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Status Updates posted by dickluva

  1. Thanks for the invite. wish we could swap bugz.

  2. Thank for sharing your story~!

  3. Thanks for the invite~! Hot pix~! Love to take your PA & your loadz.

  4. Hey Cagey~! I liked your post about "Living without HIV Drugs" I don't take HIV Rx either, through them away September 2008 after I discovered my Doc is not trustworthy. Never been healthier. I bench press my own weight 6x, run 3 miles 3x week. I enjoyed the documentaries " Emperor's New Virus" "House of Numbers" & Dr Nelson Vergel' "Built to Survive." I choose to believe HIV does not cause AIDS, & all the deaths have been caused by something else.

  5. Bro', Thanks for inviite, HOT photos = profiles like yours makes visiting Rawtop's home interesting. xox

  6. Fuckin' Oink~! wood love to breed your hole.

  7. Thanks for the invite, wish we were closer, i'd love to beg for your dirty loadz!

  8. Wish we could swap seed, holla if you ever get to St Louis, MO.

  9. Damn you is HOT

  10. Welcum to breedingzone~!

  11. Welcum to Rawtop's breedingzone baby~! I want to be the One who gives you HIV.

  12. This boy looks so hot, if anybody can explore BB & stay neg he can.

  13. Love to get your jizz in my hole. i will be in Philly in September.

  14. Welcum to BZ~! Hail! You have inspired men everywhere from big cities to my small town in Missouri(Creve Coeur = pop 15,000) to follow our dreams in spite of our fears, and years of condom propaganda. Thank you.

  15. Yeah man, i want to breed it~!

  16. Thanks for the friendship~! Oi~!

  17. Welcum to the Zone Stud~!

  18. I'll have to get to Atlanta for some cumof you~!

  19. Damn Dude~! Wood love to breed you again.

  20. Welcome to BZ~! Hot cock~! I'd love to breed your hole too.

  21. I wanna breed your hole. Oink~!

  22. Thanks for invite, Stud~!

  23. Hot body, love to take your babies.

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