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Everything posted by coyotesmiles

  1. I don't really pay attention to Randy Blue because I got tired of searching through their videos which never had a bareback designation and seemed much rarer than condom (unless they have changed that), so I have no idea what they are doing. However, I have followed Broke Straight Boys as they have a large amount of bareback videos, maybe even most are so, and I have never seen any sort of information for their videos saying anything about HIV testing. So I'm wondering where you got that information? Also, do they actually document all such testing? Because again, if they're just talking about their stance or whatever, it might not be something thoroughly executed and recorded. It might just be an attempt to give the impression of doing their due diligence when actually they're not. I don't know the details and when I just checked their site I also saw nothing so again just wanted to ask where you are getting this information.
  2. Update: I was told that the downloads are DRM free and your personal library keeps a record of your purchases which you can download repeatedly to unlimited devices. So now I'm excited again for the download option and just need to figure out what videos I want. Yay!
  3. How many studios have you found explicit documentation stating such? The reason I ask, is yes, I know somes studios provide explicit statements regarding how they establish negative HIV status...but that's the only statements I've seen in an official context. So yes, Sean Cody, Chaos Men, and other such "safe" but bareback studios make a point of making such explicit offical statements...and almost always in the video preface. Howver, I have never seen any "unsafe" bareback studio make a explicit official statement of that nature, as is done by studios like Sean Cody and Chaos Men. Certainly, I know that Treasure Island has made various statements that are sometimes offcial reactions/positions regarding HIV status of their models. However, the only one I've seen was when Jackson Taylor was making a stink about supposedly never being informed that Ethan Wolfe was poz...but even then their official statement was, as usual, ambiguous and pretty shifty. They said that they sent Jackson Taylor a picture of Ethan Wolfe's biohazard tatoo and said "Just want to you to know what you're getting into here." and then they claimed that Taylor responded with "YES" Anyone with even just basic legal experience/knowledge knows that sort of statement might sound like it's defensble, but it really isn't because there's too much uncertainty as to what Taylor meant when he said "Yes," particularly in terms of whether he was affirming bottoming for a poz top or maybe he didn't even get the biohazard bit and was just reacting "Yes" to bottoming for Wolefe. Beyond that nonsense, Treasure Island has never had any sort of consistent official position across their release history. Sure, maybe here or there they made some sort of half-ass statement about how they handle HIV status of their modles, but come on, do you really think they're being sincere? On one hand they're merrily celebrating their explicit forray into poz fetish and pnp culture (which I'm all for, in fact, I think even videos like Viral Loads Slammed are still way to tame for my tastes) and ...then they do some song and dance that sort of minimalizes the extreme behavior they're promoting (which again, I certainly support), however there's no clear connection to what they are saying here and there and then the videos that they are making. That is, with "responsible" studios like Sean Cody and Chaos Men stamp every video with a clear statement that unambiguously establishes their policy for handling HIV status of their models, and again, it's only in the context of establishing HIV negative status. Also, historically studios like Treasure Island, Hot Desert Knights, Cobra, and pretty much all of the Eastern European porn that sparked the bareback pushback, either never issued any statements regarding HIV status, like Hot Desert Knights, Cobra, and the Eastern Euro studios. Or like Treasure Island they have played delibrately confusing game that might seem to take some sort of stance but is really meaningless because as far as I know, the truly critical information like offical public statements for each video do not exist. Treasure Island in particular is a total joke because when they were first issuing videos, unlike Hot Desert Knights or Cobra, they kept the opposite of a low profile. Not only did Paul Morris issue statments defiently asserting the legitimacy of bareback sex, he was brazen enough to pull stunts like posting an essay arguing that bareback sex actually helped prevent HIV infection. My partner at the time was a medical student and I tactfully didn't laugh in his face when he admiringly told gushed about how Paul Morris was so smart and wrote a very convincing essay about how bareback sex prevents HIV infection. After a few years I had learned that medical students and yes, even doctors are kind of stupid as they learn and rely on established data which allows them to diagnose, but they're pretty shitty scientists, which is why scientists don't group doctors with their profession. Sure, I might be arrogant, but as a psychology researcher trained in social, cultural, and neuro-psychopharmacological psychology, I knew immediately that Paul Morris' eassay was a classic case of intellctual obfuscation that technically might be valid from a formal argumment stance, but in practical reality is total bullshit. This was the exact same time that all the bareback studios, which at that time, the only prominent American ones were Treasurer Island, Cobra, SX Video (but I feel like initially SX wasn't well known outside of California as were the others because I don't really remember encountering their videos until I moved from the East Coast to Cali in 2007), and Hot Desert Knights and there were strong undercurrents against bareback porn that was coming from within