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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. 46 minutes ago, ellentonboy said:

    Well she seemed to be in her late 30s or 40s.  The other comment she made was that is was sad to see patients coming into the office who were losing their hair.  I don't know if interferon causes hair loss but that may have been what she was referring to.

    Yes, hair loss is one of the (many many) side effects of interferon. It also can have some really serious ones like heart damage and irreversible high blood pressure.

    The new drugs have only been available since 2014.

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  2. 56 minutes ago, ellentonboy said:

    What left me scratching my head was the woman who took the second sample at LabCorp told he how fortunate I was, that she had worked for an Infectious Disease Specialist for years, and how patients, initially, had few options, so I should consider myself "lucky".

    If she was a bit older, she might have been referring to patients who had HepC before the modern antivirals came out. Interferon treatment is rough.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Simontoxic said:

    Thank you for your answer. They found it quite late, estimated to have had it for a year before diagnosis and had symptoms of sores. I then underwent treatment which was three injections one week apart from each other. Don't know the specific medication. My latest test showed that the infection was 1/8 and lrevois test showed 1/4, 1/1

    That would be penicillin injections, which is the gold standard for treatment, especially when it's not a new infection.

    If RPR titer dropped down to 4:1 and 1:1 after treatment, the treatment did work.

    Going back up to 8:1 (a change of eightfold) very probably means reinfection (as @EuRawBull said). Oh joy, more shots in the ass for you!

  4. 10 minutes ago, norefusal said:

    i was told that's it basically like herpes: it will never go away but will simply be contained. i was told this in part to explain why people will continue to tell me i tested pos for it even tho the levels are low. 

    This is not correct.  Proper treatment will cure infection with syphilis (a bacterium).

    However, most of the tests for syphilis are for antibodies (either to the syphilis bacterium or to other things that are generated in the disease process). Your body keeps making the antibodies even after the disease is cured. So you continue to test "positive". Sort of like +/U, except the infection is actually gone.

    So after you have had it once, you have a baseline level of antibodies that doesn't go away. Your doctor should know what that is (if you don't happen to remember it yourself). Mine is an RPR titer of 1:1. If you get re-infected, the body will ramp up production of the antibodies and the level will rise. The diagnostic standard for that is that a rise of four-fold (from baseline) in the RPR titer indicates re-infection.



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  5. Short story: Go to your doctor! They can interpret your situation better than people on the internet who have not even seen your tests and medical history!

    You didn't say how it was treated - that makes a difference!

    "It doesn't seem to go away" is a bit vague (though so is syphilis, come to that). Syphilis normally doesn't have much in the way of symptoms, except occasionally and then later on when it goes tertiary.

    It is possible that the meds didn't work. Syphilis that is resistant to the azithromycin class and/or the tetracycline class of antibiotics is known, but it is still rare (thankfully).

    If your RPR titer is rising, you probably (but not certainly) still have active syphilis.

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  6. 2 hours ago, norefusal said:

    and they willing spent a decade hemorrhaging $$ in faith that the eventual remedy would make them profits beyond recouping expense? 

    You're talking about Big Pharma here. They do that all the time anyway. So logically, why would they bother to spend a lot of extra time and money inventing viruses (which they didn't really have the technology to do in 1965 anyway)? Nature saved them the trouble. And continues to do so.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

    May I inquire as to the conspiracy theory you mentioned? And who decides what is and isn't a conspiracy theory?

    From the web page I cited in my post:


    In the book, Shenton claims that AIDS is a conspiracy created by pharmaceutical companies to make money from selling antiretroviral drugs.

    That would be a conspiracy theory.

    On BZ, the moderation staff decides what is and isn't a conspiracy theory, because that's our (volunteer) job.

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  8. This story is a pastiche of real things from my past, a real video on xtube, and fictional things that could have happened - or that maybe I wish had happened.

    He wasn’t, in fact, what I would call a bear now. But I was a lot younger then, and, well… you’ll see why I still call him that. I was studying at a university in a town surrounded by a lot of rural nothing, where there wasn’t much going on besides the university. The program was intense enough that it kept me pretty busy, so most of the sex I got was mutual handjobs or the occasional blowjob in the library bathroom. Back then I was really cautious about anal anyway, and used condoms for it, and never did it all that often. Partly guys were squirrelly about doing it in the bathrooms. But also, even though I craved it, the actual event was always underwhelming and didn’t feel that great.

