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Status Replies posted by viking8x6

  1. Is dad on telegram 

  2. how to upload pics in my album?

    1. viking8x6


      Not sure whether you figured this out or not, as you do have a bunch of pics in your album.

      To add more, select your own profile, choose the "Albums" tab in the main display area, and select "Add Images" at the upper right.

  3. New here and I have no idea how to work this site as I just created an account. I think I need someone to show me the ropes… Preferably a chemed up, poz someone in SoCal. lol HMU 

  4. I’m out of messages. 😞 lol I guess I’m only allowed 2 per day?

    but I tried to reply. 

    1. viking8x6


      You get more messages per day when you advance in member status. Posting topics and replying to topics in the forums is the way to get there.


  5. After being away for 3 years, I have come back. The asshat who attempted to blackmail me for being a member on this site, failed. I am glad to be back...I have stories that need told!

    1. viking8x6


      Great to have you back - and great news that the asshat failed!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. How stupid I have been, neglecting MUSIC (playing piano and watching concerts) for PORN. This is not pleasure, this is obsession! So, if I write here less frequently, it's not you. It's me. I have to recalibrate myself! I daily talk about Internet abuse/addiction and I fell in the trap myself. Such a fool. 

    1. viking8x6


      Thanks for this! I might have some trouble with that, too. And MUSIC is definitely something I've been neglecting!


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. need to understand what "vanilla" means at this point. Someone tells me I'm that word as I'm romantic and monogamous but nothing's better than exploring fantasies together with my partner and pushing each other's limits. 

    1. viking8x6


      Someone has a mighty narrow definition of "kink". I am quite sure people can be romantic and monogamous and at the same time kinky as fuck. I maybe know some of them.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. I’m not sure if it’s posted anywhere but why is the word [banned word] p e r v banned in some stories?

  9. Nice stories in bugchasing fiction lately! I wanted to add mine but can't finish it. I'm sick in bed! A heavy flu has caught me, and maybe I've passed it around  during final event yesterday.

    1. viking8x6


      This month there seem to be many viruses - I had a nasty respiratory one for a couple of weeks, that seems to be everywhere on this side of the Atlantic (no fever and covid negative, but kicked my ass). And we also have news of a new Covid variant becoming prevalent.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Nice stories in bugchasing fiction lately! I wanted to add mine but can't finish it. I'm sick in bed! A heavy flu has caught me, and maybe I've passed it around  during final event yesterday.

    1. viking8x6


      Sending you blessings for swift recovery! It is no fun to be sick, and that goes double during the holidays!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hey fucker.  What's the ranking status and what's next after specialist? 

    1. viking8x6


      Those ranks are some add-on thing that got tacked on to the third-party software that runs the site by the people who make it. @rawTOP has nothing to do with it. The remaining two ranks are "Veteran" and "Grand Master".

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. 3rd pig in less than 12 hours. Fucking bull now

    1. viking8x6


      Fuck yeah... I've wanted some of that for ages now.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. I get the message that you have change my  account  so I cant chat , say IP address has changed , and cant messafe  direct 

    1. viking8x6


      If you're trying to use the chat room, it will not be working right now. @rawTOP just migrated the entire site to a new server, but the chat is still on the old server. It will not work until it also is moved to the new server.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. I considered leaving bz today due to the post of a woman who asked for poz loads and wanted a baby "no meds all natural". Despite my poz talk and fantasies I really felt disturbed and disgusted! Why should a woman want to hurt a not yet born child? These things make me VIOLENT and I will do anything law allows me, to set the Internet free from the worst of the worst. In the end I've decided to stay here though, "how many time can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn't see?" No, I'm not that man; real life is not PozWorld, the fantasy environment of my tales where the unluck is being born neg. Real world is another thing! 

    1. viking8x6


      There's a quote one doesn't hear too often these days! Kudos on your musical literacy!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. PART ONE: So, here we go. This will have to be-a multi post, because for the past three years this has been my primary focus––and there's a lot I want to say, share and hopefully receive feedback on. Since Nov of 2020 I've been hell bent on creating a better mousetrap (gay app) with the specific disadvantage of NOT having any coding knowledge whatsoever. I've applied to y-combinator 3 times and have started building my MVP with a no-code builder called Siberian CMS (which is still too steep of a learning curve to do what i need this app to do). So keeping ALL this in mind––it is my opinion that the basic function of every hookup app critically necessary to the embetterment of our individual lives as well as the depth of contribution to richness of  our world (my first manHunt.net date lasted 15 years). Just the act of queers fucking  is a radical statement in itself, and act of self ownership and defiance of a hypocritical conservative agenda that seeks to manifest its own dogmatic distortion of reality and human rights. With that said the social benefit of every last gay app has expired––even if your just looking for dick. The algorithms have deteriorated and no longer serve their primary function and are overrun run with anomaly. In support of this argument I offer the following 30 year observation (in three parts)  : 1) exclusive hypersexuaization: sex sex sex and more sex yes please, but when it's the only option there is going to be deviating anomalies among users. These deviations over time proliferate (the exact inverse problem of facebook's social misalignment of physicality given its outright ban on genitalia) and divert the original intent of the app's user experience (i was kicked off BBRT for posting love song lyrics) 2.) The proliferation and accumulation of diverted anomalies themselves become weaponized, ie. scammers, sexploitation, stalking, misrepresentation, etc (2002 was the Summer of proud boys posing as queers on BBRT) 3.) The Weaponization of Hypersexualization––which is BAD on ALL levels. It assumes a battle cry for right wing radicals intent on collapsing the right of individual sexaual identity (war on trans, gay marriage, book banning etc) and injects what I call the "race to the bottom" as corrosive influence eating through ones liberties attempting to devour the individual within the targeted +2SlgbtqAi communities. Example: No limits–––seriously what the means to you means something very different, and very dangerous to someone else. What sounds as if it resonates with the pursuits if individual liberty actually 'makes no sense especially as an ideology of any sort (which it is become). "If one cannot limit themselves how then is this NOT a limitation? To claim you have 'no limits' is a limitation."  Correctly referenced: There are no limits, only choices. So choose. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://markezra.design