the LGBT-Q community, whereas Paul Morris was literally the only person championing bareback. In fact, at that time I was at Brown University and fundamentally, as LGBT-Q everything was in a very precarious position, pretty much all public communications whatever decried bareback porn as irresponsible and reckless...not just in terms of producing it but in terms of consuming it. I clearly remember that there was a lot of condemntion by men themselves of bareback porn. It was considered even amongst those who liked porn as often degenerate and in bad taste. Personally, I loved that specific dynamic because while I quickly learned around that time that many men were very hesitant to say whether or not they would bareback, if a guy was a fan of bareback porn, he was always down for bareback. But again, I remember slowly realizing..."Aw fuck if a guy plays condom porn he's gonna be a prude." Of course this isn't such perfect indicator anymore these days as public sentiment is much more layered and complex. I'm saying all this because historically Treasure Island is probably the worst offender in terms of their "official" stance for model's HIV status, and the other few have never had any stated position. The only other studio for which I've heard mostly just hearsay is Dark Alley, as once I saw Bradon Hawk post this outraged comment to Facebook about how their porn would "never be so irresbonsible as to pair HIV negative models with HIV positive models" and when he did that, I lost respect form him and that he and his set to be total pussies because they had at that time, the only major studio releases where the tops would actually say things like "dirty load" and "charged seed" (and it was only two scenes within one video, I think). I lost respect because, I thought "What the fuck is the point of dialog like that bottom is already poz? That's no fun!" So they're kind of lame. Other than that, I feel that the greater majority of bareback studios give no such information in any way shape or form. Bareback Studios releasing in the last few years to present for which I've seen nothing about model HIV status: Still all Eastern European porn...except maybe Bel Ami, not sure because I tend to avoid their stuff. Broke Straight Boys Knight Breeders Hot Desert Knights (though now they seem to only be releasing Eastern Euro stuff). Amatuer Straight Guys SX Video San Diego Boy Bareback RT Media Factory Video Threshold Media Breed Me Media Raw Joxx Flava Works Dick Wadd Also there are many South American bareback releases that get bundled and distributed by Dark Alley, but I don't think Dark Alley has any actual oversight over those productions. Finally, even if any of these studios have at any time released some sort of statement regarding their stance or whatever, the fact that none of these studios present that information for every release like the "responsible" bareback studios, indicates that whatever they are saying is pretty much meaningless, as a "stance" or "position" or whatever sounds nice and might be assuaging for public opinion battles, but in reality such vague things have no real impact. For, something something whatever, could be a porn studio's public statement but what does that mean? Unless they have a clear, consistent policies and procedures that are followed, recorded, and given for every scene/video, it's all just corporate bullshit to placate the masses.
  4. Hey NLBear, since I'm definitely one of the world's most exacting people, I did the calculation and within the last 3 pages, 4 posts were PIN restricted...which is to me excessive. That said, now that you've explained that PIN locks can be retroactive, I think that might be what is happening because incidentaly, all 4 of those locked vids...were yours lol. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem the PINs were imposed after the posts, and if that's true then I guess there is nothing we can do. I'm a little rueful as where most fear to rock the boat, I'll happily sink the ship to not even make my point, but just express some objectional detail. All in all, I would like to know how others deal with the PIN issue, for example does anyone contact the owner? And if so what do people say? Overall it would seem that maybe all we can do is just move on to the next post lol...
  5. Oh, and YES! I usually really like his stuff, in fact, I often find myself suddenly about to lose control...or just blasting.So yeah...I was especially bummed out plus, now that you mention it, spreadDNAaround is somewhat of a minor celebrity on Xtube and I've noticed that some of the guys who popular, even if just within as small subset, won't even interact with a user unless that user has some videos that intrique them...as I'm both a lazy video whatever (I can't even be bothered to hold a camera when I'm having sex as the few times I've tried, it's distracting and actualy starts to kill my mood because instead of enjoying the guy I'm fucking, I'm worrying about whether or not the camera is catching my cock going in and out of his ass...except I don't fucking care. Also I will futz around with trying to shift the camera this way or that way to get a good angler or fuck around with the lights to actual get a visible image), and if I'm going to post a video, I want something that looks good not something that's shitty which tends to be the case with a lot of amature porn that doesn't have an actual person holding the camera. I've played with a lot of guys in a lot of scenarios and have never been in a threesome or more where at least one guy has been like "Oh yeah, you just fuck away and I'll handle making a good video." So basically, I will probably never post an amature video of me...so guess what, lots of the posters on Xtube will probably never talk to me because that's a common thing guys ask for...which is fine, I don't fucking care about hooking up with anyone on Xtube. But I do get pissed of when things go from publically available into a black hole that suddenly seems very cliqueish even though guys say "Oh just message me" or whatever.
