home...for SELF-DEFENSE. what's silly is that Scalia's explicit validation of self-defense was directly due to the lawyers for Washington DC stating in open court (at the Appeals level and then b4 SCOTUS) that "self-defense is NOT an inalienable right"! THAT claim is now in the dustbin of American history, where it will stay. Heller was Incorporated to the States in the 2010 McDonald decision...now the litigation has begun to bring the mishmash of State laws into compliance with these decisions...as well as forthcoming ones. u might want to read both decisions closely b4 spouting off...and read my own writing more closely b4 trying to "read into" it. yes, i am advocating that the defendant should not have had to pull the attacker off his friend and kick him, he should have summarily shot the attacker. not doing so left him vulnerable to further attack, and instead of being knocked unconscious, he could just as easily have been killed in that state. better them than me, and as they say, "better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6".
  7. i was 14 for getting n giving my first load, with a shorter hairy bodybuilding friend of the same age...this was 1987, b4 many teens were lifting, so it was extra unusual to see all his muscles. i basically raped him (with his consent, he would assure me years later) and as we fought, i got his pants down, throated his cock wet n sat on it. he was very strong but i grew up in a martial arts household, he never had a chance. after he came in me i got some mazola corn oil n greased him up. it was funny, as soon as the head of my much bigger dick popped inside, he gave his super-whiny-jew "OOOwwwwW" and lunged forward, banging his head into the huge hot water pipe that ran across my wall...DINGGGGG!!!!!!!! (this was in the basement apt of a large tenement bldg in the Bronx)...i got it in deeper anyway (stifling a guffaw in fact), n kept going. nice. to this day i have a sadistic kink about seeing my bottoms as "a stupid fukn idiot"...it's partly why i don't do dirty talk, most guys cant really handle the disintegration of their self-esteem that i can be great at doing, especially when horny. we played off n on every few years until i converted, including after he got married. hell, we fucked on his honeymoon, which was an uncomfortable surprise as he literally threw himself on me while his wife went out shopping with her mom...the action got pretty good. i cant forgive him for cutting me off in 2003 when i converted, he started emailing me last year asking how i am...
  8. first had like 150 ppl, second had over 120...
  9. ah. what turns u on is what turns u on tho, no need for disclaimer or validation.
  10. where was it?
  11. lotta fun to have here. holler at me on bbrt sometime...
  12. agreed. i put the ole' ball n chain on him right quick!
  13. more pix to enjoy on BBRT, A4A, and MH...
  14. i'm proud of my good gene mix...n happy that the violent and disruptive environment i grew up in had a great amount of love n affection, starting from when my parents blew off respective arranged marriages to marry each other.
  15. Both parents were born n raised in Kosova, Dad is an Albanian Sunni Muslim, Mom is a Montenegrin Orthodox Christian, and i'm All-American.
  16. eat shit.
  17. odd, when i search for "jeton" on this site, ONLY this thread shows up. perhaps the Internet is conspiring to make u appear to be a liar as well as a toxic pussy?
  18. actually i dont recall posting my first name here, but regardless, ur a passive-aggressive cunt who cant handle simple rebuttal, so u attack...like a weak pussy. when ur weak-pussy attacks recoil upon u, u throw ur hands up "hey man, bygones...let's agree to disagree!" if u had any spine or sincerity, THAT is the position u would have started from, NOT where u would have RETREATED to...like a pussy and a coward. u can engage me further if u like, or cower...ur choice.
  19. lol, why not go the distance and say JETON ADEMAJ, which is my full name, pussy? no wonder ur so bitter and alone. for the record, i joined here as "Tonyredux" bcuz that's my tag on all fuck sites dating to when i rejoined Manhunt in 2004 after sero-converting...but u prolly already knew that, distant and embittered pussy-stalker that ur revealing urself to be.
  20. if it works for u, fine. i have enjoyed many a spotless 3 hour hyperfuck within bottoms who had 45 minutes to deep clean and did so spotlessly, without foregoing meals. rawtop n others here have seen me in action, my fuck alone will break the will of most doublefisting superpowerbottoms.
  21. there's that passive-aggression again. why did u bring him up to me in public the first time? there was no other reason than to say "i know who you are, Tonyredux!". the trend continues.
  22. hate away, but since i'd never mentioned him AFAIK recall, ur previous reference to him was a passive-aggressive hint that u know me from his fan forum, where i have posted many tales of my barebacking exploits to great controversy...i'm noticing a trend.
  23. actually i do just fine with bottoms who know how to DEEP clean in much less time than u describe. in fact i advocate for bottoms to better integrate cleaning out into their lifestyle with a high fiber diet and honed douching technique...when that is the case, there's no need for fasting or starvation b4hand. furthermore, in a dense urban environment like NYC, many (sadly, not most) bottoms will clean out b4 they even go online, and r ready to go fairly quickly. pre-cleaning is a bigger risk in less dense environments where one may end up doing all that prep for nothing...
  24. i'll take being an asshole (or more usually, a DICK) over being an embittered passive-aggressive pussy any day, pussy. u got any more oblique Howard Stern references?
  25. i use win 7 n firefox, but A4A has been a bit of a mess this year with their own redesign. they have crashed and glitched out many times over 2011/12....however my pc doesnt crash, just the tab with a4a on it. i suspect u have a larger issue with ur system.
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