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Everything posted by Sove

  1. Yeah its pretty sleazy but well established i hope Tampa Mens club will grow, I've been there as well and you are right the place is great but like you say empty
  2. True, and Rainbow cabaret is pretty fun not much attitude there.
  3. I think you are right, i gave it one more try and it was just aweful I honestly think its in the wrong venue. In Ybor city which is where all the clubs are, lots of attitude driven guys to drunk to have a clue or just plain assholes. The last time I went I saw a guy shove another guy just for brushing pass him in the narrow hallways. that really turned me off and again the staff was just horrible.
  4. Aesome Im glad someone else knows the joy of Slammers, I've never seen a place like it anywhere in Tampa
  5. I've been to the party at the Windamar resort twice and only seen a condom used by one fella who was actually staying at the resort for the weekend. The first time i went was the relaunch of the ftl party at Windamar, that was amazing guys barebacking everywhere no attitude got quite a few loads that night and even more at the next one I went to in Feb of 2012. I would suggest if you are a bottom you make sure you are very well cleaned out because there is only one bathroom and lots of traffic to it so it may be a little difficult to get in and fix any "problems" that may come up. The men are as varied as any place but the thing i've found so refreshing about FTL in general is that most men arnt hung up on types and just want to fuck, which is completely the opposite from Tampa, which is where I'm from. I've been to the tampa cumnion party a few times and am always disappointed. As far as top to bottom ratio there where more tops than bottoms but I was hardly ever without a cock in my ass so lets just say there is plenty to go around. Im planning on visiting again for my Bday in September and will report on how the party has evolved. I have yet to go to the one at the Clubs, may try to check that one out in August so i can report on that as well. If Windamar is any indication then it should be a blast.
  6. Brandon is such a stud i love watching him get fuckd and fucking.
  7. That one is pretty new but the guest list was pretty big for that one as well probably just as fun if not more.
  8. Jesus so many questions. Its near the beach so there is toll parking, personally i parked at the apartment complex next door been there twice and never got towed or a ticket. You can bring driks I saw a few guys with alcohol and you get a locker to put your stuff in. There was action everywhere but mostly in the play room and the back patio. I had more fun on the back patio. It's also good to be assertive but not aggressive or pushy
  9. So I went this weekend to the Windamar Cumunion party. Holy shit was that a blast. Plenty of Tops and Bottoms to go around. Hell I got fucked 5 times within being there for half an hour. No attitude well mostly no attitude, I think a few guys where there not knowing what it was all about but they quickly made way for the real pigs who know whats up. I would absolutely recommend going to one of these if you get the chance. Also id recommend checking out Slammers, that place was pretty intense, Lots of good looking guys who love to bareback. Great Great times in Ft Lauderdale. Hell id move there if I knew it wouldn't take a good chunk of my savings. The only down side to the city is that people drive like mad men.
  10. I've beent ot the windmer one and it was pretty hot
  11. I went to one back i June it was great fun. How have they been since? I plan to cum to this one as well.
  12. openhole123 here
  13. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=n7sAj-G255-
  14. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=dkFer-G671- Massive meat
  15. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Vbdjs-C471-
  16. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=EEpmE-G471- http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Zfe7j_G232_ http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=ZnGyW-G354- http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=S02RM-G140-
  17. Hell I may end up becoming a local, I've never had so much fun
  18. So I went to Fort Lauderdale last weekend to check out Slammers and boy was it fun. There where plenty of guys and the space was quite large. At first it was a little overwhelming, as I understood they had recently remodeled an the whole place was kind of a maze. Friday: I showed up on Friday at about 8:30 and thee where a few guys, by 10pm it was pretty full with a great variety of guys (there are a lot of hot daddies down there). Like most have said there was very little attitude and lots of action. It wasn't till about 12 that i discovered the little dark room with the fuck table that could comfortably accommodate 3 guys it was a little crowded but there was lots of fucking going on. At this point i had already taken 4 loads and was really hoping I'd get a turn on the bench. I didn't want to be to pushy though. Little did I know that It didn't really matter where you were standing because I felt some ones fingers slide between my ass checks then into my cum lubed hole... He must have liked what he felt because he pushed against the wall and started pounding my