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Everything posted by layedback

  1. Deal. There're certain physical attributes that turn me on, but attitude is really everything. One asshole in my shorts is enough. I really go for guys who have a sense of humor and are down to earth. Make me laugh and feel comfortable and my legs will open very quickly, though truthfully, they open pretty fast for anyone. ;-)
  2. Hot guy! Thanks for the add, JohnnieB.

  3. Thanks for the add, Puppyslut. Maybe we can ride the gravy train together some day!

  4. Thanks for the add, handsome!

  5. That is so fucking hot, AlphaMale. Wish you had that scene on tape.
  6. If you ever find out, let me know. I'll be there in July, and I'm looking to bring some Northwest DNA home with me too.
  7. I'm never satisfied because you hot tops spend too much time dicking around online instead of dicking ass. Get off the pc, brother, go out, and spread the love!
  8. Loud. I let somebody know what I like and what i don't, and I really dig a top who tells me he's filling my guts with his DNA. Sex is animal. I like the grunts and groans. It turns me on. Quiet fucks are not my thing.
  9. Ditto. I'm a greedy bastard, too. I want both. And I don't discriminate about status. I don't even ask. I make it clear up front that I'm bareback only. Granted, I'll work for it. I'll earn it. But if I go to all that trouble and don't get what I want, there'll never be a repeat performance.
  10. It's funny because I just had this conversation with a friend. Not counting me, of course, all of my single friends are desperate to be in a relationship, and all of my partnered friends are desperate to get out of one. From my perspective, many people (not all, but many) enter into relationships for the wrong reasons. They do it because it's an expected social convention, or they do because they possess low self esteem and think that another person's love will validate their self worth. Neither are a solid foundation for a partnership. I'm single by choice. I have close friends who provide good emotional support, and FBs to take care of my physical needs. If I want to bring someone home to play in the trough, if I want to tomcat all over town till 5am, or if I just want to drink some wine, listen to music, and be weird at random, I can do that. Perhaps I'm selfish, but I enjoy my freedom. If I met a guy who knocked my socks off on an emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual level, would I consider a serious relationship? Sure. I don't rule anything out. I'm not against commitment on principle, but at the same time, I don't need another person's recommendation in order to be happy.
  11. LOL! Someone should embroider that on a sofa pillow, with forget-me-nots.
  12. First of all, hooking up with strangers is no different than taking a raw cock up your ass. If you aren't willing to accept the risks, then stay home. There are no guarantees in this life. Secondly, if you're going to do it, I suggest that you stay sober. Don't get fucked up on booze and other substances and go home with someone you've never met. For anonymous hookups, you should have a clear head and be alert. I'm not advising paranoia, but maintain some awareness of the situation. I think we all possess intuition. The trick is to acknowledge that little voice in your head. I've never been in a trick situation that became violent or frightening, and I think it's because I've learned how to go with my gut feeling about strangers. If you're the slightest bit uncomfortable with something, there's probably a good reason. I'd also recommend learning how to defend yourself. I usually insist on hooking up in my own home, because I feel like I've got the advantage in my territory, but if I'm forced to go elsewhere, I know how to react to a bad scene. I'm a fairly small guy, but I assure you, if I'm threatened, I can take care of myself, and I don't fight fairly. Try to do something to me that I don't want, and I'll go medieval on your ass. Last of all, let somebody know what you're up to. If I meet somebody at a new location, I'll text a friend and let them know where I am. I have a small circle of friends with whom we have this mutual agreement. It may not save my life, but if I do get killed, at least the cops will have a lead in finding my body, and more than likley the perp will go down for the crime. Just be sensible and alert. You can be a victim anywhere at anytime.
  13. That's your prerogative , but consider this. My work involves government contracts, which means we have random drug screens often, and anyone who fails is automatically terminated, regardless of the reason. So, I almost never do any drugs. Maybe once every 5 years, after I've been recently tapped for a screening, I might smoke a joint. Otherwise, I'm completely drug free. So, when I answer the drug question in a stats form, what should I select? If I say "no", technically I'm lying because I will partake of something mild on very rare occasions. If I answer "yes", some might dismiss me entirely because they think I'm a tweaked out addict. If I'm forced to select something, I answer "ask me" because I feel that my situation bears a more detailed explanation. Before people start judging others and deciding what has no excuse, maybe they should stop and consider that not everything in this world is black and white and can be answered definitively with one choice. Also, the "hookup" versus "relationship" argument cuts both ways. If you're only interested in a hookup, then why does someone's answers to personal questions matter to you? Really, why get so bent out of shape over profiles of people you don't know and don't want to know? Life's too short for that. Just relax and move on.
  14. I totally dig fucking to music, though most of the guys I've been with seldom enjoy it as much as I. The type of music I want is like sex itself: it's dependent upon my partner and the scene. For making love, Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier is a god born for background noise. Deep, soulful fucking is nicely accompanied by cool West Coast jazz or sometimes the throaty stylistics of Barry White or Nina Simone. For sleazier, rough and tumble encounters, it's trance music. And, for me, nothing in this stratosphere beats Barry Forgie's The Hunted from his Mindbender album. I can't get enough of the changing rhythms of that instrumental, which was seemingly created for long, sweaty sessions of alternating paces. Read more: http://thetfp.com/tfp/tilted-sexuality/146673-classical-music-have-sex.html#ixzz1k89CKPQ6
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