    I was a bit of a computer geek (even though I wasn’t studying that) and the school was a good one – you would recognize the name. So naturally when the internet got going I had access early on. And of course I used it to find porn and sex chat. Now and then I’d even manage to hook up that way, although it was nothing like it is now with an app for every niche. And there was this one guy who frequented the local chat room.

    He wasn’t the sort that normally caught my eye (nor that does now, truth to tell). Clean shaven, very fine blond hair, and his face really didn’t do much for me. He looked like a High School football player gone to seed. In fact, his main picture was him sitting in a kitchen chair in a jersey with his dick out, stroking it. His dick was nice. Pointy head but then thick like a barrel. I didn’t know if I could take one that thick, but it made me want to try. And something about his profile text and facial expression got to me. I can’t even remember now exactly what it said, but it got under my skin.

    So I developed a bit of an obsession with him. But I wasn’t brave enough to actually chat him up, and also I wasn’t sure I really wanted to act on it. I found him fascinating but also just a tiny bit creepy. So I would visit his profile, and then watch some porn (or more often read it, back then) and jerk off. This went on for months.

    Finally, late one night when I had cruised the tea room all evening with no luck, I went online and he was logged in. And damnit, I was horny AF. So I messaged him. Back then my screen name was “Goldlocks”.

    Goldlocks: Hey there

    DavidHB: Hey, what’s up?

    Goldlocks: Horned up. Nice profile there.

    DavidHB: Thanks. What do you get into?

    Goldlocks: Beefy hairy guys. You?

    DavidHB: Fucking. Not picky about looks. You wanna?

    Well, crap. Yeah, I do, but I’m scared, too, and I don’t quite know why. The proposition is so sudden, and so direct. So there’s a pause. I’m not sure how long it is, probably not as long as it seems.

    DavidHB: You there?

    Goldlocks: Yes. Just thinking.

    Goldlocks: Yeah, I wanna. Where?

    DavidHB: Come to my place.

    “David” gave me his address and phone number and I told him I could be there in 20 minutes. He lived a little way out of town, so I had a quick shower and grabbed a couple of condoms and headed over. When I got there it was in a trailer park, very white trash. Jesus, the last time I visited somebody in a trailer park was in 5th grade when my best friend lived in one. He had said the door would be unlocked, and it was.

    I went in and it was dim. I could see the light was coming from the kitchen, one of those greenish fluorescent bulbs making a nasty buzz. I could hear porn playing in the bedroom so I went in there. That was even dimmer – the only light was from the TV. It smelled of stale cigarette smoke and body odor and a little of piss. He was sitting in the same kitchen chair, wearing the same jersey and a jockstrap, and stroking.

    “Get on the bed.”

    I almost left, right then. If I hadn’t been so damn horny I would have. But I was, so I got on the bed and dropped my shorts and got on my hands and knees. There was no discussion at all of top or bottom, somehow we both knew I was the one getting fucked.

    Then he came over and stuck his tongue in my ass.

    I had only ever been rimmed once before, in a bathroom by a guy with the face of an angel. It had turned me to quivering jelly then, and it did again now. Something about that warm wetness, the teasing poking moisture at my hole, connected with that fuck craving and switched it 200% on. I wanted fucked bad, and I wanted it now!

    I fished a condom out of my pocket and pushed it back along the bed toward him. He stood up and grabbed something off the nightstand. A bottle of poppers. I had read about them, but had never tried them. He took a hit in each nostril, then held the bottle out to me. I hesitated.

    “Kid, you’re gonna want these,” he said, hefting his dick in his other hand. “This thing is thick.”

    Sometimes you just gotta say “What the Fuck”… I took the bottle and took a hit in each nostril and handed it back. And then the poppers hit. That warm rushing sensation. And the fuck craving quintupled. Oh. My. God. He rimmed me for a few more seconds, getting me thoroughly wet.

    “Fuck me!”

    I could hear him spit on his dick. Then he put it against my hole. And teased it.

    “Fuck me!”

    He pushed the tip of it in. Fuck he wasn’t kidding about the thickness. He paused there, letting me get used to it. And pushed the open poppers bottle into my hand again. I took two big hits this time and held them in.