ass with his cock. I was in heaven and thinking this was well worth the 200+ mile drive. After he finished with me I was trying to make my way out of the room to cool off. As anyone who goes here knows it can get pretty hot in that room, but as I was exiting so was another bottom who apparently couldn't handle the cock he was just taking. So I bent over on the bench where he was and felt back with my hand. I could see how an amateur would have a problem with this cock that had to have been 8.5 long and super thick, but I've taken some pretty big cocks in my day and had had quite a few to losten me up that night so I guided him right on in and told him to wreck my hole and he obliged. By the end of Friday night I had taken 11 loads and then went to Clubhouse 2 and took one more. It was slow there so I didn't stay very long. But I was very satisfied with Slammers and couldn't wait to go back on Saturday Saturday: I had scheduled a sex party on Saturday that didn't really go that well, although I did take two loads from two guys who where about average but had excellent fucking skills. I got to slammers again, at about 8:30 and this time the parking lot was full, I got really excited thinking about what kind of action would be there tonight. I got in, paid, and went to the bar to buy a locker. The poor bartender was really busy so it t ook a few minutes for him to get me situated. once i got my locker i put my clothes away, grabbed my lube and poppers and began to cruise the place. As expected the "fuck" room was already filled with good hungry bottoms. So I went to another area with the big round bed and nooks and did a little searching. It didn't take long for me to feal fingers pressing against my hole. I knew it was going to be a good night, here for barely 15 minutes and already someone wanting my hole. I started kissing him wjich really got him hard and we went into one of the stalls you can lock, no words he just bent me over and fucked me till he dropped a laod and left. I walked around a bit more and I saw a guy who was exactly my type large 6'5" probably 250 lb thick guy. I approached him and he grabbed me by the face and deep kissed me hard and started shoving thick fingers up my ass, I reched into his pants and hot damn it was perfect big and thick my favorite (you see why I like big boys) I knew what he wanted by the way he was strectching my whole with three fingers no cock sucking he wanted ass and I gave it up. his fucking was just as Aggresive as his kising. he didn't even give me time to get used to his giant cock he wanted to destroy my hole, and i was happy to let him. By now there was a crowd watching and I got really turned on because i really like putting on a show. Which sad to say not a whole lot of guys like doing it out in the bigger areas here but, oh well not complaining. He fucked me for a good five minutes or so but he didn't want to cum so we took a brake. At this point I am wide open and ready for more cock , so I go into the fuck room adn there was a spot open so I bent right on over and waited, I also encouraged the bottom next to me who was getting fucked pretty hard and offered him a hit of my poppers which apparetly did the trick because the top began to stoke deeper into him. It was pretty hot. It took alittle while but a nice fat cocked daddy got in behind me and went to town on my ass, he was uncut and had really big balls which made me happy because it ment more cum to lube me up, which he did snd left. i was suprised that not 30 seconds after him i had another cock in me this guy was one of those slow fuckers, he giratted his hips and dug deep an wide but didn't cum. after him whos should show up but my big boy with the big dick. He started fucking me yet again as i tooka deep hit of poppers and without thinking said "Best vacation ever" the botom next to me gave a slight chuckle he knew what i ment because he was getting fucked too. That night I took 14 loads not including the 2 i had earlier that day. All in all i'd have to say it was a fantastic experience. the best part was not a single guy wanted to use a condom, just good raw man sex the way it should be. I will definitely be back for more. And to those who say there arn't enough tops there where plenty at Slammers and tht coming from a guy who isn't in the best of shape and got plety of loads from hot, average, and not so hot guys.
  19. Thank you AlwaysOpen, and I most certainly wont crowd you lol everybodys gott aget some right. I'm sure i'll have a wonderful time.
  20. thanks gentlemen
  21. HEy, I was just wondering if anyone knew of any must go places for a raw bottom to visit while in FTL
  22. I thought about it but the staff were just as vapid. I just left and went to rainbow, got plenty of loads there.
  23. So I went to the Cumunion party in Tampa Last Saturday and it wasn't quite what I was expecting. There wasn't a whole lot of fucking happening. Very much a stand and pose or walk around laughing and making snide comments about the other people. i guess i should have known better, Ybor resort has always been that way. It's to bad because the place is really nice however, I think I will stick with Rainbow Cabaret. Has anyone else been to one of these Cumunion parties?
  24. a good bottom never has shitty kitty.
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