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Everything posted by ChaserBoysRHot

  1. PAs with the round balls on the end are great and rub you just the right way inside. As far as the poster's question about spiked ones, you don't want that unless you want a trip to the hospital or worse. If they exist they might be cool to wear, but for fucking you want to stick to the smooth stuff (unless maybe they're made out of soft rubber like a dildo).
  2. That's sad. I would love to read it.
  3. I agree that, while the concept is attractive, it's inviting legal problems. In a perfect world? Yes. In today's society, legal environment and NSA monitoring environment in the USA (where the server and owner reside)? No. I think the best way for those not over 18 (or whatever) to access the site is the same way that they have since porn on the Internet came to be: Website: "Do you certify you're over 18?" 15yo kid: "Why yes, of course!" Website: "What year were you born?" 15yo kid: (quick mental calculation subtracting 18 to 25 from today's date) "1993". Website: "Thank you. You may enter." I was growing up long before the Internet was around so I never did that, but I can categorically state that, if it had been an option when I was that age, I would have spent most of my high school years jerking off to Internet porn nightly as an '18yo'. True, they can't come out as who they really are and interact with each other as peers, but if they are into bareback, there's a decent chance they'll find the site and will have access to all of the information here. There are probably a few here now (as well as a few '18yo' users who are really in their 40s - it works both ways). Nice idea, but the wrong country and timeframe to do it in, imho.
  4. I actually like the Bath House idea. It may be 'common' but that also means most people have an idea of what it would be about. Bathhouses are known for random bare sex, which goes good with what we like here. I don't have any past history with the prior bbbh.com board so I don't have any connotations there. To me the BrotherHood has too much chance of being seen as White-Powerish to some, or political to others. While I know there are probably a few of those sorts here, I think it would be a bad idea to do anything that could be seen as aligning the board with that. We have enough problems with people giving us shit for promoting the pozzing thing. If they mistook the intent of 'Brotherhood' for being racial etc that could really increase the bad press and hackers... Somehow the BunkHouse name (though a fun thought about what could happen in one) for some reason doesn't seem like something that would draw me to it. I could be wrong though. It would be my second choice. Your board, do what you feel best, but those are my thoughts.
  5. Who's to say that twisted is a bad thing? The question is whether your son knows you are into this sort of thing. Regardless of whether you want to do anything with him yourself, could be a fun topic of conversation next time you get drunk together!
  6. I don't have any first-hand knowledge, but I would expect it to be some combination of all the above. Your average performer might only appear in a few, and they're just normal guys who already have a day job. If they are really successful and get well known for doing a lot of them, I'd guess it would be similar to an athlete whose career has a 'shelf life'. Some go into something totally different (I know of one former athlete that has a successful car dealership), and some go into management or some other non-on-screen/field position (think of all the coaches and sports commentators who used to be athletes). It wouldn't surprise me if the porn industry had a large number of former porn 'stars' behind the scenes. That's my impression at least. Interested to hear from anyone that knows statistics first-hand.
  7. Having someone to open you up is the best, but if you're really craving it, a lot of guys can do it solo. Just search on Xtube for 'self fist teen' and you'll find hundreds of young guys like yourself giving themselves a hand. Regardless of whose hand it is, here are some things to remember: - Practice stretching your ass with fingers and/or toys first. Don't go too far too fast. You won't get it done in one night! - Practice using your mind to 'will' your ass muscles to relax. The position you lay in will make a difference. A fist won't go in if your ass muscles are tight. - Lube! Lube! Lube! - Make sure you don't put anything sharp up there. Cut your fingernails down. You want to stay alive to do it again! Have fun!
  8. I have one of those as well. Very comfortable. Highly recommended!
  9. I have one of those too (not sure the size). They make good stuff!
  10. Pretty damn good for your first attempt!
  11. It gives the location of the location of my ISP's regional hub where their private network traffic exits onto the global Internet - which is in another state and exactly what I expected to see.
