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About redneckpig420

  • Birthday 10/31/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tri-Cities TN Southwest VA Southeastern KY
  • Interests
    Mild to Wild, Hypno/mind fucking, playing with bears truckers bikers daddies and/or rednecks that knows how to have a good time.

    Ultimately looking to be enslaved/owned and turned into a toxic no limits tweaked out junkie whore/slave. Willing to be abducted and relocated. Email me at oneofthelost1s@gmail.com or txt only 276 701 8478.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    I'm not a redneck
    I am no redneck
    I ain't no redneck
    Ah ain't a redneck
    Ah'ma redneck
    Ah'ma dumbshit redneck
    Ah'ma dumbshit redneck pig
    Ah'ma dirty, dumbshit redneck pig...
    Aw yeah daddy, yer cock's so nice. Fuck mah redneck ass, sir. Harder! Fuck mah shithole harder with yer raw pecker!...
  • Porn Experience
    Let's shoot some videos! Got pics and vids lookin to make more.
  • Looking For
    Anyone that knows how to have a good time.

    Ultimately looking to be enslaved/owned and turned into a toxic no limits tweaked out junkie whore/slave. Willing to be abducted and relocated. Email me at SSolider4SSatan88@gmail.com or txt only 276 701 8478.

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  1. Looking for a Master for life.

  2. Wanting to get freaky

    1. PNPRICK


      Same here, bro'

    2. redneckpig420


      Too bad yer not closer, though I'm always in favor of a surprise grab n nab back to be a twhore, WOOF!

  3. I need a chem Master

  4. Norton Va here, an hour from Tri-Cities and 2 hours from Knoxville. Open to meeting others to pnp.
  5. cum chemrape me Sir!

  6. should plan a trip down here to party n breed this summer ;-)

  7. Damn Daddy I'd give anything to join in on yalls fun sometime ;-)

  8. I'm in va but on the other side of the state, 2 hours from knoxville tn. If you get down my way lets hookup n get piggy OINK

  9. Nice another cigar fan and a redneck at that...i need to move back hone

  10. Just the type of daddy for me!

  11. I don't care if you are or aren't a redneck, i'd love to ride that!!

  12. you got my attention you sexy fuckin slut, keep up the good work and pics!

  13. How bout you hop on and lemme see just how good a slut you are you hot fucker ;=)

  14. I'm down towards Knoxville Tennessee and Cumberland Gap Virginia, if yer ever lookin fer a good ole pigboy, OINK

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