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Everything posted by pigpozdad

  1. From cumunion.com: UPDATE Tokyo Valentino is now open for business. CumUnion Parties still on hold until further notice. Atlanta CumUnion Party Date: TBA Time: 8:00pm – Late Entry: $20 (includes locker)
  2. Last fuck was at Cumunion on Feb 26 2020. All CU parties are suspended, everywhere All local bars closed
  3. I love that you're pumping your nipples. I am gonna suggest it to some of my boys. At least you should modify your body while we are waiting.
  4. Pigpozdad
  5. If you were in NYC, you could go to GSA (Golden Showers Assn) parties and get in a tub.
  6. Guys need to stay away from coronavirus. You need to stay well enough till this crisis is over, so you can return to chasing and gifting. There are guys who need to be converted by our favorite virus, HIV
  7. My friend moved back from ATL to Orlando after 20 years. He was a poz cumdump here and a bigger slut in Orlando. He keeps my apprised of the rising rates, and I hope to visit him in late summer and add my bugs to the population
  8. I shaved some young 22 year old who had just moved from St Louis to NYC. I met him on bnskin. He looked so good with no crotch hair. He just lay there like in a trance. I let him go after our session. I heard from him later that week that he didnt study for his chemistry exam and failed it. Well that was fun. 🙂
  9. Look on bbrt [Quick Connect Ads] or [Local Party Ads] for Atlanta GA, then see which hotels the cumdumps are using.
  10. Its just $20. You dont have to use Tokyo (free) lockers, otherwise it's another $5 to use their lock.
  11. [think before following links] https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/01/13/crew-club-to-close-in-february-after-25-year-run/
  12. Truvada will soon be generic!!
  13. [think before following links] https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/02/descovy-truvada-prep-gilead-status-competition.html
  14. We have a winner, named Rawbeef, who successfully got pozzed after wanting it for 7 years. MAL is a very successful party
  15. Yes, find a connection with any close poz daddy. I have several boys who consider me their poz daddy even though both of us don't really know who did the deed.
  16. There were 4 t-girls. 3 were in darkroom taking loads. The other voluptuous Latina had her top off and her breasts exposed for a Latino guy who was keeping her very very close. This was all on the 1st floor.
  17. TV advertised that the 3rd floor is for Cumunion attendees, although I dont know how they can limit it just to CU. There is a sling with restraints and separately some fuck benches in a small room. The 3rd floor is too well-lit, but maybe somebody from TV will read this post and remedy that. I dont think there are any rules about restraints and this party will continue to evolve.
  18. Generic truvada is coming: [think before following links] https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/generic-hiv-prevention-drug-coming-2020-gilead-says-n1003391
  19. Just got word from a guy on NKP that TheRaven in New Hope closed. The Raven was torn down last week. They sold it to the people who bought the site that was Odette's Restaurant, and they plan to make it a "temporary" parking lot. They say the are eventually going to rebuild The Raven and make it bigger and better than before (in my opinion, that's not really saying much). I predict the parking lot becomes permanent. Sorry to break the news to you. Someone else reported: " i drove past the place on Jan 4, 2020. A crane was tearing it down! The pool area is gone, and they’re now at the “Oak Room”. Who is kidding whom? It’s a shame what has happened. Was it bad management? It WAS a great, GOLDMINE! If this could have been avoided. SHAME ON THEM! A HUGE piece of NEW HOPE history has been ruined. How sad that is!
  20. Check website: Hereticatlanta.com Atlantaeagle.com
  21. Southern nights bookstore, it's hit or miss. Snvonline.com
  22. Ha. That sounds like the backroom at hereticatlanta.com which is very small. You can stay in there maybe an hour before you need to move or get tripped. Pride weekend was overcrowded.
  23. Party changed to 4th Wednesday, so party is feb 26
  24. TV was jammed on Friday January 24, and it must've made them rethink the day of future parties, as now it's moved to the 4th Wednesday (which was the same day on which Manifest held their CU). Look on Cumunion.com for Atlanta dates. Thanks @justsexnowatl, for your report about cars parked along the street. All night I kept hearing announcements by TV management "move your car from across the street or get towed". It was crazy. I would have gone at a later hour, but @boybottom4use and @hornyholes4u advised me to get there early for parking And at 8.45, I got a space only cos someone was leaving.Thanks guys. And there were several t-girls at the party, who were HOT. I hope Club Manifest reopens and I still check manifest4u.org every weekend for news. It would be great for us to have two CU parties like FtL. Next Saturday when I go to Heretic, I hope to see the guy who wears the t-shirt "Manifest staff". I tend to believe that the City or Fulton County are slow at approving permits. (Look at the delays in opening the 2nd Tokyo site in Ssndy Springs. which I have driven past on Roswell Rd and is open now).
  25. I went and it took me a while to get used to the 3-levels in the club. The sling and fuck bench are on the 3rd floor, but I learned that the real action was in the 1st floor darkroom and the inner room. I had the most fun on the first floor and will go back to the next cumunion. Parking was wild and I'm glad I got there early. I still miss Club Manifest , but this additional Cumunion party will work out well. Cumunion just posted a change of day: Wednesday, February 26th, 2020 Time: 8:00pm Tokyo Valentino hosts the NEW Atlanta CumUnion Party on the 4th Wednesday of every month. Future Parties: 4th Wednesday of every month. Jan. 24th Feb. 26th Mar. 25th Apr. 22nd May 27th
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