  6. I tried to be very diplomatic in my initial post because I have no idea what the rest of the community thinks, maybe most people don't care or maybe everyone else has no problem getting the PINs. But to be frank it really pissed me off because this has been going on for a while throughout this entire thread, albeit for a long time it was pretty infrequent so I didn't really react. But, I'd need to go back and count exactly, but I think in the last 3-4 pages there were at least 3 PIN locked Xtube posts, maybe more...not sure right now and don't really want to check. I feel it's really rude and thoughtless because the poster obviously got to see the video and liked but what about everyone else? It seems like the PIN restricted vids are always the ones that not only catch my interest, obviously as I've clicked on them, but they sound really hot or whatever...and then BAM- PIN blocked. I don't know what to make of it because I suddenly get this brain freeze...part of me is thinking, "Maybe the poster just didn't think of offering the PIN to others" but also "If the owner has locked it, why would he give the PIN to me? What should I say?" etc etc. I think the first few times I made the request...but if I did I never was given the PIN for any...now I feel like why bother? I wasted time clicking on stupid link that just gives me the fucking PIN lock...why bother composing a message to the owner? I'll just go look at the next post. However, since there were several PIN restricted ones recently, I decided to raise the issue because I genuinely would like to know what others think as well as maybe how other people handle it, especially, what do you say to the owner? Some guys might be like whatever, where as others might only want access given to their friends...I hate thinking about. Personally, I'd appreciate it if people just stopped posting PIN restricted videos as not only a huge cock block but sometimes, if not often, those videos seem to have a habit of suddenly disappearing altogether...as if the owner had a change of heart...
  7. This just caught my attention because when I last subscribed to Dark Alley, they didn't have any download options...it was all streaming only by monthly subscribtion and I went through their library in a month or so. So I gave this a closer look because when it was first announced, for some reason I just thought it was some customized version of AEBN.net. Then when I registered I realized it's a totally different entity. However, after a quick moment of thinking, I now have second thoughts because although the download for 14.95 option sounds awesome, if it's a one time only to only one device, I'm not interested at all because I have too many computers/devices/whatever and I no longer do downloads of anysort unless it's some sort of necessary application. For everythign else, I will only do streaming. That said, the streaming tiers don't really make sense to me, at least not as clear as AEBN.net which uses a straight forward linear progression with parallel increase in savings proportional to the block of time purchased. First, the ala carte option is only one rate, but it's also the only option if you wanted to go above 500 minutes...I think, this isn't really clear to me... Second, I get that from Plan 100 to Plan 250, there is a 200% price increase with 250% increase in time, and from Plan 250 to Pla 500, there is a 150% price increase with a 200% increase in time...which I might just be tired but right now, I'm not really sure how I would definitively decide which is the better value. Usually, as you pay more, you get the greater value...but not always and this is one of those rare cases where I can't just do quantity/unit cost comparison, so I'm puzzled...going from Plan 100 to Plan 250 is a bigger jump in cost than going from Plan 250 to Plan 500, however you get the bigger increase in time going from Plan 100 to Plan 250,not from Plan 250 to Plan 500... ...so overall, I'm kind of like, "Well, I don't think I want to deal with subscribtion as I'd probably chew through the entire library in a couple of months depending on the rate/time/plan I do. Also, unless download is a smart download that allows multiple downloads limited by restricted number of playback devices, that's any even worse option for me because I'll buy shit, put on one computer and then be on another one, forget which one has what, throw away or erase and forget to backup, and overall just be pissed off." I looked through the documentation available on the site, but it was very limited and nothing addressed the matter of how the downloads are regulated. I sent a Help query, and wait to here more. But right now, this is kind of too confusing plus a little of a pain in the ass because I have to figure out do I want to go ala carte or Plan 100/250/500 which none of them make sense in terms of added value to price increase, and finally, I need more information regarding the downloads.
  8. Moderator's Note: I split this off from the video posting thread since it seemed to be a side topic. Why do people keep posting videos that require PIN? It's really annoying because I'd like to watch the video now not at some indefinite time period that may or may not occur depending on whether or not the video's owner decides to respond and also provide the PIN. It's also kind of confusing because I feel that people impose PINs because they essentially want privacy, therefore it's perplexing because I feel that the owner probably doesn't want to provide access to every Tom Dick and Harry, yet the fact that people nonchalantly post PIN only videos suggests that they think the owner will give access to anyone. Or they just don't think. I've been a member for a pretty long time and this has bothered me off and on, although recently it feels like there has been a spate of PIN only videos. I think this is the third one within the most recent 3-4 pages. So this isn't just an off the cuff rant. I feel the PIN only videos are just an annoyance rather than a legitiamate part of this thread. Afterall, if you saw the video, that must mean you had the PIN, so why not share it with others? I feel that would be more appropriate given that this is a relatively close-knit community. However, I don't really know what other members think, as I haven't seen anyone else comment on this. I genuinely don't know how to react to the PIN request proccess, as in the past I don't think I've ever received a PIN when I've requested it. So I've gotten tired of asking as I'm not really sure what's the attitude of the owners...do they just ignore requests from people they don't know? It's happened so many times that I finally felt I had to make a comment.
