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Everything posted by miticax

  1. Where I live having a cut cock is extremely rare, so the idea of having a cut cock is definitely on my wish list. I don't like uncut especially as even after a shower the glands can already produce juices and it can smel or get a taste, which I cannot say that I particularly like.
  2. too much bs drama
  3. If you've done that not sure why you've insisted on the fact that you're cleaning the stuff you find...
  4. Nice, tks for the advices. My main concern was to make that clear and avoid getting stealth by someone removing the condom or ripping it.
  5. Hi guys, I've been reading the forums constantly here and like how other people share their bb experiences. That said, I don't and cannot take that plunge yet, so I want to remain a safe (condom use) neg bottom. I'll be in Seattle this month and the last time I had 0 luck finding someone. Can anyone in the area tell me how can I find tops there and maybe saunas? I know those are not too common for safe sex, but I'm just wondering... Another question is how can I make it clear to any top that I want only safe sex with no tricks or whatever.
  6. Found this randomly... You can see the cum in his ass at the end, HOOT!!! http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Abx8s-G268-
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