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Everything posted by Pozfetish

  1. AIDSFUKKA and Rawpozlust
  2. I saw a report on CNN international (I'm in Holland) where a man with both cancer and HIV had his total immune system wiped out (as is normal when treating cancer). Then he was given stem cells from a donor who was proven to be genetically HIV resistant. After the stem cells went to work, replacing the bone marrow in the ill patient, the patient then went on to test HIV neg and no longer needs HIV meds. My question................ WHERE can some one get tested for this genetic mutation? It obviously can be done. But where? I have decades of POZ barebacking but never contracted the virus. IF i turn out to be genetically resistant I would be willing to provide stem cells (or what ever is needed) to help others.
  3. STUNNING!! I want to get in bed with you sooooo badly!!
  4. I got a load of POZ cum incubating in my hole as I type. Met up with a spanish fellow I know this afternoon; he's a beautiful top - wiry arms and thick veins, sunken face (lekker), distended abs, beefy pecs and nipples and a 9 inch cock. He loves to plow straight in with out lube - not even spit. I want him to sero-convert me.
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