  9. I sense a twist coming with something altering the prep meds because whats the point of pumping poz cum in someone if it's not going to take.
  10. still very hot!
  11. hot! love the poz talk!
  12. I think you might be referring to Damien Silver of Knightbreeders: http://knightbreeders.com/Home_Page.html
  13. love the latest update to the story!
  14. Love this story. Gets me off still
  15. i'll think about it lol...i find it hard retaining the eroticism when actually getting down to the nitty gritty of composing prose but now that i think about it, i probably just need to practice lol
  16. love it! it's like super evil operant conditioning! don't give them what they want until they do what you want
  17. why thank you that makes me all jiggly lol...
  18. thanks...it seemed like the least i could do all things considered
  19. Just for today, just for the holiday: It's not hard, he thinks, seducing these neg only safe-sex only clean cut types. Just lie to them. Tell them what they want to hear, say, "Yes, I'm clean and disease free" (Technically HIV is not a disease, it's a virus). Smile in your pictures a little mysteriously and nod at all the right moments, "Yes, I always practice safe-sex" (What does that mean anyway...like if we don't end up knifed to death...that's safe sex right...?). Start in quick but subtle with the ever tried and true, "So what kind of porn do you like? I love XXX and ZZZ" (bareback only studios that are poz-friendly). "Yeah, they're awesome..." "Yeah, bareback is the best." "Yeah..." They're mine...all the time. It's so easy to invite them over and have them look and stare and think, "He's so nice," and smile broad and say, "Come inside, the bedroom is this way," Leading them easily over and over again, into the bedroom, "Make yourself comfortable and take off your clothes." Casually do the same, and look at the monitors playing porn then say, "So what kind of guys do you like." Do the my type and your type game for a bit and then just nod slightly and kick back in bed and led the clumsy foreplay begin. Let them trip over themselves over and over again as they try to impress you and just keep glancing back and forth to the screens of porn and then chuckle aloud and say, "I've got something for you to try." Reach to the side of your bed and pull out that glass pipe and a micro torch and smile as you heat the pipe just so and then hit it just right, watch their eyes grow big and they never say anything contrary. Exhale a perfect white cloud of that fucking fantastic smoke and then pass them the pipe and say, "Here, hold it in your mouth like this," as you position the pipe in their mouth, and finally say, "I'll light it for you, just inhale when I say so." They barely nod but you can sense their excitement bleeding into the air. Heat the pipe again and then when that white smoke starts to rise to the top, say, "Hit it." Always "hit it" because that sets them up to fall so far down they won't ever hit the ground. And then ya just let the white smoke do its magic. Pretty soon Mr. I'm Safe Sex Only guy is on his back with his eyes dilated with fuck-lust saying, "Fuck my pussy! Fuck my pussy!" And it's hot because he's so straight-arrow clean-cut nicely dressed jock guy...with an ass so wet you can stick your raw cock in it at any moment. So you do while you hit the pipe and let him watch you in awe as you take the hit and slide into him and fuck him hit after hit. You fuck him doggy and sitting so that he can take some hits as well...you are after all, generous to a fault. It's so natural to just ask him, "You want me to knock you up? You want me to poz you?" It's so natural for him to say, "Yes. Breed me. Please breed me." So you do, and you smile as his pupils dilate and he smiles feeling your toxic seed spraying inside him and you both gasp and then you smile when he reaches for the pipe and asks you to help light the pipe. "Of course," you say. What else would an incubus do?
  20. my current favorite right now
  21. This while Jackson Taylor bullshit nonsense (not even remotely attractive to me) is way more entertaining than the Miley crap and is rapidly earning a spot in my heart as the porn version of Icanhazcheezburger.com... ...except the lulz of Icanhaz are still funnier...in a ha ha sense. His High and Mightiness Lord Taylor, is more kind of funny in a, "Hey, look at that darkly humorous train wreck that just ends all train wrecks and sets a new standard for drama that backfires." Please, my Lords and Ladies, keep the lols coming!
  22. slapdown! (so annoying Breedingzone forces us to have a minimum number of words...?)
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