    “Do another.”

    OK… I already felt pretty fucked up but yeah. I took two more hits.

    And then he slid into me all at once, all the way. Fuck, that hurt! He held it there, not moving. And the fuck and the poppers took over my body and suddenly my ass opened and it didn’t hurt. It felt amazing.

    “Feel good, boy?”

    “FUCK yesssss!”

    He started moving again. First slowly, then picking up the pace.

    “Fuck, that’s a hot ass, boy!”

    “Fuck me!”

    My whole world consisted of his dick in my ass and the sounds of him in me, our breath, my heartbeat.

    “Fuck me!”

    He levered himself forward and put his weight on me, flattening me out on the bed.

    “Fuck me!”

    “Fuck yeah, boy!”

    I could smell his tobacco-tainted breath and feel it on the back of my neck. It was hot as fuck. And his fat dick buried in me was heaven.

    “Fuck me!”

    His ragged breathing told he was getting ready to cum. Wait, was he wearing the condom? Then I felt his dick swell up even thicker and his muscles spasm with orgasm.

    “Take my load. Take my dirty bear load!”

    I came all over his bed without touching myself.

    The condom was still there on the bed in its wrapper. I was in shock. In a daze, I pulled my shorts up and left without a word. He never messaged me again, and I sure as fuck didn’t message him. But the seed was planted (so to speak). Because this time the actual event of anal sex did feel great, and it was not underwhelming. More like overwhelming. I did try to use condoms, but my heart was never in it after that, and eventually I just gave up.

    Years later I was browsing xtube and I saw him again. There he was in that same jersey on that same kitchen chair, only this time it was a video. A pretty lousy video, might have been made back when he fucked me. I couldn’t resist checking out his profile. He had only put up four videos. The chair one, two really short ones, and one that was very dark. I clicked on the dark one. It was him fucking some twink on his bed. The same damn bed he had fucked me on. It started in the middle of the action, and was just him fucking for a while, with the twink occasionally repeating something that sounded like “fuck me.” And then he pushed the guy down and fucked him full-length, which didn’t last long. And as he came I heard it:

    Take my load. Take my dirty bear load!



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  9. Standard dose of doxycycline for treatment of bacterial infections is 100-200mg/day, so taking that much isn't likely to cause any problem.

    Once you've taken the initial 200mg dose, my recommendation (I'm not an MD, but I do know about pharmacodynamics) would be to continue with 100mg every 12 hours (while you're still having risky contact on a daily basis). It doesn't stick around in your body all that long, so that method will give you a steadier level, which is likely to be more effective at preventing slightly resistant bugs from gaining a foothold.

    And drink plenty of water with it, and it's good to take it with food (to prevent nausea), and DON'T take it with antacids, calcium or magnesium supplements, or milk.


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  10. It is probably still effective, unless it was stored in truly awful conditions. Expiration dates for chemical pharmaceuticals (as opposed to biologicals, antibodies, or vaccines) are (in general) more about degradation of the active substance creating potentially toxic byproducts than they are about significantly reducing the amount of active substance.


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  11. 23 hours ago, NWUSHorny said:

    The MAGA movement goes way beyond the normal bowel movement comparison, I believe we could fairly call it acute explosive diarrhea.

    I'm pretty sure that there's nothing cute about explosive diarrhea. Unless you're a fetishist so extreme that you're unwelcome even here. Q.E.D.

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  12. 7 hours ago, SFCumdog said:

    Yes, I am sure we've all had that situation to some degree or another, but they bring weapons to school to harm you? And did you get sent to another school for your own "protection?" That's where I think it crosses the line. Plus he has told me that it's a very different situation than the usual bullying.

    My point wasn't that I was subjected to similar circumstances (I wasn't, or I'd have said so).  It was that the perpetrators of bad behavior are not in any way limited to people of a certain religion.

    Here in the states, the great majority of anti-LGBTQ bullying is done by christians of one stripe or another. Yes, kids do bring weapons to school. Yes, kids do get moved to different schools to avoid bad situations. And yes, there are neighborhoods where people who don't fit in to that neighborhood's culture simply don't go. Over here, that last situation is mostly about black/white racial tensions.

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