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RotzBBengel last won the day on July 30 2018

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About RotzBBengel

  • Birthday 08/29/1995

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  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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    Dominant tops, 40-65 y.o. , hairy, bearded, won't mind a fat uncut cock either :P
    Wanna get tied up & blindfolded. Like to lick hairy assholes and sweaty armpits and to have men pissing over my body & face. Never been fucked by a group, but really curious about that...

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  1. Gay guys are all the same. We're all travelling down the same road.


    But some of us - the especially lucky ones, IMHO - may have taken a shortcut on the way...


    1. Fistulike666


      I went from Stage 2 straight to Stage 4 in my mid-teens and am now well off the scale

    2. RotzBBengel


      Having been a very precocious Boy, I'm not ashamed to say that I skipped Stages 2 and 3 altogether and went straight for Stage 4.                                                                                                                                                 ( Hard to believe that I'd ever use the word straight regarding myself, huh?... :P )

      Don't think I missed out on anything by doing so, especially since my object of choice was just as tasty - and sticky - as any of the alternatives could have been... :drool: 


      Ever heard that saying about oral sex being a matter of taste?!? Well, my taste is impeccable and I've always been known for having A LOT of it - taste, I mean...;)

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