    1. viking8x6


      Interesting so far. I'm in general agreement, I think, though it's a bit hard to tell in places what you're proposing/advocating.

      Question, suggestion, and comment:

      Did you mean "2020 was the summer of proud boys..."? (you said 2002)

      Strongly suggest you look for interested people who already know how to code, and also ones who know about UX (user experience) and design. There are lots of people out there who know these things, and some of them may be willing to help you for free - either literally free, or a "piece of the action".

      You should be aware that the admin/owner of this site, @rawTOP, is already working on something that could be described as a "better gay app" - and has been for years (literally). What you want to do about that is your lookout - cooperation and competition are both valid options in this context IMO.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Thank you for the points and helpful badge. I appreciate it.

    1. viking8x6


      I only recently figured out that was a thing I could do. Your post definitely merits it! Such a clear and detailed explanation of why the offensive behavior is a problem, with examples. Kudos!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. I love the pics!  That hair is god-damned glorious!!

  18. I love the pics!  That hair is god-damned glorious!!

    1. viking8x6


      Thanks! I cut it a few years ago - it was time for a change, because reasons. But I do still miss it occasionally. I look at pics of myself from when I was younger and realize I had no fuckin idea how foxy I was back then.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. dude you gave me a warning for a post in Spanish, seriously, I literally translated the post, and the post was someone asking for Spanish speakers you are a racist or something? you cant tolerated or ever read a post really, wow talk about white privilege and stuff, you make me sick

    1. viking8x6


      OK, I'm going to be much nicer than you actually deserve, because I'm in a good mood today.

      Actually, I read the entire thread and I happen to speak Spanish as a second language. 

      I'm sorry that you took the warning the wrong way. It wasn't racist, it wasn't intolerant of you or of Spanish speakers in general. It's just my (volunteer) job to enforce the rules as best I can. One of them is that posts be in English. That's so that the moderators can read it (because, although I can read Spanish OK, I certainly don't read all the languages of all the people on the site). That's also so all the visitors of the site can read them.

      Also, a one point warning is pretty much a non-event as there's no penalty attached to it. Serious violations involve 5 points or more and can carry penalties with them, often severe. Those are things like "complaining about an infraction", "posting bug chasing or drug use outside the backroom", and "spamming the forum" (that last can get you removed permanently).


  20. Contact me

    1. viking8x6


      Only just saw this now... I don't look at my own activity stream often. You didn't say what about, so consider yourself contacted.

  21. Heading to meet up with a 26 yo. Sub bottom that wants to be used, degraded and have someone bury a cock in his tight hole. All while he begs for it. Not to mention it is at a public park that has closed for the season and now all the guy's cruise the woods and use the table's to bend boy's over and use.

    1. viking8x6


      Would love to know what park that is. Used to be in upstate NY myself. Love a good public venue.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Apologies, sir, for the inappropriate post. I’m new to this site. It’s not clear where to post stuff….

    1. viking8x6


      Not to worry, none of us knew all this when we first arrived. Here's where to look to find out where things go (and what things not to post at all):


  23. Hi.  The site wont let me send a PM or respond to more than 2 posts a day.  Is that normal?  Im losing interest engaging with people on here when i keep getting cut off.

    1. viking8x6


      It's a discussion forum, not a chat app. For further explanation, read the topic below.


  24. New Site ???   Does this mean that Breeding Zone is going away ???  Will we have to learn how to make all the doo-dads work all over again?  Will all the BZ content still show up on the new site?  

    Not that it's all that pressing - if you would be kind enough to answer some of this whenever you get around to it - I know you're busy with other more important stuff.  


    1. viking8x6


      Well, @rawTOP has the real answers to all of those questions, though I suspect the details may evolve as the software gets written (my projects always do!).

      My understanding is that the plan is: Breeding Zone certainly will not go away, just be transformed so it's easier to navigate, search, and put content in the appropriate "places". I'm sure there are always more improvements that can be done, and what actually gets done is a question of priorities and available resources.

      Will you have to learn new doo-dads? Yes, at least some. But I expect they'll be easier to use than the old ones.

      Will the content be migrated to the new site? Definitely yes.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  25. Well, it finally happened. Got diagnosed as POZ over the weekend, doctor said its definitely been a while since I have been positive.

    Funny thing is, I wasn't actively chasing anymore. Not that it matters, I am a part of the brotherhood now


    1. viking8x6


      Congrats. Hot pic!!

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