  12. I've used many things in years past as 'household dildos', including all of the typical ones (cucumbers, carrots, screwdriver handles, long-neck soda bottles, etc). It isn't a veggie and it's been many years since I last did it, but I too played around with hot dogs. The trick is not to let your ass clench and cut it off while you're playing. Can work as a pretty good training tool to get your mind in control of your ass muscles. I also liked to let it slip all the way in, spend time around the house with the family, then push it out while I finished jerking off. Kind of amateur night these days, but hot stuff when you're an inexperienced teen Have to say that one good thing about hot dogs is that they are very flexible and not pointed, so no worries about poking through the anal walls and having a hospital visit or worse. Whatever you try, keep that in mind!
  13. It would be very very unusual for there to be a female on a gay breeding site. I know there is at least one that has posted and said they were female, but I think you're looking at the 0.1% of the site's population... I guess rawTOP could add a question during registration that was displayed in the profile if there was enough interest. As far as age goes, it's up to the user to say whether they want that posted publicly.
  14. Right place or wrong, I agree it's a hot story. More!
  15. You've passed over the first hurdle dude. Enjoy the loads!
  16. Welcome! Take a look around and join in whenever you feel like it. Glad to have you!
  17. I'd agree that here or BBRT would be the best places to find guys into bare. You shouldn't have much problem. Good luck!
  18. A lot of it is mental, but make sure that the top is giving your prostate a good workout. That will make a world of difference. And, just like when someone else is jerkng you off, rhythm can make or break a good cum!
  19. I'll second Mr S. Great shop with high quality toys. Not your typical Doc Johnson vinyl shit.
  20. All good info above. Lube is important. Check out 'J-Lube' and 'Fist Powder'. J-Lube has been popular for awhile, and Fist Powder is designed just for fisting. If you can't find a guy that wants to do it to you, you can always get ahead of the game by training your ass with your own hand (if you can reach around that far - I used to be able to) or a sequence of large toys. I know a real human hand is the goal, but once bought, toys are always available when your ass is itching, even when a guy isn't. The main thing is to relax, train your ass to open up, and TAKE YOUR TIME. It won't happen in a day, unless you want to do damage to yourself. Good luck!
  21. On one hand, the only reason I ever go on Tumblr is for porn, so if they do away with that, they've lost a visitor. On the other hand, all they have taken away is the ability to search for it through search engines, which I never have done and wonder if many others do. Once you get to one Tumblr, you just find the next one by either clicking on one the blogs that the blog creator follows, or on the users that liked that pic. Their latest action is annoying, but not totally destructive. If the community wanted to strike a revenge note, they could start up different websites that provide index links to various Tumblrs that have pics that they like. As long as those are kept updated it would give people wanting to find adult Tumblr blogs the necessary head start.
  22. I've seen them before but not (yet) invested in one. Looks like it would be good for those nights when yours is the only hole around. They've got a good website of their own you can look at, and there are any number of vids on xtube with guys using them. Been around for several years and seem to be popular.
  23. I've played with penis plugs, plastic tubing and the like before. Used to be really into it but then started getting random bladder infections so got nervous and pretty much stopped. Still play once in awhile though when I'm horny enough. I remember FozDen too. Never got to know the sysop but remember a couple of really hot story files I'm pretty sure I got from there. They were about a pair of young guys that got off shoving steel record spindles down each other's cocks and up into their bladders. Hot as fuck. It was a cool place and I haven't seen anything like it since.
  24. Here's one way to practice. Lay back on a recliner and jerk off to a good (bareback of course) porn, or browse this site, or whatever gets you off for an hour or so. Get a good bone going and keep drinking (whatever you like to drink) while you're stroking. After awhile you'll feel like you need to piss, but instead of getting up and going to the bathroom, stay where you're at and point your dick into an empty large mouth drink bottle. You'll have to relax and probably push your bladder muscles, but after awhile you'll get the hang of it and be able to piss without even losing your erection. As Raw Top mentioned it will help if you don't apply any pressure to the underside of your cock when starting, but once the flow gets going it isn't as big a deal. If you get to where you can do that, you're halfway there to pissing in your bf's ass. Good luck!
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